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Admit it, NWO is inevitable

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posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: rokkuman

I am sorry, I think we are talking at cross purposes here.

No matter how visionary a person is, if they desire power, whether for their own gain, or ostensibly for the purposes of improving lives, then they are unfit to lead. So no matter how big of a genius they might be, no matter how connected they are, and how many strings they can pull, they have no business leading, if they ever aspire to do so.

If there ever is a one world government, the people of the planet must be in control of who runs it, and vote to select them. However, campaigning should be illegal. People should choose from anyone on the planet that they trust to do a good job, whose life has been lived with dignity, honour, and good conduct toward both the planet, and the people. No one should be nominated to stand, instead, people should merely vote for ANYONE that they know of, that they believe would do a good job. In short, the leaders should be selected by a process of voting which includes EVERY human being as a potential leader.

That way, there are no party affiliations, no agendas strung through every candidate, just individuals who have inspired enough confidence and love through their actions, as to be selected from all the billions of persons on the planet.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: rokkuman

I can think of 1732 reasons why a new world order is the goal.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: rokkuman

Let us all be honest and first admit that there are great minds out there that are more than capable of planning and executing such a concept of a one world order. They are not mere politicians or rulers instead they are true visionaries whose strength lies in their great intellect and global vision. Yet, conspiracy theorists in their hysteria have made them out to be comic book bad guys. Laugh if you must, but I would compare the minds behind NWO to Batman because they are essentially masked vigilantes who work independently to solve problems whether or not the average person likes it.

Anti-NWO folks allege that their goal is to "enslave" everybody. I say their goal is a sincere effort to create a truly global society in which borders cease to exist and we all live as one species. A world in which there are no more nations (as political entities) where people live under one flag and one government. I have concluded that our nationalities are mere labels and have no bearing on humans as a form of life. Once these pointless labels are erased, our species would finally learn to operate as one tribe. Our planet would then become analogous to a beehive or an ant colony and we would see our neighbour as "fellow earthling" as opposed to "fellow countryman". With the concept of "nation" erased there would really be no more wars for territory. In fact, I don't think there would be any need for armies as well, unless of course we are facing an extraterrestrial threat.

Yeah rokkuman for president! Gonna read the other posts now, but nice!

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: rokkuman

originally posted by: Unity_99
Sorry to tell you this, since you seem to support evil empires run by satanic paedophiles

This type of thinking is exactly what I was referring to when I said "conspiracy theorists in their hysteria have made them out to be comic book bad guys"

It's meeting in secret at places like the Bilderberg, Jeckyll Island, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, and Masonic Lodges that make them look like comic book bad guys. It's covering up crimes by too-big-to-fail banks and corporations and pedophiles that make them seem like comic book bad guys. It's running wars that kill millions for resources and profits that make them out to be comic book bad guys.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: ATF1886
Like who you said you dont know the obviously like my question then how do you know they are visionaries or intellectual giants???a reply to: rokkuman

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize that planning and executing global transformation requires tremendous intellectual prowess.

You do believe an NWO is being put into place, right?

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: rokkuman

Its always been there since the inception of banking. You wish to behold the NWO look no further than the city of London and the connection to the Knight Templars.
edit on 31-1-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: rokkuman

NWO, is a political thing, so let's start with that, what is the main purpose of politics? Distritbute ressources and administer bureaucracy. No harm there, would be very helpfull when we get that globally.
What type of gouvernment that would be? Democracy, but not any longer individual-related, but content-related. Which would also be a big leap forward. And if you don't want to have exorbitant outgoings just for all the public services, it would require a very mature and self-sufficent society. Everybody would have to be his own gouvernour and law-enforcer a bit. That's a huge problem, but not unsolvable. Because as noticed, most people are just nuts, already with next to no existential thread. If big revolutions in the area of social life, like say, more and more people would demand to freely choose where they want to live and pursuit there happiness, would take place, the muslims would fall back a few hundred years and fight against jews and christians, racism would go through a new peak and violence would outburst on a never seen before scale and... oh wait, that's already happening. Let's watch the analphabets and ignorant-paranoids destroy each other. Have a nice paradigm-shift
edit on -06:00America/ChicagoAmerica/ChicagopSaturdayAmerica/Chicago by Peeple because: bee

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: rokkuman
You arrived at the strange conclusion that the minds behind NWO are the same people who are "are f###ing it up now".
Pure straw man.

Once again, hilarious! Lets look at your globalist retards:

Barack Obama, drone-striking children in Afghanistan, Pakistan, a myriad of other places. Constant liar, spends taxpayer billions to bail out private billionaires. Illegal war in Libya, the (former) best place to live in Africa. NSA spying. Need I go on?
Henry Kissinger, this video says more than I ever could
Stephen Harper, traitor to the Canadian people, selling out resources to the Chinese, promoting foreign workers during a national job crisis, promoting foreign ownership of our soil, reducing our protected parks to the lowest level ever, wasting billions on the CHANCE for a failed fighter project, selling out our freedom because he is a terrorist, ad nauseum
UN has committed atrocites in Serbia, Libya, Haiti, did nothing to halt the Rwanda genocide ("all that's there are people, and there are too many anyway"), human trafficking and forced prostitution, covering up rape and murder committed by UN soldiers (immunity in foreign countries!), ad nauseum.

That alone would make any halfway intelligent person sick and anti-globalist. Have fun bending over for them.
edit on 31-1-2015 by Ridhya because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:14 AM
The NWO is already here. Look what we've done to the world, we've already made that step into the NWO. Before us, the world was a natural habitat with no notion of money and war. When we came on the scene, we changed all of that, we put a new order to the world, one that answers to us and only us.

Is the economy "natural"? How about elections and campaigning? Money? Cities? Sewage, pollution, bombs, guns, etc.? None of that is natural, we've put aside the old order of the world and replaced it with a new one, one where we run things instead of nature.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: Ridhya

I never said those people are the great minds working towards the NWO.

But keep the straw men coming.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:24 AM
This is my understand this supposed NWO, some of the elites in this current world want to retain power they are just not about to get off the throne, they have to be pushed off, and they have their little minions, whether they know it or not, they benefit from this corrupt world, they don't see any thing wrong with it, they would rather die before giving up this world and trick the unsuspecting people to die with them, and that where problems come in, that's the reason why you can't have elections. Then you have the ahh, let's call them the righteous, these people have been implementing and taking control for a long long time, because its safe to say this now. The evil ones know that they can't stop it, the ones at the top certainty know this, because the Supreme Being is behind it and his power exceeds YOUR power a million fold. So ah, We can clearly see the stage is being set for the final battle. Hope all the good ones are saved.
edit on 31-1-2015 by WatchingY0u because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-1-2015 by WatchingY0u because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: rokkuman

Its all unicorns and puppy dog tails isn't it? Wow,please don't make decisions for me and others,you have to be able to cut through the nonsense for that,and you aren't there yet.

If you think long and hard about it,it is not our commonality that brings innovation,but rather our differences. And while it sounds so simple to hold hands and sing Kumbaya,the fact is that 2 people can't even get along in the same house,yet you think we would all get along together because we remove borders for 7 billion people?

Life is a Punch and Judy show,its who gets in the first punch really. You will not get all the people of the world to get along because its not in our nature to do so. Plus when you look at the blatant corruption in the highest levels of society and our leaders,and yet you want to trust these people to run things?

With borders drawn and different societies now,if you don't like the way your country is being run,you can at least run off to another one,(some are easier to run away from than others) but if we have a NWO where are you going to run to? It would be the same no matter where you went.

Can you even begin to imagine just how boring this world would be if everyone agreed with everyone? We are all under the same rules.No more separate parties needed. We all just agree,these are the laws and we are done. Right.Never gonna happen.There is no utopian world. And big brother NEVER has your best interests at heart.Where there is a profit to be made,there will be someone willing to make it at others expense.

I look at a one world government as an excuse for those too lazy to make their own decisions,to throw it on others. Hey, I don't want to think today,can you make up my mind for me? Those people need to stop being lazy and get off their butts and think. Life is full of decisions for you to think about,some will turn out good and others bad,but that is the nature of life. This world has already seen the great communist and socialist experiments from after world war 2,yeah that didn't go so good for those that lived under it. And you want us all to live under that? No thanks. I'll make up my own mind. I have been making decisions for myself since I was 4 years old,and much to my parents displeasure(or at least my moms) I have walked the path that was right FOR ME. Luckily for me my father would back me up. I decided at 6 years of age that I would not need a skin graft after 2nd and 3rd degree burns. My mother tried to tell me that the doctors would decide and my father told her that I said no and that was it. You can not tell to this day where I was burned,I was correct in believing I would not need it.

In a one world government you would have no choices in medical treatment,its all cookie cutter. People are not made out of one mold. we are all different.Keep me out of those plans,no one decides for me how to live.
edit on 31-1-2015 by Dimithae because: misspelled word

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:31 AM
With out a doubt sir with out a doubt pieces of the puzzle fall into place every day!!!
a reply to: rokkuman

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:31 AM
Good thread.

A universal truth is that most people want to avoid unhappiness and fear. The first corporation that offers free brain surgery to remove that impediment to unlimited, everlasting bliss will naturally want to impose it on their children There is your new world order

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: rokkuman

You've fairly well described the situation and the solution. Except you are mistaken on one point. You said:
"I don't think there would be any need for armies as well, unless of course we are facing an extraterrestrial threat."

The drive for a NWO is not one coming from any power on Earth. Humans simply don't have that capacity. To know that is to examine the failure of the League of Nations after WWI and the continuing failure of the UN now. Humans cannot control their urges on a personal level or on the national level. Naziism and radical commuinism are two examples of those failures. No human activity will bring us together as one unified, satisfied mass of 7 billion people.

There is no ET least not the kind that will rape and plunder us. The ET "threat" is that they are the ones pushing the NWO. They are the ones that mandate the drastic changes imbedded in the NWO. It is not war that they want or anything from us but a whole change of our character as thinking, doing creatures. We are to join with them in some manner of harmony with ourselves and them.

That said, some on this planet won't be able to see the new way of being and thinking that we can have and will fight to the death to maintain their position. There will be many shades of the resistance, some oblique. Some of the worst has appeared already as a radical resistance to modern thinking and doing. It is obvious that the NWO cannot move forward until that threat is tamped down until it is not a threat. So war we will have, but among humans, done for the sake of what the enlightenment that ETs bring to us.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: rokkuman

All you christians need to stop being hypocrites and admit that you actually support a tyrannical one world order, as long as its run by you guys.

Isn't that what you are saying?

Thats why it never works. Too many people have their own ideas about how to run things.

They will never agree. Some have to be murdered for the most brutal to rise to the extreme top. Thats why large Empires become tyrannical, to protect their interests from those others that don't think like them. Eventually thats why empires fall, because they didn't listen… to… the… people.

Look at the growing disparity in the EU. US "Hegemony" in the Middle East. The struggle for Ukraine.

All a result of the benevolent "New" Old Order.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:42 AM
One more thing, if you are an evil person , then no the new world isn't for you. Its gonna be a world based off of unlimited progress, not who can robb who to get on top. No borders, it has the same rules everywhere, and that is to respect people, respect yourself and honor God, and if you can't honor those simple rules then your gonna have to live on some other planet. And I know these type of threads piss the opposition off, Lol!, wait till you see those superbowl commercials.
edit on 31-1-2015 by WatchingY0u because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: WatchingY0u

One more thing, if you are an evil person , then no the new world isn't for you.

Define "Evil".

If you mean whats wrong, then every religion thinks that others are doing evil. They don't say that though, what they say is, they "worship a 'different' God".

Let the bombing begin.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: intrptr
We all know what evil is, deceiving people, raping people, if you have alot of something and feel as if and you see that someone may need some of what you have, you are to greedy to share, that's evil.

posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: rokkuman
a reply to: ATF1886

Do you know these people personally?? So then what proof do you have that they are or are not??

Of course I don't know them personally why would you even ask me such a thing.

We do know that these people are intellectual giants and visionaries capable of thinking on a global scale. They definitely aren't bozos.

Intelligence alone does not make one fit to govern. You seem to assume that anyone with an above-average intellect is somehow also fitted with a perfect moral compass. There's plenty of evidence to the contrary scattered throughout our history in the form of totalitarian dictators. Most of them would fit your description, yet all of them used said faculties to advance themselves and their inner circle at the expense of the general population.

Despite your reluctance to 'name names', I think we can all be fairly certain you're referring to those wonderful high-finance criminals we've all come to know as 'the 1%'. Clearly they have the intelligence and 'vision' that you speak of, as they've managed to take control of about 50% of the world's wealth without exposing themselves to (much) public scrutiny. Their vision is no different than that of any dictator in your history books - a prison full of slaves to do their bidding.

Why would we ask if you know these people personally? It's just the most relevant piece of information in this debate, that's all.

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