posted on Dec, 10 2018 @ 11:17 AM
I know this is an old thread, but im replying anyways. I hope at least today you are feeling a bit better. If there is one thing I have learned its
that life can be monotonous, but it can also take a turn at any moment, usually when we least expect it.
Long story short, in the summer of 2017 I found out my fiance of 8 years was seeing a much younger girl, 10 years younger than me, behind my back. He
was planning on leaving me for her, which he did once I found out. He dated her for 5 months before he came crawling back once it was over. It was a
horrible situation but you learn a lot about yourself and others when things like that happen. I had always put my happiness in the hands of someone
else. I never stopped to actually make myself happy, I counted on him to do it for me. I put my self esteem into him loving me. When it came crashing
down, it was a big realization that though its fine to want a partner, its also super important to be able to love yourself and create your own
happiness. I had to learn how to do that during that year, and this year too.
So I truly hope you find the woman of your dreams. But just remember that people can switch up on you at any given moment. Which might sound cynical
but for me it was a much needed lesson in life. My inbox is always open!