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Japanese victims suing makers of Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines.

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posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 05:18 PM

Vi ctims of government-recommended cervical cancer vaccine to sue state, drugmakers.

“Many victims are still suffering from side effects of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines Cervarix and Gardsil, which include overall pain and disorders of perception, movement and memory,” lawyer Masumi Minaguchi, a representative from the planned lawsuit’s defense team told a news conference in Tokyo.

Minaguchi said the victims will file the suit sometime after June against the central government, GlaxoSmithKlien PLC, the maker of Cervarix, and Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., the maker of Gardsil, at four district courts in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka.

She said the defense team will seek additional plaintiffs to join the lawsuit by holding seminars in April and May.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Sakai said she has numbness in the right side of her body, back and around her chest.

Yui Taniguchi, who suffers from a number of symptoms including severe headaches and occasional loss of vision, said she decided to join the suit in order to show that there are many people whose lives have been turned upside-down by the vaccines’ side effects.

The US vaccine courts have paid millions to victims claiming that vaccines have caused autism and other neurological disorders in their children.

By 2010, the U.S. Court of Claims had awarded nearly $3 billion dollars to vaccine victims for their catastrophic vaccine injuries, although two out of three applicants have been denied compensation.

The UK courts have paid even though the burden of proof is much higher.

In Italy, the courts have said in no uncertain terms that vaccines do in-fact cause autism.

"But vaccines are responsible for the eradication of horrible diseases like polio".

Correlation does not prove causation.

The reduction of diseases attributed to vaccines was already on the decline due mostly to medical advances in technology, research and sterilization/sanitation.

"But you not being vaccinated puts me and my children at risk".

How? Youre already vaccinated, what do you care if I'm not?

Unless you think that they dont really work in which case, youd be right.

Why Did Vaccinated People Get Measles at Disneyland? Blame the Unvaccinated.

The vaccine replicates just like the full-on measles virus, inciting your immune system to produce antibodies against it. Those antibodies then protect against actual measles as well.

But in some people, that response just doesn’t happen. No one knows why. Either your body doesn’t produce enough antibodies, or the ones it does produce aren’t specific enough to latch on to the virus and kill it.

See you "anti-vaccine" weirdos, its YOUR fault!

Dont blame the vaccines simply because they dont work!

Which is why so many people get the flu even after being vaccinated "against" it.

What if vaccines were only effective 10% of the time or not at all, do you really think they'd tell us?

Vaccines Market worth $57.8 Billion by 2019.

The global vaccines market is expected to reach $57,885.4 million by 2019 from $33,140.6 million in 2014...

But whether or not vaccines work (they dont, not as claimed anyway) or whether they're incredibly dangerous, is actually a secondary issue.

The real point/question here is, does someone else have the right to force me to inject something into my body or the bodies of my children?


This is the real issue and dont you forget it.

edit on 3-4-2016 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 05:26 PM
Vaccines do work, there are side effects but at the end of the day side effects out weigh getting the actual disease. We know that they're effective from the Titers you get drawn after a number of years.

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 05:56 PM
I came across information about this particular vaccine a few months ago. I was horrified at what has happened to some of the young women that have gotten it!

I am usually the one that takes my daughters to the their yearly checkups, but I told my husband that under no circumstances are our girls to get this vaccine.

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: chelsdh

I agree -

I am not 'anti-vaccine' when it comes to such standard ones as polio, mumps, measles. etc, but...

...these vaccines for HPV have such terrible reputation for really devastating side effects.

And the fact is, only people who are sexually active are at risk for the disease, so why parents are being urged to have 'children' vaccinated for it is beyond me -
- although, I suppose the 'argument' would be that kids/teens are becoming sexually active at increasingly young ages.

Still, I would rather make certain that my daughter has the 'fear of STDS' (the permanent health damage they can do) well ingrained in her understanding of the consequences of sex than risk her health with this particular vaccine..

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

I was also blown away by the fact that some doctors are urging parents of girls as young as 9 to have this vaccine, when, like you said, it is for sexually active people. And it is only good for 5 years! That is absurd! And while I know that some kids are sexually active at young ages, like you said, they should learn to fear STDs

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Oy where to start here ....

(a) Diseases were on a decline because of advances in medical science. Which includes vaccines.
(b) No one claims polio was eradicated, its was getting close to being eradicated, like small pox however. Then the anti-vaxer movement took traction. Now it is returning. Great job guys, great job.
(c) The "correlation does not equate to causation" line only applies to foolish statistical analyses. The decrease in diseases like polio, small pox (when was the last time you heard of a case?), measles, mumps, rubella, etc, can be directly, and properly attributed to vaccination programs. Go get into the data yourself.
(d) Every modern vaccination in the west, involves being informed of the dangers, and there are some, there are always some dangers with treatment, be they pharmaceuticals, vaccines, or herbal treatments (Just less than most of the diseases). The taker of the treatment is responsible for reading and or asking about these dangers. If this invovles children, the adult responsible for them is, you guessed it, responsible.
(e) Certain individuals who have compromised immune systems, or rare conditions, can NOT take vaccines, and the majority of the population being vaccinated, helps protect them. An Anti-Vaxer cost my grandmother her life (at 90), by refusing to be vaccinated, and then visit her nursing home when they were ill. So yes I am biased.
(f) Court cases being won, do NOT equate to "big Pharma" (guess what you are forgetting small, and medium Pharma too) being dangerous. It equates to the courts making a ruling, usually not based off of scientific data, but rather a judges feelings on a matter.

That is where I will start. But to boil it down. If one takes a vaccine, one needs to read what the risks are.

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

I admire you for being willing to start a thread like this. It is as loaded a topic as chemtrails. The same people who Reem those who don't want them still admit their side effects. Gardisil did horrible things to the young girls in tx after the governor forced them on people. So much so that he was forced to step back the policy.

The fact is there are side effects and the state has no right to force this on anyone. "We know what's best!" I won't even jump into the mud with those who are ok with someone else's child having life long side effects. Get over yourselves. U want it then get it. U want your kids to have it then ok. Don't force it down the views of other people's children.

Just ask for the insert next time you get one. Try actually reading it. The list is long and horrible. The fact this is happening in several nations now is very telling. And there will come a time when it can no longer be denied even by the most die hard supporters. There is something very wrong here and the polarization and flat refusal of some to see it is astonishing.

I say the more that fight back the better.

edit on 3-4-2016 by akira131 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 09:27 PM
I have all of my vaccinations. Including some extra I got going overseas in a combat zone.

Both my kids have all their vaccines and will continue to get them on schedule.

Why are so many people antiscience?

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
I have all of my vaccinations. Including some extra I got going overseas in a combat zone.

Both my kids have all their vaccines and will continue to get them on schedule.

Why are so many people antiscience?

It's not anti science. I work in a medical facility. For a time the flu vaccine was mandatory to keep your job. Before you took it you had to sign a waiver stating you or your family could not sue incase of debilitating side effects. Me and 30 other people had swelling of the spinal chord and adverse immune responses. That was 3 years ago and I haven't had another since. They had to discontinue the policy.

Like I said. Try reading the insert.

It's like saying... hey public moral is low... let's put antidepressants in the water supply. Because... u know... drugs are good and big pharmacy loves you. Yea....
edit on 3-4-2016 by akira131 because: on mobile...

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 10:53 PM
if , as claimed " vaccines dont work " can an anti vaccination avocate please COHERENTLY explain the elimination of : rinderpest ???

posted on Apr, 4 2016 @ 02:40 AM
I read up on the HPV vaccine when my daughter was due to have it.
As usual the first things that pop up on Google are all the horror stories (and all of the lawyers, yes there are loads of them!).

So I had a proper look around and actually spoke to people who work in women's health and completely disregarded the websites which cite VAERS as real data.

My daughter has now had the vaccine.

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: gladtobehere

By 2010, the U.S. Court of Claims had awarded nearly $3 billion dollars to vaccine victims for their catastrophic vaccine injuries, although two out of three applicants have been denied compensation.

Ok, let's take a look at the 'catastrophic' statistics: yes, since 1988 the program has paid $3 billion in compensation (in 27 years). But let's look at the statistics without sensationalist titles:
- From 2006 to 2014, over 2.5 billion doses of vaccines were administered.
- 3422 petitions were filed for compensation of which 2173 were compensated
- This means that for every 1 million vaccines given, 1 individual was compensated.
Latest report

Every medication has possible side effects and adverse reactions. Paracetamol, which is sold over the counter and used by children and adults alike, causes a lot more damage than vaccines, with almost 500 deaths every year in the US alone!! LINK

The UK courts have paid even though the burden of proof is much higher.

Between 1997 and 2005 the UK Vacccine Damage payment scheme has paid £3.5 million. You do the math!

In Italy, the courts have said in no uncertain terms that vaccines do in-fact cause autism.

Not true again. Evidence please?

How? Youre already vaccinated, what do you care if I'm not?
Unless you think that they dont really work in which case, youd be right.

Because of those who cannot be vaccinated because they are ill or immuno-compromised. Is this so difficult to understand? Simple biology!

Regarding HPV: from 2009 to 2014 more than 719,000 HPV vaccines were distributed in the US. 113 adverse reactions were reported and only 7 were found to be serious. 7 out of 719,000. LINK

edit on 5-4-2016 by Agartha because: Spelling

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 03:33 PM
The provincial court which actually cited Wakefield when they ruled that MMR caused autism (yes, they cited a fraud) unsurprisingly had that decision over-turned.
Another trope bites the dust.

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

your link to US courts paying 3 billion goes to an anti vaccine application form, not facts, this actually shows, also showing around 1 in 1 million wins.
the UK courts have paid what exactly?
when did italian courts claim vaccines cause autism?
idiots not getting vaccinated is a problem CDC, no doubt you will ignore facts.
if vaccines were only even %50 successful they would get pulled, %10 your mentality is showing now.
flu viruses mutate aggressively , get inoculated november it will have changed by january, people are susceptible again, do you have any intelligence?
ok, you don't want to protect your kids, keep them housebound when they get measles so they don't pass it on, don't see the doctor, hey you had your chance, and bury them in your back garden.

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