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Fluoridation May Not Prevent Cavities, Scientific Review Shows

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posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: BenutzerUnbekannt

If we were debating this in a college debating society, I would say 'fair point and well made', but in the real world, the findings are conclusive either way:

Not sure what a college debating society has to do with facts. Water fluoridation is not the same is fluoride found in raw (untreated) water. Might surprise you to know that water treatment will also take out excess fluoride down to it's MAC for the area.

Despite of the bizarre weasel words of apologists, there is no escaping the fact that fluoride is a neurotoxin and is detrimental to human health, even in small doses.

Source? Small doses has NEVER been shown to be detrimental. The only thing weaseling out, are more lies and untruths designed to scare the uneducated fearful populace.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: FyreByrd

I neither have the time nor wherewithal to repeat all of that again with cites it is there, and you can find it quicker and start researching quicker than I can.

Besides that we have a few posters rabidly defending something more than an average person would, which leads me to the conclusion of industry advocates.

As I said, I don't doubt you, I've done a bit of research myself and avoid and filter-out flouride myself.

As a point of presentation - this response will largely just gather you ridicule. There are rabid defenders of various "practises' that are IMO harmful to life. They will take a lack of support as being 'hearsay' or 'made up' while offering little or no support themselves. Some will and then, if YOU want to invest the time, will have your homework.

Don't let it stop you - but do start keeping links to your sources especially on subjects you feel powerfully about. Then your sources will be attacked. Just keep at it.

It's rather analogous to entering a new MMG (Massively Mult-Player Game), or so I hear, don't play them, where certain players, in order to build thier stature, attack the newbies coming in for the first time. It's a type of bullying.

Invent time travel, and I will be happy to give that research to you. I am not in the field, and I have not been an activist trying to change fluoridation so how could I have possibly stored all the links and data and cites and sources I have been looking at for over 20 years with a host of other topics?

I am an information sponge, I soak it up and wring it out based on all that has been read and then vomit it back out. I don't do this on every topic, the same as you do not pick immature fruit. When it is mature only then do I disseminate my findings.

In essence I am a research institute without the institute; so without the institute you have to use what some people call "faith" aka trust that I might know a tad of what I am saying. It appears you have done the same thing... but if you are too close to this one singular subject you start losing objectivity, and start producing subjective results. Once this happens the subject no longer falls to research, because it has hit a wall... so it is time to field test it. And that's where water etc. fluoridation comes in. We are in human trials with it.

There are some folks that do not want to pay the piper if this information surfaces, so they send someone to "blow a whistle" on the truth... the more tenacious they get the closer the truth is. Greed. Avatars chosen are a curious one... such as our current "super hero" of let's just eat it like candy... shut up you inferior morons as we pack your kids into a van." mentality.

Superman by all means if you believe Fluoride is so lovely go eat a bowl full of green kyptonite... what's the matter buddy? We are just doing research... don't feel so well do ya? well don't worry folks nothing to see here.

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Superman by all means if you believe Fluoride is so lovely go eat a bowl full of green kyptonite... what's the matter buddy? We are just doing research... don't feel so well do ya? well don't worry folks nothing to see here.

No problem at all! Been brushing my teeth my whole life, eating foods with fluoride, drinking bottled drinks, and on, and on, and on, you know, all the little things that have fluoride in them without being feared by people because they weren't told to fear it...

If this is about a choice and whether or not people should have a choice, I will agree with that. This fear silliness though? No sorry, I can't get behind a fear based campaign.

Edit: My avatar is chosen because of my obsession with collecting Superman items (I even have a thread on it!
) my name is because at the time of registering, the newest superman movie was slated to come out in 2012. I was only off by a bit! lol
edit on 4-7-2015 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: superman2012
a reply to: [post=19528087]BigBrotherDarkness[/post

If this is about a choice and whether or not people should have a choice.

This exactly, no one owns my body nor has any right to tell me what I can and can't put in it or do with it, I am altruistic, compassionate and understanding, I support many things that do not personally effect me because, others are effected for no reason that makes any logical or rational sense in ethical ways, we cannot be blanketed under a vast code and all be happy, individual freedom that does not harm another by taking their life or damaging their honest gains.

But that is beside the point if i don't want any flouride I dont have a choice, it's in many things and in many water supplies in varying amounts and degrees, there are calcium build ups in pipes giant fluke like beings coming up through peoples toilets in some states... experiments take their toll and eventually there will be one or some uncalculated combination that wipes us out... that opps moment. That drops us into extinction. Some are aware of the whole cycle and it gets pretty tiring to keep going through it over and over be it war fads moral issues or whatever... because its constant button pushing til one is found that hurts beyond return or repair.

I'm using my time left alive to let life know in all it's forms that it doesn't have to be a giant experiment for some grand purpose, that few know about or wouldn't be a part of if they knew about it. It's like a practical joke and the punch line is our health and well being... thanks but no thanks.

That's my honest answer and I can't say that is everyone's because some people profit of off such things and care not how it effects those that do not wish to have it forced upon them, it is a form of rape. That's why I am solid against it, the eyes can forget, the ears hear something new a moment later the mouth forgets the bitter, and the heart has no time for hate. Yet when something threatens to remove that continuity it can become very upsetting and painful for them to go through. Some do fear it as an unknown, or spin stories or look mikey likes it type of propaganda to sell whatever it is... but even when there are a million different cereals... there will be many people just not interested... chaining them to a bed and making them eat it even if they do not want too is fundamentally wrong in my opinion. So I use my voice to help others see their struggle in an attempt that someone that cares will hear it and actually care even if it doesnt effect or bother them, if it is harmful to their physical being that could lead to death prematurely.

I know what is next for many and its more of the same, but I've been fortunate enough to see all of this and i have no desire to come back in any way shape or form so I wont be. Some believe that to be the case already, but energy harnessed in a form just becomes prison that one is all experienced out... has no desire for another.

edit on 4-7-2015 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2015 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

But that is beside the point if i don't want any flouride I dont have a choice, it's in many things and in many water supplies in varying amounts and degrees

If you truly decided that you care about this "problem", you would do something about it rather than complain on the internet. You can purchase water filters to filter out everything added to local water supply, or you can dig your own well and treat your own water however you want. Depends on your level of caring as well as funds available.

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: superman2012

Personally I would prefer to not be burdened with the cost of adding fluoride to the water I pay for and then also the burden and hastle to remove it if I don't need or want to drink it. The financial burden and hassle should be on those that need or want fluoride in their water.

If someone wants to consume fluoride, they should be able to buy a unit to sit on their counter and dispense it at point of use. Perhaps they could sell fluoride in pouches, like they do with Gatorade, so that you could add it to your bottled water.

It's assbackwards as it is now.
edit on 7/4/1515 by NoAngel2u because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: NoAngel2u
a reply to: superman2012

Personally I would prefer to not be burdened with the cost of adding fluoride to the water I pay for and then also the burden and hastle to remove it if I don't need or want to drink it. The financial burden and hassle should be on those that need or want fluoride in their water.

If someone wants to consume fluoride, they should be able to buy a unit to sit on their counter and dispense it at point of use. Perhaps they could sell fluoride in pouches, like they do with Gatorade, so that you could add it to your bottled water.

It's assbackwards as it is now.

How much does it cost to add the fluoride? How much does it cost to add the other chemicals that no one knows about because there isn't a fear campaign against them? Do you even know what else they add? The financial burden is on the taxpayer just as schools are for people that don't use them. It is meant to help people that otherwise couldn't afford proper dental care. I personally, have no compunction about paying for something that is meant to help people while not harming those that don't need it.

I never understand the anti-government conspiracy nutters. The government is fine to provide you with roads, power, water, natural gas, financial programs, schools, etc., but only as long as you approve of the little things that happen in those....weird.

While I do agree that fluoride should be a personal choice and people should have the option of adding it to their water supply at their house if they want or need, how do you go about that? Two separate water lines going from the water treatment plants to houses and you can turn on the fluoridated water if you want or regular water (with other chemicals in them)?

Also, selling fluoride in pouches wouldn't work. If they can't afford dental care, or to take proper care of their teeth, why would they buy fluoride pouches. I think, for now, water fluoridation is the best (for now) practice.

If the anti-fluoride groups spent as much time trying to find a way to help with dental care instead of causing unnecessary panic among the uneducated, people would have the ability to re-grow teeth should they need, by now.

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: superman2012

I do believe we both are using our voice here, you are fully aligned with one side, and seeing my side is bridging that gap. i know full alignment of one side and it's effects and the other side and its affects and effects. I raise awareness to this superposition of wave or potential, and neither condemn nor advocate and what the effects of condemning or advocating can lead two... one extreme or the other without no meeting in the middle. I am simply a spark that jumps the gap then eventually finds balance in the middle.

no choice? no balance to be found in it, as it hides away or cuts of experience limited by attachment to its container and the matter it interacts with.

Activism is not my purpose, bringing balance and understanding however is, activism is a side effect as a result, because of alignments that try to control the equality of experience.
edit on 4-7-2015 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness
Got it. You want to complain about it because everyone else is, but deep down you don't really care, or care enough to do anything about it.

I'm fully aligned with one side? Which one? Reason? Science? Knowledge? Understanding? The only one I will never be fully aligned with is unjustified fear. Unjustified because the underlying reasons for the fear are faulty or untrue, easily discoverable with research.

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: superman2012

I'm not adding panic to nothing, nor in opposition to fluoride out of fear.

The water from my faucet was, pre 2007, the best water I'd ever had from a faucet. Now it taste dead, is the only way I can describe it.

As far as funding it for the poor, I'm sure they can figure it out. It is added now as preventative medicine. I don't need nor have been prescribed it. Let a doctor prescribe it, so they can get it under a prescription assistance program.

You talk of the hassle it might be to figure out how to have a home set up. People all over have a filtering home set up under their counters, on their counters and even water pitchers that filter. I'm quite certain. 100% certain in fact it would be no more hastle. AND it's a greater hastyle to remove fluoride. Requires a special filter/medium. Even the best carbon/ceramic purifying water filters cannot remove fluoride.

It's in toothpaste for crying out loud. You can get a prescription for the stuff. So yeah, take that medication out of my water and dispense as required by a doctors order..

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: NoAngel2u
That will work. Then we'll have to deal with the threads where people complain that lower income people will be getting subsidized dentistry, I'd rather just deal with the people that don't understand water fluoridation and regard the mineral (not medicine) as something to fear based on some internet hucksters.

Here is an interesting link with sources.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: superman2012
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness
Got it. You want to complain about it because everyone else is, but deep down you don't really care, or care enough to do anything about it.

I'm fully aligned with one side? Which one? Reason? Science? Knowledge? Understanding? The only one I will never be fully aligned with is unjustified fear. Unjustified because the underlying reasons for the fear are faulty or untrue, easily discoverable with research.

so says the last man standing when this thread is cut... cya wouldn't wanna be ya.

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness
I don't mind being the last one to either ask a question or argue my side. It just shows that no one can either answer a question posed to them, or that they cannot refute my stance/post.

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