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Politically incorrect Europe- shocking video

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posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: criticalhit

Honestly, I get really sick and tired of this kind of BS. Europeans "invaded" America, "Australia

They didn't?

Or they did - but it's OK because they were superior?

The rest of your post is just rationalizing drivel - migration and mixing has been happening for ages. Your precious superior western world isn't going anywhere

Or, do you believe that allowing certain people to take part in your superior civilization will automatically degrade it?

blah. blah, blah

You don't see Europeans or Americans or East Asians flocking in droves to run away from the societies they created. in the end is there any greater proof your culture is actually no functional than a need to get in a raft?

I DO believe allowing certain people to participate will down grade it.

And I start with cultures who still think it is okay to have 4, 5, 6, 8 children each and multiple Wives when they are out of space out of food and believe in a philosophy of destroying the infidel which is apparently anyone not retarded enough to believe in an imaginary dude in the sky condoning over population and hates Science

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: stargatetravels

Of course not every single person coming across is a genuine refugee or someone who's life is in danger but what do you do then? Stop all of them, jail them, send them back on rickety boats?
The situation seems bad and could be out of control but the video in the OP is a complete disgrace - Hitler would be proud.


Well if that was their preferred form of travel to get here .... Why not?

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:25 PM

edit on 11jY by UnBreakable because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

I DO believe allowing certain people to participate will down grade it.

You see? You are saying that some people don't deserve to live in your world

It's not yours. You - did not - create this world

You were born into it

It came about after thousands of years of people conquering and migrating and learning and sharing that knowledge...fighting about right and wrong, discussing their beliefs - fighting over their beliefs... and mixing. Lots and lots of mixing

Off your high horse now - there you go

edit on 11/12/2015 by Spiramirabilis because: sigh...

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

you know... I dunno.

I have no need in saying Sweden might want to turn to Russia long term to defend Putin, Putin isn't forever, he's also really not bad to his people in mass. We kill our people all the time, our Media isn't exactly free from "influence" even movies carry govt messages all the time, been doing it since the "hugs not drugs sticker" in ET in the 80's...there is a lot of door breaking down that goes on State side (for different reasons) but still...

I have to maintain if you want Sweden to remain Swedish, which in fairness is a culture and a language and a people that have a right to remain Swedish imho... Russia might be your better call over the EU and America as an ally.

You know... in the end all most of us desire is a nice day to day life, to get married have a couple of kids, eat well, dance... whatever.

If you are Swedish, why would you want this influx of 95% Ugly Misogynist males that hate your traditions mostly? Sweden's really nice lol, gorgeous women, beautiful environment, great social services....

Think of it this way, your a White guy with an awesome house in the woods, a hot 6' Blonde in the living room, 2 nice daughters, a job... would you ever let in 3 Islamic guys from a war torn country, feed them, leave them alone with the girls while you go to work then let them tell you to cancel your holidays, change your eating habits, stop believing in your religion and pay for the 3 new kids that are coming because they intend to screw and impregnate every one under your roof?

Or would you ask your Russian neighbors to help you kick their arses and drop them down the road somewhere...

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:46 PM
As someone who lives in Europe and travels to the mainland three or four times a year, as someone with friends the length and depth of Europe, from the Urals to Gibraltar, I'm glad there are discussions like this and videos and social media that let me know what is REALLY going on. Far more reliable than direct experience.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: SprocketUK

And that's before you get into the big things like culture shock and suchlike.

Cant understand that when they despise the people and way of life of the

those in the west...that those are the very countries they intend to impose

them selves on!! Perhaps they are on a mission of conversion in the name of

Allah. To convert the infidels and reduce the host countries to the same

medieval land they are 'supposed' to be fleeing from?

I did vote UKIP, number 1 to ensure a referendum on EU membership (because the other partes have always lied about it to us)
And 2, because they favour CONTROLLED immigration, rather than the unchecked flood that has been happening for the last decade.

As did I, and if this situation continues I believe many more will.

edit on 12-11-2015 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Ignorance, the calling card of ats because someones thinks their OPINION is more vital. BS

Freedom? There is no such thing, there are always rules.

I once watched a Chinese journalist get very livid at a CNN Journalist who attacked her on the word Freedom... The Chinese woman said very simply "That is Your Freedom" which speaks volumes.

Our Freedom, it changes all the time actually, Freedom is a perception of a cultures values, a person from a Warrior culture might say America has no freedom because it is illegal to fight. a Communist might say America has no freedom because of poverty. A person from a Education based society might say we have no Freedom because University is not free for all (that is said somewhere every day actually) a person from a Shamanistic culture might say illegal Drugs is the reason we aren't free?

So what is Freedom? Freedom of the press? Freedom of Religion (that one is retarded in my opinion) I'm watching the Chinese rock ahead of all of us and yeah, I think the Lack of Freedom of religion is one of the main reasons, it causes nothing but Strife...

Russia is not Free? It seems Free for most people and things to me.... (didn't used to be) Sexually among the hetero population they are less uptight, they can love who they want, eat what they want, mainly travel freely they aren't on lock down... They want Serbers in their borders to maintain the ame sort of records the USA does they want to filter news sources that are negative to the populations Morale?

Have you been in here a while? heard some of the worse theories people believe? Is it that awful to limit news sources that make your people hate themselves or want to revolt? In the course of my life if I can work a fulfilling career, eat well, have my culture and traditions a nice wife.... Should I be ready to die for the cause of letting in random posters talking crap about my country on the internet?

Freedom... Highly subjective word. It depends on what matters to you. I want legal weed, might even get it for now, I don't have that Freedom... it matters more to Me personally than gay rights for example (which I support) but being with the 96% hetero doesn't affect me in anyway... We have the freedom to divorce has that ended well, there's a "Freedom" that should maybe go away

and you are somewhat wrong... you can mince words on what I refereed to as socialist/capitalist for something no one has actually named yet but it doesn't change the point that Europe and Russia over the years have moved much closer and into very similar systems economically, socially since the wall fell.... in 1985 it would have been a very big culture shock to go from London to Moscow... not today.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: Whodathunkdatcheese
As someone who lives in Europe and travels to the mainland three or four times a year, as someone with friends the length and depth of Europe, from the Urals to Gibraltar, I'm glad there are discussions like this and videos and social media that let me know what is REALLY going on. Far more reliable than direct experience.

Despite an obvious attempt at sarcasm, you are denying extraordinary increase in rapes against the women in areas they are invading, immigrants coming from a culture who think women are second hand citizens? I guess what goes around comes around since most people think most of those immigrants are second hand citizens too.(nearly everyone except Merkel)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: criticalhit

I DO believe allowing certain people to participate will down grade it.

You see? You are saying that some people don't deserve to live in your world

It's not yours. You - did not - create this world

You were born into it

It came about after thousands of years of people conquering and migrating and learning and sharing that knowledge...fighting about right and wrong, discussing their beliefs - fighting over their beliefs... and mixing. Lots and lots of mixing

Off your high horse now - there you go


I never said MY WORLD, just my society within it's boundaries as determined by Law just like MY PROPERTY

in short... "Get the Hell out of My House"

It came about after thousands of years of people conquering

No coincidence that you chose that as the opener and added fighting as well to that tirade.

But exactly right, and I don't feel like being the Conquered and intend to win the fight if it's brought to me so sorry if I say "Kill them out of your country" "win the debate about right and wrong and fanaticism and rape and oppression of women is wrong"

I'll follow your theory of how we got to be here exactly as you said it happens by conquering enemies who want to erase me, winning the fight over right and wrong.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

Tough talk - and more blathering

This is not something I'm going to argue about

These people (whether you like it or not) are there in Europe - now

It's not a good situation - but they're people and they are in need

What are you going to do - kill them?

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: criticalhit

I DO believe allowing certain people to participate will down grade it.

You see? You are saying that some people don't deserve to live in your world

It's not yours. You - did not - create this world

You were born into it

It came about after thousands of years of people conquering and migrating and learning and sharing that knowledge...fighting about right and wrong, discussing their beliefs - fighting over their beliefs... and mixing. Lots and lots of mixing

Off your high horse now - there you go

Yes, but my familial forefathers may have been "conquering and migrating and learning and sharing that knowledge...fighting about right and wrong, discussing their beliefs - fighting over their beliefs... " but not raping, stealing, etc. The people who went before me assimilated, worked hard, and learned the language to survive. They weren't about expecting free handouts, shelter and an automatic job.

(post by UnBreakable removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis

You see? You are saying that some people don't deserve to live in your world

It's not yours. You - did not - create this world

You were born into it

It came about after thousands of years of people conquering and migrating and learning and sharing that knowledge...fighting about right and wrong, discussing their beliefs - fighting over their beliefs... and mixing. Lots and lots of mixing

Yes that's right it *evolved* over thousands of years of moving and migrating

and mixing ... But this happening now is more than a migration, it is an exodus

and an *invasion* over a matter of months.

And it appears to be with a view to change what has *evolved* in the host

nation over those thousands of years

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:15 PM
I wasn't here.
edit on 11/12/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

Yes, but my familial forefathers may have been "conquering and migrating and learning and sharing that knowledge...fighting about right and wrong, discussing their beliefs - fighting over their beliefs... " but not raping, stealing, etc. The people who went before me assimilated, worked hard, and learned the language to survive. They weren't about expecting free handouts, shelter and an automatic job.

How many of these people are raping and stealing? Do any of your fellow citizens rape or steal?

If you thought none of your ancestors ever did anything wrong you are deep in denial

You see a video (or many), you read a thread (or several) and then you just believe - these people are subhuman

Well - that is not intelligent. It's not worthy of debate

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: criticalhit
a reply to: Indigo5

I have to maintain if you want Sweden to remain Swedish, which in fairness is a culture and a language and a people that have a right to remain Swedish imho... Russia might be your better call over the EU and America as an ally.

Sweden should join Russia?

God help me...Not going to engage in this level of ignorance.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

If only it was that easy. They were able to kill 6m Jews in Europe, 1m refugees would be a drop in the bucket.

You make it that much easier to see who the monsters really are

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

That is actually what is going to happen in the long run.


They are mainly there to conquer, so absolutely, the more apparent it becomes over time to people the sooner it will happen but it's inevitable.

There is a fundamental flaw in the Islamic game plan to capture the West inevitably the only ones you wipe out are the ones willing to succumb, it's a landing a beach head so to speak but in a population game you will breed away add to your ranks so to speak only the weakest, only the supporters of your cause which still wont achieve a majority then all you have left is the resistance and it will outnumber you.

That's what always happens, Christianity and Islam fought back and forth for Centuries the invasion gets to x it is supported and then the long slow drive to push it back begins... doesn't work for either side. This time however given the weapons in play in a technology era... it's an even stupider move because when the push back begins there might not be anyplace left to go but the sea.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: ~Lucidity
I wasn't here.

Did you click your heels? Or throw a smoke bomb and disappear...

I will join you with that exit...POOF...I am outta here.

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