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UK Referendum 23 June 2016 - Will it be an EU BREXIT or Not?

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posted on May, 31 2016 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: CJCrawley
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Brussels will eventually have us down as Sector J, something like that. One of the north western states, not very remarkable in either size or importance.
A place were all their unemployed migrate too thus reducing their own welfare bill. Isn't that the truth!

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: CJCrawley

Brussels will eventually have us down as Sector J

That sounds like something out of a dystopian sci-fi movie!

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Morrad

Sounds like where Homer Simpson works at met burns factory, sector 7 j

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: Morrad
a reply to: CJCrawley

Brussels will eventually have us down as Sector J

That sounds like something out of a dystopian sci-fi movie!

As does our future.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 10:56 AM
Some good news!! UK voters leaning towards Brexit, Guardian poll reveals...

They conducted a telephone and an online poll...

In the phone poll of more than 1,000 adults, 45% said they favoured leaving the EU, and 42% remaining, with 13% saying they did not know. Once the “don’t knows” were excluded, that left 52% in favour of Brexit, against 48% for remain.

Using online polling, 47% said they would like to leave, and 44% remain, with 9% saying they were undecided. Excluding the latter, the result was the same as the phone method – 52-48 in favour of leaving.

I was starting to think the worst but now I have a new found hope in making the great escape.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

I propose that the UK is renamed EUBRIT. Because it certainly will no longer be BRITAIN!

A satire cartoon in the Independent has renamed us the United Kingdom of Brexit and Goveland (Sovereign Island Nation).

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: 83Liberty
I was starting to think the worst but now I have a new found hope in making the great escape.

I am beginning to feel the same
and wonder if David Cameron is feeling

it too?


Every doomsday scenario he has presented since the referendum was

announced - Armageddon, third world war, economic suicide, recession,

out in the wilderness, 10 years of austerity. etc. etc.

Has, when he was in Japan completely reversed to something

he said back in Nov.2015.."Some people seem to say that Britain couldn't

survive, wouldn't be OK outside of the EU. I don't think that is true. I think

the UK is an 'amazing country' capable of having a future outside the EU. it

has the fifth largest economy, it is a top ten manufacturer."

And to top all this his spin machine is leaking the message he is a closet


I think he's getting jittery and 'hedging his bets'

Maybe he's gone too far? and its too late for him to backtrack

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:10 PM
Well pretty much everyone it seems in my area of the south east who made there mind up is voting out.

I have meet only one person who wants to vote in.

Still a few undecided but most of those are drifting towards out.
The 3-4 week waits for simple GP appointments is pretty much a out campaign in itself.

Only thing that will keep us un are dumb arse northerners and scots who live in lala land and have not experienced or encountered the Eurocrap to the same degree we have in the south.
edit on 31-5-2016 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-5-2016 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: eletheia

originally posted by: 83Liberty
I was starting to think the worst but now I have a new found hope in making the great escape.

I am beginning to feel the same
and wonder if David Cameron is feeling

it too?


Every doomsday scenario he has presented since the referendum was

announced - Armageddon, third world war, economic suicide, recession,

out in the wilderness, 10 years of austerity. etc. etc.

Has, when he was in Japan completely reversed to something

he said back in Nov.2015.."Some people seem to say that Britain couldn't

survive, wouldn't be OK outside of the EU. I don't think that is true. I think

the UK is an 'amazing country' capable of having a future outside the EU. it

has the fifth largest economy, it is a top ten manufacturer."

And to top all this his spin machine is leaking the message he is a closet


I think he's getting jittery and 'hedging his bets'

Maybe he's gone too far? and its too late for him to backtrack
I stick to what I have said all along. The Leave vote will be 53-57%!

And also like I have said the Pollstation vote is 83% Leave after neaarly 80,000 votes. I wouldn't expect more than a 30% margin of error on a UK wide internet vote.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Only thing that will keep us un are dumb arse northerners and scots

Hey I'm in the north east and there is only one person voting to remain in my area and he's changed his mind as he is sick of having bricks lobbed at his windows.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: Morrad

Obviously a pocket of bright ones

Same way as we have a pocket of dip#s called brighton in the south!

Its more the scotts im worried about.

It would be really dumb for them to vote in. If they vote out then they would have better ground to force a referendum.
edit on 31-5-2016 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
Only thing that will keep us un are dumb arse northerners and scots who live in lala land and have not experienced or encountered the Eurocrap to the same degree we have in the south.


Someone else from the North here ....and I don't mean Manchester!!

I mean the proper north

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: Morrad

It would be really dumb for them to vote in. If they vote out then they would have better ground to force a referendum.

Can you explain how this would be ?

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 04:57 PM
I am flipping each day from In to Out and back again.

Today I'm out based on news footage of whats going on in France where the unions have shut down the country. Do we really want to go in with a country that goes on like that. We did this back in the 60's 70's and we are past that now.

I seem to be having more out days than in days now

BUT, and its a big BUT .... over arching all the arguments I want Independence for Scotland so I may still vote to remain simply to bring about another Scottish Independence Referendum. That is my ultimate goal. Nothing else matters
edit on b06516065 by bigyin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: bigyin
BUT, and its a big BUT .... over arching all the arguments I want Independence for Scotland so I may still vote to remain simply to bring about another Scottish Independence Referendum. That is my ultimate goal. Nothing else matters

Seems like a no brainer to me....

The Scots had a referendum and the result was to stay in the UK.

The UK is having a referendum to escape the undemocractic clutches of the

EU. If the result is the UK remain in the EU.... you have no chance.

If the UK is *OUT* you will have another opportunity, although when the EU

shackles are off and we have democracy sovereinity and freedom you may

feel differently

And I don't think you (Scotland) will want to rejoin the EU because i think

its days are numbered.

There is much on the foreign news stations that we are not getting, regarding

problems with immigration, there seems to be a consensual blackout of news

from there so as not to rock the referendum boat!!!

Sweden is having a total News lock down on problems they are having,

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: eletheia

originally posted by: bigyin
BUT, and its a big BUT .... over arching all the arguments I want Independence for Scotland so I may still vote to remain simply to bring about another Scottish Independence Referendum. That is my ultimate goal. Nothing else matters

Seems like a no brainer to me....

The Scots had a referendum and the result was to stay in the UK.


You are taking a huge interest in this referendum because it affects you and you want out of EU.

During IndyRef people like yourself didn't take the same interest in Scotland and what Scottish people wanted. You didn't experience the massive Project Fear that was set against Scottish people. I can't describe how it felt to be told everyday that you are worthless and not capable. At the very end stage Scots were given a Vow promising certain things if they stayed in UK. The day after the vote Cameron didn't mention Scotland. All he spoke about was English Votes for English Laws EVEL. The Scots have not been given any of the Vow promises. All been forgotten.

Scottish people were lied to, and cheated. The entire media were against Scotland. It is no wonder the vote was lost. Tbh honest I thought we did very well considering the huge forces against us. The result was not fair.

I think if the UK, and that includes Scotland, vote to remain, only at that very instant you might get a small semblance of the disgust and contempt we in Scotland felt about the Westminster establishment. many many people who voted to remain in UK have since expressed they felt hoodwinked and cheated. I think if there is a second vote the Independence vote will carry by a very large margin.

If you weren't in Scotland at the time to experience the onslaught then you have no idea what it was like. You are getting a flavour of it now during EU ref but even that is not as bad since some of the media are supporting the exit side and some the remain side. In Scottish ref none of the media supported leave.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Only thing that will keep us un are dumb arse northerners and scots who live in lala land and have not experienced or encountered the Eurocrap to the same degree we have in the south.

'dumb arse northerners' - revealing your true colours now aren't you.

I live in the North East England, and am very, very proud of that, and I only know a small handful of people up here who are considering voting Remain.
The majority are either undecided - because they are taking the time to listen to ALL arguments - and those who intend to vote out.

However, nearly every one of my southern friends - yes, I have a few - and associates - I have quite a few of these as well - nearly all intend to vote Remain.

Do you ever wonder why Northerners despise the South so much?
Arrogance seems to be an inherent trait.

And its that arrogance and ignorance that make so many of us openly state that we feel we have far more in common with our Scots and Irish brethren than we do with our southern countrymen.

I do feel sorry for those from the South West who seem to get tarred with the same brush yet who feel just as alienated and disgusted with southerners.

The molly coddled, chinless, bottleless southern do-gooders and arse lickers are the one's who will carry the day and sell us out to Brussels, you mark my word.

edit on 31/5/16 by Freeborn because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: bigyin

Bigyin, you won't have a hope in hell of getting independence if WE remain in the EU.

The EU is about BIG government.
The EU is about centralised government.
The EU is about giving Brussels authority over national elected assemblies and Parliaments.

Scotland and her wishes will be a total irrelevance to Brussels.

Their is increasing desire for greater devolved powers to ALL the regions of the UK.

That is Scotland's best route towards control over its own laws and economy etc.


And then we'll all be able to get away from the control of those parasites in Westminster and free ourselves of the London / South East / Home Counties centric nature of British society.

edit on 31/5/16 by Freeborn because: Add ETA

posted on Jun, 1 2016 @ 04:14 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: bigyin

Bigyin, you won't have a hope in hell of getting independence if WE remain in the EU.

Well I'm hoping England votes out and Scotland votes in.

That means UK is out of EU, but Scots can claim we want to be in so need another referendum on Independence. Whether or not we go back into EU after independence is up for discussion at the time.

If Scotland votes remain and in doing so tips the balance so the UK is kept in EU I hope that England has a referendum to leave UK and then another referendum for England to leave EU. I imagine brexiters in England will be furious with Scotland and that will give me some pleasure.

If England votes to remain and so does Scotland then its just the status quo. We all carry on as is.

posted on Jun, 1 2016 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: bigyin
You are taking a huge interest in this referendum because it affects you and you want out of EU.

Well I couldn't complain about outcomes if I didn't at least make the effort to

do something, and vote. However the result of a democracy means the majority

*thinking* wins so i feel putting my views from many years of experience are worth

mentioning, before having to accept the resulting outcome.

During IndyRef people like yourself didn't take the same interest in Scotland and what Scottish people wanted. You didn't experience the massive Project Fear that was set against Scottish people.

People like myself?

I view the Scots, Irish, and Welsh (incidently my grandfather was Welsh) in the

same way as i would *step family* (family with one different parent)

I didn't experience the *fear project* but i clearly saw it, and hoped that the

people were brave enough not to be blackmailed! But they weren't brave

enough to take that leap in the succeed one needs to take chances and

have 'self belief' --- *Fortune favors the bold*

I can't describe how it felt to be told everyday that you are worthless and not capable. At the very end stage Scots were given a Vow promising certain things if they stayed in UK. The day after the vote Cameron didn't mention Scotland. All he spoke about was English Votes for English Laws EVEL. The Scots have not been given any of the Vow promises. All been forgotten.

I think if you are old enough to vote you are old enough to realise that the

majority of politicians LIE. I have pointed out and linked a few times on this

thread the number of times David Cameron has done a blatent U turn

not to mention Tony Blair!!!

Scottish people were lied to, and cheated. The entire media were against Scotland. It is no wonder the vote was lost. Tbh honest I thought we did very well considering the huge forces against us. The result was not fair.

The result was not fair?? OR maybe the Scots were not brave


I think if the UK, and that includes Scotland, vote to remain,

Then they will have been cowed by fear and will deserve what they get.

The ambitious are not motivated by fear of the unknown but look on the

fact that *problems are only solutions in disguise* and life itself is a


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