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Shawna Cox and Victoria Sharp's Interviews Match Precisely- LaVoy Finicum WAS Murdered in Oregon

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posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

May I ask a big favor? There are claims that when the first officer approaches Mr. Finicum's body, that the officer approaches and kneels down with a weapon in hand, but the weapon is gone when the officer stands up again. Could you please look at the video and tell me if you see anything like that? I know I'm a big wuss, but I seriously cannot watch the video, and I just want to know if anyone else sees this or not.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 08:35 AM
Didn't these people announce that they were there to fight to the end? I am pretty I saw that guy say that sitting in a lawn chair. Delusions. Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 08:39 AM
To me, the immediate release of video was an obvious attempt to solidify the official story. The belief of many, even those that are skeptical, usually will accept the official story if video is provided quickly and with little "fanfare".

Compare this tactic to withholding video for months, or years, which suggest to even those with little skepticism that something just isn't right with a given scenario.

So in this case, what do we get, video, days after the incident.

Even in the other thread I was going to comment on the complete, coincidental, lack of any ground video. We were given video, the poorest one they had, in an attempt to muffle what surely would have been ongoing cries for "evidence".

With all the units on the ground, and the officers, there is better video. Possibly even POV video WITH AUDIO.

Where is that video, why didn't they pick that one and release it. Will we ever even see that video?

I'm guessing we won't because like the video of the officer in chicago, which took over a year and a FOI request from a judge to see, it will show a much different story than what the LE community is parroting.

My guess is it will show what most of us think it will, but maybe it won't. Either way the concept isn't too hard to fathom, the government and it's agencies commit murder every day, on it's citizens and around the globe. It's not a taboo topic for them, and for many of them it doesn't even make them flinch.

I hope we get more footage, so a REAL conclusion can be reached, in either direction.
edit on 1-2-2016 by MisterSpock because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
Didn't these people announce that they were there to fight to the end? I am pretty I saw that guy say that sitting in a lawn chair. Delusions. Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword.

No. You mean Live by the Constitution, Die by Murderous Cops. Oh, yeah. That's what I thought you said.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Looks like he put it away.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Thank you so much. That's been bothering me ever since I read it. I'll keep it in the back of my mind, filed under "never say never, but not so much."

Thanks again!

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

I know my mind, thank you very much. No, I think if I took up my rifle against another person, backed up with threats, I would expect violence, maybe death.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: TrueAmerican

I know my mind, thank you very much. No, I think if I took up my rifle against another person, backed up with threats, I would expect violence, maybe death.

I would too. Except for one problem: Not a single gun was ever pointed at the cops and now we have Blaine Cooper's account that LaVoy left his weapons at the complex. And this is corroborated by Victoria Sharp. So not only did they murder him in cold blood, but they murdered an unarmed man in cold blood. And further, those "threats" mostly came from the four guys left over at the complex. The cops were never under any direct threat from LaVoy while he was going to attend that meeting. They conspired, I now believe, to kill him- and possibly everyone else in that car too.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

And further, those "threats" mostly came from the four guys left over at the complex.

Speaking of those guys left at the complex... apparently the feds cut all phone service and internet connections, and they have not been heard from for a couple days. The video I posted earlier showed a long line of FBI vehicles pulling out on their way somewhere. Things that make you go hmmmmm....

I almost hope they're plants; because if they're not, I don't want to hear that there was another law enforcement action and they were all killed...

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican
I love conspiracies. There are better ways of overcoming tyrannical governments other than the ME ways. Why aren't you and other supporters there by the thousands? You expect heroes and Martrys and Jesus to save you. My generation got rid of the draft because of numbers and people willing to take beatings and jail. Maybe you know this is not the right cause.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 11:05 AM
I have to wonder if they aren't releasing any audio because its being doctored as we speak.

Also, the naysayers appear to be fairly quiet on ats today about this..for now.

I'll just leave these for when they get here

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican
If there is anyone in the area of the murder to confirm the cell phone coverage assertion, please do right away, as that is key evidence! Please go there and see where you're cell phone coverage cuts off.

History is in: as always, the VIOLENT CRAZY GUN-NUTTER FBI agents fired first because they are trigger happy sociopaths. The peace-loving militia members maintained peace to the degree they could. They the militia people with their guns only in self defense were the better men, as always.

The helicopter footage alone is sufficient for the death penalty for all FBI agents who had fired shots, and life in prison for the remaining attackers.

THE MURDERERS waited till there was no cell-phone service, and any evidence will show the man was murdered as shot as his hands were up.

There are many DISGRACEFUL people on ATS who plug their ears as if patriotic Americans are the insane ones, as if they are the violent ones, and deserve to be murdered along with their wives children. Why? Because maybe they could be reaching for something. LOL. Obviously we'd all be dead ten times a day if we were shot every time we maybe were reaching for something or not. Certainly we'd be dead if we were shot every time we raised our hands and said "someone shoot me".

FBI agents are paid very good money to take risk. They are not paid to be coward losers who shoot everyone who leans down. The FBI agents JOB is to DE-escalate violence. The coward murderers need to do their jobs and take risk. Even if the guy were reaching for his gun, their JOB is to wait until he has it in his hand. And then their job is to save the guy's life after he went down.

The band of murderers failed at murdering, because GOD helped them as they prayed for the evil FBI murderer bandits couldn't complete their mass murder. God's grace is why they weren't all murdered in cold blood.

HEY PRO-VIOLENCE THUG-SUPPORTERS on ATS, no I don't deserve to be murdered in cold blood for asserting my rights. The actions of the Oregon militia are justified and reasonable. Practical, no. They are risking their lives unlike other coward government slaves are willing to do.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
Didn't these people announce that they were there to fight to the end? I am pretty I saw that guy say that sitting in a lawn chair. Delusions. Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword.
Someone is murdered in cold blood while surrendering with hands up, so its hard to understand that as "living by the sword" even if they had a holstered pistol and had mentioned they will fight for their constitutional rights. Sorry no, a man holding his hands up is NOT living by the sword. The FBI coward murderers who would never think of taking any risk, those are the ones living by the sword. They are sociopaths and are a threat to society, unlike the peace-loving militia people of Oregon. The gun nutter violent FBI agents need to be put down when they commit murder and a judge should find the evidence pretty obvious they are guilty of that. However, he will not be allowed to have justice, as that would render the justice department as to be something doing justice, which they are not designed to do, and do not do in practice. Every person I know in the realm of law knows you are innocent until proven broke (ie no money to contribute to their system).

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: centarix

I believe most of us are angry. But no one has taken my gun, or property, I still get to vote,we can protest. I draw social security, never had debt, which I suspect is the real motive here. Land wars are stupid. Voting for good people and sensible zoning laws is fruitful.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 12:26 PM
S&F thanks for sharing OP.

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: TrueAmerican

And further, those "threats" mostly came from the four guys left over at the complex.

Speaking of those guys left at the complex... apparently the feds cut all phone service and internet connections, and they have not been heard from for a couple days. The video I posted earlier showed a long line of FBI vehicles pulling out on their way somewhere. Things that make you go hmmmmm....

I almost hope they're plants; because if they're not, I don't want to hear that there was another law enforcement action and they were all killed...

Yes, the connections have apparently been down but since the "moving protest" one of the reporters will share an upcoming video that will be possibly be released later today.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: dreamingawake

Thank you for the confirmation and update. I hope something is posted soon. So many questions about what's going on up there on all fronts... and no answers!

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

From the video this is what I perceive to have happened.

Agents stopped the truck Finicum was driving. It does not look like they ever approached the vehicle or identified themselves. They are not allowed to stop a vehicle without communicating with the vehicle. The driver probably thought "well, this is highly strange" as many people commenting on the video have stated. There was a VERY long wait with NOTHING happening before he drove off. I think this part of it was planned. I believe they wanted him to "flee".

When he came up on the blockade notice the officer JUMPED IN FRONT of the truck. Immediately the truck has become a weapon and officers are allowed to open fire.

I think when the agents opened fire Finnicum fled the vehicle to protect the passengers still inside. When people say he was reaching in his jacket I believe he was actually grasping wounds. His jacked was fully zipped so he was not reaching inside it for weapons. I think he may have been being shot as he was running with his hands up. There is a good chance officers were firing on the truck as he was approaching the blockade which is why he fled the truck so quickly.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Victoria Sharp Interview..

2:28:50 LaVoy got out of the vehicle, put his hands up and said "Shoot me"..."If you're gonna shoot, just shoot me"

"He was stumbling, losing his balance a little bit, but he had his hands up the whole time"

(Video shows that this is not accurate...he reached for his pockets near immediately and 3 times in total)
(BTW - whilst getting your balance in snow, putting your hands in your pocket makes you much less balanced - he had purpose to his reach)

"And then the next thing you know they shot him, three consecutive shots"

This moment is indisputably what we see in the video when he goes down.

"We saw him go down as the first three shots hit him"

Her story aligns with the FBI story with the exception of her claim that "He had his hands up the whole time"

So are you saying the video is fabricated?

Other info: State Police (3 or 4) remainder FBI.

Was the vehicle still running? The speed at which Lavoy jumped out after striking the snowbank would seem to hint that he didn't switch gears and turn off the ignition first. The relevance being that the FBI/State police would have an interest in shooting out the tires and making sure the vehicle did not back-up or try to flee again? That would also explain why we don't here her talking about the windows being shot out. They were shooting at the tires...also explains Ryan Bundy's shot to the arm, likely through the wheel-well since they were crammed down on the floor.

The FBI also said they did not examine or examine or attempt to render medical attention to LaVoy until the Vehicle was secure (about 10 minutes later)...which is just plain logic since he fell within range of the vehicle.

And as her story goes...they asked them several times after they came out of the vehicle if anyone was still inside and they repeatedly said no one else was in the vehicle...then they fired on the vehicle...

Again if they wanted to kill people...why ask them repeatedly to make sure no one was still in there before firing on it?

Why fire on it?...To make sure no one walks up to the vehicle only to get shot in the face by surprise...or no one fires from the vehicle on anyone when they go to check on LaVoy.

If the intent was murder, this woman would not be alive.

"Did you see anyone with a gun when you were in the car or anything"

"I know that LaVoy had a gun holstered"...she doesn't say when she noticed this, it was a general question about the car ride.

* So what in this interview leads you to believe that LaVoy was murdered? Apart from her clearly inaccurate description of him having his hands up the whole time.

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: TrueAmerican

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: TrueAmerican

I know my mind, thank you very much. No, I think if I took up my rifle against another person, backed up with threats, I would expect violence, maybe death.

I would too. Except for one problem: Not a single gun was ever pointed at the cops and now we have Blaine Cooper's account that LaVoy left his weapons at the complex. And this is corroborated by Victoria Sharp.

What? Did you actually listen to the full audio...Victoria Sharp clearly listed LaVoy as one of many that were armed on that trip???

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454
I have to wonder if they aren't releasing any audio because its being doctored as we speak.

Are you referring to the magical super high altitude microscopy direction audio produced from the areal drone?

What audio do you think is being hidden?

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