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The reason I stopped posting on ATS

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posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: zatara
a reply to: nonspecific

Okay.... If some ats members behave like little children I can understand why. But then again, it is such a serious crime that an other option could have been banning those members who are not capable to behave like normal people would. Can you imagine closing threads about JFK, Roswell or some other significant event in history because of some children calling eachother names?

Not good

Yes I can imagine that.

The difference is that JFK/Roswell ect are historic events. It is not my place to get into this but there is a difference between something that happened 50 years ago and something that happened yesterday or last month.

Not my place to say or comment on other than that, as has been said before you can talk about it if you want but just not here.

Not my house and not my rules.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: daaskapital

I don't want to make this thread about that thread, but I don't know why you are being so stubborn about the Putin thread. People who are intelligent and have a flood of ideas, enjoy speculating. Nobody knew what the hay was going on, but it was interesting to speculate about it, and Putin was a popular subject at the time. It was fun. Like when a serious thread out of the blue becomes a joke thread, or heads off in another direction from the intended one, because the tangential idea becomes more interesting.

You know how threads take on a life of their own. ....

And about the moderation... I don't think it's more lax. SO and the gang relaxed T&C a bit. For example, we can make one-liners now, and say "DAMN". Lol! (Two years ago I would never have used "lol", for another example.) We have the 'mud pit' where things can get a little nastier.

But I get it. Some days I log on, look at the front page, and I'm gone. Come back later; it's different. It's the membership, and all the reasons stated above. Lots of peeps I miss too. I try to accept it for what it is but I don't see it returning to what it was. ( I miss the old ATS too. I miss my old friends.)

Nonetheless, I am glad to see you here, and I hope you will stick around. If it interests you - contribute. If you can make it better -- do. We still have some mighty bright posters.

eta: I was looking over your Thread titles, and of course I remember you, it hasn't been that long. And yes, you did make good threads.

edit on 2/9/2016 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting
a reply to: daaskapital

I don't want to make this thread about that thread, but I don't know why you are being so stubborn about the Putin thread. People who are intelligent and have a flood of ideas, enjoy speculating. Nobody knew what the hay was going on, but it was interesting to speculate about it, and Putin was a popular subject at the time. It was fun. Like when a serious thread out of the blue becomes a joke thread, or heads off in another direction from the intended one, because the tangential idea becomes more interesting.

You know how threads take on a life of their own. ....

And about the moderation... I don't think it's more lax. SO and the gang relaxed T&C a bit. For example, we can make one-liners now, and say "DAMN". Lol! (Two years ago I would never have used "lol", for another example.) We have the 'mud pit' where things can get a little nastier.

But I get it. Some days I log on, look at the front page, and I'm gone. Come back later; it's different. It's the membership, and all the reasons stated above. Lots of peeps I miss too. I try to accept it for what it is but I don't see it returning to what it was. ( I miss the old ATS too. I miss my old friends.)

Nonetheless, I am glad to see you here, and I hope you will stick around. If it interests you - contribute. If you can make it better -- do. We still have some mighty bright posters.

Here's one thing I do not miss.

2nd line...

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: daaskapital

I am doing research now for a future thread.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

Here's one thing I do not miss.

2nd line...

Me either! We about wore that one out, and it didn't work anyway -- you still got your wrist slapped!
Nope. Don't miss that a bit.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting
a reply to: nonspecific

Here's one thing I do not miss.

2nd line...

Me either! We about wore that one out, and it didn't work anyway -- you still got your wrist slapped!
Nope. Don't miss that a bit.

I do get where this thread was going but in all truth things change. I made a thread about the evolution of ats on new years day and I really can not imagine anyone actually wanting to go back to the old way of things.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
It must be exhausting expecting everything in life to be as you think it should be.
This is someone's else site, they set the t and c.... use or lose it...

*shrugs* I don't even know what the hell anyone is on about in this thread anymore and what they think they are even demanding.

Its a website MADE UP MEMBER CONTENT, not mod content, not 3 amigo content, but ATS IS A MIRROR REFLECTION OF YOURSELVES.

I think the place sucks at times, and I enjoy at others, I certainly am not ridiculous to think the reason for that is anything other than ALL OF YOU POSTING in this very thread, its your content that makes me enjoy or hate it.

I'll say it again, The T and C have not changed....the membership and their content is what changed...

I don't expect anything to be as i think it should be. Nor do i intend to demand anything. I'm just commenting on a topic which many people clearly feel for.

Of course this site is a reflection of its membership. No one said anything different. I just think the moderation contributes to how that membership acts. As i said earlier, i do think this website has decreased in quality, not least to the inconsistent moderation and the membership, but those things can be changed if we work together.

Again, while the t and c's haven't changed, the interpretation and enfoceability of them have. That, along with the membership, can change the website.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific

originally posted by: daaskapital

originally posted by: yeahright

originally posted by: daaskapital
I'm just telling it like it is.

You're telling it as you see it.

It's the truth.

We don't see many threads of quality anymore. We see a poorer standard of decorum (how many times does the staff have to raise attention to the lack of standards members currently have?). We see inconsistent moderation and enforceability of the terms and conditions (understanding that you guys have a tough job and rely a lot on members to help alert posts).

Granted, these things have the capacity to change, and they often do. It's just that ATS used to excel in the quality of threads, maintaining a great level of decorum and wielding a very good moderation team. Currently, that's lacking. Go back through that Putin thread, and you will find a good example of the above. Go back through a lot of the threads in the last couple of years and you will see a good example of the above.

I think I said this somewhere earlier but what are we supposed to write quality threads about these days?

What conspiracies can we still discuss in your opinion.

Everything is already done and any attempt to discuss most topics is degraded by the so called experts of Ats as they have seen it all before.

Without wanting to look like teachers pet SO's post about forum fatigue pretty much nailed it.

There are no more conspiracies and that is why ATS has adapted.

People don't necessarily have to write about conspiracies.

Any content would be great to read if someone took the time of day to gather interesting information and write a thread on it.

There's plenty of alternative stories, events and happenings which could make good threads. There's also a lot of things which aren't known by the general populace which could be posted and explored here.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting
a reply to: daaskapital

I don't want to make this thread about that thread, but I don't know why you are being so stubborn about the Putin thread. People who are intelligent and have a flood of ideas, enjoy speculating. Nobody knew what the hay was going on, but it was interesting to speculate about it, and Putin was a popular subject at the time. It was fun. Like when a serious thread out of the blue becomes a joke thread, or heads off in another direction from the intended one, because the tangential idea becomes more interesting.

I'm stubborn about it for the reasons i listed in that reply.

I don't think it was a good reflection on ATS, at least compared to other breaking events which had members participate in speculation and research. That Putin thread was very sensationalist, very wild and full of aggressive people.

You know how threads take on a life of their own. ....

Yep, lol.

And about the moderation... I don't think it's more lax. SO and the gang relaxed T&C a bit. For example, we can make one-liners now, and say "DAMN". Lol! (Two years ago I would never have used "lol", for another example.) We have the 'mud pit' where things can get a little nastier.

Relaxing the terms and conditions means the staff is more lax on it, even if only a little bit.

I understand a lot of the moderation is done with member help, and i understand it's a tough job, but i think if it was a little bit more consistent it would go a long way in helping improve the standards held by members.

But I get it. Some days I log on, look at the front page, and I'm gone. Come back later; it's different. It's the membership, and all the reasons stated above. Lots of peeps I miss too. I try to accept it for what it is but I don't see it returning to what it was. ( I miss the old ATS too. I miss my old friends.)

I couldn't agree more.

Nonetheless, I am glad to see you here, and I hope you will stick around. If it interests you - contribute. If you can make it better -- do. We still have some mighty bright posters.

eta: I was looking over your Thread titles, and of course I remember you, it hasn't been that long. And yes, you did make good threads.

We do have some bright posters, yourself included.

Thanks for your kind words, and i do apologise if i was rude to you or anything like that.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: mamabeth
a reply to: daaskapital

I am doing research now for a future thread.

I look forward to it.


posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 07:04 PM
I apologise to everyone if i misrepresented myself or anything.

It's not my intention to be stubborn or demand anything. I just saw an opportunity to raise some problems with the community in a popular thread dealing with that subject matter.

I know i'm not always correct, but if we consider the opinions of others and work together, i think we can make this place better. That's what i said earlier in this thread, and that's what i will stick to.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 11:13 PM
Well after reading this thread i decided to make a thread , ATS is what YOU make it at the end of the day

Maybe the brighter members here should do more on a regular basis

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 12:03 AM
I've been on here for about 9 years and have seen a lot change. In particular, the ability to have an intelligent discussion about even the most benign of topics has all but disappeared. As membership numbers increased, as did the number of trolls and people just looking to state their opinions regardless of relevance. I usually visit everyday just to see whats happening with the alien topics.

I understand some of the frustration long time members may have because, as stated above, there is a tremendous amount of people on here that contribute nothing except creating diversions from topics. Despite this, ATS holds a special place in my heart as it was one of the first online forums I ever joined.

Aside from the aforementioned complaint, the brightness of the main screen is another point of contention. I liked it better when it was always dark.

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: skoalman88

You can toggle the colour scheme of the website by clicking on the upper-most button on the right hand corner. The half-coloured circle.

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: yeahright

Is ATS not able to ban those people who do not know how to behave responsible?

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

This was a well worded reply to the OP.

And I would like to state, that I've been a member of other forums. And I have seen the chaos that happens when they are not moderated correctly, or with impartiality.

When I came to this site, and saw the rules and regulations I knew that the owners of this board, also understood a lot of that, and were sincere about keeping a good website.

I have no doubt about the rules, and the moderators as whole. I think it is very very well crafted and executed by intelligent, reasoning, and overall honest people.

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: Misterlondon
I've been here a few years myself and visit daily... the quality of the content has gone downhill significantly.
I used to spend hours making quality theads which if you look at my history have many between 50 and 200 flags. But to be honest now I wouldn't waste my time.
Also have noticed lately it just seems to be the same members posting in every thread.. I often ask myself how many unique visitors here daily? it appears as though numbers have dropped from a few years ago. .

Edit add.. the are a few members I do miss who no longer active here.. 'mad about mars guy' 'the wolf number 11' and 'jedi guy' to name but a few.

Miss them as well...
Gone but not forgotten.

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: On the level
I've stopped regularly visiting this site as I feel there has been a very negative change in posts and threads. So much hate and arguements when ATS used to have some amazing thought provoking content. Sad times

It's still there, between all the stupid shillery and tremendous amounts of spin-doctoring.

Times change, the internetz is part of the deception by now and not the counter-society it used to be 10 years ago.

You fine people just have to take back what's rightfully yours. We wouldn't get any ad hominem attention if we wouldn't be on to something. Sad you say? Think again... maybe it's just time to turn the other cheek.

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 11:37 AM
One thing I perceive is that a lot of people are very, very mad that in the internet and talk radio, there's competition to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CBC, BBC, PBS, Al Jazeerah, newpapers, magazines, hollywood, universities.

It's why there's always a nifty, new scheme being bandied about to exert more "control" or "fairness" on both new media.

lol, can't have something come along and break the lock on the media, formerly owned by the DNC and socialists / anarchists / atheists / LGBT.

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 11:40 AM
Without getting into specific threads or the topics of those threads, what has disappointed me the most is *HOW* things are discussed now versus in the past.

With a site this size, it is impossible to keep things like they were in the past and I dont expect that. But the level of decorum, maturity and respect has plummeted to near "YouTube Comment section" levels of nastiness and irrelevancy too often.

Sadly when that certain group enters a conversation it usually sends anyone having a serious discussion for the door. Who in the world wants to have a discussion with the angry, rude and often ill-informed people who aren't interested in discussing a topic but only want to shout their opinions and attempt to demean anyone who disagrees. Those threads either turn into an echo chamber or ad hominem attacks.

Spirited debate is awesome. Having a one-sided conversation with someone who had their mind made up before they entered the thread is not.

The mods have an unenviable task of trying to keep conversations civil and on-point, but it is really up to the people posting here to determine what they want this site to be.

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