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How can we put the Flat earth theory to bed?

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posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

Simple, kill all the idiots! The supporters are all uneducated and if not, then we really are in a death spiral. No wonder the globalists want to get rid of the useless eaters! Seeing those questions in the streets of average citizens that have no clue about anything confirms the issue imo. We do have a serious problem with a large part of the population.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: nobunaga
That should clear up most of the issues, 1 thinks.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

You can try to make a dubious layman understand through the principle of perceived knowledge vs actual knowledge.

Our science believes that the Earth is a sphere, and all our subsequent understanding of the Earth from an aspect of physics (and naturally mathematics) derives from this core assumption. Our subsequent technology, such as satellites and GPS systems are completely dependent on the aforementioned understanding to operate.

If the person at hand cannot then understand the ridiculousness of the idea that we simply just 'fluked' the workings of all those things, you are left with no other option than to conclude that they are irrational. Another belief may be that all scientists are lying to us and really they are creating technology for a flat Earth, but that is an irrational (and delusional) belief as well and therefore you probably won't be able to make the 'change' yourself.

If the source of their irrationality is simply a product of an extreme lack of scientific understanding, you can try to work your way back up from first principles and create a foundation for a later realization - but if you can easily do that then you would automatically become a better teacher than most.
edit on 4-2-2016 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:44 PM

This is depressing so I'll lighten up a bit.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:51 PM
The "easy" answer is to finally make moon travel cheap & readily available to the masses. This will include a large moon colony and huge space stations that orbit the Earth at different trajectories. Every person can spend some time on the Moon, and watch it completely circle the Earth. And then they can visit the different space stations to see the Earth in its entirety, but from different trajectories.

An even simpler way would be for some person or group to have a continuous live "stream" of a quick trip around the world. I mean no breaks & no editing. Just continuous video of them boarding a plane in any major city, then taking a direct series of flights around the world to end up back in their original location. And once they finally land back in their beginning city, they do the same thing but in a different direction. All of this must be filmed & tracked via gps, and they can do 10 or 20 different trips like this at different trajectories.

So basically, I start in New York City. I point towards the North Pole, then take a series of flights that take me directly over the North Pole, "down" through Siberia, then through Asia, then through Antarctica, then back "up" through the Americas until I get back in NYC. Then I point at 10 degrees to my east and immediately take another series of flights in that direction until I get back to NYC. Then I point at 20 degrees & do the same thing. Then 30, then 40, & so forth.

Having all of that being tracked, filmed, streamed, and verified in real time would probably do the trick. Especially if there are some form of "verified" stops along the way, like local stores & the landmarks that are filmed in person along the way (or there could be flat-earthers on the trip who must document it as well).
edit on 4-2-2016 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: anotherdaytoday

Whatever you've been perusing it definitely ain't evidence. I don't claim to personally know one way or another, but there would have to be a huge cover up/conspiracy going on considering the fact we have airplanes that travel the globe & hundreds or thousands of satellites orbiting earth.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:05 PM
another arguement/video i see regarding FE is that you cannot take a direct flight from so america to new zealand. instead the flights have to go through america because the earth is flat. 2 reasons... up until the 2000s, the only aircraft capable of making that journey would be a 747, and it would end up 15 miles short of new zealand, without refueling. New aircraft liek the 777 and 787 and a380 have much farther ranges...
this picture is from american airlines website... please note that there are flights from so america west to the pacific islands

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
The "easy" answer is to finally make moon travel cheap & readily available to the masses.

An even simpler way would be for some person or group to have a continuous live "stream" of a quick trip around the world. ...

do you understand what easy and simple means? becuase I suspect you

so yeah, you could do that, or you could just go to the ocean, watch a ship sail away, and watch it slowly sink under the the ancient greeks did when they realized the earth was a sphere..
cheaper than moon bases...

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

I do not know any flat earthers. I have run across some here on the internet who are. They are children.
We feed our children balderdash with cartoons and senseless comedies and flying burritos and we wonder about them when they get old enough to begin thinking for themselves.

They have not been taught how to think, only to consume. To consume information, and one of the biggest bits of infomration circulating now is the 'think out of the box' meme. The 'it all goes deeper than that' meme. The ' you are being lied to,' meme. Those are powerful concepts and when taken in by young minds, minds that have not yet begun to function as a rational adult might, fall prey to any number of false belief systems.

The good thing is that the flat earth belief is such a simple one, one that can easily be debunked,
But as a sample of false beliefs and how easy it is for children to believe it must make us wonder about other memes, other beliefs that are just as false but not so easily detected.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: nobunaga Drop a ball bearing in a long cylindrical tube, design it so it takes a long time for the ball bearing to reach the bottom, maybe fill the tube with oil. FRom what I understand of centripetal and centrifugal force the ball should end up on one side of the tube?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
The "easy" answer is to finally make moon travel cheap & readily available to the masses.

An even simpler way would be for some person or group to have a continuous live "stream" of a quick trip around the world. ...

do you understand what easy and simple means? becuase I suspect you

so yeah, you could do that, or you could just go to the ocean, watch a ship sail away, and watch it slowly sink under the the ancient greeks did when they realized the earth was a sphere..
cheaper than moon bases...

saturn fx ... FE ers will not accept the ship going over the horizon as any proof. they claim if you look at it with binoculars you can see the whole ship ( which we all know isnt true ) they say its convergence. it appears the ship is under the horizon, and the mast still above... but if you use binoculars you can still see it until its so far away its a dot.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: kenzohattori69
a reply to: nobunaga Drop a ball bearing in a long cylindrical tube, design it so it takes a long time for the ball bearing to reach the bottom, maybe fill the tube with oil. FRom what I understand of centripetal and centrifugal force the ball should end up on one side of the tube?

gravity pulls the ball down

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:15 PM
The earth is neither 2D or 3D. Only when you take the Red Pill will you realise that the entire earth is an illusion that your eyes are programmed to see from birth.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
The "easy" answer is to finally make moon travel cheap & readily available to the masses.

An even simpler way would be for some person or group to have a continuous live "stream" of a quick trip around the world. ...

do you understand what easy and simple means? becuase I suspect you

so yeah, you could do that, or you could just go to the ocean, watch a ship sail away, and watch it slowly sink under the the ancient greeks did when they realized the earth was a sphere..
cheaper than moon bases...

There are multinationals, agencies, and trade groups that could do these if they actually tried. And the 2nd example would probably cost less than $150,000, and that's for at least 10 round-planet trips (including documentation & more). In comparison, some Hollywood movies cost hundreds of millions of dollars. And basketball players can make 10s of millions of dollars a year. Surely one of them or some rich entertainer could donate $150,000 to do this if they chose to. People could probably do a GoFundMe project & raise that if they tried hard enough.

So yeah, it's relatively "easy".
edit on 4-2-2016 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:18 PM
Well it cant be put to bed if You are making a thread about something so silly. Everyone knows the Earth is a triangle.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:18 PM
Every theory or hypothesis must be testable and falsifyable, right? I propose a simple, inexpensive experiment, as follows.

Set up a laser on a stable platform at the edge of a large lake, hopefully a lake so big that you can't see the opposite shore. Mount a laser target on a stable boat, with a video camera to record the laser shining on it. Make sure the laser is parallel to the lake surface. In calm water conditions, run the boat out into the lake, and see if the beam is steady on the target, or if it moves - assuming the boat is steered to port or starboard to minimize horizontal movement of the laser dot. A measured, linear scale on the target will help.

If the Earth is flat, the laser should stay fairly steady on target.

If the Earth is round/spherical, the laser should slowly rise on the target, allowing for wave action, until it slips off the top of the target.


Well, not so easy - the Flat Earthers will just question how you can make a laser beam parallel to the Earth's surface if the Earth is a sphere. They just won't accept it, I think...
edit on 4-2-2016 by Lazarus Short because: whoo hoo

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:18 PM
What would happen if you swung a pail of water on one axis? Now swing a pail of water exactly the same way, just make the top of the pail a square. Same results?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: Spider879

This is depressing so I'll lighten up a bit.

That was amazing lol

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:20 PM
FE ers also like to reference the United Nations emblem. They claim oh the UN knows, thats why their flag is a flat earth. Well you see, a flag is flat. So you really cant depict a spherical object upon a 2d flag.
Maybe FE ers stole the UN flag as a map...
i would also like to know who started the theory that the earth is surrounded by ice walls that nobody can fly or climb over. bet that conversation was stupid...
hey buddy if the earth is flat then how come ships just dont fall off the ends..
FE er - well duh, you see theres giant ice walls that prevent that from happening

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

It needs to be put to bed. It's being used to malign anyone with any questions about anything 'official.'

Case in point, I saw IFLS use it this morning with regard to Zika 'conspiracy theories:'

Another week, another ridiculous conspiracy theory. While perhaps not quite as outlandish as the idea that Earth is flat, which has somehow resurfaced much to the dismay of scientists, it has now been claimed that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are responsible for the outbreak of Zika virus.


I think it's safe to say that the flat-earth stuff is controlled opposition style disinfo meant to make all conspiracy theorists look 'outlandish.'

edit on 4-2-2016 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

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