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Judge Demands Obama Explain Lying About Amnesty in Court

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posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: rnaa

sorry. how do I delete incorrectly posted posts?
edit on 12/3/2015 by rnaa because: hit the 'reply' button instead of the 'edit' button and screwed up the post

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: Snarl

Respect for this Judge.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: buster2010
double post

Even that was better than most of the drivel here!

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 04:25 AM

originally posted by: buster2010
What an idiot. What makes this judge thinks he has the authority to demand Obama to explain anything about immigration? So he's a right wing judge from Texas why am I not surprised. Funny how he didn't do anything to block Reagan when he gave amnesty to the illegals or when Bush did the same thing but when Obama does it then something has to be done about it. Just another right wing hypocrite. When the right do it it's ok but when the left does it then it must be stopped. So is this nobody trying to get a job at FOX?

There are way more liberal judges that legislate from the bench than conservative judges,but that's okay, right? This is nothing like previous amnesties. Congress approved Reagan's amnesty and it didn`t give anyone the right to vote, get free sex change operations or get up to 35,000 k in back tax credits when they paid no taxes! Our southern border has been left wide open by Obama for years now yet they have to frisk people at the airport.ISIS says they now have cells in every state, how do you think they got there Einstein? Not through the airports! Everything they do to supposedly protect us,all the freedoms we have given up under the guise of safety is completely pointless and utterly ridiculous when they purposefully leave a 2,000 mile border open to all who want to come in. You`re defending this? Are you that incapable of independent thought that everything is left or right? By the way, Obama doesn`t give a rats ass about these people. he just wants the votes.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 05:58 AM
Hasn't a judge already make demands of Obama and not have him show up at all already? While I like the effort I don't see anything happening after it. Obama will most like send an aid or maybe phone it in. Which will behind closed door and then we'll hear nothing after that.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: rnaa

Then I guess you can explain how the justice in question, appointed in 2002, would have made a judicial ruling on executive orders signed YEARS before he became a judge.

You and Buster obviously have a rather interesting concept on how the space-time continuum and judicial oversight operate.

Good thing you read his post prior to posting.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: rnaa
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

You referring to this bill?

I doubt it. He was probably referring to the Executive Order that Bush Sr. used to extend the 1986 'amnesty' put in place under Reagan. Just like Obama has done - use an Executive Order when Congress won't act.

"It's a striking parallel," said Mark Noferi of the pro-immigration American Immigration Council. "Bush Sr. went big at the time. He protected about 40 percent of the unauthorized population. Back then that was up to 1.5 million. Today that would be about 5 million."

Bush Sr. did that because Congress would not fix a known problem with the Immigration act of 1986.

Just for your background info here's a rundown on the GOP President's 'Executive Amnesties' since Eisenhower.

Good thing you checked to see what Presidents had done what with immigration and executive orders before posting.

Simple logic from the order in which he posted would tell you that he was not thinking of Sr. at all, and was l, in fact, saying Reagan then Bush.

But hey....either way his comment, as well as yours, would still require the judge from the OP to travel back in time to accomplish these things.

Seems time is a concept that eludes a few here.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Snarl

Your kidding...right... Obama tell the truth HAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO.

You may as well ask him to stop golfing.

How dare anyone question Obama, the American people voted him in to office... TWICE... 56 million Americans can't be wrong.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: Snarl

Had to click through Western get to the originating article at US News...for anyone that prefers their news less spun..

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: Snarl

Had to click through Western get to the originating article at US News...for anyone that prefers their news less spun..

Judge Hanen's finger is still plugging the hole in the dike. Haven't seen the town's population rushing out to effect repairs. Maybe 0bama was right. We'll see what happens next week.

Thanks for the link.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Snarl

Can a judge become president?

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: Urantia1111

obama legalized propaganda-something a liar (especially a lying sitting president)
would pretty much have to do.

There was something about obama legalizing propaganda that really made me start paying attention.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: Snarl
Judge Hanen's finger is still plugging the hole in the dike. Haven't seen the town's population rushing out to effect repairs. Maybe 0bama was right. We'll see what happens next week.

Thanks for the link.

Typical of the respect given the leader of our nation - changing the spelling of his name (from O to zero).

Quite pathetic, really. Anyhow, which hole are you referring?

What is the exact language of the executive order in question?

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: Snarl

Had to click through Western get to the originating article at US News...for anyone that prefers their news less spun..

Judge Hanen's finger is still plugging the hole in the dike. Haven't seen the town's population rushing out to effect repairs. Maybe 0bama was right. We'll see what happens next week.

Thanks for the link.

I researched the I research everything. He appears to be a good guy, but sits in a district court that sees only the worst of the worst on immigrants. Cartel and gang members, repeat border crossing criminal offenders. Essentially whenever the right wing points to the those highlighted examples...the tiny percentage of illegal immigrant criminals..that is mostly what this judge deals with. So I get where he is coming from...if all you are given is the bad apples that have been sorted out of the harvest you are likely to develop a distaste for apples.

That said...there are a ton of good apples out there and his ruling is unlikely to survive higher court appeal.
edit on 12-3-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Actually,if every single one of them is knowingly and illegally entering another country,then every single one of them is a bad apple.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: fartsmeller46

originally posted by: buster2010
What an idiot. What makes this judge thinks he has the authority to demand Obama to explain anything about immigration? So he's a right wing judge from Texas why am I not surprised. Funny how he didn't do anything to block Reagan when he gave amnesty to the illegals or when Bush did the same thing but when Obama does it then something has to be done about it. Just another right wing hypocrite. When the right do it it's ok but when the left does it then it must be stopped. So is this nobody trying to get a job at FOX?

There are way more liberal judges that legislate from the bench than conservative judges,but that's okay, right? This is nothing like previous amnesties. Congress approved Reagan's amnesty and it didn`t give anyone the right to vote, get free sex change operations or get up to 35,000 k in back tax credits when they paid no taxes! Our southern border has been left wide open by Obama for years now yet they have to frisk people at the airport.ISIS says they now have cells in every state, how do you think they got there Einstein? Not through the airports! Everything they do to supposedly protect us,all the freedoms we have given up under the guise of safety is completely pointless and utterly ridiculous when they purposefully leave a 2,000 mile border open to all who want to come in. You`re defending this? Are you that incapable of independent thought that everything is left or right? By the way, Obama doesn`t give a rats ass about these people. he just wants the votes.

You lost all credibility when you implied that these illegal immigrants have a right to vote. Why do people keep getting their facts from Fox news. NO ONE who is undocumented can vote! Not even a legal green card holder is able to vote, in fact even blacks who are born citizens in this country have issues exercising their right to vote. If this was the case even foreigners who were here visiting with student and working visas would be voting as well.

You HAVE to be a US citizen by birth or naturalization in order to vote. The Anti immigrant crowd has been running with this BS for years. I repeat illegal immigrants with temporary protected status cannot VOTE. The votes that you speak of would come from the legal family and friends of these undocumented immigrants.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: FalcoFan
a reply to: Indigo5

Actually,if every single one of them is knowingly and illegally entering another country,then every single one of them is a bad apple.

So pres Obama...counsel grace to unlawful immigrants that were "unknowingly" brought here by there parents and have lived here most of their lives?
edit on 12-3-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Our immigration system needs work. That work should follow the will of the people. 0bama has no legal right to break it and fix it in his preferred image. Congress should be doing that. They represent the voice of the people. It's rather difficult to put your finger on the guys who don't want anything other than the status quo. They're as bad as 0bama ... and I acknowledge that.

People who enter the country illegal, no matter their intentions, are criminals. They should be dealt with according to law, before they decide no law applies to them within the U.S. borders (which is all too often the case).

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Stylez1

How do you suppose that illegals are stopped from voting? By having to show an ID at the voting booth? But I thought that requiring ID's to vote was discriminatory.

It looks like there are plenty of states that do not require any document to vote...

Voter Identification Requirements | Voter ID Laws
edit on 3/12/2015 by EternalSolace because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: EternalSolace
a reply to: Stylez1

How do you suppose that illegals are stopped from voting? By having to show an ID at the voting booth? But I thought that requiring ID's to vote was discriminatory.

It looks like there are plenty of states that do not require any document to vote...

Voter Identification Requirements | Voter ID Laws

There is NO state in the union that does not require documentation to vote...

You need to check your ignorance and do a little research...or wait until you are old enough to vote yourself to understand how it works.

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