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Police Shoot, Kill Man in San Diego Area; Protesters Gather

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posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

Hey man that's interesting! Now I have some toilet reading material for work lol. I'll definitely check them out. Though I think you know what I meant about invading though overall. We definitely didn't lose those territories, plus they were nothing in comparison to the world wars.

Thank you for your pleasant rebuttal unlike mine, when I see people thinking they are morally superior and hate my country.

Can't wait now to read about the darn Japs in Alaska!

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

Hey man that's interesting! Now I have some toilet reading material for work lol. I'll definitely check them out. Though I think you know what I meant about invading though overall. We definitely didn't lose those territories, plus they were nothing in comparison to the world wars.

Thank you for your pleasant rebuttal unlike mine, when I see people thinking they are morally superior and hate my country.

Can't wait now to read about the darn Japs in Alaska!

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

.even if that fails they have much larger guns and way more your screwed either way...

You realize a very large section of our population are ex military, right? Trained in the same tactics, same equipment, same weapons and many have actual experience in some pretty shi**y situations? Not to mention, most of our military is overseas and there are A HELL of a lot more of us?

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:13 AM
Bottom line on all this....I would expect to get shot behaving like most of these folks when challenged by the police . Thats why I dont and comply . I may be old , but I still have my common sense. Wish everyone did
Dont test the police. Its a test yo will fail

"Stupid is as stupid does" - Forrest Gump's mother

edit on 9/28/16 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe

originally posted by: Floridagoat
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Do you not see how ignorant your rant is? Because it's about what you deem "deplorable American gun issues" it's ok for you to be a rude across the pond jerk?

Just to let you know PAL... However much I understand and respect your comments...

I am a hunter over here in Europe (France) and have a legal permit for the 3 shotguns and 2 high power rifles that I own...

HOWEVER... as a European, you will never hear me blabbing off LOUDMOUTH style about whatever amendments I may have or not have concerning firearms as our human kill/shooting ratio is WAYYY below the ratio from your country pal.

You loudmouth (whatever number amendment) people are REALLY boring to the rest of the world until the day that you can sit down and explain simply TO THE REST OF THE WORLD why you people HAVE to stick to old fashioned laws and amendments that you do not want changed...

Get to grips and understand that NOT only MURIKA exists.

Kindest respects


Diversity explains it.

WE are not like you.

Don't want to be, either, that's why we have our own country.

Imagine if the whole world was the same everywhere you went.

What kind of friggin nightmare do you want to live in?

And it won't be a AAA+ world, you can bet on it.

That's why we stick with what made this country a world apart from the rest. lol.

Happy now?

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Floridagoat

Understood, however this man is allegedly mentally deficient. Little bit of a twist I would say.

That's only a twist if you are inclined to believe that (a) LEOs are clairvoyant and should know this information, or (b) that if someone is telling the officers this, that it in any way means that said person should be believed or that it makes any potential deadly weapon any less deadly.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe

originally posted by: Floridagoat
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Do you not see how ignorant your rant is? Because it's about what you deem "deplorable American gun issues" it's ok for you to be a rude across the pond jerk?

Just to let you know PAL... However much I understand and respect your comments...

I am a hunter over here in Europe (France) and have a legal permit for the 3 shotguns and 2 high power rifles that I own...

HOWEVER... as a European, you will never hear me blabbing off LOUDMOUTH style about whatever amendments I may have or not have concerning firearms as our human kill/shooting ratio is WAYYY below the ratio from your country pal.

You loudmouth (whatever number amendment) people are REALLY boring to the rest of the world until the day that you can sit down and explain simply TO THE REST OF THE WORLD why you people HAVE to stick to old fashioned laws and amendments that you do not want changed...

Get to grips and understand that NOT only MURIKA exists.

Kindest respects

According to the story released, the sister called the police because her brother was acting in a threatening manner. When the police show up, she tells them he is mentally ill. Why in the # did she take him out in public?

One officer tries to subdue him with a taser. The suspect (pretends to?) pull(s) a gun and another officer takes a shot to eliminate the threat. (That this suspect created) (possibly as a suicide attempt?) (which happens a lot!!)

If events went down as they reported, then this seems like a justified homocide. I would never expect an officer to hesitate in this scenario. I certainly would not have waited to see down the barrel of a gun, when the suspect is

A) not cooperating, or obeying commands.

B) makes a gesture like he is pulling a weapon.

Even French police would have taken the shot. YOU would have taken the shot in the same scenario. The problem isn't guns. It was his mental health. Whoever was, or should have been watching this fella is responsible. If that person was his sister, so be it. It is sad that he was in that position, but it is also sad that those officers were put in that position.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe
You are are a majority pro gun control country and will never take off your blinkers... Deal with it...

Other countries around the world don't need to deal with your whatever amendment bla bla and we can live without it thank you very much.

Especially all the murders of whoever gets a lead vaccine from gung ho "look at me I have a gun and can protect my amendment that only exists in the good old US of A... "F**K MURIKA* WE ARE THE BESTEST IN THE WORLD... BLA BLA and even more F**king BLA BLA*

We on the rest of the planet have had enough of some of your arrogant crap.

Get over it that your country and the arrogance spewed by so many from the same pile of soil that you live on means nothing anymore to the rest of the planet after everything that your countries decision makers (that YOU voted for) have done...

Kindest respects


a reply to: JinMI


We on the rest of the planet have had enough of some of your arrogant crap.

Next time an a-hole dictator decides to roll through europe, take over japan, or kill millions of civillians call someone who is less "arrogant" and see how that works out for you and your enlightened non-american countries.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 09:03 AM
It is like some of these people are so desperate to find racism that doesn't exist, that they purposely pull a suicide by cop to get their "point" across.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 09:22 AM
I live close by, To be honest people the area this happened was to the east of San Diego in El Cajon and El Cajon is definitely meth central for the San Diego metropolitan zone. Plus we've been having really high temperatures due to a Santa Ana were it was in the 100's monday and 90's tuesday. Also El Cajon might as well be Arizona, the place is an inferno, in a valley, in a dessert. For a man to be walking around during peak heat hours at 2 pm it was probably high 90's.

Imagine your the Officers. You rock up on this guy, its hot as balls, he's being non compliant and sketchy. Your not sure of his intentions or the intentions of his sister who is yelling commands at an apparently mentally unavailable man at the same time officers are repeatedly giving him orders to pull his hands out of his pockets. Man pulls and stands with hands pointed in officers face, the Officer with hands in his face does pull a taser. Hes gauged at that moment that he does not need lethal force, second officer to the side is the protector though. His job is over watch, the flank. while the other officer subdues and engages, its his job to protect him, he pulls his weapon and fires taking no chances with his partners life. man dies. procedural human logic.
edit on 28-9-2016 by MConnalley because: Readability

edit on 28-9-2016 by MConnalley because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2016 by MConnalley because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Floridagoat

Understood, however this man is allegedly mentally deficient. Little bit of a twist I would say.

Exactly why does that matter?

If a mentally deficient person shoots you in the chest are you any less likely to risk death ?

How about this, don't want to get shot , don't act like you are going to shoot first or see the photo attached to this story.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 09:35 AM
21 foot rule with knifes link to article Here

For decades now many American officers have heard use-of-force instructors discuss the "21-Foot Rule" during officer safety, firearms, and deadly force training. As a use-of-force instructor and a practicing forensic police practices expert, I have also trained and testified to this concept myself. The 21-foot rule was developed by Lt. John Tueller, a firearms instructor with the Salt Lake City Police Department. Back in 1983, Tueller set up a drill where he placed a "suspect" armed with an edged weapon 20 or so feet away from an officer with a holstered sidearm. He then directed the armed suspect to run toward the officer in attack mode. The training objective was to determine whether the officer could draw and accurately fire upon the assailant before the suspect stabbed him. After repeating the drill numerous times, Tueller—who is now retired—wrote an article saying it was entirely possible for a suspect armed with an edged weapon to fatally engage an officer armed with a handgun within a distance of 21 feet. The so-called "21-Foot Rule" was born and soon spread throughout the law enforcement community. But is the "21-Foot Rule" a forensic fact or a police myth?

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Ok. Then you sit without a gun while I keep my right to bear one.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Well then embrace that your government (Britain or France) forces to you accept what they think that you can and cannot own in order to protect yourself. I'll embrace the fact that, for now, mine allows me to protect myself and my family with firearms as I see fit.

You don't have to like it, but damn, you certainly don't have to throw a temper tantrum over it, especially if you claim that don't need to deal with our amendment--then don't whine about it either and start acting like a grown human being.

You don't like guns--so what. There are many people around the world in countries lacking such an amendment that do. You aren't the voice of the rest of the world, so, as you say, get over it.

And if you're implying that "[you] on the rest of the planet" aren't arrogant about your ways of life at times, too, then you are the one wearing "blinkers" (I assume that you meant "blinders"). I've lived in Europe for four years--the arrogance against Americans is palpable in many places, including France. Drop the holier-than-thou act and learn to speak like an adult and with a little respect, otherwise you won't get treated like one or with any.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

He rapidly drew an object from his pocket, pointed it at the cops, and positioned himself in a shooting stance. Deserved to get shot. End of story.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: DeplorableBasket
A large majority of Americans know that the police are not the problem.

I don't dare say more because the truth has become "racist and bigoted".

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

And that is the bottom line right there.. Truth.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: DeplorableBasket
A large majority of Americans know that the police are not the problem.

I don't dare say more because the truth has become "racist and bigoted".

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

Double post.
edit on 28-9-2016 by iTruthSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 12:10 PM
Thank God i dont live in the USA. i guess the police would have killed me long ago. You see, I suffer from a neurological condition (brain tumor) that gives me sort of seizures. After such an event I can wander around aimlessly, and if somebody talks to me I cannot make any sense of what he/she says. To add to it, to control it I also walk around with electrodes stuck to my head, making me look like a suicide bomber.....
so, i guess if I lived in the USA your cops would have murdered me long ago....

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 12:15 PM

Looking at that picture , I`d have shot too.

The article is very imformative about what happened. Its a sad situation, but I am not seeing the officers as acting in an illegal fashion.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Hellhound604
Thank God i dont live in the USA. i guess the police would have killed me long ago. You see, I suffer from a neurological condition (brain tumor) that gives me sort of seizures. After such an event I can wander around aimlessly, and if somebody talks to me I cannot make any sense of what he/she says. To add to it, to control it I also walk around with electrodes stuck to my head, making me look like a suicide bomber.....
so, i guess if I lived in the USA your cops would have murdered me long ago....

Its convenient that you leave the part of this equation out that matters.

This person didnt get shot for looking crazy.
The person got shot for acting like he was shooting the cops or did you not look at the pic?

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