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My Strange UFO Experience

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posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 07:17 PM
My UFO Experience

First I'll say I do not remember the exact date, I know it was before my wife and I were married and after we had gotten our dog. She was probably a year old so that puts this in the 2004-5 range. With that caveat out of the way.... a smidge of background.

My wife and I, (along with our dog Claira) were on our way to visit my family who lives in Florida. We ourselves lived in Georgia and our route was straight down I-75 to Lake City, FL, and then we take US 100 all the way through to near our destination. It's a trip I made dozens of times, as a boy visiting my father in Georgia, and further as a young man while courting my wife (native of GA), I would drive this stretch of road every weekend after work. It was a four hour drive but I grew accustomed to it. I'd hang out with her for the weekend then drive back in the wee hours of Monday morning to make it to work on time. I say this simply to illustrate that I know the road really well, and much of it is desolate country road.

Our experience began while we were on the aforementioned trip. It was dark, approximately 8pm or so. I remember it was very warm and humid (typical FL) and we mostly did our trips down in the summer and near holidays so this was right about summer time. I was driving, as usual, with my wife in the passenger seat and our dog in the back seat. We had gotten off the interstate (I-95) at Lake City and like normal we got onto US 100 which heads out of the city and towards the boonies before finding more towns. I remember we both saw what we initially thought was a plane flying overhead. We lived in Warner Robins, GA right near Robins AF Base and so we had seen and heard tons of aircraft all the time.
Not saying I am any type of expert but planes just don't thrill me anymore.

Anyway, as we were heading down 100 we saw this "airplane" and my wife remarked that is was really low and looked weird, no flashers or navigation lights. I took my eyes off the road, saw what she was looking at and decided to pull over as she was absolutely right, it just looked... off. I was apparently not alone in this. I pulled into a parking lot (on Google Earth this is the lot: LAT 30°10'49.44"N, LONG 82°35'41.32"W) and saw several other cars had also stopped. We got out, leaving the dog in the car and looked up at this thing. I noticed other people out of their cars talking quietly and looking up. There were perhaps three or four cars stopped like we were.
Here's where it gets sketchy...

I remember seeing an extremely slow moving and big set of three bright red lights in the form of a triangle moving in tandem. I couldn't see any craft or anything like that. It floated slowly like a cloud would. I felt like it was close to the ground, because of the size of the lights (if you did an 'OK' hand gesture at arms length, that was about the size of each light. I have no way of telling how far apart they were from each other, I just remember thinking "this plane is CLOSE.")

We were all staring at it as it was directly overhead slowly moving, my wife and I and the other people. Claira was whining in the backseat and lying submissive when I glanced at her. We had camera phones in the car charging but this thing just demanded our attention. No clue if anyone else there had the presense of mind to snap anything, I really hope so though. We observed this object for probably one to two minutes. That is precisely the last thing I remember before pulling into the driveway of my family's home (a good hour and 45 mins away from Lake City.) My mom told me were about 45 mins later than we had said we would be and she was getting worried. I told her we had just stopped extra to let the dog walk and do her business.

What's very weird is we had forgotten all about it, or at least didn't even mention it to my mom - who loves paranormal and weird topics. It was almost a non-event. It wasn't until the next day that my wife asked me, "Hey you remember that weird plane thing last night?" I responded "Holy (expletive) I do, why did we not tell mom?!" The memory flooded back and we recounted it to her. She was mystified to say the least and asked for more details. We just.... don't remember. We're there seeing these lights moving slowly overhead and then BAM we are in the driveway.
My wife and I have tried so hard to recollect what happened and the drive after we saw this object or objects, but we just can't. It's like it's just gone from my head. I was, and actually still am, very angry as I feel that I have been robbed of an incredible experience. My wife has mixed feelings about it and doesn't really elaborate when I ask her. I can tell it bothers her also.

I have brainstormed several theories over the intervening years. My most promising is some sort of electro-magnetic effect. I know you can affect how a brain perceives with strong electro-magnets (aka the God Helmet), and other than drugs of some kind (we weren't on any of our own volition) I can't imagine how we would forget such a singular and awesome sight.

I mean it, I feel completely robbed of what happened after we began observing this object. Like a puzzle piece of my life is missing. I have on and off thought about trying to find a hypnotist but I waver between hoping they can help me remember and them just leading my imagination down a certain path. In short, not sure if I trust it.

I sure as hell don't know what happened between there and my mother's house. The entire rest of the trip is clear as day, to both myself and my wife.

I just felt that I needed to share this and kind of get it off my chest, as it has really bothered us both for a while now. Maybe through some weird twist of fate the other witnesses will see this post and chime in. It's a long shot but it's better than no shot.
edit on 22-4-2015 by WHWIV because: clarity

edit on 22-4-2015 by WHWIV because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-4-2015 by WHWIV because: missing pronouns

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: WHWIV

Nice share

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 07:47 PM
I saw the same thing, lost time, got the fuzzy dreamlike memory alteration, check out my thread on it.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: immoralist

I just read your story and I feel absolutely jealous that you were able to discern more details than I was. I really wish I had a more solid recollection of what I saw. We were still somewhat close to Lake City so night glow is an option for blocking our visual perceptions. I don't know what to say other than our experiences are very similar and if both are true beg investigation. I don't know what could be that big and move that slow.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: WHWIV

You mentioned electro magnetic effects. Published studies show memory loss as a result, they also show others as well. Is memory loss the only sign your exhibiting? I'm not sure if the other effects are all seen in conjunction or occur by themselves but its a place to start.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: In4ormant

Yes, I don't have any "abduction experience" or anything like that. Just a visual perception followed by extreme memory loss. And of course the sense of being "robbed" I really can't overstate that.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: WHWIV

Missing time and partial or total amnesia are commonly associated with so-called UFO sightings.

I've spotted craft similar to the one you describe on a number of occasions and while I never had any reason to suspect missing time in association with those sightings, there was certainly a sense of having my mind and usual thought-process totally blown away. It's very disorienting to see something that is seemingly magical, impossible or inconceivable, and with that disorientation, there could be an experience of time dilation or contraction (i.e. "missing" time). If one's usual thoughts are interrupted or brought to a halt, there could likewise be something like amnesia -- since the sense of memory and passage of time that we have normally depends on a succession of moments where we think "I'm experiencing this" or "now I'm doing that".

Paranormal experiences, like UFO sightings, can cause that usual sense of self and experience, attached to granular thoughts, to attenuate or even to cease altogether. And with that, I think, it is possible that one will lose sense of time or even fail to remember what has just happened.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Namdru

Yes I am in agreement. I've had two isolated seizures in my adult life. The effect was similar (no recollection of intervening events) but there was no disorientation. And I most certainly would not have been able to drive directly after a seizure. I am absolutely mystified and a bit irked by the whole thing.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: WHWIV
a reply to: In4ormant

Yes, I don't have any "abduction experience" or anything like that. Just a visual perception followed by extreme memory loss. And of course the sense of being "robbed" I really can't overstate that.

I meant more physical symptoms. Sickness, depression etc. Signs that point to it being electro magnetic. Trying to discern a root cause and expand from there.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: In4ormant

For full disclosure I do have clinical depression, however this happened before I was being medicated for it. I don't remember myself or my wife being physically ill or anything. We were both initially excited and unbelieving that we hadn't said anything about it the night before. That could be a further symptom of memory loss but what was odd is how specific a loss it was. I still think some sort of electro-magnetic effect is the most likely cause of the "missing time." This has to have happened to more than a few people.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:15 PM
Thank you for sharing your life experience my friend.

A great experience indeed, and shame the unknown memory wipe is consistent..

Your writing structure was just as good as the story itself! Good job explaining and typing this up

I've seen several ships of different kinds, it doesn't fascinate me anymore, because there are no answers and only confirmation is other humans with simular sights but blurry memory or nomemory of the "event" itself.

The memory wiping / blur fascinates me more then the actual craft! How are millions of people, all different geography, lifestyles, habits, interests, diets, enviroments, thought processes and experiences.... all have simular experiences, and memory blur is the icing on the not so cake. ..

This memory wipe is more of the mystery then the craft itself. An air/space craft is a manufactured vehicle.

Memory is of our direct brains/minds. It's like... w..t.f.. is causing all of us to FORGET

Craziness, thanks for sharing

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:19 PM
In before the debunkers...I'll do it for them...An air force base was near by? Has to be a man made air craft from that air force base. Anytime there is an air force base or military compound in proximity to the UFO sighting, the UFO is from that particular base. Anything originating in space, in orbit of earth or entering our atmosphere would be picked up by amateur astronomers or Nasa. It's impossible for anything to sneak past amateur astronomers or Nasa. You're just going to have to take my word on it or look it up yourself, but believe me it's true. Your UFO is not ET.

Also nothing like this can launch or fly around without people noticing it. The triangular red lights sounds like the Auroa craft, which has been spotted before by amateurs and confirmed as man made technology. Congratulations you spotted some high tech craft!

Great story, welcome to ATS.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: game over man

Well I mentioned Robins AF base, but the sighting took place just outside of Lake City. I believe the nearest military base is Camp Blanding Army base which is within flying distance of the sighting location but a little far. Other than that NAS JAX (even further away) is the only other option.

Not discounting the high tech craft hypothesis just clarifying my post a bit.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: WHWIV
a reply to: In4ormant

For full disclosure I do have clinical depression, however this happened before I was being medicated for it. I don't remember myself or my wife being physically ill or anything. We were both initially excited and unbelieving that we hadn't said anything about it the night before. That could be a further symptom of memory loss but what was odd is how specific a loss it was. I still think some sort of electro-magnetic effect is the most likely cause of the "missing time." This has to have happened to more than a few people.

Strange no doubt. The specific time loss fascinates me the most. The fact you were obviously cognitive in your ability to drive but retained no memory of it is fascinating too. Was your wife's memory loss just as specific? Did you both become fully "aware" at the same time?

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: WHWIV

Oh thank you, that's fine to clarify your post a bit, no problem.I was being a little facetious, however at the same time the points are kind of true unfortunately. Have you heard of the Aurora craft?

I like how you pointed out the craft was more important than to worry about your phones to take a picture. I really like that point! I think the debunker tactic that everyone has phones to take video/pics depends on the context of the event. Especially if you are frozen with curiosity like a deer in the headlights observing the UFO. Why would you look down for any split second to operate the camera on the phone?

About your missing time experience, I wouldn't necessarily call that missing time, even though to you it is. If you felt you watched the craft for 2 minutes and then got into your car and the time on the dash, was something like 3 hours later, and it startled both you and your wife then you definitely have something very strange/paranormal.

To forget about it, who knows could be any reason why it slipped your mind. Maybe there is a logical explanation you were 45 minutes late? Possible?

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: In4ormant

Yes both of our memories were gone for the same period. The last thing she also remembers was looking up and then we're at my mom's, fully aware. And apparently dismissive or forgetful of what just occurred. That's what bugs me, why didn't we say anything? You also bring up another good point. I apparently drove an hour and forty five minutes whilst being unaware of it. Sort of scary.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: WHWIV
a reply to: In4ormant

Yes both of our memories were gone for the same period. The last thing she also remembers was looking up and then we're at my mom's, fully aware. And apparently dismissive or forgetful of what just occurred. That's what bugs me, why didn't we say anything? You also bring up another good point. I apparently drove an hour and forty five minutes whilst being unaware of it. Sort of scary.

Truly. Your brain being able to process information and make decisions for that period of time yet retain zero memory is a disturbingly specific occurance. Need to check and see if that's possible, or if its more likely you do have memories there's just a mechanism in your brain preventing or inhibiting access.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: game over man

I have heard of it and read a bit, but not extensively. And yes I concede all your points are valid. It was just the high strangeness of the experience that gets me.

We didn't notice what time it was at all unfortunately. I remember seeing 8-something on the dash but that's about it. I don't even recall exactly what time we got to my mom's; just that she remarked we were late by around 45 minutes or so.

The logical reason we could have been late is abundant; I even stated as such ("We let Claira out to walk and do her thing") but the problem I don't remember it. At all. Why would even say that? I'm not above me personally having a spot of patchy memory, but both myself and my wife? For the same period? I really mean it when I say she seems bothered by the whole thing. It's not the typical "Oh where are my keys.... what the... why are they in the fridge?!" forgetfulness. This is complete and utter blank until we pull into the drive-way.

Again, not discounting logical and/or terrestrial conclusions just relating my experience. It was so.... just friggin weird.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: In4ormant

I have also considered some sort of trauma being responsible for us forgetting what happened, (ie: childhood abuses are sometimes repressed, etc) but I just can't back it up with anything unfortunately.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: WHWIV
a reply to: In4ormant

I have also considered some sort of trauma being responsible for us forgetting what happened, (ie: childhood abuses are sometimes repressed, etc) but I just can't back it up with anything unfortunately.

I meant as a result of the event, not something earlier in life,as your wifes' similar condition I would think almost rules this out. You would still have to be able to draw on memories or you would never have remembered the way to your mothers or how to drive for that matter. to access but unable to store memories. Very odd

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