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Texas Couple Describes Triangle UFO at 20 Feet

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posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

We are the lab rats and this world is the maze.
I feel exactly the same way and really don't appreciate being a part of rude experiments.

I would love to hear more about your hypothesis. I hope you decide to post a thread about it.

I also find the low hostility of this thread quite refreshing. We should be able to discuss sightings. People just want an explanation for what they've seen. Most explanations either don't fit or explain nothing. OK I get it the military is probably testing/training, whatever but why over our houses? I wish someone could explain that to my satisfaction.

Why all the damn lights if it's so secret and no, just no it's not normal plane lights, flares or Chinese lanterns. If someone could just give me a reasonable explanation I'd accept it. I conclude it's military but that doesn't answer all my question. Why do they do it? That's the biggie for me.

There's a lot of us who aren't claiming it's little green men but the sad fact is we saw something extremely strange and don't have a clue WTH it was. We would very much like to discuss it without feeling like ignorant huge jokes.

Frankly I'm the only pissed off, outraged UFO witness I know. I could've lived my life just fine without ever seeing that. Without a reasonable explanation I would've preferred not to be part of whatever it was but I wasn't given a choice and imo that's a load of crap.

We moved to the country so we wouldn't be bothered by anyone and that includes experimenting military types.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 01:37 PM
I was actually going to do a thread on this myself. I even had it typed completely out and it was so negative sounding I decided to erase it. It could have easily made the Rant forum. lol

The topic in a nutshell was if there is an advanced ET race watching us, what kind of sick perverted advanced civilization allows a few people at the top to make things miserable for billions?

And if they are so advanced then most likely they have zero empathy or compassion, because they surely would hear the millions upon millions of pleas for help daily.

I did do a thread a few years back that touched on it very lightly though.

A Plea for Help

originally posted by: Morningglory
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

We are the lab rats and this world is the maze.
I feel exactly the same way and really don't appreciate being a part of rude experiments.

I would love to hear more about your hypothesis. I hope you decide to post a thread about it.

edit on 17-1-2015 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

I wish you hadn't erased it. I welcome the rant, negativity and outrage. We just need to accept some people are seeing really strange things, get past that and demand answers from those in the know.

If they're testing extremely strange experimental craft, that's fine they could mention "unusual" training exercises in local newspapers without giving away any secrets. I mean the way they're lit up they're not trying to be stealthy. So what's the real objective?

Instead of hiding in the shadows feeling embarrassed we should feel outraged.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

some kind of von neumann machines are worth considering imo (whatever the origin)


posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Morningglory

Why all the damn lights if it's so secret

Well, that's where it starts to get kind of sticky. Many of us here are coming off of a 2 or so year tour of a collection of threads here on ATS, so even though some of the opinions you hear are pretty-out-there, believe it or not they have been carefully developed over many months based on the material that has been available to us.

If you don't know what threads I mean, don't sweat it, we'll let you know and you'll figure it out, but either way it's a bunch of reading at this point. But one of my points has always been that it has only always been a pile of reading anyway, so there's that.

The short answer to your question is that, let's just say in the case of this couple's "sighting", that whether the couple have been subject to a natural phenomenon, or a piece of military hardware, the whole point of the light show is that the thing be seen.

Hence the earth shattering, reality crushing experience reported by the couple.

Ta da!

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

That was an epic post. You got my star on that one!

Everyone's "God" is supposedly a god of love and peace..
but the religions that espouse that are nearly universally
the ones who have genocided a large part of the indigenous
population of the Earth, forced marriage on underage girls,
genitally mutilated them, raped them, thrown them over
cliffs, set them on fire, etc. And performed EPIC psychological
torture with stories of "hell" and what not.

The "Space Brother" religions are only better, because the
adherents of those tend to be too psychologically damaged
and preyed upon (by the "space brothers') to hurt others.

The "occult religions" which I won't even name, but who I
have directly and indirectly been fighting my entire life
are pretty similar to the previous two.

If you poke around very hard in search of "good" you won't
find any.. that tends to break the mind and convince a
lot of people that we live in an archontic hell simulation.
I've had this conversation privately with no less than a dozen
people on ATS. It's rough, I know.

This isn't the thread for it (wow, we are off topic now), but
I hear you my friends.


posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:16 PM
What burns my ass about most of these types of sightings, is the fact that a local news team gets a hold of it, puts spooky music to it coupled with a bubble-headed bleach blonde, and a hair sprayed sissy men news team, that make a complete mockery out of them.

Then there is the clowns that immediately call hoaxes, because they didn't see it happen themselves.

Outrage is only for the people that are truly aware and those are a small group.

The people that saw this craft, and gave their account should be given a medal for coming forward.

originally posted by: Morningglory

I wish you hadn't erased it. I welcome the rant, negativity and outrage. We just need to accept some people are seeing really strange things, get past that and demand answers from those in the know.

Instead of hiding in the shadows feeling embarrassed we should feel outraged.

edit on 17-1-2015 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Actually I don't spend much time in the Aliens/UFO forum. I occasionally peek in, still looking for answers.

Based on my experience it's obvious "the thing" wanted to be seen but why and to what end?

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Morningglory

If you want the super cliff notes, a number of us seem to agree with this:

1) There are small amounts of "high strangeness" lurking in the world, some form
of lifeform or lifeform-appearing effects, that have been in the world with us since
the very beginning.. or at least this SEEMS to be true.. and most certainly

2) Lots of people want to push their "woo" on you about this


3) It appears that the government, military industrial complex, letter agencies,
or other blokes in black hats

want to convince the public that it's now ALIENS not angels, demons, faeries, etc
which are out there and they badly want us to believe in the "new supernatural"
in this form, so badly, that they have funded the Ancient Aliens show.. Youtube..
and (apparently) fake aircraft that imitate UFOS.

Once we all believe in UFOs then they can 'save us from them' or whatever,
(gain global control) or the "UFOs themselves" can "come down and save us",
only again, it's all a big lie.

Now, not everyone agrees with this narrative, but it seems to be pretty

We are being screwed with massively.. but the exact details are unknown.

and of course there really ARE some 'weird things' out there.. probably some
form of sentient plasma.. that's what I research.. but the "government"
seems to have blown this melodrama into 10x as large a thing as it
actually is.


posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Thanks for your reply, gives me something to ponder. I agree we felt we had been massively screwed with but aren't sure who's doing the screwing and why.

Funny I've been looking into plasma too.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: Morningglory

...but why and to what end?

I realize that this may seem like I am running you in circles, but I'm not, this, I believe, is the answer...

"Both of our concepts of reality are shattered."


For as long as mankind has been experiencing and recording this phenomenon, the common denominator amongst them all is how they have had their lives changed in some way by the experience, for some people it is a very profound change.

Listen to the differences in the husband and wife's description, you would almost think that the husband's description would belong to his wife rather than he as his description is almost poetic, what with "translucent moths", and "bee's wings".

Different brains seem to be influenced in a more or less profound way by the same experience.

Anyhow, that powerful effect that the experience had on the couple: that seems as though it may be one of the 'ends' to which this technology is put, and to me may very well be the only ends.

edit on 17-1-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

So you're saying you saw a triangle with three lights on the bottom like I did. Check. You are saying that it appeared to be made out of one piece just like what I saw. check. No rivet, no air intakes, no exhaust, no sound , nothing just unbelievably fast, just like I saw. Check. You say you saw no windows or cockpit as if it were a drone. Check, just like me. Saw it from most sides, just like me. check. You said what you saw looked like it was gunmetal granite colored. I said the same thing saying it was a nice matte grey. Seems like we are talking about similar phenomena. We dissagre on what it is.

I say it's human and probably something we should be proud of as it's some of the finest engineering the US or humanity has created. At least I didn't feel spooked when I saw it. I was elated. a real HELL YEAH! moment. Felt "OK" to me.

You say it's an interdimentional space god alien screwing with humanity or worse.

I say there are plenty of logical reasons for something like this being developed by the military or govt. And even more reason to explain why it's classified.

You say it's a cruel game interdimensional interlopers on a god trip and or super a-hole humans are playing on us all.

like you said everyone has an opinion.

Either way it sounds pretty high tech what we both saw. Doubt I'll be able to point you to any links publicly available on the internet going public about such classified (key word there) info. You win.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: Bybyots
What I'm wondering is how it would avoid crashing into things
like power lines, and other things, unless it was doing quite a bit
of maneuvering. I mean some people's houses are over 20 feet

Maybe it can just fly through things, I don't know.

Interesting post OP thanks.

Rebel 5

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Frankly, if you take away the word technology I could agree.

The "Other" as it is often called, is desperate for attention, worship,
'conscious energy', "free electronics that have been in a nervous system"
or whatever you want to call it.

A petulant child. With demigod-like powers.

Now whether some of the manifestations of this Do involve something
like 'technology' I really don't care.

one man's magic is another man's technology and vice versa.


posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

I totally agree. Different brains will interpret the same phenomena differently. Just look at the difference in between witnesses to a crime when interviewed by the police. Two interrogated saw the same thing and will often report two completely different recollections to the detective. neither believe they saw the phenomena inaccurately. They just both perceived the experience very differently. Carl Sagan said this once "humans make very bad witnesses"

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

I'm not trying to "win".

I'm saying that these things have been flying around since 3000 BC,
so I don't see how the US government can be involved.

This 'sighting' seems to be having the same effect as religion has on
people --- namely puts them at each other's throats.

If anything has 'won' "IT has"', whatever 'IT' is.

Now please believe me that I'm sincere here.. I do not know what
that particular sighting was.

If our government can build ships that could take out the Starship Enterprise,
then yes, that would be fascinating.

But there is no evidence for that.

On the other hand there IS tons of evidence that *something* strange has been
going on, on Earth, since forever.

I would love to be wrong on my position.. truly.... if any spooky letter agencies
want to prove what you are saying to me, and would kill me if I were to let
it be released.. i'd be so happy to be wrong.. as I'd then know.

I just want to know.


posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 03:03 PM
What the witnesses describe in the OP is similar to the sighting that I had a few years ago coming home from work. The object I saw was not high in the sky, in fact, it was just above the tree line just sitting there, hovering.

The only difference is the one I saw was pretty much a longish type of triangle, with orangey-amber lights on the bottom and it when it took off, it TOOK OFF. Zoom, it was gone in a split second.

Before that evening, I didn't give two thoughts to this subject. I had heard of Roswell, but other than that didn't know much about any of it. That night certainly changed a lot of my views on the subject. Whatever it was that I saw...

S&F for a fine thread that, as of now, hasn't been derailed by the usual suspects. Yet, anyway.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

"humans make very bad witnesses"

They sure do, but they are awesome story tellers. That's where I think that the gold is.

"The gold is in the dark"

- C.G. Jung

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: Morningglory

Frankly I'm the only pissed off, outraged UFO witness I know.

Oh hey, sorry, I meant to tell you that you are definitely not the only pissed off UFO witness out there.

I'm one too.

You've found your people.

edit on 17-1-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

Most of Project Blue Book's cases remain unexplained. Yes, that's right, over 12,000 cases. Here's where you can look

As I look at through a few of these cases, I don't see any explanation from the Air Force, except to brush off the reports or give a simple mundane explanation, without giving more details why they think that's correct(and debated, though obviously, that's out of the question back then.)

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