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Aluminum & Bees - Further Evidence

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posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

You have missed the point. It's not about what a fleet can do. The volume and mass of water ice in a contrail is greater than the load capacity of the worlds biggest transport aircraft by a factor of ten. That's ONE contrail measured from horizon to horizon (c.400miles) as per a typical "chemtrail" claim. This is why a contrail that persists and spreads like that can only be made of water ice with the vast majority of that water being ambient moisture in the atmosphere. That's why, when people point to the sky at a long spreading trail right across the sky, or several of them forming grids or X's etc, it's impossible for them to be chemtrails. Any chemical sprayed from a plane right across the sky would not be visible, the spray would be too fine, too thin. And then it would dissipate in the atmosphere anyway. This is what believers like yourself completely fail to grasp and why your analogy with a fleet of bombers is very badly flawed. I've, those bombers dropped their load in one locality, streaming bombs right across Germany was physically impossible, they couldn't individually carry enough, see? Chemtrail believers either seem to have unrealistic expectations of aircraft load factors or think chemtrails are made of pixie dust with magical properties.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

You're not getting this at all. One plane can't carry enough to make one trail and a thousand planes can't carry enough to make a thousand trails
edit on 11-6-2015 by mrthumpy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: mrthumpy

One plane can't carry enough to make one trail and a thousand planes can't carry enough to make a thousand trails

I admire your tenacity but your line of speculation is repetitive and rather boring. If you cannot understand then perhaps you should look elsewhere for entertainment.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: mrthumpy

One plane can't carry enough to make one trail and a thousand planes can't carry enough to make a thousand trails

I admire your tenacity but your line of speculation is repetitive and rather boring. If you cannot understand then perhaps you should look elsewhere for entertainment.

Are you kidding or trolling?

The chemmies insist that the planes are spraying and that those scary lines in the sky are chemtrails.
One plane generates each scary line
One plane cannot hold anywhere near enough chems to create a trail like that

We understand that many planes can spray a little at a time but that is not what we are seeing. So, stop acting and arguing like a child and/or trolling and lets have a proper discussion.

Oh and if you think its speculation that a plane cannoot hold that much chems then...well i cant say what i think of you. Its very very very basic maths.
edit on 11-6-2015 by 3danimator2014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

Maths? I have spent a lot of time outdoors for many long hours each day some days there is nothing and the contrails come out of the jets only at the discharge of the engines and quickly disappear. Other days, usually very clear, cloudless days, the trails coming out of some of these aircraft are emanating from 5 or 6 points. There are not that many engines on any commercial aircraft. These trails start off thick and slowly grow getting larger and larger, growing pinkish as they do and the attract to other previously laid trails until they form one continuous, sometimes crisscrossed pinkish bank of "clouds" that spread out, do not go away and eventually fill the entire sky all day long. If you were arguing this side of the question, you would quip something like "if a jet engine was giving off that that much water vapor it could not keep running". You can do the usual to attempt to discredit anything that any ones says that does not buy into the line of feces that you are touting and that is your right under the present day Constitution, I am just asking that people use their own abilities to reason and ask questions and continue to attempt to bring this issue to some form of disclosure. You can ignore it and go away quietly or stick around and drone on with your petty insults and childish drivel and I will do my best to keep you entertained.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: 3danimator2014


Yes, maths. Unless you have a magic formula that allows an aeroplane with a lifting capacity of 600 tons (if you use the biggest plane in the world) to spray out 10,000 tons of chemicals in a single trail?

I have spent a lot of time outdoors for many long hours each day some days there is nothing and the contrails come out of the jets only at the discharge of the engines and quickly disappear. Other days, usually very clear, cloudless days, the trails coming out of some of these aircraft are emanating from 5 or 6 points.

Yes, this phenomena is called "weather" there are books about it. As humidity in the atmosphere varies, so does the tendency for contrails to simp,y vanish or persist and spread.

There are not that many engines on any commercial aircraft.

When humidity is high, aerodynamic contrails may form due to pressure, that you don't know this speaks volumes about your propensity to believe in chemtrails.

These trails start off thick and slowly grow getting larger and larger, growing pinkish as they do and the attract to other previously laid trails until they form one continuous, sometimes crisscrossed pinkish bank of "clouds" that spread out, do not go away and eventually fill the entire sky all day long.

Now you sound like a simpleton. Trails will only look pinkish in the early morning or in the evening when the sun is low in the sky. Only a troll or a retard can fail to understand this. As for trails growing, well, duh! If there is sufficient RHI how would that NOT happen?

If you were arguing this side of the question, you would quip something like "if a jet engine was giving off that that much water vapor it could not keep running".

I doubt it, because he has understanding of the principles involved. you obviously do not or that statement wouldn't even occur to you. I'd offer a full explanation, but something tells me your mind is closed.

I am just asking that people use their own abilities to reason and ask questions

Shame you couldn't do that before you swallowed a conspiracy that requires COMPLETE ignorance of aviation and weather for it to be believed.

edit on 11-6-2015 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: waynos

Why do you feel the need to resort to personal insult and attack with a person who you know absolutely nothing about? Are you that incapable of holding a civil discussion? If so perhaps a moderator should give you the boot and you can whiz off to one of those other sites where you would be right at home with your insults and degradation. If you do not like this threads feel free to leave.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

What? I attacked what you said, not you. I even quoted each specific part I was addressing so what's your problem? Why do people pretend to be offended instead of just getting on with it? Jeez.

PS I see it's ok or you to accuse someone of writing "childish drivel", but here you are getting bent out of shape because I pointed out the shortcomings in your own opinion. Oh dear oh dear. Have you ever heard of the word "hypocrite"? Now, maybe you'd like to address the topic if you disagree with what I've said?

PPS On reviewing my post the only part I can see that you might be referring to is the part where I said you were sounding like a simpleton?

Well, newsflash, if you're going to write about pinkish trails without any indication that you understand this is caused by the rising and setting sun (red sky at night etc) YOU DO!!

If you don't know the difference between "sound like" (re the thing you said) and "you are" (an actual personal judgement)then what can I say? You're not exactly helping yourself, are you.
edit on 11-6-2015 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: waynos

Well then by your own words you oh angry one, are the simpleton. The red tinted trails of which I spoke were observed between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm during full and direct sunlight. I even called my neighbor out one day about a year ago and we watched them morph right before our eyes. He became convinced that very day.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh
And do you have any evidence other than your say so??

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul

if i can step in here i do link 1

link 2

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul

Now that's the way to debate a subject, thank you. How shall I put this I wonder? I have been suffering from a number of respiratory issues over the last few years and pretty much all of the people I work with, or socialize with or run into have as well. Most people write it off as allergies, colds, infections, even though they have not been subject to these things in the past. I have a history of these issues and when I started having problems with my tear ducts and sinuses I looked into alternate ideas. I had stopped consuming products in aluminum containers years before because I felt they had bad potentials (don't say it), and I wondered about what I had been told by some of my jet jockey friends from the AF, so I had blood work done to test for Al and other toxins, and the test came up high, much higher than they should have been considering my big picture. This is not unheard of and is very mainstream BTW:

So I started a regimen that was supposed to reduce the level of these toxins in my blood and 5 months later, the symptoms are greatly reduced and my AL blood levels are half of what they were before. How did the levels get so high because I do not:

•Drink or ingest substances containing high levels of aluminum
•Breath aluminum dust in workplace air
•Live where aluminum is mined or processed
•Live near certain hazardous waste sites
•Live where aluminum is naturally high

So am I just picking up this element by magic? Why can't a government that once openly seeded clouds with silver nitrate now be using a different element for a different purpose? I do not understand why people fly off the handle when it is suggested that the government is taking steps to minimize the effects of solar radiation on our EMP sensitive power grid and computer networks because they certainly react as if we have hit a nerve when we bring up the possibility.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: stuthealien

My hero.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

Nice ramble. Would you care to answer the question you replied to?

Do you need help understanding the question? If you do, just say so. We're here for you.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: DenyObfuscation

No you are here for YOU, do not lie it gives away the punch line.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

I'm disappointed. That's the kind of reply I'd expect from a simpleton.

How about addressing the question?

Have you had enough time yet to read the massive two page thread I referred you to? You said you'd get back to me on that. I hope you weren't lying.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: stuthealien
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul

if i can step in here i do link 1

link 2

Neither of those are relevant to the question - which was about red or pink contrails in roughly the middle of the day.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: BennyHavensOh

you could have just said "No, I don't actually have any evidence".

Sorry for your illness - but your supposed link is just that - supposed by you, supposed to be a cause, supposed to be something sprayed....

That's pretty much it for the "evidence" of chemtrails for the last 15+ years of course - I would have been surprised to get anything more.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul

They will never reply to you, that is their tactic. You will have to excuse me because if I do not go back to DO's massive post and read it and reply he may have a conniption and I would not want to be responsible for that.

edit on 11-6-2015 by BennyHavensOh because: Spelling

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: DenyObfuscation

Ok Hall Monitor I have read your massive post:

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identifies the most serious hazardous waste sites in the nation. These sites are then placed on the National Priorities List

Interesting I suppose at least to me because I used to do work for a company by the name of OHM (Ohio Hazardous waste Management) that did remediation of Superfund Sites like Boston Harbor and Raritan Arsenal, so I am well aware of the elements which we remediated and how we went about doing it (at GREAT cost to the taxpayer I might add). I do not see how any of what you have posted comes even close to "debunking' the concept od aluminum oxide, barium or strontium in aerosol spraying in the upper levels of our atmosphere.

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