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The Horrifying Secret of Our Death and Destruction: The True Political Terror!

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posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:17 PM
With all the attention on regional and world politics these days, it would seem impossible that there could be any "unknowns", or "terrifying secrets" that people would be completely unaware-of in politics these days. But there is a great REAL LIFE horror in politics today that possesses unwavering INTENT FOR OUR DESTRUCTION that is almost impossible for a normal person to see or recognize, despite the fact this horror currently stands with its hands on our throats.

I hope to bring this invisible ugly-secret...this cognitively un-seeable horror...into clearer perception with this short post.

To begin, lets start with something most people do see and know [but truly cannot understand] - severe psychopathy. We have all heard of Ted Bundy, the mass murderer responsible for the murders of dozens of people. We have heard of "The Green River Killer", Gary Ridgeway, responsible for the murders of 50 people. We know these psychopaths exist. No one denies that.

When it comes to severe-psychopaths, we all accept their existence. But as a common-humanity, we CANNOT comprehend that level of psychopathy simply because healthy minds find such thinking "unimaginable". For example, how many people reading this can explain Ted Bundy's, or Gary Ridgeway's, or Jeffery Dahmer's sexuality? Ted Bundy [a college law student] liked to kill beautiful young women, then remove their guts with a knife and have sex with their intestines. Can anyone explain this desire in a knowing way? I HOPE NOT. If you are sane you SHOULDN'T understand the motivation. Sane men may desire beautiful women, but we don't think about killing and dismembering them; we think about loving them.

Gary Ridgeway liked to strangle women to death. But can anyone explain in a knowing way why he preferred to visit the bodies of his victims after they had been dead and dumped in the woods for months...TO HAVE SEX WITH THE ROTTING CORPSES? Again, I hope not. Most of us prefer to have sex with warm, living women, not stinking, cold, rotted corpses. Think about this for a moment.

Jeffery Dahmer was gay. Most gay men like other gay men. But Jeffery found a particular pleasure in keeping gay men restrained while he electro-shocked, stabbed, and tortured them into unconsciousness. He tried to keep them alive as long as he could, so he could torture them repeatedly, over and over. Of course, eventually they died. He then ate their meat. Can anyone truly understand this desire? Nope. At least I sincerely hope not. We know for sure there are 17 dead and tortured men who couldn't understand Jeffery's thinking well enough to protect themselves.

So as compassionate humans, we do admit and accept that there are REAL PSYCHPATHS in the world. But we still seem unable of "seeing them", because our minds and hearts as sane people just cannot grasp their heartless desire to kill and torture a lover, when we only see a woman that we would prefer to love and hug [while she is still alive]. Most sane people literally cannot grasp that the person standing behind them at the grocery store may actually WANT, DESIRE, and NEED to kill them slowly and painfully if he could. Most people do not [cannot] fully understand and grasp extreme-psychopathy.

Most of the readers here would be quick to admit that many of the wealthiest people in the financial sector are "psychopaths" completely lacking the ability to care for others, humanity or the earth...devoid of heart. Most of the readers here accept the fact that many of our leaders show severe signs of psychopathy, and many of the wealthiest corporate leaders and elitists are straight-up psychopaths.

Sure, we "get" some of it. It seems easy to say, "1 + 1 = 2", when it comes to the psychopathic foreign policy that has brought the world all these failed foreign wars that have left a million people dead and homeless across the middle east and elsewhere. Multinational Oil corporation profits... Yeah, we "get" it. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria etc. have all been bombed into the stone age...once "semi-stable" Islamic countries now turned into multi-generational terrorist hotbeds that will destabilize the world for years and years to come. We know thousands of families were killed and destroyed, while the citizens of the Western Countries responsible for these horrors of failed policy never really understood [and in truth were never really even told] the justification, meaning or purpose of these murderous wars and failed foreign policy.

We the citizens do understand there were direct lies [weapons of mass destruction, etc.] used as justification for all these horrible war-failures over the last decade. We do understand these wars were created to profit multinational corporations. We even understand these failed wars were to pursue some globalist-collective agenda for the super wealthy who control the financial markets and resources of the world, and we tend to accept that these "elitists" [sic] run the show, and they want some sort of "control" over our populations and the world at large specifically for their psychopathic selves.

1 + 1 = 2. Yes, we do understand that much about the psychopaths-in-control causing all this world strife, murder and destruction for their own greed and control. We do "get it". We can see their failures all around the world. We can see how sick and perverted their policies and greed have become. We can see their lack of accountability and transparency as they seemingly do whatever destruction they want to the world's cultures, values and societies. Perhaps most of us even understand that as psychopaths, these entrenched financial elites [sic] and leaders [sic] lack their full capacity as humans, and thus they are DESTINED TO MAKE FAILED DECSIONS with foreign policy due to the limitations of their psychopathic goals, tendencies and thinking. Yes, psychopaths [even wealthy ones in power] have a tendency to fail in the end [like all their murderous foreign policy HAS FAILED] simply because they are mentally ill psychopaths. Psychopathic people do have a tendency to fail in the long run due to the sick goals and wrong thinking of their mental illness. 1 + 1 = 2.

But, Dear Reader, we are all missing the HORROR point. The reality with psychopaths is not 1 + 1 = 2. That's just how SANE people see it. That's how SHEEP see the wolf. THE REAL TRUTH is 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. Sane people can't usually see the third "one". Only psychopaths see and know number 3. Remember Ted Bundy? ONE [the desire to control] + ONE [the tendency to fail as a sick psychopath thinking/acting beyond and outside social norms]... Yes, we get it...a psychopath. But don't forget the hidden horror that is PLUS ONE MORE [the desire to have sex with a dead girl's intestines].

We as a people do understand that psychopaths, due to their remorseless, cutthroat attitude, do have control of financial institutions, they do control much of the media, they do make wars for corporate globalist profit...BUT WE ARE COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT!!! The Green River Killer didn't enjoy sex with LIVING BODIES. WHY?!?! The answer is the horror...that is number three.

[continued below]

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:33 PM
Many healthy people have control issues. Many healthy people feel greed, hate, or desire for wealth. But none of us WANT TO KILL WOMEN or have sex with dead bodies. WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT SEVERE PSYCHOPATHS DO NOT, CANNOT, WILL NOT want a living victim, except for torture and death.

If Jeffery Dahmer was in charge of the EARTH ITSELF, what would he do in order to have the ultimate psychotic orgasm? Well, first he would begin by gaining complete control over the earth. But he wouldn't leave the earth restrained and controlled [1 + 1 = 2], instead, he would begin torturing and cutting the earth, over and over, until the earth died. KILLING THE EARTH is how he would "get off". Same for Ted Bundy. For a psychopath this BEAUTIFUL EARTH, our beautiful people, are like a beautiful woman victim. THEY WANT MORE THAN CONTROL> the victim needs to be tortured and die [1 + 1 + 1 = 3].

What we tend to ignore is that if a psychopath has all the money and power in the world [and some do], that they may not just be satisfied with control. That's not the fullness of their perversion. They want to torture, demean us, debase us, kill us, and have sex with our dead earth's intestines as the ultimate psychotic satisfaction. That's the end desire of a severe psychosis. And that is the true horror of being ruled by a psychotic elite that people just are not aware of.

Many people actually believe that if a psychotic achieves power and wealth that they will stop short of murder. But, Dear Reader, I am explaining to you...point blank...that no true psychopath stops at "control" of their victim... Torture and killing is the real need and satisfaction.

Think about it and you will understand the pleasure of "shock and awe" bombing, failed foreign policy, the media supported creation of ugly culture, etc. in psychotic terms. 1 + 1 +1 = 3. The truly severe psychotic wants the beautiful woman not just controlled, but debased, suffering or DEAD. The earth is a beautiful woman. Healthy culture is a beautiful woman. Understand this - the psychotic, as a child, often likes to torture and kill small animals.

If you consider our psychopathic elites, its no wonder we have a culture where elite-controlled media takes the best of our humanity and shapes it into ugly Kardashian values of greed, worship of psychotics and their wealth, and generally ugly behavior. Its no wonder our foreign policy is sick and failed. Its no wonder no psychopath in charge is looking out for the PEOPLE'S BEST INTERESTS.

The true horror is that no psychotic would EVER WANT HIS PEOPLE HAPPY. Ask Ted Bundy's victims if he cared about their happiness or well-being. No psychopathic leader would ever allow or accept a "happy populace". That explains something, doesn't it. No psychotic in charge of culture will allow a culture based on love, art, or mutual support and caring among citizens...psychotics HATE THOSE VALUES THAT THEY CAN NEVER KNOW OR FEEL --> any ultra-wealth, ultra-powerful, ultra-psychotic leader will always pursue control, death, suffering and torture for his people. That is literally how they "get off". And we are all blind to that simple truth that shapes our culture and world today. We accept there are psychopaths in control, but have denied to ourselves, like sheep, the very essence of what that means and entails.

Looking forward to your comments and discussion below...

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:43 PM

So you're hammering home that politicians are the worse than serial killers? Seems like it.

This is a concept I've been onto for some years, too.

I first heard it in some crazy experimental music made by one of my readers in my old Myspace blog spot, by "GODS OTHER DEVIL". It was a talk done by someone he had sampled in there, where the guy carried on about how the media blasts us with these pictures of the 'worst killers ever' like those names you have above there, yet pressed the argument that the likes of Bundy pale in comparison to politicians who in their fancy suits in fancy offices stamp or sign a couple of documents and then thousands are maimed.

I think the sample was in his big mix in his channel there, that is now blocked in the US, damnit. I'm trying to think of what that source was, the guy doing the talk...

edit on 10-1-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:45 PM
Yup. Sigh. Well done and argued, mate.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: jayfkntee

You basically just described "rap culture".

Yes,we see them murdering man,women,children,and especially the elderly.

Murdering the innocent give them "street cred"-but many of them kill because they like to kill and know that they will just go through the revolving door of the justice system constantly-only to rape and kill again.

Another group of the murderers just walks back and forth across our southern border-raping and murdering American women and children.And anybody that voices an opinion against it is immediately called "racist or bigot".

However,the plans of the globalists that have been flooding the U.S. with rapists and murderers-not to mention muslum terrorists were thwarted (at least here in the U.S.) with the election of Donald Trump.

It's time for America to flush the toilet.

(btw-the amount of deaths committed by serial killers that you described are nothing compared to the numbers of innocent Americans murdered by illegal aliens)

It's going to be awesome

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:08 PM
What if leaders failed to ensure an open market and free trade? What if support for the population size of the world were to lapse for some liberal ideal which would ensure that hundreds of millions died and over a billion suffered from the lack of energy, produce etc flowing at the scales needed? Which is more psychopathic, following the failed route of a Maoist utopia or the current system of international alliances?

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 04:08 PM
In my non-professional opinion, I think sociopath would be another description for the 'ruling elite' among us.

Psychopaths are more of a personal hands-on type of predator...more one on one,
while sociopaths like to do their deeds and try to make it look like it's the victims' fault...

Psychopaths don't try to justify their actions the way sociopaths do?

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 04:48 PM
Well written, epic post!! Deserves a flag!!

When you think about this some more, think about it from the perspective of a person who is unconstrained.

Normal people are constrained by feelings of guilt or fear of punishment.

Some of the 'other' folks your talking about lack any monetary constraints. Think about how many people you know have zero fear of becoming financially destitute. These 'other' folks don't think at all the way most of us 'commoners' do.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: jayfkntee

You have done a very good logical summary of the present position that we are in.Congrats.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: loveguy

From what I have read, sociopaths emotionally crave adulation. Psychopaths have no emotional need for adulation but may use it as a way to manipulate others.

edit on 10-1-2017 by Morrad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

Normal people are constrained by feelings of guilt or fear of punishment.

Some of the 'other' folks your talking about lack any monetary constraints. Think about how many people you know have zero fear of becoming financially destitute. These 'other' folks don't think at all the way most of us 'commoners' do.

Don't take Snarl's word on it. From the horses mouth:

I was sitting in a dentist's chair getting my teeth whitened while the whole 9/11 thing was happening on the little television over my head. The moment I saw the two towers drop neatly into their footprints, one right after the other, I thought, "OK, demolition," and that was that as far as I was concerned. [Found out later that Building 7 did the same thing just for the hell of it.]

All of the tortured official explanations and Popular Science & Discovery Channel slickjobs didn't impress me any more than the Warren Commission soft-shoe a few decades earlier. State-of-the-art skyscrapers just don't do that because a plane hits the top, period.

What we're dealing with here is the phenomenon of popular belief systems. Every society has its own fetishes and taboos, and the USA is no different. Within a given society, a F or T is never defined as such; rather it's a reality which everyone takes for granted. It can be something like "only women wear dresses" [although here in San Francisco don't be too sure]. Indeed some taboos are so essential to the national consciousness that it's heresy to even acknowledge their existence or call them "taboos".

In the field of PSYOP such things are not analyzed or judged morally, just cause-and-effectly. Once of the consequences of being a PSYOP officer is that you wind up seeing the whole damn world this way, with all of the moral, patriotic, religious, etc. overlays (fetishes, sacred cows, taboos) as "just part of the show". It doesn't even make you cynical, because cynicism requires something to be outraged against. Instead you become numb. That's the real, the serious danger, because the thing that is divine in the human soul is the ability to apprehend, and to desire, and to affirm, the Good. If we lose this, we are nothing.

edit on 10-1-2017 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: angryproctologist

Some people enjoy fine food, and are food critics; I enjoy beautiful culture, and am a culture critic. I agree that ghetto culture can at times create AND reflect psychopathic values, wrong values, and ugly culture values. But it is a wholeee different deal when the psychopathic values and behaviors come from multi-billionaires [with control/suffering obsessions] who actually ARE in control.

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: loveguy

the psychopath/sociopath definition and debate is relevant, but straying from the central, valid point -- psychopaths [and sociopaths] "feed" off of suffering, not happy, healthy, caring families and cultures...or even ecologies.

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
Well written, epic post!! Deserves a flag!!

When you think about this some more, think about it from the perspective of a person who is unconstrained.

Normal people are constrained by feelings of guilt or fear of punishment.

Some of the 'other' folks your talking about lack any monetary constraints. Think about how many people you know have zero fear of becoming financially destitute. These 'other' folks don't think at all the way most of us 'commoners' do.

EXACTLY. And yet as healthy humans, it is almost impossible for us to imagine our leaders having objectives so disgusting and abnormal, that it would be impossible for them to have our best interests, as humanity, at heart. Psychopaths lack heart and are fascinated by power and suffering [sociopaths too].. A healthy person might imagine power and wealth as a chance to make culture, ecologies, the world a better place for our children and future generations. Psychotics would be infuriated by the beauty of that...something they do not, cannot, and never will have...a desire AND CARING for the best aspects of our humanity to flourish.
edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: anonentity

thanks brotha. just a warrior's daily work. together we will make this crazy shiz better for future generations, and not be Bundy's victims.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: The GUT

thanx brotha, we all try.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: Morrad
a reply to: loveguy

From what I have read, sociopaths emotionally crave adulation. Psychopaths have no emotional need for adulation but may use it as a way to manipulate others.

Narcissistic psychopaths CRAVE adulation. But they find their "fix", their "narcissistic supply" through THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS!!!! --> The key point I am making here, regardless of definition-of narcissism, sociopathy, or any other definition of psychopathic disorder.... is that the roots are the same in terms of "psychotic feeding"...the psychotic need for the control and suffering of others.

The outcome of those suffering from this psychopathic lack of full-humanity, is that they then have to project this suffering onto others. That is the point. On the elitist [sic] level, that manifests in the same ugly way it does across the spectrum in severe psychopathy. It becomes a grave concern for humanity if some of these elites literally NEED the suffering of humanity. Any sane analysis of world events, finances, elites [sic], policy, wars, healthy cultures, values, humanity, etc, does indeed imply that SOME elitists [sic] deciding and controlling policy do have psychopathic needs, ideals, actions and intent.
edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

The funny thing about psychopaths is that they have standard behaviors only slightly mitigated by "belief systems". Most people construct our personal realities according to "belief/value systems". Psychotics on the other hand, almost universally, construct their ACTIONS upon psychotic PERVERSE NEED/CONTROL systems that are often ugly or destructive by societal norms...imho/

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

What if sanity and our highest values for the future of our earth, our children and our humanity controlled culture, rather than some perverted psychopathy? The presumption that sanity lacks function [as your post implies] or that our lowest humanity is our only salvation [as your post implies] is frankly, insane.

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2017 by jayfkntee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: jayfkntee

ONE HUGE MSCONCEPTION PEOPLE HAVE is that psychopathy is not abnormal. ADMITTEDLY, in any ugly culture, any psychopathic culture, where through media sheep are purposefully given programmed psychopathic cultural values, BY PSYCHOPATHS who cannot bear the heart of humanity and have the money, power and ability to "culture-shape", then people may view psychopathy as NORMAL. Such we have and current history does illustrate. But there are 1000's of other cultures, millions of other HEALTHY values ad actions...

There are cultures where any psychopath would be easily spotted and handled [removed from power], because the cultural values are NOT psychopathic. WE HAVE A DIFFERENT DOMINANT CULTURAL SITUATION HERE< as anyone who has viewed world events can see clearly. To adulate wealthy psychopathy as GOD and the highest human achievement, as our dominant media would teach, is the KEY MARKER of cultural loss of humanity.

And still here we sit, small upon this beautiful EARTH, one small generation of monkey-souls in one GRAND UNIVERSE OF UNKNOWABLES...under the feet of some murderous psychopaths.

NOT EVERY POLITICIAN OR RICH PERSON IS A PSYCHOPATH. They can be easily known by their actions, deeds and outcomes. nuf sed.

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