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Aluminum & Bees - Further Evidence

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posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: 3danimator2014

Oh wait. The EXACT opposite is happening.

Why, just because you say it is so? The geoengineering has not been going on that long yet and the negative effects develop slowly over time. Have you noticed that it takes years for Alzheimer's patients to develop the disease as the aluminum settles between their brain halves, or don't you believe that either? My Mom is going through the end stages of that right now so we have been doing a lot of talking to the experts over the last few years and they at least as of the belief that this is the probable cause.

Are they really?

A number of environmental factors have been put forward as possible contributory causes of Alzheimer's disease in some people and among these is aluminium.
Current medical and scientific opinion of the relevant research indicates that the findings do not convincingly demonstrate a causal relationship between aluminium and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore no useful medical or public health recommendations can be made at present.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: mrthumpy

I have never found much relevance in playing the "experts" or the "researchers" says game for they can be made to say whatever it is that their well paying Masters tell them to say, such as "Asbestos - the Magic Mineral". "Expert" testimony can be had on every side of any issue and for the life I me I cannot see the value of the whole stupid process. Is our atmosphere being sprayed with aluminum oxide for some hidden reason or is it not? WTF does it matter anyway because no one is going to do anything about it anyway nor would I suggest that they do. And who needs those damned dirty little honey bees anyway, we can always replace them with tiny robots or print more out with 3D printers, for in the end, the Man Gods that bring us Techno-baubles are the true saviors are they not?

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: mrthumpy

Is our atmosphere being sprayed with aluminum oxide for some hidden reason or is it not?

There's no evidence to suggest that it is

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: 3danimator2014

Oh wait. The EXACT opposite is happening.

Why, just because you say it is so? The geoengineering has not been going on that long yet and the negative effects develop slowly over time. Have you noticed that it takes years for Alzheimer's patients to develop the disease as the aluminum settles between their brain halves, or don't you believe that either? My Mom is going through the end stages of that right now so we have been doing a lot of talking to the experts over the last few years and they at least as of the belief that this is the probable cause.

Fukushima radiation is another good example of the slow death that can easily be denied. The majority of Americans refuses to believe that anyone has died from the radiation released over the last four years from that clusterflock or that the Pacific Ocean is dying off from the continuous dumping of lethal waste. I am always frustrated to hear this type of denial because I know how concerned my employer in the Radiopharmaceutical business was over the possibility of even one stray hot particle getting our lungs. THEY seemed to think radiation, even in minute doses was dangerous to human life.

Apparently humans are not intelligent enough to conceive of long term effects of seemingly innocuous deadly elements, though those who work in these field certainly are. Or perhaps people are just too scared to even allow themselves to think that such threats to their immortality actually do exist. Oh wait, we are NOT immortal are we? Guess you are going to croak sooner or later after all and denying that fact will certainly not change it either will it? you are saying that we havent got the data yet. But you srtill assume that they are poisoning us. Thats seriously paranoid mate...

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: vonspurter
Chemtrails. Oh really.......

As aluminium is the active ingredient in most anti-perspirant aerosols we're doing a good job of introducing it into our atmosphere without wasting aviation fuel.

No maybe you are but I'm using deodorant without aluminum.

Money talks, if everyone is aware and stops buying, companies won't have any choice but to follow the flow.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: saadad Majority of beehives have aluminum roof, so if bees can survive under a roof made from aluminum then i don't see any problems.

ingestion of aluminium is not the same as proximity to it.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

Thats seriously paranoid mate...

Perhaps I have been tainted by my experiences with many friends who lived in Manville, New Jersey whose parents died from Mesothelioma from their exposure to the "Magic Mineral" asbestos which was :so safe you could eat it". Poisoning us intentionally, no I would not say that, but as a side effect from a government program? It would not be the first time. Have you ever read the contraindication insert to any of your prescriptions? Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: theMediator

I refused to ever use anti-perspirants myself, I mean seriously, your body is sweating to cool itself down and your going to block it for what purpose, a wet spot ? Isn't that like not breathing to avoid sneezing?

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: 3danimator2014

Thats seriously paranoid mate...

Perhaps I have been tainted by my experiences with many friends who lived in Manville, New Jersey whose parents died from Mesothelioma from their exposure to the "Magic Mineral" asbestos which was :so safe you could eat it". Poisoning us intentionally, no I would not say that, but as a side effect from a government program? It would not be the first time. Have you ever read the contraindication insert to any of your prescriptions? Just a thought.

People are human and mistakes will happen with new technology. Its unfortunately the price we pay for advancing science in all fields. The pros FAR outway the cons and FAR more good is done than bad.

What would you suggest then? That planes dopnt fly. And my paranoid comment still stands since you are still suggesting that there is a govt program going on when there is zero evidence of one.

And yes, i know they sprayed various things in the past on a very small scale and very locally...that in no way means anything is going on now.

Lastly...the aluminium could be and is most likely coming from dozens of ground sources. Mines, plants, anything. That is where your attention should be focused if pollution is worrying you, because spraying something from 35 thousand feet up would be number 9 out of ten of the worst ways of getting the population to ingest something.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: theMediator

I refused to ever use anti-perspirants myself, I mean seriously, your body is sweating to cool itself down and your going to block it for what purpose, a wet spot ? Isn't that like not breathing to avoid sneezing?

No...its not like that at all.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

What would you suggest then? That planes dopnt fly. And my paranoid comment still stands since you are still suggesting that there is a govt program going on when there is zero evidence of one.

First of all I am a proponent of the "there is no such thing as proof or truth there is only PR and spin" theory of how things are here today. It allows me the ability to encourage folks like you who vary greatly from my views to please feel free to believe what you what and allow me to do the same.

No, of course technology can never be halted, slowed down or even controlled, it has and will always careen down the course it has taken unabated even if the scenario laid out in the Terminator movies was the final destination. If you understand that technology itself has mostly been a product of military endeavor to achieve strategic advantage, the facts are that technology has been responsible for massive deaths since the invention of things like the Roman ballista through the Atomic bomb and beyond into today's depleted uranium small arms ordinance.

As far as aerial activity is concerned, I have maintained friendships with USAF friends that I made in my Academy days, and from what I know it is my belief that the programs overhead are being carried out to mitigate certain "national security" issues and are intended to prevent things from happening, not to do harm. If you cannot conceive of how or why such programs could be carried out without public "approval" or knowledge by open air proceedings, I would ask you to cite for me ANYTHING that has been accomplished through such procedures in the last 50 years. The US government is a crippled, impotent and wounded animal that cannot even win wars anymore though they out-arm and out technology the rest of the world combined, if you believe their spin that is. Nope, the country has become ungovernable and that is why the current evil King has resorted to rule by executive decree, the other 560 odd clowns are simply there to stuff there pockets with as much cash as they can carry before the clock runs out.

edit on 9-6-2015 by BennyHavensOh because: Syntax

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

I have never found much relevance in playing the "experts" or the "researchers" says game for they can be made to say whatever it is that their well paying Masters tell them to say, such as "Asbestos - the Magic Mineral". "Expert" testimony can be had on every side of any issue and for the life I me I cannot see the value of the whole stupid proces

You do understand that without experts and researchers we wouldn't be where we are today.

Now if you didn't have researchers you wouldn't have known what Asbestos was in reality it isn't a silly process for expert testimony as most experts are in fact researchers.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

I refused to ever use anti-perspirants myself, I mean seriously, your body is sweating to cool itself down and your going to block it for what purpose, a wet spot ?

It also helps keep the scent of a sweaty armpit from killing all those around them.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Yes I understand and embrace technology along with the destruction that it will inevitably bring. Of course a EMP might set us back a bit and simplify things, though that would come with its own complications wouldn't it?

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

It also helps keep the scent of a sweaty armpit from killing all those around them

LOL. Unless you have worked for some of the really, really orthodox Jews in Brooklyn and Manhattan as I have you have NO idea what this actually is like. Me, I sweat like a boar hog and use man stink to help disguise it, but not sweating is not an option. Many cool showers is the best way in the hot months and staying out side works best when it is cold.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: 3danimator2014

What would you suggest then? That planes dopnt fly. And my paranoid comment still stands since you are still suggesting that there is a govt program going on when there is zero evidence of one.

First of all I am a proponent of the "there is no such thing as proof or truth there is only PR and spin" theory of how things are here today. It allows me the ability to encourage folks like you who vary greatly from my views to please feel free to believe what you what and allow me to do the same.

No, of course technology can never be halted, slowed down or even controlled, it has and will always careen down the course it has taken unabated even if the scenario laid out in the Terminator movies was the final destination. If you understand that technology itself has mostly been a product of military endeavor to achieve strategic advantage, the facts are that technology has been responsible for massive deaths since the invention of things like the Roman ballista through the Atomic bomb and beyond into today's depleted uranium small arms ordinance.

As far as aerial activity is concerned, I have maintained friendships with USAF friends that I made in my Academy days, and from what I know it is my belief that the programs overhead are being carried out to mitigate certain "national security" issues and are intended to prevent things from happening, not to do harm. If you cannot conceive of how or why such programs could be carried out without public "approval" or knowledge by open air proceedings, I would ask you to cite for me ANYTHING that has been accomplished through such procedures in the last 50 years. The US government is a crippled, impotent and wounded animal that cannot even win wars anymore though they out-arm and out technology the rest of the world combined, if you believe their spin that is. Nope, the country has become ungovernable and that is why the current evil King has resorted to rule by executive decree, the other 560 odd clowns are simply there to stuff there pockets with as much cash as they can carry before the clock runs out.

Of course i understand that the Govt can and does do things without public knowledge mate. I get it. but the thing is, with regards to chemtrails that the logistics of such an operation would be impossible to keep quiet and frankly, impossible to do.

A plane would really only be able to hold enough to spray fora few miles (im not sure of the details, but it aint a lot) . So, what would be the point. Who is making these chemicals? No ground crew has come forward? No reports in the Snowden leaks? or any of the other leaks?

Come on, please use your common sense. I get it and i agree to an extent, governments are not to be trusted and yes, they have spryaed SMALL SCALE in the past. None of this means that there is a global chemtrail spraying operation going on. It's close to IMPOSSIBLE in more ways than one.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

Everything that was impossible eventually become not only possible but in fact an every day, take for granted techno bauble that we all take for granted quickly after it is announced. If you were ever in the military and had the opportunity to see the vast capabilities, equipment and resources that they have and they command you would look at it in a far different light. It staggers the mind at what you can put together when you have unlimited funding, unlimited manpower, and unlimited access to every cutting edge that pops up as soon as it is available. That was the coolest part of being in the military, they have vast amounts of awesome stuff and in large quantities.

edit on 10-6-2015 by BennyHavensOh because: To correct

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: saadad

the metal when combined does damage, like all chemicals.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

Thats not an answer. You are still speculating. And i stuill dont see how even with an infinite budget you could get passed the fact that a plane cannot hold nearly enough chems for what you guys are suggesting.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

I am certainly speculating and so my friend are you. And of course a plane could not hold enough chemicals nor could a plane hold enough fire bombs to destroy Dresden, but a fleet of them certainly could and did. There is not just one plane nor a few but many plus I will further speculate that there has been chemicals added to commercial jet fuel as well to increase the coverage. This is critical work and cannot be held up for a lifetime by political hacks and sellouts in government. There is an old saying that there are those that see what is and those that see what can be. There is no shame in being shortsighted because if too many people actually understood what saps we are being played for, progress and society would grind to a halt and that would not be very good for the bottom line, now would it? Ignorance is bliss, and that is not necessarily a bad thing, I just do not choose it for myself, that is all. It does not make me better nor worse, just different and I like different.

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