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Bernie Sanders just melted away a 30-point Hillary Clinton lead in a new poll

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posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Same thing happened to me when I first read it on my news feed this morning before any caffeine had kicked lol.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:55 PM
i love my Bern, I do believe he will win it all. his momentum is only increasing, reminds me of Obamas' first run. his grassroots support is what won the presidency and Bernie has tapped into that artery. hope to all that is sacred he
doesn't take msnbc's advice to have HRC as his VP i will be heartbroken. Bernie 2016

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: Kali74

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: Daedal

I am still trying to figure out how Sanders can run as a Democrat when he is a self claimed socialist.

How can he claim to be a true Progressive, when as a registered Democrat, the Democrat Party and the DNC takes big money from banking firms and corporate donors.

Well... just because you've been told Progressive means something other than it's actual definition doesn't mean it's so. It's another broad word but generally in America it means a person who believes that government should work for all people to the betterment of society.

Just going by Bernie's words to Hillary from last night:

"I do not know any progressive who has a super PAC and takes $15 million from Wall Street", Sanders told CNN moderator Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night."

Doesn't the Democrat Party and the DNC get money from Wall Street?...and Isn't Sanders a member of the Democrat Party?
edit on 5-2-2016 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: avgguy

Bernie has already said that when congress refuses to act he will use presidential executive orders to accomplish his goals.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Bernie isnt a democrat he is an independent running as a democrat as he has always done. he was elected as an independent. He has always caucused with the democrats

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Someone doesn't want Hilary to become POTUS. Why else would all these stories regarding e-mails be out in the public domain?

She will be strong until the end, she's a Bilderberg, she has support in high places.

All will be forgiven. Right?

We're out of forgiveness......!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Doesn't the Democrat Party and the DNC get money from Wall Street?...and Isn't Sanders a member of the Democrat Party?

He refused SuperPAC funding....
his funding comes from individuals......

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: IAMTAT

Doesn't the Democrat Party and the DNC get money from Wall Street?...and Isn't Sanders a member of the Democrat Party?

He refused SuperPAC funding....
his funding comes from individuals......

But doesn't he enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership in an organization heavily funded by Wall Street and big corporate interests? These days he's got a capital (D) after his name; Isn't he indirectly benefiting from Wall Street money through his association and membership with the Democrat Party?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:32 PM
Seeing this new poll all over this morning, put a huge smile on my face!

After the first two Dem debates, I checked my google news and not a mention of Sen Sanders. The second debate the headline was Hillary crossed swords with her opponents and came away with a victory.

We have come along way and MSM is finding it harder, to just ignore Sen Sanders and his supporters.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: IAMTAT

Doesn't the Democrat Party and the DNC get money from Wall Street?...and Isn't Sanders a member of the Democrat Party?

He refused SuperPAC funding....
his funding comes from individuals......

But doesn't he enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership in an organization heavily funded by Wall Street and big corporate interests? These days he's got a capital (D) after his name; Isn't he indirectly benefiting from Wall Street money through his association and membership with the Democrat Party?

What rights and privileges are you even talking about?

In case you hadn't noticed, the entire DNC is supporting Hillary Clinton!

Do you mean he gets to enjoy the privilege of having the DNC do everything in their power to see that he's defeated?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

He has use of the DNC voter data, for this access they charge a percent of his donations.

So he is paying the DNC for their service, no freebie from Wall Street!

Nice try! (:

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:14 PM
The conservatives are running scared of Bernie now. The fear tactic of evil "socialism" threads have started. Not surprising!

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: evenkeel

Then what's the point of having separation of powers? Why don't we just elect a king if its fine to undermine the constitution.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I'm not sure what rights and privileges you're talking about. The Democratic Party is becoming as Wall Street as the Republican Party but in the Senate, Bernie wouldn't enjoy whatever perks you're talking about because he isn't affiliated with the Party at all.

As for a Presidential campaign his decision to run on the Democrat ticket had nothing to do with money it had to do with not dividing non-GOP voters because when that happens no one but the GOP benefits. The reverse is true also.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:24 PM
Bernie is against the Super Pacs.

But some of the Super Pacs are "supporting" him with some big outside dough-ray-me.

There are some

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
The conservatives are running scared of Bernie now. The fear tactic of evil "socialism" threads have started. Not surprising!

Bernie is nerve shattering !!

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: avgguy
a reply to: evenkeel

Then what's the point of having separation of powers? Why don't we just elect a king if its fine to undermine the constitution.

What's unconstitutional about Executive Orders? And how does using them go against Separation of Powers? The Power of the Supreme Court of the United States is that they can negate a law. Any law, including Executive Orders. That keeps both the Executive and Legislative in check. Their power is limited by their inability to create law.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: olaru12
The conservatives are running scared of Bernie now. The fear tactic of evil "socialism" threads have started. Not surprising!

Bernie is nerve shattering !!

Damn right he is. The GOP might have had a chance in defeating Hillary....but Bernie is a whole new ball game!

Why don't you use some proper smileys?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: avgguy

Franklin D. Roosevelt issued 3,522 Executive Orders

Just think what President Sanders could do!

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: Kali74

The Supreme Court can only challenge an executive order if congress asks them too and the SC chooses to take the case ( they've only ever challenged 2) Congress does not have any power over EOs the only thing they can do is defund the EO that the pres signs, but he can in turn veto the defunding.

So my question is when does it stop? It might be a candidate that you support but would you still support rule by executive fiat if it was an ultra right winger? what if they reversed gay marriage, the ACA, the keystone pipeline and affirmative action?
Would you still sit back, shrug your shoulders and say "oh well." That's what the libs are doing now, but I don't think they understand the slippery slope that Obama has created.

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