By the way, I still have no viable answer on my question in this 2006 post of mine :
Can perimeter parts fall further, the lower they are situated in the building ?
Did you meticulously inspected that BBC hires video of the South Tower collapse, and see that perimeter wall part smash in the ground near the
southern base, in the back of the running cameraman?
More of the same
And at 11:35 in
this video, you see him running while his shadow of him with the still
recording camera in his hand, is trailing him, and at exactly 11:45 you see that huge exterior panel chunk nearly hit the ground beside the tower's
southern base. Count the seconds from start of collapse to that chunk's landing.
That first ground-impacting exterior chunk could have only been the first huge Vierendeel exterior wall part that fell down in a true natural manner,
broken out of the WTC2S southern facade wall high up, where the collapse initiated.
How come then, that the same kind of exterior wall parts were shot MUCH further, as far as the roof of the Winter Garden, 2 1/2 times the length of
one Tower side, from somewhere on the western facade side of WTC1N.? And situated, following logic, higher in the North Tower, around the 90st floor,
than that first exterior chunk part of the South Tower from around the 80st floor, hitting the ground so close to its SOUTHERN base.
I don't see that happen in 2 natural collapses, both chunks would then have landed close to their tower's bases.
My explanation is, that the TB's exploding in the North Tower were acting all in an east-west plain, and much less in a north-south plain. When you
have a look at that WTC map with the orange exterior panel damage circles in it from the NIST report, one thing is immediately clear.
The North Tower spitted most of its debris out in the east-west plain, while the South Tower did it just the opposite way, and miraculously its orange
southern damage vector "tongue" was half as wide as its northern "tongue". Thus avoiding most of the pricey real estate on the southern side, as if it
was planned that way. Only St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church had to go.
What a pity.
There is thus some correlation connected to the tower's central core placements in both towers. These central cores were rectangular, not square as
the 4 exterior sides. And their longest sides were build in place in a different position, per tower. The North Tower along a N-S line, the South
Tower along an E-W line. (See the 24:51 / 56:03
time in this video, or this photo :
However, planners could have chosen just simply to spare as much real estate around their real targets, as possible, therefore those peculiar exterior
damage patterns.
Since the cores were not really closed off with strong partitioning walls of concrete or bricks, but with relatively thin dry-walls from gypsum and
paper, or from plastic-plates and glass wool insulation, I don't really see them as a guiding wall function for high-explosives their pressure waves
by the 2 longer core sides.
But they are excellent rectangular cages to be filled up by the gaseous cloud from a thermobaric bomb. And that rectangular space will result in the
biggest force from the exploding gaseous cloud being build up along the longest walls, before they shatter, aimed as a kind of shaped charge, towards
the shortest walls. These walls all need only to hold for a millisecond, and that's enough to form that exploding cloud into a stronger east-west
component and a less stronger north-south component for the North Tower. And thus that peculiar damage pattern around both towers.
Picture wanted.
By the way, from 13:30 on to 13:43, it seems as if a huge WTC-1N exterior chunk hits the south face of WTC-7, but that was the chunk that scooped out
that huge center hole in WTC-6.
From 13:43 on to 13:56, in the same above video,
you see that WTC 7 is missed by all these smaller chunks of WTC 1N exterior panels
expelled in wide parabolic trajectories, except for one smaller exterior chunk, that shows all the signs of an explosive origin (too low started, but
too far launched up in a parabolic trajectory). , which is a sign of explosive forces their major horizontal vector forces acting upon
those chunks.
You have to take in account, that the east-west roof lines of WTC 7 are situated under a sharp angle with the camera its field of view. That's why
those chunks in fact missed WTC 7's South face.