a reply to:
Wow. I must say I am appalled at the behavior of other members on this thread. Please don't let their incredible rudeness prevent you from interacting
here. They are not representative of everyone on the site at all, and I am sorry that you have been treated this way.
I have searched for about fifteen minutes for other references to the rumored media blackout, and found several. Most people seem to be, as you stated
very clearly in your OP, speculating that HM has crossed over the Veil, but it was not a Twitter post that started it. It was a Facebook post from a
Scottish radio show tacked onto a post about Debbie Reynolds, from what I read. I'm having trouble getting things to load, so I can't post a link
right this second, sorry about that. But I believe the story showing the Facebook post was from the Daily Caller. Easily found with a Google
Something that I cannot believe no one else thought about is the possibility that HM took a turn for the worse and has been placed on life support.
She was reportedly ill with a cold over Christmas, and in elderly people, that can morph into pneumonia very quickly, which can also in the elderly be
a fatal blow, especially after the body is weakened by the initial illness. Eventually, they will lose their airway and require assisted breathing via
ventilator. And once that happens, death very quickly follows.
It is entirely possible that something of that nature has occurred. Taking her off life support and allowing her to expire would be planned, and
likely not something that they would want to share with the public. There have been several articles in the past couple of days that seem odd, talking
about what will transpire when she dies, so it is perfectly understandable that people are thinking that she might have actually passed...and we still
don't know that she hasn't. The article I mentioned earlier stated that the Palace declined to respond to queries about the rumor, and that is odd as
well. If it were a hoax, it would seem that they would want to disabuse the public of such a notion as soon as possible. That they have not should
raise eyebrows.
And of course, it could be due to something entirely unrelated, or could be completely false and there's no blackout at all. So far, it is speculation
and rumor, precisely as you stated, more than once. Providing links to the rumors would serve no purpose anyway, because they are as of right now at
least, only rumors...and you did not claim nor even imply anything otherwise in your OP.
I sincerely hope that everyone who is attacking you is adult enough to apologize, should it be proven that there really is a media blackout and/or HM
really has passed.