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China Sends 150K Troops To North Korean Border

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posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Riffrafter

AS IF we would put boots on the ground in NK. Not happening.

We've already seen that movie...actually we acted in it.

Agreed - not happening. We might go in and do mop-up in an alternate scenario, but I think China has this thing wired & waxed already. And we're OK with that. We'll take Xi over little Kim every day and twice on Sunday...

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: Riffrafter

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Riffrafter

AS IF we would put boots on the ground in NK. Not happening.

We've already seen that movie...actually we acted in it.

Agreed - not happening. We might go in and do mop-up in an alternate scenario, but I think China has this thing wired & waxed already. And we're OK with that. We'll take Xi over little Kim every day and twice on Sunday...


posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

Boots been on the ground right on the very edge of NK since 1953.

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: 4N0M4LY

Sometimes... Peace is rung in with a big Bang.

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 11:43 AM
China does act imperial in its surroundings, but on a global scale nowhere near what the US does.

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 01:59 PM
the saga continues...unconfirmed? this site is a bit prone to exaggeration.

russian military goes on alert

but their S400 AA batteries are definitely on alert!
edit on 4/11/2017 by drphilxr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 02:27 PM
Lets see a country with submarines, nukes etc.. You guys really think that these jokers would not already have city killer nukes hidden throughout the US? Scary stuff!

Pretty sure N. Korea was part of the Boston bombing. Despite the scapegoats.

The simplest way to bypass a missile shield is to smuggle the arms in. I am sure even the Soviets got in on this one. Do you think the Koreans would sink to this level? The what if factor generally keeps us out of North Korea, but the current admin is going in!

Without a show of complete dominance of the Syrian air space the Russians may well see open war. The tide has shifted, and a battle of giants may be on the horizon. The Chinese confirmed successful messaging experiments using entangled photons. Basically the same could scan the sky and when photons react with matter other than gases the sending station would have an immediate reading.Laser based Quantum Entanglement radar is likely a reality. Russia better whip it out, or lay down. Stealth may be yesterdays technology.

edit on 11-4-2017 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986
a reply to: Tempter

# is about to hit the fan.. those are invading numbers.

Not invading numbers those are "keep your # up" numbers

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 03:04 PM
After 30 years of the one child limit, and Chinese couples wanting only a male for their one child they need to weed out oh about 500 million males from their pool....sounds like they might have found a away...

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: drphilxr

Take any "news" via good ole twitter with a HUGE grain of salt.. the report is still unconfirmed and I guess will remain so for now. Regarding the AA batteries in Syria put on high alert, that would actually make some sense given the recent events down there.

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 04:48 PM
China knows DPNK is about to be bombed

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 05:29 PM
North Korea rattles it saber every time it needs food, medicine or wants sympathy.
Un is a moron, but even he knows he has no place to hide. My bet is on China. Be willing to bet a China leaning coup will take the current NK leadership out.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: Slave2theTruth
a reply to: Tempter

I am hoping that it is China making a move AGAINST North Korea and not sending a message to the United States to stay the F out of NK.

More like it. Like last time.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: daveinats

China unlike the west has 5000 y history and knows the art of war. They are not going to do the war of USA, especially after USA denied what they believed to be their aqatory in south China sea. Whatever the promises given to Trump might be. Do you believe them? Did the USA keep all of their promises throughout the years?

If north Korea is bombed the way Syria is, Kim will respond. May be first conventionally agaibst the south, then he may try nuclear emp move towards USA. As he says he will. The idea somehow the regime disappears is naive providing this is not Arab fundamentalist country where he dictatorial regime is changed by another radical Muslims one.

As a result of Kim nuclear attack, the chain reaction between the superpowers ultimately leads to nuclear ww3.

If a miracle from God, angels or extraterrestrials doesn't postpone it

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 08:31 AM
If NK nuked us (or SK, Japan, etc) worst case scenario we would nuke him back and that would be the end of it. China isn't going to start WW3 over that punk.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14
China does act imperial in its surroundings, but on a global scale nowhere near what the US does.

I think China feels its people gave rise to the people of Korea, and they would be very comfortable co-opting it.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 10:27 AM
The supreme leader of N. korea (and his predecessors) are very ignorant dictators. Always provoking other nations, for seemingly no reasons causing the unending sanctions against them. It's only the citizens who are suffering. while that fat pig Kim is living lavish in a palace, sipping on Hennessy and executing family members just for fun.

IMO when it comes down to it, it is China's fault this is all happening. Sure Kim Jong un is directly responsible, but only because they know China is backing them. Why China is supporting them so much I have no clue, sure they make money being the main supplier of good s, but to China that's chump change to their overall economic monopoly.

What is beyond me is that China is obviously a world power and very smart people. Why the hell would they always want the international community to always telling them "hey china when are you going to tell. . Korea to chill out". Eventually the U.S. is going to get tired or begging China and go ahead with a preemptive strike, or Kim Jong un with start a war himself. I'm sure China doesn't want to get indirectly dragged into a war over a # stain like Kim.
If China has any compassion for N. Korean citizens then they should let the U.S. forcefully remove Kim from power. His people (aside from peyongyang mostly) are suffering on a grand scale from starvation, being randomly kid napped to work in labor camps, and more.

Let trump tell china to let the U.S. take Kim and his entire regime out and they'll get to annex n. Korea and take it for themselves, with no questions asked. I'm sure they'll be on board with that. And in turn the N. Koreans will have a lot better quality of life.
edit on 12-4-2017 by Matt11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 10:39 AM
According to Infowars (yes, I know...) China has put its military on nationwide high alert and is going to send an additional 25k troops down to the NK border." target="_blank" class="postlink"> s-troops-on-nationwide-high-alert-over-north-korea/

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: Matt11
The supreme leader of N. korea (and his predecessors) are very ignorant dictators. Always provoking other nations, for seemingly no reasons causing the unending sanctions against them. It's only the citizens who are suffering. while that fat pig Kim is living lavish in a palace, sipping on Hennessy and executing family members just for fun.

IMO when it comes down to it, it is China's fault this is all happening. Sure Kim Jong un is directly responsible, but only because they know China is backing them. Why China is supporting them so much I have no clue, sure they make money being the main supplier of good s, but to China that's chump change to their overall economic monopoly.

What is beyond me is that China is obviously a world power and very smart people. Why the hell would they always want the international community to always telling them "hey china when are you going to tell. . Korea to chill out". Eventually the U.S. is going to get tired or begging China and go ahead with a preemptive strike, or Kim Jong un with start a war himself. I'm sure China doesn't want to get indirectly dragged into a war over a # stain like Kim.
If China has any compassion for N. Korean citizens then they should let the U.S. forcefully remove Kim from power. His people (aside from peyongyang mostly) are suffering on a grand scale from starvation, being randomly kid napped to work in labor camps, and more.

Let trump tell china to let the U.S. take Kim and his entire regime out and they'll get to annex n. Korea and take it for themselves, with no questions asked. I'm sure they'll be on board with that. And in turn the N. Koreans will have a lot better quality of life.

The US should not be overtly involved in any removal of Lil' Kim. China would likely not let that happen, anyway, because it would imply that the US was usurping Chinese power.
In a previous post, I surmised that China had cut a deal with NK Generals and officials to back them when they made Kim into Kimchee. I still think that is what is going to happen and the new leaders will be Chinese puppets.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: BlueAjah
I was thinking....
Trump talked big for a long time about things that probably frightened China. His talk about trade changes, etc., put China just where he wanted them. Maybe all along Trump planned to use that to leverage China to do something about North Korea. Perhaps he agreed to something related to trade in exchange for China doing something about NK.

The Art of the Deal....

I am also certain that whatever Trump agreed to will still be good for American trade.

+1. no coincidence this happens after the meeting.
Trump continues to be underrated.

as somebody said, China wants NK to be a buffer state, but they'll see that someone a bit more stable (some General?) will end up in charge.

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