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Police Shoot, Kill Man in San Diego Area; Protesters Gather

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posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Do you not see how ignorant your rant is? Because it's about what you deem "deplorable American gun issues" it's ok for you to be a rude across the pond jerk?

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 05:04 AM
BAAH. try spending a decade under a leader like Pinoce and then come back to the table and lodge some complaints.
The guy took a threatening posture with what could have been a weapon, you know what? if i was the cop i would have shot him twice. 1. because i have a mortgage and 2. because i want to go home when i finish my shift.
next thread.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: PLAYERONE01
BAAH. try spending a decade under a leader like Pinoce and then come back to the table and lodge some complaints.
The guy took a threatening posture with what could have been a weapon, you know what? if i was the cop i would have shot him twice. 1. because i have a mortgage and 2. because i want to go home when i finish my shift.
next thread.

Agree. In this case, I'd have made sure he went down. Cops can't wait to work out what is in a person's hands as they point at them.
edit on 28/9/2016 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: Floridagoat
a reply to: elementalgrove

To many gun owners for the police state, that which would require every militarya nd police officer in the country to turn on his sister and brother, not happening ever.

American Civil war!! It has happened once why not again?

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: Floridagoat
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

The way I see it, you know little about anything to do with America that you haven't gleaned from John Wayne westerns and bought and controlled media, that being said to American's your comment is foolish at best and the entertainment value of it is high!

Of course you do that is because you like to think you have a dice bro...I am American ....

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: Floridagoat
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Do you not see how ignorant your rant is? Because it's about what you deem "deplorable American gun issues" it's ok for you to be a rude across the pond jerk?

Just to let you know PAL... However much I understand and respect your comments...

I am a hunter over here in Europe (France) and have a legal permit for the 3 shotguns and 2 high power rifles that I own...

HOWEVER... as a European, you will never hear me blabbing off LOUDMOUTH style about whatever amendments I may have or not have concerning firearms as our human kill/shooting ratio is WAYYY below the ratio from your country pal.

You loudmouth (whatever number amendment) people are REALLY boring to the rest of the world until the day that you can sit down and explain simply TO THE REST OF THE WORLD why you people HAVE to stick to old fashioned laws and amendments that you do not want changed...

Get to grips and understand that NOT only MURIKA exists.

Kindest respects


posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 05:16 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe
You are are a majority pro gun control country and will never take off your blinkers... Deal with it...

Other countries around the world don't need to deal with your whatever amendment bla bla and we can live without it thank you very much.

Especially all the murders of whoever gets a lead vaccine from gung ho "look at me I have a gun and can protect my amendment that only exists in the good old US of A... "F**K MURIKA* WE ARE THE BESTEST IN THE WORLD... BLA BLA and even more F**king BLA BLA*

We on the rest of the planet have had enough of some of your arrogant crap.

Get over it that your country and the arrogance spewed by so many from the same pile of soil that you live on means nothing anymore to the rest of the planet after everything that your countries decision makers (that YOU voted for) have done...

Kindest respects


a reply to: JinMI

Wow, "Kindest Respects" even!!!! Don't lie. There was nothing kind or respectful about what you said, so don't down play the closing of your rant.
Unless you live here in this country, and have something positive to contribute, you should keep your wrong opinions to yourself. You have no clue, other than the crap you read, and see on the news. There are people here in the U.S. you are judging wrongly who don't want this life here, but don't have the income to change their immediate surroundings. My advice to you is do some more research, maybe get a visa to come visit, if you're not scared to walk the mean U.S. streets for awhile, then you can have something to say about the situation here. Until then keep your crap like this off the web.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe

originally posted by: Floridagoat
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Do you not see how ignorant your rant is? Because it's about what you deem "deplorable American gun issues" it's ok for you to be a rude across the pond jerk?

Just to let you know PAL... However much I understand and respect your comments...

I am a hunter over here in Europe (France) and have a legal permit for the 3 shotguns and 2 high power rifles that I own...

HOWEVER... as a European, you will never hear me blabbing off LOUDMOUTH style about whatever amendments I may have or not have concerning firearms as our human kill/shooting ratio is WAYYY below the ratio from your country pal.

You loudmouth (whatever number amendment) people are REALLY boring to the rest of the world until the day that you can sit down and explain simply TO THE REST OF THE WORLD why you people HAVE to stick to old fashioned laws and amendments that you do not want changed...

Get to grips and understand that NOT only MURIKA exists.

Kindest respects


2 words for this post....
and enough with the lies "Kindest Respects" you don't really mean that, or your post would actually be that.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 06:01 AM
cops need to stop being such pussies and at least pay attention to what they might have. its not like they covered are in body armour. we wil see these daily until they piss of the BLM group to the point of a racial war. Sad times for everyone in USA. a reply to: elementalgrove

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 06:08 AM
A large majority of Americans know that the police are not the problem.

I don't dare say more because the truth has become "racist and bigoted".

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Someone's jealous they're not American.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Deny the fact people get shot in France? if a shooter appears in France, what's the response time? It's too late.

Regarding the internet, Merika F Yea built it, soooo YOUR WELCOME.

Our country has never been invaded and partly because citizens have guns. Ever hear of Nazi Germany?

An inanimate object is to blame for murders? You may want to check yourself into the looney bin (probably normal there).

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe
You are are a majority pro gun control country and will never take off your blinkers... Deal with it...

Other countries around the world don't need to deal with your whatever amendment bla bla and we can live without it thank you very much.

Especially all the murders of whoever gets a lead vaccine from gung ho "look at me I have a gun and can protect my amendment that only exists in the good old US of A... "F**K MURIKA* WE ARE THE BESTEST IN THE WORLD... BLA BLA and even more F**king BLA BLA*

We on the rest of the planet have had enough of some of your arrogant crap.

Get over it that your country and the arrogance spewed by so many from the same pile of soil that you live on means nothing anymore to the rest of the planet after everything that your countries decision makers (that YOU voted for) have done...

Kindest respects


a reply to: JinMI

gun control, or as you might like, confiscation, is a different argument than the issue of Cops killing people instead of finding a less lethal solution. Please elevate yourself out of the low dark place this post came from. You are better than this.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: Floridagoat
a reply to: elementalgrove

To many gun owners for the police state, that which would require every militarya nd police officer in the country to turn on his sister and brother, not happening ever.

What about foreign NATO troops once the unrest is to much for local forces to deal with. Do not think Police state just neans US Police and Troops. Given a big enough problem you could see Blue helmets and UN tanks at anytime..


posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe

originally posted by: Floridagoat
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Do you not see how ignorant your rant is? Because it's about what you deem "deplorable American gun issues" it's ok for you to be a rude across the pond jerk?

Just to let you know PAL... However much I understand and respect your comments...

I am a hunter over here in Europe (France) and have a legal permit for the 3 shotguns and 2 high power rifles that I own...

HOWEVER... as a European, you will never hear me blabbing off LOUDMOUTH style about whatever amendments I may have or not have concerning firearms as our human kill/shooting ratio is WAYYY below the ratio from your country pal.

You loudmouth (whatever number amendment) people are REALLY boring to the rest of the world until the day that you can sit down and explain simply TO THE REST OF THE WORLD why you people HAVE to stick to old fashioned laws and amendments that you do not want changed...

Get to grips and understand that NOT only MURIKA exists.

Kindest respects


to help you understand, the big issue is that the Constitution be and remain a living document in which change has to happen with the consent of the whole country. There is a process to make changes to the constitution, and if AMERICANS wish to change it, they can follow that process. If any idiot can make a new law and subvert the 2nd amendment (the one about guns), then what's to stop them from making other laws and taking away other freedoms granted by that decree?

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:18 AM
I own my body and life, and therefore have a right to defend it however I see fit. You do not own me, nor does the government.

There is a distinct possibility that I may be confronted with a gun, knife, other deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, or possibly a group of people bent on harming me or those under my protection.

What's so unreasonable about having a firearm at my disposal as a last resort to defend myself if need be?

Serious question.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe

originally posted by: Floridagoat
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Do you not see how ignorant your rant is? Because it's about what you deem "deplorable American gun issues" it's ok for you to be a rude across the pond jerk?

Just to let you know PAL... However much I understand and respect your comments...

I am a hunter over here in Europe (France) and have a legal permit for the 3 shotguns and 2 high power rifles that I own...

HOWEVER... as a European, you will never hear me blabbing off LOUDMOUTH style about whatever amendments I may have or not have concerning firearms as our human kill/shooting ratio is WAYYY below the ratio from your country pal.

You loudmouth (whatever number amendment) people are REALLY boring to the rest of the world until the day that you can sit down and explain simply TO THE REST OF THE WORLD why you people HAVE to stick to old fashioned laws and amendments that you do not want changed...

Get to grips and understand that NOT only MURIKA exists.

Kindest respects


Hey, Lags. First off, thanks to France for setting up our country.
Second off, how difficult was it to file those permits for those hunting guns? How long was it between the time you filed it and the time you got the guns?
Third off, how does France handle shooters? What would a French pooice officer do in, say, Ferguson, Charlotte, Dallas or San Diego if they had to deal with an active shooter?
Fourth off, MAGMA. Greatest band ever.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: DeplorableBasket
A large majority of Americans know that the police are not the problem.

I don't dare say more because the truth has become "racist and bigoted".

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

Let's fill the inner cities with only black cops. Take the crutch of "racist cops" away from them.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe
You loudmouth (whatever number amendment) people are REALLY boring to the rest of the world until the day that you can sit down and explain simply TO THE REST OF THE WORLD why you people HAVE to stick to old fashioned laws and amendments that you do not want changed...

It's against the second amendment to change or repeal the second amendment, so it can never be changed.
edit on 28-9-2016 by Junkheap because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: GraffikPleasure

although i agree with most of your post, yes the mainland U.S has been invaded, along with what were U.S. territory's.
the ones where there were actually troops on the mainland were.

the british the war of 1812
the mexicans the Mexican–American War 1846-1848.

also there have been several attacks on the mainland U.S. during WWI and WWII.
attack on Orleans Massachusetts german u-boat opened fire on the port there, a tug boat was sunk.
the battle of Ambos Nogales, mexicans lead by Pancho Villa rebel, spurred on by what some say by german spies attack Nogales, Arizona from Nogales, Sonora.

there are quite a few more attacks that have occurred, the largest was the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. 8500 japanese troops landed there and the U.S. sent in 144.000, 3 June 1942 – 15 August 1943

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