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How many have had that moment of telepathy?

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posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:15 PM
If you have ever thought that someone read your mind. Like you think something and they literally respond to it, but you could swear you didn't say it out loud.

I walked into my living room as a movie was rolling credits. I thought jokingly "why is my he (my dad) watching the credits?" My dad said out loud because .. and suddenly as I type this I cant remember what he said.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: DeadCat

What about telepathy with a phone?
I dont own a phone now but I remember when I had one I would VERY often look at it about two seconds before it rang.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:33 PM
I was at a pub in Norway watching the world football match. We were placing bets on the final score between two teams. One person was going round taking the bets and numbers and writing them down. The person next to me stated the exact two numbers I was thinking ...

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: VoidHawk

I had a moment with a friend of mine, we would be on our phones, silent, but he would laugh when I thought something funny. Sometimes respond to it during is laugh. XD if I explained that right.

a reply to: stormcell

What a dick.
edit on 8-11-2015 by DeadCat because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2015 by DeadCat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:45 PM
Every single day, When i get an urge to get up and check because im about to get an email (within 30 seconds i get one). When my phone is about to ring, When someone is about to be at the door. It's nut's. For a long time i just thought it was coincidence, But with the frequency it happens I really am starting to think otherwise. Wish there was a way to "home" in and make it a skill rather then just something that randomly happens. If anyone knows of any thing on that topic..?

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:46 PM
I was told a lady that had moved in next to me was a schizophrenic, and a week later could hear her yelling at someone. The manager was looking in her un-draped window watching her yell at the wall. I saw that myself when I went outside to see why the manager was there, which is when he told me she was a schizophrenic and should not have been allowed to move in.

That same night, I was awakened at about 3am when I heard this woman yelling again. I looked outside and no one was around. I heard her yell at whatever she was yelling at, and started to hear a large group of male and female voices shouting back at her using highly obscene language, and this continued for about a half hour until I hammered on the wall and yell for them all to shut up.
The voices kept yelling at the woman but she no longer responded. She was alone in her apartment.

Here's the telepathy part. There were gang members living near my apartment in Phoenix that loitered in the parking lot till late at night.
This was the same night I heard the voices responding to the crazy lady.
I peered out the window and saw one of the gang idiots staring up towards me. I thought in my head what a dumb @ss he is, and immediately I heard in my my head "I'll kick your head in" from him, and my windows were closed so I couldn't audibly hear him. Since I am a 2nd degree black belt in taekwondo and a pretty strong guy, I just laughed at him and thought in my head for him to come up and try.

He immediately ran towards the stairs and right up to my place and stood looking at my window, so I opened my door and told him to leave or I would see him carried away in a stretcher, so he just looked at me for a second and then took off. He and his friends never bothered me again.

A few days of similarly strange things like this caused me to pack up everything and I left the state of Arizona for good. Haven't gone back since. Have never had any further telepathic encounters. But what I experienced was totally real. I think the crazy lady was being harassed by demons, and for some strange reason, I could hear them temporarily. I am probably somewhat sensitive to psychic stuff. The things they said to her were totally what you expect demons to say. Quite filthy, and worse than the worse obscenities you have ever heard before.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:55 PM
A friend had been based in Italy as part of his course for roughly 3 months. I had a dream he'd be flying home so I text him, said I'd had a dream he was flying home. He told me he had just bought a ticket home and didn't tell anyone as he wanted to surprise us.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: Tjoran
Every single day, When i get an urge to get up and check because im about to get an email (within 30 seconds i get one). When my phone is about to ring, When someone is about to be at the door. It's nut's. For a long time i just thought it was coincidence, But with the frequency it happens I really am starting to think otherwise. Wish there was a way to "home" in and make it a skill rather then just something that randomly happens. If anyone knows of any thing on that topic..?

I posted above you about knowing when the phone was about to ring. Maybe phones could be used as a tool to detect telepathy?
Ordinarily when we think about another person we have no way of knowing if that person picks up on our thoughts. When we're about to phone a person, and they look at the phone just before it rings, it gives us a clue that they picked up on the callers thoughts.

It happened to me so often I'm sure there's something to it.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: DeadCat

When I was a small child around 4 or 5, I used to answer my parents when they were just thinking of a question or telling me to do something. I really think that our 5 senses overwhelm our 6th sense we have when born. We pick up so much interference of sight, sound, etc., that we lose that ability to tune into our 6th sense. I just thought I would add this to the discussion.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Tjoran
Every single day, When i get an urge to get up and check because im about to get an email (within 30 seconds i get one). When my phone is about to ring, When someone is about to be at the door. It's nut's. For a long time i just thought it was coincidence, But with the frequency it happens I really am starting to think otherwise. Wish there was a way to "home" in and make it a skill rather then just something that randomly happens. If anyone knows of any thing on that topic..?

I posted above you about knowing when the phone was about to ring. Maybe phones could be used as a tool to detect telepathy?
Ordinarily when we think about another person we have no way of knowing if that person picks up on our thoughts. When we're about to phone a person, and they look at the phone just before it rings, it gives us a clue that they picked up on the callers thoughts.

It happened to me so often I'm sure there's something to it.

Im expecting a call on the phone tonight from my girlfriend who is staying at the hospital with our baby in the NICU. Lol. Coincidentally?

a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

edit on 8-11-2015 by DeadCat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: DeadCat

My Mom and Aunts used to tell me in runs on the womens side of our family. We always seem to sense when someone has passed of importance in the family, although it's not always a dire thing since we all have phones now, and I can sometimes feel right before my mom calls me a sensation like a little beautiful butterfly in my heart and then a magical a lovely ringtone confirms it's her. Other times I hear a little voice whisper inside my head "call your mom" and I do, she's very understanding.

I have been noticing the past 15 years or so that I am able to experience more communications from folks around me sometimes even though I may not know them personally, but they have to be extended family in some way shape or form.

It's really intense sometimes because I have an almost constant conversation sometimes in public with many many people all over the area when it's busy outside....and sometimes the stronger family ties from places I don't know how far away they might be or where they're calling in from. Mom says it's family in the Heavens watching over, but some of them can sometimes be mean and scary, so I'm still learning about those Heavens kinda.

I hope she's right and I'm not just schizophrenic like the doctors say..but when too many voices start screaming at me and trying to force me to do things I don't want to do or take over my mind all at once I can get pretty messed up and it's not anything I ever want to experience again. It's really, really, really, really mean and I'll shut up now because I don't want to make anyone mad. But I haven't had that happen for a while, so I'm counting my blessings it won't happen again anytime soon.

I hope that makes sense.

edit on 11/8/15 by GENERAL EYES because: please don't get mad I'm just a little kid

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: DeadCat

I've often thought about this, and more then ever in the past two years.
As this occurrence has been happening more often, to often not to question if this is a "Real" thing and not just passed of as a "Coincidence" The only real theory that makes any sense would be, If I can use the analogy of "Wifi Signals"

Imagine if a "Thought" is not just in your own head but once you have heard your voice in your head say it.
It then transfers into a "Wifi signal" Floating through the air just waiting to be picked up by some ones "subconscious".
Sort of like when You're listening to a radio and the waves that it is picking up from the Radio tower, in this the Radio tower would be our brains.
when you're listening to a radio you have to be on a certain frequency to pick up what you wish to listen to, With what I've noticed is that this occurrence happens more often in the presence of family or friends, With the odd occasion with some one Random. The reason for it happening more often with family or friends, is because the more time you spend with certain people, the more likely you are to be on the same or close frequencies and then you might bump into some one who has the same Frequency too, and in some cases might even turn out to be your partner

Why can't thoughts, feelings, and sounds in humans work like how it does with Technology, in the end the signals in our brains are Electrical, who says those signals have to stay in our heads too?
Maybe the people in this world who calm to read minds and such, are more inclined to change their "Frequency" to specific ones they can "sense"

and with the news of Wifi being used to see people through walls it makes you think of they achieve that and I don't believe wood, plaster and other wall making materials pick up Wifi signals too well

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: justneo

Often thought of something similar, which I call an emotional chat room. I often feel like I run into old friends, or close relatives.. like our subconscious is contacting another.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: DeadCat

I can understand that well if that theory is correct, then what you are saying would be correct too!

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 12:09 AM
The brain does transmit RF signal all the time, although a very weak signal strength. The brain transmits at around 0 to 40 Hz, and there are 4 main sections of thought and mind frequency. Two of those are: Delta is deep sleep at 0 to 4 Hz. Alpha waves at 7 to 12 Hz and I'm not sure, but I think that is where telepathy ranges in. The others are Beta at 13-40 Hz and Theta at 4 to 7 Hz
Every human has a distinct frequency unique like a fingerprint which is within the range, but also very narrow band. Like 10.00000005678 might be one persons unique "channel" that their thoughts can be heard transmitting on, if you have a sensitive enough receiver, like another human that can hear your mind thinking.

Besides unknown technology, it is hard to say what kind of external forces can trigger a person to experience telepathy, but it definitely happens, considering people reporting experiences of this. I definitely did, and it was pretty shocking at first.

Looks like plenty others here have experienced it as well..

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 02:40 AM
One time when I was serving at my restaurant, i had a customer come in. It was december 21st 2012, I remember because for some reason I thought, "I wonder if this date has anything to do with spirituality in any way", I then thought to myself, "I'm going to try to read this customers mind."

So he sat down, I offered them drinks, and he said what do you recommend on the menu. We have sandwiches, tacos, pizza, and a pretty big menu. I told him my favorite dish from every category.

Then I thought to myself, "he's gonna get a ten inch personal pizza".
The customer says, "ill, have the ten inch person pizza"
Then I thought to my self he wants bacon for a topping.
The guy says, and can "I add some toppings? Ill have bacon"
he paused, i thought "whoa, weird, he wants black olives too."
the guy says "black olives"
i thought," holy crap, super weird, he wants pepperoni too."
The guy says "and pepperoni"
I was blown away, we have like 20 different toppings to choose from, 4 different pizza sizes, 10 sandwich choices, 8 different tacos, and I guessed his order 4 times in a row, exactly right.
then i thought, i might have projected my thoughts to him. Or I read his mind. Or our minds came to an agreement on what he wanted to eat.

Then I thought about how it was dec 21st 2012,(i never thought it was going to be the end of the world or any dramatic change for that matter) but i thought, maybe the balance of the earth and how the sun stops moving in the sky, and how you can balance an egg, all on the winter solstice helps balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain allowing easier access to psychic abilities.

That was probably the best psychic experience i've had.
I've have guessed random numbers, or have really random psychic connections with my friends. They happen so often we started calling them mind texts.

I'm a firm believe in telepathy, and I will say that daily practices of meditation enhance your ability.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: DeadCat

On two separate occasions, I told my best friend that she was pregnant, before she even had an inkling that she might be. On both occasions, I turned up at her door to hang out, sat down, took one look at her, and knew, just knew.

On another occasion, I had been deep in a depression, and invited a huge mob of friends over to my place to drink, talk, and make merry. I was so wasted that I had not looked at my phone, and I did not own a watch at the time, nor had I a clock to hand to check the time. One of my guests asked the time, and without thinking I said "It is 10:44 PM". Another guest pulled out their phone and stared at me agog, before announcing that his phones clock had just swapped from 43 to 44 minutes past the hour. I had not seen a time piece since I awoke that morning and decided that the day would be spent in total oblivion.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: VoidHawk
a reply to: DeadCat

What about telepathy with a phone?
I dont own a phone now but I remember when I had one I would VERY often look at it about two seconds before it rang.

Happens to me all the time.

Wasn't there some scientific study that suggested the human brain prepares for events several seconds before they actually happen?

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 08:31 AM
My son was about 5 months old, and the idiot ex wanted to go to his mothers for some reason. I told him, we have to wait. He kept asking me why. I didn't want to tell him "I had a feeling" so I just said, give me 15 minutes.

10 minutes later, there was a knock at the door. He looked out the peep hole and started freaking out, because it was a cop.
It was my uncle.
He was there to tell me my stepfather had passed away.

Since then, I always trust my "feeling". Not always right, but more often than not.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: DeadCat

I have lots of those experiences too. But mostly with people who are not close to me, physically. Like I have this connection with friends that are scattered in different parts of the world but not with friends and family who live close to me. Especially not with my family lol.

I guess that just means I am more connected with certain friends then with my own family. Well, some friends are more family to me then my actual family.

I have a special connection with a special friend, sometimes its like we speak from the same mind. We had some pretty mind blowing moments. And sometimes its even like, Im talking to myself lol.
I had moments were I really thought that person hacked into my computer or there are hidden cams and mics in my apt., thats how crazy it got. Of course there are no such things. We just read each others minds

I love it though

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