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Hopeless Afghan Struggle To Save Boy Sex Slaves

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posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi

originally posted by: Pandaram
Sorry to pissing on your Racism ranting guys... when it come to raping children,, England or America is no diffrent then Afghanistan or Pakistan. Come out from your stone huts and look around a bit..

This artical is fabricated to justfy oil thieving btw.... good day!šŸ˜‚

Sure, no different. Except it's illegal in Britain and the US and will get you jailed for life. And in their culture it's fine and acceptable. Other than that, no different.

Nope.. it is illigal there and everywhere.. dont be stupid.
Authorities just turn blind now and then. Just like in uk and us.. again.. look around!

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

Simply pointing out that it is a chain around the entire world system as a hydra with many heads; specifically pointing to the middle east as it's one and only source is an ignorant thing... the only thing that sort of thing does is liken itself to a corporation desiring a monopoly and cutting out as much competition as possible in an idea of total control of it what good is that going to do? Sure it raises one of the points in which it occurs as a problem but if you have a rubber band around 6 nails pulling one out does not cease it's occurance.

It is imperitive to route them all out at once but it takes a lot of work and world co-operation from the very top of world government on down in agreements. Going after the ones that refuse to be in those agreements and sanctioning against those that have them but do not abide... is simply a short term patch to the system and painting one face as evil broadly with finger pointing has only exacerbated hate and ignorance... I have many middle eastern friends as well as friends from all over the entire world even in north korea.

The www has more value than a shopping mall and to chest bump whos made up lines in humanity are better when all life was born behind them without any consent to be there; then programmed with cultural and nationalistic patriotism as an excuse to not balance trade and power under just to whip up a mask in the 3rd world systems where the 1st world uses the entire 3rd world as slaves with bias, bigtory and hate included as an excuse for it.

All of the money and lives wasted in the pursuit of excess; only continues to cause the imbalance... of course that does not mean ways of life that bring health and hapiness has to end but the pathological mentality that does not care that millions die innocently or are bonded as slaves due to those mental lines of separation drawn in hearts and minds long past... pulled along as a legacy of shame.

I use my voice fearlessly whether it is edited blocked or stripped away is of no matter as that would be done out of fear and ignorance to twist and obscure; for over two solid years I have done this out in the open and have not desired a single penny from it. I have talent that could bring income but truth should not come at any cost other than the experience it took to require it already paid for making the message of it's delivery to others free... if it helps or is taken into concideration for any policy? Not for myself to judge nor do I expect such a thing.

Hopefully; those trapped in such tormented existences make it through as I myself have.

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: Pandaram

Its very much is not a CULTURAL thing and does not have widespread acceptance and despite similar things happening in other countries, they know its wrong and disgusting and know that if caught gawd help them. Those that practice Bachu Bazi believe they are in the right, its part of their culture, been going on for centuries, we have no right to intervene etc etc

Different entirely

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi

originally posted by: Pandaram
Sorry to pissing on your Racism ranting guys... when it come to raping children,, England or America is no diffrent then Afghanistan or Pakistan. Come out from your stone huts and look around a bit..

This artical is fabricated to justfy oil thieving btw.... good day!šŸ˜‚'s not illegal provided you have the political connections and money.
It's only illegal when peons do it.

Sure, no different. Except it's illegal in Britain and the US and will get you jailed for life. And in their culture it's fine and acceptable. Other than that, no different.

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 10:43 AM
I've always found it interesting that the mainstream media down plays this... it is rarely mentioned. I've never understood the inconsistency that liberals have when it comes to accepting Islam. They want Islam to be held up as culturally equivalent to western values while ignoring it's barbarity.

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

Its exactly the same with female genital mutilation.....not a subject people want to discuss or even know about...makes folks uncomfortable

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: Edumakated

Its exactly the same with female genital mutilation.....not a subject people want to discuss or even know about...makes folks uncomfortable

Yes, makes zero sense to me. Left wing is all about increasing muslim immigration on one hand but then on the other hand they cry about the war on women, LBGT rights, etc. These are two completely incompatible positions.

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Anonopolis

Tha "talmud" is not the Torah. Its written to make Jews think. the men speaking in it are intentionally saying stuff intentionally to give a example of how not to be.

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

I disagree. To be homosextual in the strictest sense of the word is to have an emotional feeling or desire toward the same sex, but not the opposite sex. Just because males PERFORM sex ACTS with each other doesn't mean they're actually ATTRACTED to them. The act then is just a means to an pun intended.

Big Mo pretty much had ALL the bases of devient behavior covered in order to condone whatever type sex they wanted to have. No women around? Thats fine. Grab a kid, grab a goat, sheep or hole in the wall and get it on! WHATEVER behavior they display or participate in I'd guarantee there's some nuance in their "culture" or "religion" that condones it.

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

The issue with circumcision in general is that no one would know if a child was a virgin or not... the human and animal realm are combined in the transmigratory cycle of the food chain. Some of that consciousness remains in ones being as the energy is pulled into a higher form. Those practicing child molestation are not going to see it as wrong because some animals such as dogs and cats in that cycle lick their children clean and see it as an act of "love" yet when in human form it is anything but. So of course that transmigration out of animal forms into one of human is part of what separates human from the divine and why it is a plague to humanity itself.

In some parts of India young women on menstraition are seen as unclean and are put outside as a curse to live like an animal an outcast an untouchable or as the newer expression goes? In the dog house.

These cultural mythos and beliefs once unraveled in reality and truth is what can make a firm foundation on which all society can rest on. This is why old cultural heritages are seen as backwards or the knowledge hidden or kept safe... yet demystification of them can cease the expolitation of such a thing in occurance into one of understanding how energy and form inhabit and come into being through concepts of knowledge or entropy.

The reason why I say death is a fitting penalty is because the person has ceased to embrace their human form and has spread the disease back into one of animism of animals inhabiting human form... of course this is the natural order in a fully balanced system but due to greed, hate, and delusional ignorance and attachment to form then emmodiment of them without reverence to them in the life cycle continues to come back on humanity as a plague not understanding it in and of itself as it is where no such thing as an I am needs to exist... the I am is a transient property of being ever changing moment to moment, I am now becoming hungry, sleepy tired as an ever changing state of being that is not a perpetual state of existance.

My apologies or digging into old esoterics but in order to progress forward and understand what is occuring as a reality we have to undrstand why and where the mythos and belief has come from that has been lost in the sands of time via ignorance and the perpetuation of systems that do not really resolve anything unless one is firmly rooted in reality and the nature in which all of it exists as a subject itself not subjected to it as these "slaves".

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: Pandaram

This artical is fabricated to justfy oil thieving btw.... good day!

Yes it's all fabricated. Meanwhile we have soldiers being punished for trying to stop the abuse from happening.

Way to bury your head in the sand.

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: yuppa

Yes fables Aesop does a better job imho

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

I'm sorry but I am seriously struggling to decipher your posts. Your writings seem to bear little reference to the questions asked

What exactly has female genital mutilation got to do with virginity? Or dogs and cats licking kittens & puppies? Many cultures including Judaism treat women menstruating as unclean, I still can't get the correlation between that and paedophilia or circumcision

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

he is missing sentence structure is why its so hard to grasp. his reply to me was a run on sentence.

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Circumcised children; boys and girls means their seal has been left unbroken untampered with... circumcision leaves them unsealed so if there is adult tampering? Who would know unless the child asked or if their behavior dictates a fixation that should not be there until older.

The practices of removal obviously obscure those in the slave trade. The Dogon tribe ousted the Pygmies(Ant Peoples) of that area and took up the practice as civilisation spread out... these ancient pockets of tribes and practices seek to preserve while it does not make any sense in modern society and should be abolished as practices the anthropology of why these cultures practised and still practice such things should be understood... it is in no way a good thing for the modern world; in progression out of thousands of years as it becomes an oppression and plague on society.

Just as the spice roads used to connect the world for spices; once the trade routes opened more and different things traveled those roads; and as society has grown to be able to reach other planets and stars in communication? Those roads have dived underground becoming fuel for societies ill's around the world causing inequality roles and contracts binding the world instead of freeing it.

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Ok I give in. Clearly you are misguided on just what circumcision is both male & female! It has bugger all to do with "being sealed or unsealed". You cannot tell if a male or female child is a virgin simply because they are or aren't circumcised!! And quite what it has to do with obscuring those in the slave trade is beyond me

Apologies but I really cannot respond to your posts further without getting a severe migraine

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Sorry if it seemed very generalized but in many cases it is a hallmark of what has occured... especially, in those areas prone to selling & slaving children about.

Take care.

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 08:43 PM

Muslim Migrant Who Anally Raped 10-Year-Old Boy Has Conviction Overturned: ā€˜He Didnā€™t Know The Boy Didnā€™t Want to be Rapedā€™

A Muslim migrant who was convicted of raping a child at an Austrian pool has had his sentence overturned: ā€œHe didnā€™t know the boy didnā€™t want to be raped.ā€ Do you mean in Muslim countries little boys want to be raped?

What kind of vicious islamophiliac pedophiles serve on Austriaā€™s Supreme Court, to free a rapist who violently assaulted and anally raped a 10-year-old boy? The Supreme Court overturned this monsterā€™s conviction, saying the court had not done enough to ascertain whether or not the rapist realized the child was saying no. What? The child suffered severe anal injuries which had to be treated at a local childrenā€™s hospital, and is still plagued by serious post-traumatic stress disorder.

These judges need their own children anally and brutally raped.

Anyone still support the notion that these cases are being witheld or otherwise minimized in the media ?

Read that part again after reading the article:

The Supreme Court overturned this monsterā€™s conviction, saying the court had not done enough to ascertain whether or not the rapist realized the child was saying no.

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: everyone

And it seems they are still more than happy to keep importing these "people".

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