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Obama's Letter from singer Charlie Daniels...WOW!

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posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

I think my sentiment should just end with this...

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:04 AM
I've got news for Charlie. Obama didn't decrease jobs, or sign everyone up for food stamps. George Bush letting Wall Street destroy the economy did that. If it wasn't for Obama we'd still be in a recession.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: CB328

Why don't you list some of your hero Obama's accomplishments then? You also might want to educate yourself about his connections to Wall Street, and how it's business as usual.

Tell me something, are you even aware that Timothy Geithner was on Obama's staff? Go check out what his job was prior to that, and what his job is today.

Goldman Sachs was one of Obama's number one contributors. Hello McFly, knock knock, anybody home? LMAO!

So next time instead of blabbering on about the typical it's all Bush's fault nonsense, make sure you tell the whole story instead of just the part that you see fit. ~$heopleNation

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Ultralight
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

If you live in the US, please consider moving to Iran.

edited out untrue reply to this post
edit on 14-6-2015 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: WarminIndy

All of the things you described can be found in other countries as well. America does not have a monopoly on freedom.

What we do have a monopoly on is a large percentage of it's population that believes they are somehow better than other's because they just happen to have been born here. They wrap themselves in the symbolism of the American flag, patriotic country songs and call themselves exceptional. It is arrogant to think we are better than anyone else and it is contrary to the spirit of the constitution that says "all men are created equal".

It is that attitude, that we are some "shining city on a hill" that has brought America to the point it is today. We march across the globe doing what we do because we think we are better than everyone else and that what we are doing is noble and just.

Yet, when history looks back on this nation we will be compared to the citizens of 1930's Germany; a country that sat idly by, waving their flags while their government committed unspeakable acts in their name.

Ignorance at it's finest.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: jimmyx

Ultralight's start date was 6 Feb 15. Not 2 June.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: jimmyx

Ultralight's start date was 6 Feb 15. Not 2 June.

my post has been edited, thanks for pointing that out.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: Ultralight
I searched for a previous post and did not find one, so I apologize if this is a duplicate. I was shocked not to find it as it is a doozy!

Even though this is not the first letter C&W singer Charlie Daniels, of the Charlie Daniels Band (song: Devil went down to Georgia) has sent to Obama, this one pretty much hits home on many fronts.

It was posted to Charlie's website on June 8th, 2015. I don't know if an actual letter was sent to Obama.

Here is the content of the letter, which you can find on the link below.

Dear Mr. President,

This letter is not written in a spirit of hate, disrespect, nor is it motivated in any way by racial bias and is written with respect due the office and the awesome tasks that have been laid on your shoulders.

I write this letter because I am a tax paying American citizen who has experienced the American Dream and wants his children and grandchildren to have the same advantages and opportunities that he has had.

And no, Mr. President, I was not born into a one-percenter family, I come from a blue collar background, never went to college, have made a living doing manual labor and went into my chosen profession at ground level, worked hard and sacrificed to achieve success.

On April 13, 1967 I arrived in Nashville, Tennessee with a wife, a two-year-old baby, a twenty-dollar bill and the clutch out of my car.

I won't go into the mountains and valleys that I've traveled since then except to say that I have been successful and somebody did help me build the business I own. Almighty God, not the government.

I employ thirty people, good citizens and family people, hard-working people, the kind of gun-clinging, God-fearing folks who make America the greatest nation the world has ever known.

Mr. President, it seems to me that you have little faith in American ingenuity, American capability, American exceptionalism and even American patriotism.

You seem to think that America needs a monolithic, big brother type government to oversee and regulate every aspect of American life, that citizens are not competent to control their own affairs and make their own decisions without some oppressive bureaucracy to call the shots.

Mr. President, the answer is not government, conversely, the problem is government. A government that has doubled the national debt, increased unemployment, lowered take home pay, increased food stamp participation and disability claims and introduced socialized medicine.

You support teacher's unions which take political activism more seriously than education.

You intentionally lied to the American people about your stand on marriage being between a man and woman, and continue to lie when it is politically expedient for you to do so.

You surround yourself with inexperienced ideologues and political yes men and take the advice of individuals who are swimming in waters way too deep for them.

Your petulance is unbecoming, Mr. President, and your criticism of anyone who disagrees with you is downright unmanly. You come off like a spoiled child who has been denied his way.

And while you blame your shortcomings on opposing political parties, you had both houses of Congress and the White House in the first two years of your term. Plus an electoral mandate to do just about anything you wanted to, so the least you can do is cowboy up and take the blame for the messes you've made.

Your apparent disregard for the maintenance and morale of our armed services is extremely unwise and dangerous.

Mr. President, the office you hold is not a place for the faint of heart and when you draw a red line you'd dang well better be willing to back it up, because when you don't every tyrant and despot in this world takes it for a sign of weakness and will take advantage, Putin and China being a prime example.

In making any kind of deal with Iran you spit in the face of Israel and plant the seeds of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

The last report showed that the US economy actually shrunk by .07% while the national debt and other obligations grow by the day.

No matter how many apologists come forth and no matter how much double talk you and the puppets who speak for you come up with, the greatest nation the world has ever known is losing a war with a small army of criminals and thugs that grows bigger every day simply because you don't have the guts to face the problem.

You're running out of diversions Mr. President, sleight of hand political policies eventually stop working and lies finally float to the top of water.

Time is running out for you Mr. President and the horrible thing about it is that time is running out for America too.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

Charlie has always been a straight shooter; He firmly supports God and country and the men and women who fight for our freedoms.

We need more "Charlies" to step up and speak out.

Thank you, Charlie!

Letter to Obama

These idiots do realize that we have no country, army, roads, utilities exc, exc, with out the government that's such a problem. So how did ok Charlie D drive his clutch less car to Nashville? That would be the government roads . How did he have plumbing and electricity to run said buisness? Oops that's the government too. Hmmmm how did he know who he was hiring? Government IDs....

How you idiots fall for this propaganda I'll never know....

PS Jackson, MS on a safer day night is one of the better song stories ever told! I love me some Charlie D just hate how brainwashed southerners are..

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: Blackmarketeer
Charlie Daniels writes:

"We have been liberator, benefactor and leader of the free world for centuries."

Which perfectly sums up how out of touch with reality he is.

As a nation we were isolationists until after the second world war, and when we did interact with other nations, it was not to "liberate," but to oppress as imperialists in Latin America and the Pacific regions. WWII is a proud moment but that was less than a century ago, so where Daniels gets the notion we were "leaders of the free world for centuries" is typical jingoism that ignores the fact the US was founded as a slave-holding nation.

He also espouses that lame RW lie that Obama had both houses of Congress under his control, ignoring that the Republicans in the House and Senate set a record high of filibusters and judicial blocks to keep the government nearly shut down, at a time when government action was desperately needed during the height of the financial crisis due to the fiscal policies set by their own party.

now, now...factual statements only get you labeled as an "Obama lover".....we all know here on ATS, that because Obama has been president for 6 1/2 years, he has had complete control over everything our government has done. there fore, he is the only person to blame....all the other politicians in congress, individual state governments, the supreme court, and foreign countries, have obeyed his every command....(sarcasm for those that are slow)
edit on 14-6-2015 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: SheopleNation
a reply to: CB328

Why don't you list some of your hero Obama's accomplishments then? You also might want to educate yourself about his connections to Wall Street, and how it's business as usual.

Tell me something, are you even aware that Timothy Geithner was on Obama's staff? Go check out what his job was prior to that, and what his job is today.

Goldman Sachs was one of Obama's number one contributors. Hello McFly, knock knock, anybody home? LMAO!

So next time instead of blabbering on about the typical it's all Bush's fault nonsense, make sure you tell the whole story instead of just the part that you see fit. ~$heopleNation

Obama isn't any ones hero... The only people who ever looked at Obama as anything resembling a messiah are conservatives... He was like everyother politician preaching hope and change then providing nothing.

That said he is not a "Muslim socialist who wants to desroy America. That's just retarded....

Bush gets the blame for Iraq and afganastan because HE BROKE THEM!

You can't break a glass then blame the guy who did a crappy job of repairing it for breaking it in the first place. Sure Obama has fault in the massive errors in rebuilding and passing control to the Iraqis. But not for the wars themselves where the vast majority of the increased deficit on Obamas tab comes from.

It will be a century before we ever see blatant corruption like Halliburton (the pres and vice pres oil company) got the NO BID rebuild contracts for Iraq.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: masqua

I seem agressive as that IS my manner of speech,I ,again, am aware of what we have done .I am Irish I WAS IN the 7th Cav so YES I do know.
But that doesn't mean I'm incorrect because of prior guilt about the proxy warfare Iran whips out. Nor is it a viable agument here.
AND the fact that I strongle agree with some of Charliey's letter will be reflected in my debate,as I HAVE done.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

Oprah Winfrey started the "messiah" roar.

"He is The One"


posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: Ultralight

More Obama hating nonsense.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Oprah doesn't speak for every one.

No one calls him the messiah but those doing so ironically

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Ultralight

Nice letter.. but addessed to the wrong person(s)...

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: jimmyx

Obama lover is to nice of title.

It is a liberal commie socialist kenyain loving apologist.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Entreri06

Oprah Winfrey started the "messiah" roar.

"He is The One"


Dude you can put a post up on here or any other forum and not have more then one or 2 crazies agree. It's just son BS the Fox News crowd spouts to make them feel like it's not conservative propaganda that turns people off to the GOP.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

To bad he didn't say that..
But you didn't check much ore then the one blog post you found right?

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: WarminIndy

All of the things you described can be found in other countries as well. America does not have a monopoly on freedom.

What we do have a monopoly on is a large percentage of it's population that believes they are somehow better than other's because they just happen to have been born here. They wrap themselves in the symbolism of the American flag, patriotic country songs and call themselves exceptional. It is arrogant to think we are better than anyone else and it is contrary to the spirit of the constitution that says "all men are created equal".

It is that attitude, that we are some "shining city on a hill" that has brought America to the point it is today. We march across the globe doing what we do because we think we are better than everyone else and that what we are doing is noble and just.

Yet, when history looks back on this nation we will be compared to the citizens of 1930's Germany; a country that sat idly by, waving their flags while their government committed unspeakable acts in their name.

Ignorance at it's finest.

Was James Brown one of them?

I thought the racist dialogue was that James Brown is in the entitled minority, with so much angst that he could barely lift himself up from deep poverty only with the help of the government.

Do you disagree with James Brown's sentiment about living in America?

No, we are not like other countries.

I would like to hear people in the UK make hit songs like "Living in Lincolnshire" or "This Northumberland is your Northumberland, this Northumberland is my Northumberland"

Georgia On My Mind
New York, New York
By The Time I Get To Phoenix
Wichita Line Man
California Dreamin'
Surfin' USA
Indiana Wants Me
Four Dead in Ohio
K-E-N-T-U-C-K-Y That Spells Paradise
The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You
Wabash Cannoball
The City of New Orleans
Please Come To Boston
Tennessee Waltz
Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man

We should be so ashamed of ourselves, singing such songs about our cities and states and country.

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