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"Cat Burgler" Scaled The Wall Of The Ecuadorian Embassy In London; Target Julian Assange?

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posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

From the inquest..

On the day before his death, Mr Jones, who lived in had spent the day with his family, who had become increasing concerned about his wellbeing. The inquest heard that Mr Jones may have been suffering from the side effects of withdrawal from his medication. He returned to the hospital, where he was a voluntary inpatient, that night, but at 5am the following morning he was allowed to leave the hospital after filling out his own risk assessment form.

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: Chadwickus

Then I assume, even though he was admitted by his mother and father, he could leave at any time he wanted. After leaving to visit with family, he returned voluntarily. What's your point?

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

That no one made him do anything.

posted on Aug, 22 2016 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: Chadwickus

Ok. So, no one made him stay. No one made him leave. That's all we know at this point. We really don't know anything about what he may have been given to "treat" his problem. We don't really know what kind of cognitive behavioral therapy he was being subjected to. We don't really know what he meant by "trigger" words that seemed to elicit negative feelings. We don't know what he knew regarding Assange and the other high profile case he had been working on.

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

From what I remember reading, a bloke in the audience saw what happened and chased the 'gunman' out of the venue and down the street for a short distance but the gunman jumped into a car which then sped off.

From what I also read at the time although on another site etc, there was a bloke who was giving a talk and who collapsed and died. Whether that was the same event or not I dont know. I also suppose that its the case that TPTB cannot be confident in any weapon until it has been shown to work under actual working conditions so I suppose if they developed such a gun then they would have had to try it out under such conditions. Perhaps that's all that it was.

However the issue remains that the gun is real and therefore it can and probably has high likely been used on someone who came under the cross hairs of the powers that be and will it go into the hit mans tool bag.

edit on 23-8-2016 by Azureblue because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: Johnathanandheather

He has been in there for 4 years? Where does he even sleep!?

He hasn't slept in 4 years - good enough answer?

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 06:49 AM
What I want to know. Where was Uma?

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Fun to speculate...but a drunk man returning from the pubs is just as likely.

A government sponsored assassination attempt?

Trying to climb the brick front of the Ecuadorian embassy is pretty damn lame. DARPA and other govs. have drones the size of bees..Putin once killed a dissident with radioactive material in his cheeseburger..I don't think a guy walking off the street and climbing the front of the building is the way this would roll.

Just my 2 cents.

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 12:00 PM
so Fraulein Clinton got cold feet?

regardless.. its still a bad idea to take out Assange. People like him probably have a "deadman switch" and all hell break loose.

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: WanderingNomadd
a reply to: Agit8dChop

It must be the fabled Heart attack gun.

Why do you say 'fabled'? There are videos of congressional hearings with Senator Frank Church HOLDING a 'heart attack gun'! Stop spreading propaganda. Those guns are real, and at least FIFTY years old. Who knows what kind of tech the evil CIA has now? If you do a patent search on things like 'telegraphing speech via microwaves' that can 'talk' directly into a person's head, you'll get an idea of just what kind of evil crap the CIA uses now.


posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 01:40 PM
Make no mistake. I don't know why there's a 'question mark' in the title of this thread. There is NO OTHER RATIONAL reason why someone would be scaling a building at 3 freaking AM in the morning, except nefarious ones.

And if you think it's a coincidence that this is all happening whilst Assange is threatening to release email 'that will put Pickles in prison', I've got a bridge I need to sell you.

Things like this just put an exclamation point on the over a hundred people who have interacted with the Clintons and died mysteriously, either by murder, or 'suicide'. There should be no doubt that SOME FORCE is protecting the Clintons and Bushes in this world. What I want to know is when people are going to wake up and be disgusted at these criminals!

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: WanderingNomadd
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Or did it?

Dun, Dun, Duuuun...

Like this you mean?

from the article:

"Unlike the Snowden leak, these binaries actually are offensive hacks. While the scope each program is smaller (no sprawling XKEYSCORE-type stuff here) the potential damage is much greater. It’s one thing to alert the enemy to the fact that you have a weapon, and quite another to give them that weapon so they can use it against you, or anyone else for that matter. Everyone from Wired to The Washington Post is reporting that this leaked code is from the NSA — one anonymous NSA tipster said the data was “without a doubt, the keys to the kingdom.”"

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords

Mr Jones told Dr Pereira there were certain “trigger” words and films he had seen, any mention of which would set off his negative thought patterns.

Whoa. That last comment is quite illuminating. There are patents that show tech that can subliminally affect users, without them even knowing they have been attacked and manipulated. People can laugh and say I have a tin-foil hat, but look, the 'heart attack' gun is over 50 years old now. And there are tons of patents for accomplishing numerous nefarious things like beaming speech directly into a person's head, or subliminally getting them to feel something. The whole MKULTRA and Project Monarch and all the rest of the brain manipulation stuff that the CIA and deep state have been screwing with the last 75+ years is predicated on manipulating the mind and then using trigger words or phrases to 'wake up' the victim to perform a specific act, or feel a certain way.

Just look at Sirhan Sirhan. To this day, the man does not remember anything from the time before he came to the hotel, until after the assassination happened. A typical mkultra characteristic. Do some research on Candy Jones, who discovered, in the 60s (!!) that she had been manipulated by CIA doctors. And she's a drop in the MKULTRA ocean. Do some research on the Franklin Scandal, where numerous children were taken to Offit Air Force Base for MKULTRA conditioning.

People need to wake up to the nefarious things our CIA has been up to. They're starting to come out, because time has passed and some things are coming into the public domain, which obviously the CIA didn't bank on, since they thought they'd have accomplished their 'agenda' by now. But many of the documents, as has already been proven in congressional hearings, have been tossed into fires and/or shredded--like most of the MKULTRA documents were. The only way we even FOUND OUT about MKULTRA was because a few of the documents were misfiled, and became available in a FOIA request for a completely different subject.

The CIA has claimed that they stopped MKULTRA in the 60s. Which, as anyone with a peanut-sized or larger brain, who has looked into the Franklin Scandal, knows is an absolute complete freaking LIE. Perhaps the CIA stopped the 'research' (though I doubt it. The CIA is nothing if not professional liars), but the sure haven't stopped the 'implementation'.

WTFU people!
edit on 23-8-2016 by nomoredemsorreps because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-8-2016 by nomoredemsorreps because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-8-2016 by nomoredemsorreps because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

Is that what could be called an "Azrael" trigger?
I forget where I heard that.

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: infolurker

Fun to speculate...but a drunk man returning from the pubs is just as likely.

A government sponsored assassination attempt?

Trying to climb the brick front of the Ecuadorian embassy is pretty damn lame. DARPA and other govs. have drones the size of bees..Putin once killed a dissident with radioactive material in his cheeseburger..I don't think a guy walking off the street and climbing the front of the building is the way this would roll.

Just my 2 cents.

I have to agree with this. If they want him dead they aren't going to get some clown to try climb into the residence. Real life isn't like Splinter Cell.

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

Is that what could be called an "Azrael" trigger?
I forget where I heard that.

I'm not sure which 'trigger' or 'weapon' you're speaking of. I wouldn't remember the name of these things, only that I've seen the patents for creating these kinds of things...and that I've seen the video of Frank Church holding the weapon (and showing it to another Senator like it was some kind of toy or something. I don't think those Senators quite grasped just how evil the CIA truly is at the time. It was still the 'Cold War', so they prolly assumed those weapons were for 'someone else'. Surprise, surprise...)

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: wills120

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: infolurker

Fun to speculate...but a drunk man returning from the pubs is just as likely.

A government sponsored assassination attempt?

Trying to climb the brick front of the Ecuadorian embassy is pretty damn lame. DARPA and other govs. have drones the size of bees..Putin once killed a dissident with radioactive material in his cheeseburger..I don't think a guy walking off the street and climbing the front of the building is the way this would roll.

Just my 2 cents.

I have to agree with this. If they want him dead they aren't going to get some clown to try climb into the residence. Real life isn't like Splinter Cell.

It's true that it is far more likely that the suspect was something more benign. A tagger, a thrill seeker, a drunken fool, or someone not in their right mind. All other options are more likely than an assassin or operator. Even if it was an operator, who's to say that Julian Assange was even the target of the operation? Nevertheless, while the suspect may not be anything special, the location he chose to scale is. For one, it is an embassy. Two, it happens to be the embassy where Assange is. Those additional facets makes the situation a horse of a different color, and one that deserves scrutiny and investigation.

I would like to add that I'm given to understand that there are any number of reasons an operator of any allegiance might be ordered to breach a foreign embassy. Good counter-intelligence operators employ a variety of low-tech and high-tech security measures in conjunction with each other to protect information. In addition, almost every embassy, no matter the nation, has at least one counter-intelligence operator somewhere on staff. If sensitive information was a target, that could be a reason for a manual breach of the embassy.

If Assange were the target, there could be any number of reasons why an actual operator would be tasked with carrying out the assassination. Another operation could have fallen apart calling for drastic measures. Timeframe may have been a issue. Assange's isolation. Maybe they needed to plant physical evidence for the purpose of misdirection immediately after the fact.

I suppose all I'm saying is that the situation warrants a stringent investigation and theories shouldn't be dismissed out of hand, no matter how unlikely. The consequences of overlooking any facet of this situation could be severe.

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

In some where I once read that a fear /shock reaction preprogrammed in that would kill if a certain memory was accessed without a procedure.
It said they were using electromagnetic halos to implant memories by triggering emotional centers with hypnosis using a primitive 80s version of NLP.
It was used on military elite to motivate them.

posted on Aug, 23 2016 @ 09:07 PM
The WikiLeak's Twitter shared today that UK police had taken two hours to respond to the intruder. This is despite a 24h covert op and the fact that the police station only a two minutes walk away from the embassy.

posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

In some where I once read that a fear /shock reaction preprogrammed in that would kill if a certain memory was accessed without a procedure.
It said they were using electromagnetic halos to implant memories by triggering emotional centers with hypnosis using a primitive 80s version of NLP.
It was used on military elite to motivate them.

Yeah, I've read of that too. That is most definitely a Project Monarch 'experiment' that became standard practice in the repertoire of the criminals using MKUltra. I've read a lot about this stuff the last 4+ years, starting with a book by Candy Jones, who was a model in the 50s and 60s and married to a popular radio personality in the 60s. He discovered after they married that she would be 'triggered' by certain words and become a completely different personality, so they both started investigating this. Turns out she had major DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder) and had been doing 'tasks' for the CIA (at first voluntarily), but they then screwed up her head. The only reason why it was discovered was because it was still EARLY in the MKULTRA program in the early 50s so they had some 'kinks' in the machine.

MKULTRA is a complete mind-control program. And people who say that they can't be forced to do something they don't want to do, have been reading the propaganda, because the fact is, YOU CAN be forced to do things you don't want to do using the techniques learned in MKULTRA. And they don't want you to know this, so that's why you've always heard that 'hypnosis is safe', when in fact, it is NOT. Jesse Ventura also proved this in his Conspiracy show, when a test subject was hypnotized using an MKULTRA technique and was doing things he most definitely did not want to do.

Anyone that still has any doubts about the nefarious and evil results available using MKULTRA just watch the videos of the Congressional hearings that were done (I think in the 80s) with numerous victims of MKULTRA. As usual, though a BUNCH of evil stuff came out in the hearings, the MSM was pretty much silent about the whole thing, which shouldn't be surprising considering in that SAME bunch of hearings, they (Congress) was told that the CIA has completely penetrated MSM).

As to people saying it was 'benign', are you serious? Some DRUNK is NOT gonna be able to scale some building. And certainly NOT be able to do so, then when discovered be able to run to a parked car, DRIVEN BY SOMEONE ELSE and get away. WTFU people.

The ODDS of some random guy, some 'joy-seeker' trying to scale a wall at 3 AM IN THE FREAKING MORNING? And you numbnuts think is some 'benign' thing? What are you smoking? Because the odds of this, AT the one embassy that Assange happens to be staying in, at THAT TIME of the morning, and then to have a driver parked nearby to whisk him away--seriously, that's just dumb thinking. It's an insult to the bravery of Assange, that he is doing all these things that put him in obvious danger, as Gary Webb, Danny Casolaro, Michael Hastings, Gary Caradori, and a host of other DEAD investigators would attest to, if they were freaking alive. SMH.
edit on 24-8-2016 by nomoredemsorreps because: (no reason given)

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