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Austria: Afghan Migrant Stabs 50 Year Old Woman, Because She Was Reading From The Bible

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posted on Jan, 1 2017 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

You are very, very wrong.

The problems we are seeing are ones of politics and culture - not religion.

When the Christians were killing thousands of people, it wasn't the religion that was the problem. It was a problem of politics and evil people who wanted power. They too said they wanted Christianity to rule the world.

I have read many parts of the Quran. I know that the violent sections were referring to specific wars in history. I also know that the Quran emphasizes the importance of peace and not hurting anyone who isn't hurting you. I also know that there have been and still are, millions and millions of Muslims who just want to live in peace.

posted on Jan, 1 2017 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: kaylaluv

True, but there are also millions who do not want to live in peace or will not tolerate what they see as offenses to their god. These particular people have no right to enforce their barbaric cultural practices on others in their own country and should not be allowed the opportunity to destroy and harm people.

posted on Jan, 1 2017 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: kaylaluv

True, but there are also millions who do not want to live in peace or will not tolerate what they see as offenses to their god. These particular people have no right to enforce their barbaric cultural practices on others in their own country and should not be allowed the opportunity to destroy and harm people.

Agreed, but let's not blame their barbaric cultural practices on Islam and let's not punish the innocent Muslims.

posted on Jan, 1 2017 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: kaylaluv

True, but there are also millions who do not want to live in peace or will not tolerate what they see as offenses to their god. These particular people have no right to enforce their barbaric cultural practices on others in their own country and should not be allowed the opportunity to destroy and harm people.

Agreed, but let's not blame their barbaric cultural practices on Islam and let's not punish the innocent Muslims.

Don't be silly, we need to lump all people into groups then categorize them so that they can be labeled and taken care of when necessary ...

It is much simpler this way...If a Muslim does a bad thing kill all Muslims and then we have no more problems with Muslims...After that if someone does something bad with a gun we can kill all the people with guns then there is no longer a gun problem, we can keep the whole paradigm going next we focus on another group

posted on Jan, 1 2017 @ 08:35 PM
the problem here isn't Muslims, it's the mentality of that death cult of Daesh that hides its self in Islam. A close friend of mine (who practices Islam) told me that for years they never had any issues with hate or racism at the mosque he went to. Then the influx of "refugees" started to come in and practice their religion. He said it was different then the Islam he's practiced, it's hateful and focuses on violence to non-believers. When he started to "shop around" for other mosques to go to he had his house broken into and vandalized. His security camera showed people from his mosque doing it, but when he reported it to the police they didn't want to get involved due to some issues with the refugees.

My friend sold his house due to the threats made against him for just wanting to find another mosque. As he told me "How is this Islam, how is this a religion? This junk that the refugees believe and practice is nothing but drugged out hate".

SO no, Islam and the Muslim people aren't the issue, its those idiots that follow Daesh and their doctrine that's the issue. Sadly people are just assuming its all muslims that create the issue, but it's just fear of retaliation by these Daesh followers that are the problem. So when I read about these spikes in crime where the refugees are, I'm will to bet the true culprit behind the activities is just a small group of Daesh followers hiding amongst the real refugees. Unfortunately in Europe that massive exodus from Syria brought in a lot more Daesh followers then anyone wants to admit.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: LumenImagoDei
You'd think that violence had never been a part of Europe before the immigrants came. Sensationalizing stories just to get a rise out of people, good job. Guess what, people were murdered before immigrants came and people will be murdered long after they leave. Get used to it, it's part of life, people kill other people all over the world every day for all sorts of stupid reasons, why get outraged at this particular one? Oh, because the media has made a big deal out of immigration so the sheep follow suit.

I'm sorry, but you're a moron.

Yes people will always kill and rape. Austrians will always do it to each other.

However, this case in particular, and the Swedish boy would not have happened if these migrants were not brought in. That is plain fact. Every crime that has happened that has included refugees from the Cologne rape story to the truck attacks in Nice and Germany, NONE of those cases in particular wo7ld have happened if migrants weren't allowed into Europe en masse, unchecked as they are now.

Trying to downplay thisnincident in the manner which you are is akin to me saying, "Well, its OK that we invaded Iraq, I mean, they're constantly at war anyway"

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
the problem here isn't Muslims, it's the mentality of that death cult of Daesh that hides its self in Islam. A close friend of mine (who practices Islam) told me that for years they never had any issues with hate or racism at the mosque he went to. Then the influx of "refugees" started to come in and practice their religion. He said it was different then the Islam he's practiced, it's hateful and focuses on violence to non-believers. When he started to "shop around" for other mosques to go to he had his house broken into and vandalized. His security camera showed people from his mosque doing it, but when he reported it to the police they didn't want to get involved due to some issues with the refugees.

My friend sold his house due to the threats made against him for just wanting to find another mosque. As he told me "How is this Islam, how is this a religion? This junk that the refugees believe and practice is nothing but drugged out hate".

SO no, Islam and the Muslim people aren't the issue, its those idiots that follow Daesh and their doctrine that's the issue. Sadly people are just assuming its all muslims that create the issue, but it's just fear of retaliation by these Daesh followers that are the problem. So when I read about these spikes in crime where the refugees are, I'm will to bet the true culprit behind the activities is just a small group of Daesh followers hiding amongst the real refugees. Unfortunately in Europe that massive exodus from Syria brought in a lot more Daesh followers then anyone wants to admit.

Well unfortunately, most responsibility for stopping extremists falls on people just like your friend to stop the violent people who do violent things in the name of his religion. The West can only do so much. In the end, it's people like your friend that need to fix it from within. Being passive doesn't work.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: kaylaluv

True, but there are also millions who do not want to live in peace or will not tolerate what they see as offenses to their god. These particular people have no right to enforce their barbaric cultural practices on others in their own country and should not be allowed the opportunity to destroy and harm people.

Agreed, but let's not blame their barbaric cultural practices on Islam and let's not punish the innocent Muslims.

Then they need to put in some work to stop those that commit barbarity in their religions name instead of standing idly by. The terrorists that are commiting these acts are only able to do so through the indifference of Muslim sympathizers and Muslims who can't be asked to turn in their friends who are supporting the terrorists.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 02:28 PM
Double Post.
edit on 2-1-2017 by chuck258 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: chuck258

Well unfortunately, most responsibility for stopping extremists falls on people just like your friend to stop the violent people who do violent things in the name of his religion. The West can only do so much. In the end, it's people like your friend that need to fix it from within. Being passive doesn't work.

You sound like me telling him that. In all fairness though, he did take the issue to the police. It was at that point that nothing more happened. The police had some kind of issue with the refugees that ultimately lead them to believe that it was more of an issue then it's worth. So somewhere in the local government a strong pro-refugee stance was being presented, and the police were being forced to stay away from any issue involving the refugees.

We (my friend and I) talked about the issue of self policing of the Muslim communities, and he said that it used to work but after the Daesh followers came into the country too many members of the infected mosques fear for their lives. So it's not that they don't want to help, but rather the mosques where help is needed most, the people there are also afraid to speak out the most.

Think of it like mafia controlled neighborhoods. Everyone knows what's going on, but most if not all are afraid to say anything out of fear of retaliation. The difference between the too is at least the Mob can be bought off and reasoned with, the followers of Daesh will just take and brutalize their victims. My friend did what he could, but there is only so much a person can do and still be law abiding.
edit on 2-1-2017 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

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