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The "Social Credit Behavior Score" (Certain score required to get a specific job or house)

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posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Battleline

I'd say that it's already implemented through FICO. We are all slaves to credit scores and the major aspects of our lives, home ownership, vehicles, loans, jobs, education, and even renting are all dictated by credit score. Amazing how society has allowed it so willingly.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 11:13 AM
Sounds like something from a dystopian movie. Unfortunately once us net users or more so the more recent phone net users let go of our privacy, such accepted CIAFacebook with a real identity instead of a anonymous screen names, this seems almost inevitable.

Scores then would pit people against friends because they will probably be looking at their ratings too. Friends will be fakes(as many are now with politicians for example), paid for, for ratings. People are judged harshly already from social media searches, that boarders on discriminatory practices, but no one says a thing about that.

Overall, if what's being proposed works to an advantage and or monetary wise it will likely be marketed and sold throughout the world.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 11:41 AM

such as patriotism, respecting the elderly, working hard and avoiding extravagant consumption', says Creemers.

Government employees and civil servants will obviously be exempt.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac

originally posted by: TonyS

You hit that nail on the head. And I've been wondering if those of us who don't have a Facebook account will find it impossible to get a job or conduct financial transactions, etc. Its going to get very interesting.

I was wondering why I've only gotten one call back. It's been about five years since I last did any job searching, and I had a job find me, then.
This time around I'm coming up empty handed, even though I've got a skill set that's very much in demand with a surplus of available positions around here.

Perhaps it's because a perspective employer can't look me up on FriendFace and see what I did last weekend, who I spend my time with, how I feel about certain political issues...

I was forced into early retirement, but my Daughter tells me that without a Facebook account, its near impossible to find a job. You have to have a Facebook account and a Linkedin Account.

I'll give you my Daughter's "Readers Digest" version of your problem. HR professionals have long since caught on to the fact that they must counsel their corporate and business clients to vet hires on the basis of their Facebook accounts to avoid liability for hiring a nut case. So they either demand access to your Facebook Account, or they check your references and contacts on your resume and search Facebook for their accounts. If they find a match up with someone in your social circle, they friend that person or other wise weasel their way in to check what others have posted about you on Facebook.

Unfortunately, as things stand today, per my Daughter, it gets worse. Manager needs an employee, Manager calls his crew together and says, "We need another expediter, who can you recommend"? The "crew" members check their Facebook accounts, and check their friends list and come back the next day and "recommend" someone from that list. That is to say...the employers are recruiting from Facebook rather than starting at the other end of the process. The Manager has already alerted HR, so HR, in keeping with modern Equal Employment Opportunity laws must "advertize" the position for Xnumber of they do so. Resumes pour in and are collected and rejected for one reason or another. A few are called in for "interviews" to make the process look legit, but they're never called back because the Crew member calls the Facebook friend in for an interview with the Manager and if all goes well, the friend is hired and of course...they've already met the HR Facebook test. far as potential employers are concerned, if you don't have a Facebook don't exist, worse, you're an unknown quantity, a wild card, a potential lawsuit in the making.

In closing, I'd offer the following piece of information from my Daughter for your consideration. "Birds of a feather, flock together". Managers who are "Conservative Tea Party Members" aren't going to consider you for a job if your Facebook account has many references to Che Guevara, Karl Marx and Josef Stalin as your political heroes. Should you step up and set up a Facebook account, be very careful to remain politically neutral and only friend people you know to be either politically neutral or politically unattached. The worse thing you can do is have the likes of the Oklahoma bomber on your friends list, or worse...Ted Cruz, or in the alternative...Hilary Clinton or BO.

Good luck.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 04:54 PM
Good thing I'm not Chinese!
My credit is non-existent but my online posting history would earn me the death penalty.
(for failure to believe government approved media and history)

Oh well, somebody has to be on the bottom of every list.
Boo hoo.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: TonyS

I very much fear you're right.

... but I'd rather lose my job, my home, and everything I own than maintain a fake friendface account for the sake of appearances.
Fortunately I work in a field full of weirdos, and I'm good at what I do. I'll just have to make sure word gets around.
Bummer, too, because the last thing I want is my current employer finding out before I have a plan B.

I miss the internet BEFORE this nonsense.
Remember when webpages didn't have stylesheets, ads were just low resolution jpegs, and your average internet citizen had to have enough braincells to get online before they could make accounts on forums?

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: lordcomac

I miss the internet BEFORE this nonsense. Remember when webpages didn't have stylesheets, ads were just low resolution jpegs, and your average internet citizen had to have enough braincells to get online before they could make accounts on forums?

I do remember.
What's really changed is that the Internet has become an entirely "economic" zone. Its been and being monetized. That's the real change and there's no stopping it.

I pray you'll succeed, but as far as the Internet is concerned...nothing will ever be the same again. It's done.

BTW. As an alternative my friends and I are learning Morse Code and going into shortwave radio. You might want to look into that. Its the Internet of the past...and may well be the only unregulated internet of the future.
edit on 26-4-2015 by TonyS because: An add

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: lordcomac

BTW. As an alternative my friends and I are learning Morse Code and going into shortwave radio. You might want to look into that. Its the Internet of the past...and may well be the only unregulated internet of the future.

I've looked into radio- but it's pretty regulated. I'd need 50+ miles over hills and forest for it to be really useful to me- that's a whole other line of regulation.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
You hit that nail on the head. And I've been wondering if those of us who don't have a Facebook account will find it impossible to get a job or conduct financial transactions, etc. Its going to get very interesting.

Sooner or later linkable data is established between a person and screen names. I have two screen names and I've used each for 20 years, I can Google my real name and find links to forum posts I've supposedly written anonymously. Facebook is just the easiest website because everyone posts under real names. If someone has enough of an interest they can go much deeper than that. Your posts here could easily reflect on your score.

Where this really starts to mess with you, is when two people are using the same screen name on different forums.
edit on 27-4-2015 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

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