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Apollo 11 HAM radio

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posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: JimOberg
If you guys were seriously curious, how come nobody did a google search and find this?

Eavesdropping on Apollo 11

Good find, Oberg.

From your link:
"The story discussed how Baysinger recorded 35 minutes of conversation from VHF signals transmitted between astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins (he did not attempt to pick up the encoded S-band signals from the main Moon-Earth communication link).1"

An alternative reality has Baysinger and assistants thinking one step ahead and picking up "the encoded S-band signals from the main Moon-Earth communication link." What would have been heard?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Uggielicious

"Encoded" does not mean cryptography. It refers to the methodology of applying a signal to a carrier wave. Music is "encoded" on the FM radio signal but there is no cryptography involved.

Who cares what happens in an alternate reality?

edit on 9/5/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: MystikMushroom

What if Neil needed to tell mission control something that had to do with national security? Wouldn't they have planned for that possible situation?

Maybe. I see what you're getting at though. If ET showed up, and they had the capability, they would have begun encryption and the alleged ham would have been shut out.

There was no encryption switch on the Apollo comm, its technical specs are completely unclassified and available for inspection. Earth-moon voice was unencrypted, there wasn't even a switch to make it otherwise [see the control panels in CM and spacesuits]. For PMC -- private medical conference -- the voice was disconnected inside MCC and routed to the flight surgeons only, but this was announced to everybody. Sure, the crew could have said anything they wanted privately, but the fact a private chat was happening was public knowledge.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Uggielicious

originally posted by: JimOberg
If you guys were seriously curious, how come nobody did a google search and find this?

Eavesdropping on Apollo 11

Good find, Oberg.

From your link:
"The story discussed how Baysinger recorded 35 minutes of conversation from VHF signals transmitted between astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins (he did not attempt to pick up the encoded S-band signals from the main Moon-Earth communication link).1"

An alternative reality has Baysinger and assistants thinking one step ahead and picking up "the encoded S-band signals from the main Moon-Earth communication link." What would have been heard?

S-band carried telemetry, digitally encoded. As the crew's comm select switch showed, they had no 'secret channel' to even select.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: JimOberg
By the way, the astronaut remark during the moonwalk about a 'suspicious white object' on a crater rim is genuine. It seems, after multiple repetitions, exaggerations, and misrepresentations, to provide an authentic starting point for what became a major 'space urban legend', explained here:

REVEALED: The "Suspicious Small White Object" on the Crater Rim

I first suggested this in print about 1978, and in my 1982 book chapter linked several pages back.

The following photos that include one showing a white flash on a crater rim proves that astronauts did see objects of interest enough to track with a film camera. In 2009, as Skeptical Ed, I did a thread titled "Light flash in lunar crater" Light flash in lunar crater" posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 11:46 PM

The first photo is a bad, low resolution image but besides the emerging white orb coming into the frame from the bottom left edge a flash is seen the center of the dark "messed with" area which is a crater. The flash lasted only 2 frames - on and off. Immediately after the flash dies, and the white orb continues on its path a brighter flash is seen near the right side rim and, again, it goes off. The white orb continues on its path. In my original "higher" resolution VHS video recorded on my VCR more flashes are seen in that area but my tape is in a box with other early UFO shows and I can't get at it now so the low resolution frames I just got off the YouTube video I link to below don't show the center flash or the outlying ones. But something is better than nothing and perhaps someone will turn the frames below into a GIF and post it.

How many other UFOs, bright lights, flashes, etc., did the astronauts see? Getting a lunar astronaut drunk could lower his resistance to the point where he might loosen their tongue and reveal what believers swear they (the believers) know

N.A.S.A. Apollo 16 Original U.F.O. Footage April 16 1972
Hale Kaden

#1 - center flash

#2 - Notice the above crater is now nice 'n' dark

#3 - "acknowledging" flash on right top edge of rim above 0:07

#4 - white orb continues on its way - rim flash gone

#5 - ditto

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 11:14 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys. Still reading, and still undecided on what is real

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: Uggielicious

originally posted by: JimOberg

By the way, the astronaut remark during the moonwalk about a 'suspicious white object' on a crater rim is genuine. It seems, after multiple repetitions, exaggerations, and misrepresentations, to provide an authentic starting point for what became a major 'space urban legend', explained here:

REVEALED: The "Suspicious Small White Object" on the Crater Rim

I first suggested this in print about 1978, and in my 1982 book chapter linked several pages back.

The following photos that include one showing a white flash on a crater rim proves that astronauts did see objects of interest enough to track with a film camera.

What's the evidence any astronaut saw the dot and tracked it with the camera? Isn't that a regular out-the-window view?

And weren't they awfully busy, their attentions elsewhere, during this sequence?

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 11:34 AM
Time to suggest we all re-read the 'Moon Pigeons' report:

This post-Apollo-12 report talks about sightings and filming of out-the-window objects on lunar missions, and what might be causing them.

edit on 6-9-2015 by JimOberg because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 11:38 AM
Hi Scdfa,

just for knowing... Is his name Clark McClelland?

originally posted by: Scdfa
a reply to: JimOberg

Would he tell me if I called him?

Let's not get gender specific here. This person is still alive, and has spoken about this to other people. I know because I was put in contact by a third party, a fairly high-ranking official with an interest in the subject.

edit on 6-9-2015 by Sylpho because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: Sylpho

Hi Scdfa,

just for knowing... Is his name Clark McClelland?

originally posted by: Scdfa

a reply to: JimOberg

Would he tell me if I called him?

Let's not get gender specific here. This person is still alive, and has spoken about this to other people. I know because I was put in contact by a third party, a fairly high-ranking official with an interest in the subject.

McClelland's role in 'astronaut UFO' myths is fairly intimate, he claims to have been the guy who revealed to the world the Mercury-9 UFO encounter by Gordon Cooper, and have flown to the Kecksburg crash site in 1965 with his German rocket scientist buddies to inspect the crashed Nazi time machine that sparked all the UFO rumors. He spotted the nine-foot-tall alien visitor aboard a space shuttle, and has seen secret US space fleet craft trailing shuttle missions as they passed over Florida. What a source!

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Uggielicious

...bottom left edge a flash is seen the center of the dark "messed with" area which is a crater. The flash lasted only 2 frames - on and off. Immediately after the flash dies, and the white orb continues on its path a brighter flash is seen near the right side rim and, again, it goes off. The white orb continues on its path. In my original "higher" resolution VHS video recorded on my VCR more flashes are seen in that area but my tape is in a box with other early UFO shows and I can't get at it now so the low resolution frames I just got off the YouTube video I link to below don't show the center flash or the outlying ones.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're showing the lunar launch of Apollo 11 and not 16. Here is that launch with your :13 sequence beginning at 6:21. The original footage is also darker:

When you look at your lighter version of the video, there's a similar flash at :02 in the upper left on the shadow of the lunar module:

That would be a flash in the foreground on the LM itself not on the surface of the moon. I believe the shadowed area is either the window shade, another section of the window frame, or the body of the LM. The flashes could be video noise or artifacts and not something physically originating on the moon. You can also see these flashes randomly throughout the video:

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Uggielicious

"Encoded" does not mean cryptography. It refers to the methodology of applying a signal to a carrier wave. Music is "encoded" on the FM radio signal but there is no cryptography involved.

Who cares what happens in an alternate reality?

Thanks for the lesson, I always welcome learning something I didn't know.

Some believers use an alternate reality for the source of some UFOs.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: JimOberg

originally posted by: Uggielicious

originally posted by: JimOberg
If you guys were seriously curious, how come nobody did a google search and find this?

Eavesdropping on Apollo 11

Good find, Oberg.

From your link:
"The story discussed how Baysinger recorded 35 minutes of conversation from VHF signals transmitted between astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins (he did not attempt to pick up the encoded S-band signals from the main Moon-Earth communication link).1"

An alternative reality has Baysinger and assistants thinking one step ahead and picking up "the encoded S-band signals from the main Moon-Earth communication link." What would have been heard?

S-band carried telemetry, digitally encoded. As the crew's comm select switch showed, they had no 'secret channel' to even select.

Do you think that Baysinger knew that the S-Band did not contain voice communication and that's why "(he he did not attempt to pick up the encoded S-band signals from the main Moon-Earth communication link)"?

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: JimOberg

originally posted by: Uggielicious

originally posted by: JimOberg

By the way, the astronaut remark during the moonwalk about a 'suspicious white object' on a crater rim is genuine. It seems, after multiple repetitions, exaggerations, and misrepresentations, to provide an authentic starting point for what became a major 'space urban legend', explained here:

REVEALED: The "Suspicious Small White Object" on the Crater Rim

I first suggested this in print about 1978, and in my 1982 book chapter linked several pages back.

The following photos that include one showing a white flash on a crater rim proves that astronauts did see objects of interest enough to track with a film camera.

What's the evidence any astronaut saw the dot and tracked it with the camera? Isn't that a regular out-the-window view?

And weren't they awfully busy, their attentions elsewhere, during this sequence?

I have no evidence for this filmed object. But there were reports of bright flashes which Control asked for the coordinates. So if the could see and report unusual phenomena as "awfully busy" as you say they were they still found time to peek out. Please tell us if you know of non-manned mounted cameras and what about the viewing of this film after processing and what might have been remarked, especially of the centered flash and the rim flash and the other flashes that are best seen in higher resolution using frame-by-frame.

Elucidate us, sil vous plait.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8
a reply to: Uggielicious

...bottom left edge a flash is seen the center of the dark "messed with" area which is a crater. The flash lasted only 2 frames - on and off. Immediately after the flash dies, and the white orb continues on its path a brighter flash is seen near the right side rim and, again, it goes off. The white orb continues on its path. In my original "higher" resolution VHS video recorded on my VCR more flashes are seen in that area but my tape is in a box with other early UFO shows and I can't get at it now so the low resolution frames I just got off the YouTube video I link to below don't show the center flash or the outlying ones.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're showing the lunar launch of Apollo 11 and not 16. Here is that launch with your :13 sequence beginning at 6:21. The original footage is also darker:

Uggielicious: "Ectoplasm8, thanks for your resourcefulness in posting the correct mission and the footage. You'll notice that I posted the source of the footage where I made "Print Screens" from and the scenes show the erroneous mission, I didn't create the error I just compounded it. Notice also that the first frame is from my records and it doesn't show mission info. My videotape, which I said is stored and not easily accessible, was made from either the first TV broadcast or soon after and its resolution is superior to the YouTube source and yours for I was able to see the flashes much clearer and much brighter and more of them. The video I used at YouTube for the frame grabs show only the bright rim flash. The one you provided showed no flashes, which surprised me 'cause the video does show flashes later. Now, you could say that because emulsion film was used it was prone to being damaged with pinprick holes which would allow light to flash through the minute opening. But what is seen in the video conversion of the film is a white object called an "orb" that is traveling above the lunar surface. If the flashes were due to pinprick holes in the film you would not see the flash start low in brightness, increase to maximum then fade within a short period of time. I was not aware of the flash on the dark left side of the frame but that one could have been a pikn prick flash."

When you look at your lighter version of the video, there's a similar flash at :02 in the upper left on the shadow of the lunar module:

Uggie: "Got it."

That would be a flash in the foreground on the LM itself not on the surface of the moon. I believe the shadowed area is either the window shade, another section of the window frame, or the body of the LM. The flashes could be video noise or artifacts and not something physically originating on the moon. You can also see these flashes randomly throughout the video:

Uggie: "The only way to resolve this is for me to dig through my 20+ VHS videos, some containing seconds of great images starting in the late '80s when my wife and I were one of the first on our "block" to have a VHS cassette recorder, and videotaping the footage off the TV with a digicam 'cause I know of now way of transferring it to digital form as we don't have a DVD recorder. But I'll work on it. Now, here is a weird situation. I watched most of the video you provided the link and I loved cruising above the moon but I had to fast forward 'cause I can always watch the whole thing later. When I got near the end I started seeing flashes and I started to 'Print Screen' but noticed that the flashes were occurring on the same area. Then, paying closer attention I became aware of a dark spot that seem to also be sync'ed with lens. But even though I didn't always see the dark spot I would see the flash. The dark spot became more prominent now looking as if it was orbiting above the surface. The the flash could be seen coming from the dark circular shape. More flashes and a permanent light traveled with it. I gave thought that perhaps it was the lunar lander coming up to rendezvous with the command module and the flash came from its position or strobe. To see the repeating flashes, fast-forward to 39:44, 39:50 and a few more times. Now, concentrate on the right side and at 40:11 you'll see the flash and the round dark shape. Follow the shape as the flashes develop and at 41:00 the light solidifies. By that time the shape with the light has been easier to see and follow as either the surface lightens or the shape got darker or both. Looking forward to your comments as well as everyone elses.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: bloomin12

Rutherford’s story briefly mentioned how Baysinger had been previously successful in constructing a device to detect radio signals from Jupiter

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: Uggielicious

originally posted by: JimOberg

originally posted by: Uggielicious

originally posted by: JimOberg

By the way, the astronaut remark during the moonwalk about a 'suspicious white object' on a crater rim is genuine. It seems, after multiple repetitions, exaggerations, and misrepresentations, to provide an authentic starting point for what became a major 'space urban legend', explained here:

REVEALED: The "Suspicious Small White Object" on the Crater Rim

I first suggested this in print about 1978, and in my 1982 book chapter linked several pages back.

The following photos that include one showing a white flash on a crater rim proves that astronauts did see objects of interest enough to track with a film camera.

What's the evidence any astronaut saw the dot and tracked it with the camera? Isn't that a regular out-the-window view?

And weren't they awfully busy, their attentions elsewhere, during this sequence?

I have no evidence for this filmed object. But there were reports of bright flashes which Control asked for the coordinates. So if the could see and report unusual phenomena as "awfully busy" as you say they were they still found time to peek out. Please tell us if you know of non-manned mounted cameras and what about the viewing of this film after processing and what might have been remarked, especially of the centered flash and the rim flash and the other flashes that are best seen in higher resolution using frame-by-frame.

Elucidate us, sil vous plait.

You are hodge-podging unrelated incidents into one imaginary scenario.

The white dot and request for details was in the conversation with Michael Collins who was scanning the surface looking to spot the landed LM, it is described precisely in the link I gave earlier.

The 'busy' remark was based on my hinting to you that the sequence you showed was during lunar ascent thrusting, which apparently you had no awareness of -- and was therefore a phase when you'd expect stuff to rattle off the exterior of the LM. And where the crew's attention would be rivetted on their console instruments.
edit on 7-9-2015 by JimOberg because: typo

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 09:44 PM
Has anyone located any checkable evidence that any person listening on shortwave -- ham operator or just passive SWL -- heard voice communication from Apollo-11 that was not also immediately released by NASA? Or that anyone inside NASA heard something different from the released voice communications [including cockpit recorders released later]?

Please share, if so.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 12:26 AM
Are we approaching consensus that there really ISN'T any evidence that private radio listeners overheard non-released Apollo-11 voice communications related to sighting aliens on the moon? If anybody has ANY indications this might have happened, now might be the time to share them.

originally posted by: JimOberg
Has anyone located any checkable evidence that any person listening on shortwave -- ham operator or just passive SWL -- heard voice communication from Apollo-11 that was not also immediately released by NASA? Or that anyone inside NASA heard something different from the released voice communications [including cockpit recorders released later]?

Please share, if so.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 01:05 AM
I'm pretty sure that for something like the first moon landing EVERY ham would be listening and probably scanning all the other frequencies just in case...

As I said earlier -- the fact that no one encountered encrypted radio coming from the moon, or huge gaps in the transmissions indicates to me clear proof nothing was said we don't know about.

Unless the astronauts were speaking in code that sounded like legitimate radio chatter -- I think this one is a pretty easy case to solve.
edit on 11-9-2015 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

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