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Dozens of CPAC Attendees Walk Out on Jeb Bush

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posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: jimmyx

The 11th Commandment* Thou Shalt NOT vote against thy Meal Ticket.

*Added to the American Bible, circa 2008

I'm sorry, when somebody walks into your house and throws a big bucket of dog crap on the carpet, you don't say "Well damn, that should get cleaned up but if I do that it's gonna spread and smear into the carpet, leaving me with even more mess to clean up." and then decide to just leave the bucket O' crap spilled in your livingroom. You REMOVE THE DOGCRAP and then you REMOVE THE REMNANTS OF IT. You do this because your carpet, while certainly not spotless before the dog crap was spread on it, was a functioning carpet and did the job it was supposed to do and you cannot afford to purchase new carpeting at this time.

Obamacare is dogcrap, the carpet is the American health system, and in 2016 Obama is going to walk out the door with an empty bucket and no invitation to return for another visit. THAT is what we're facing and, gyrations and emotional pleadings notwithstanding, the solution is to hit the rest button and purge our system of this atrocity.

In other words yes throw people under bus.

No the ACA was a pile of crap but so was rhe system before it.

You need a new healthcare model

To take you analogy.

Id say before the ACA your healthcare was a carpet already saturated with crap, and vommit and stains.
ACA was just dumping eleophant dung in that carpet.

The carpet it done and ruined

The carpet is not fit for service.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:32 PM
Yeah the Tea Party did walk
And didn't appear to mention Rand Paul.

CPAC in general seemed to have absolutely loved Rand Paul.

edit on 2/27/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:41 PM
scott walker will save the day for you right-wingers...he's a "anti-everything-that-is-democrat-liberal" kind of guy....he'll get all you rich folks that tax money those pesky poor and middle class people were using to pad their paychecks. he'll get rid of unions, abortion, worker's rights.....he'll cut all the social services you'll let him cut.....SCOTT WALKER FOR PRESIDENT!!!!...yeahah!!!!

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: jimmyx

He's not anti-war. That might be a big decider right there.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: jimmyx

You had me at he's a "anti-everything-that-is-democrat-liberal" kind of guy.

Scott Walker for president!

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: PsychoEmperor
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

Real conservative was probably a poor choice of words, what I mean is the last two elections was a "suck it up and vote for the R cause OBAMA!" That's not gonna happen this time. The main issue I think the conservatives are concerned about is The repeal of Obama care.

Anyone who doesn't run on that first and foremost is gonna have issues. The next two would be the budget(taxes/spending/deficit) and Immigration.

That a reasoned and well-said answer to my question. Thank you very much for your insight. I'm decidedly purple in my political compass so I have some tough choices to make in 2016 if I'm not naturalized in Japan.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

So nothing democrat/liberal could ever be good in your eyes?

I mean that doesn't sound like a very objective view on things.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

Hey protest is protest, you don't protest to be respectful.

Not sure why they think Rand is so much different though.

Yeah, I'm a liberal, but I think that legitimately there is a difference between Rand and Ron, from a conservative perspective.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 07:31 PM
Well it looks like the walk out was all staged by the looks of it. Didn't seem to stop Bush at being a success at CPAC:

Jeb Bush was very, very good at CPAC today

Did people walk out when Jeb Bush started speaking at CPAC today in Maryand? Sure. Did he get heckled and booed at times during his q and a with conservative commentator Sean Hannity? Sure. Did Bush more than hold his own with an audience that was ready to embarrass him in front of every national reporter in the country? Yes.

Bush was energetic -- maybe due at least in part to nervousness in facing a testy crowd -- and informed. He refused to back down -- particularly on immigration -- from positions that he knew would be unpopular with the crowd. He insisted that Republicans were good at opposing things but bad at "being for things." He was composed. He was up to the moment. He looked, in a word, presidential.

By contrast, the opposition, which had promised a major walkout when Bush entered the room, seemed to fizzle. Check out this video of the protests -- and count how many reporters there are versus how many actual protesters there are.

I'm going to agree this was probably just a staged walk out probably by Rand Paul supporters.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
The carpet it done and ruined

The carpet is not fit for service.

You know, I'm a fan of hardwood floors, actually. That style of addressing the trashed carpet hearkens back to an era when personal responsibility was our flooring and our feet were tough and calloused. Oh, hey! That sounds alot like what this guy was a firm believer in!

It is time for America to allow social and political Darwinism to reassert itself coast to coast.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

The problem is that with such bad choices on both sides of the fence, I think voter turnout will be very low in 2016. One of the worst things is that there are 16 states last time I checked where they will toss out all the votes that vote for anything BUT the blue or the red team (republican or democrat). It's a sad state of affairs. If Jeb Bush gets elected, I think I will move to Argentina or Brazil. I am not anti-American, but I will not want to stay to see what the country becomes if he gets elected. I don't really like Rand Paul either, and I will not vote for Hillary if she gets the spot on the democrat side. Americans need more and better choices than "the gang" on either side. I will vote for Jesse Ventura if he runs.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: InFriNiTee
I will vote for Jesse Ventura if he runs.

Why? Aside from the clear entertainment value of watching him file frivolous lawsuits against whomever defeats him in the primaries, accusing them of character assassination before threatening to take his ball and move out of the United States (to the deafening tune of the dozens, if not ones of hundreds of Ventura fans that would collectively scream "No Jesse, don't go") what value does the man bring to the race? He's a left-standing progressive libertarian, essentially he's Barack Obama if Obama had decided to defund the military. Aside from the hardcore, peace-at-any-cost crowd, I'm struggling to find anyone that would vote for him who isn't going to believe the DNC does his schtick better than Jesse does it.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

I agree with him on a lot of things. I don't agree with anyone on everything. I have listened to Jesse a lot, and I find that I agree with him more than any of the other potential candidates that will be running. Honestly, there is nobody that will run the USA perfectly, but he has my vote if he runs. As far as his accusations and all of his personal stuff, I have not followed that closely. Really, those sorts of things don't make a big difference in politics, do they?

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 08:58 PM
As someone once said stay out of d-bushes!
a reply to: Southern Guardian

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: InFriNiTee
As far as his accusations and all of his personal stuff, I have not followed that closely. Really, those sorts of things don't make a big difference in politics, do they?

Character matters, as does emotional and mental stability, especially in politics.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx
scott walker will save the day for you right-wingers...he's a "anti-everything-that-is-democrat-liberal" kind of guy....he'll get all you rich folks that tax money those pesky poor and middle class people were using to pad their paychecks. he'll get rid of unions, abortion, worker's rights.....he'll cut all the social services you'll let him cut.....SCOTT WALKER FOR PRESIDENT!!!!...yeahah!!!!

You sound worse than howard dean.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

What is a "Real" conservative to you?

I'm actually curious on this. Because there seems to be this huge divide between the more moderate conservatives and the far-right conservatives.

I know this was not pointed at me but I can not resist......Ron Paul is a real conservative.

Romney = progressive

All Bush family members = Progressive

Reagan = progressive

posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Fine with me.

If your happy to have healthcare system thats thats the laughing stock of the delevoped world.

And worse than some developing nations.

56th place I think your healthcare system was placed last year in the overall adverage for healthcare.
Based on life expectacy, value for money and efficiency and quality.

But hey if you want to live in a country were on the rich get the best healthcare and you are left to roll around in the mud who am I to argue?

I just ferl sorry for my freinds who live over there.
edit on 28-2-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

I couldnt disagree more and you couldnt be more wrong although I wish you were right.

Republicans will most definitely vote for the lesser of two evils.

I worked extensively on the Ron Paul campaign and the mantra among Republicans during the last election was "anyone but Obama".

It didnt mater that Romney wrote Obamacare and was pro-choice and anti-2nd amendment. The bum sill got the nomination and plenty of "conservative" votes.

The system is horribly broken. Ok its not broken, its fixed. And it would seem that only establishment minions are allowed in, Republican or Democrat.

This country and the world needs a Paul in the "big chair".

I dont know how its going to happen, but we desperately need it to.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: jimmyx

The 11th Commandment* Thou Shalt NOT vote against thy Meal Ticket.

*Added to the American Bible, circa 2008

I'm sorry, when somebody walks into your house and throws a big bucket of dog crap on the carpet, you don't say "Well damn, that should get cleaned up but if I do that it's gonna spread and smear into the carpet, leaving me with even more mess to clean up." and then decide to just leave the bucket O' crap spilled in your livingroom. You REMOVE THE DOGCRAP and then you REMOVE THE REMNANTS OF IT. You do this because your carpet, while certainly not spotless before the dog crap was spread on it, was a functioning carpet and did the job it was supposed to do and you cannot afford to purchase new carpeting at this time.

Obamacare is dogcrap, the carpet is the American health system, and in 2016 Obama is going to walk out the door with an empty bucket and no invitation to return for another visit. THAT is what we're facing and, gyrations and emotional pleadings notwithstanding, the solution is to hit the rest button and purge our system of this atrocity.

In other words yes throw people under bus.

No the ACA was a pile of crap but so was rhe system before it.

You need a new healthcare model

To take you analogy.

Id say before the ACA your healthcare was a carpet already saturated with crap, and vommit and stains.
ACA was just dumping eleophant dung in that carpet.

The carpet it done and ruined

The carpet is not fit for service.

More specifically, what the ACA does, is it limits how much dung or diarrhea the elephant is allowed to drop on the carpet. So while the carpet's future is still in dung and diarrhea, the ACA has scaled back the amount of the dung.

Sadly, yes it is still dung and diarrhea and disgusting.

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