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Hi! You may find my ideology repulsive, and that's fine

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posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: TWA0918

The way things are;

Humans built the pyramids, humans did all the wonderful old structure building.

We are infinitely powerful beings, collective consciousness is God. That consciousness has been subverted by a powerful few who use the limitless potential of the subconscious that exists in all of us to create the reality we see.

Perception is reality, 99.99999999999% of the population are mind controlled by mass media and live out glorified slave lives trapped in their story/ego/thinker.

The NWO lots fear has existed for years already, it's not a future threat. It is here now, nations are a sham in the divide and conquer method used. The Hegelian Dialectic is what is used to keep us fighting among ourselves. Fundamental Islam is just a tool to spread terror. Asian countries are slave labor for factories. Africa is slave labor for resources, middle east too. Fear feeds our ego/story/thinker.

We are our own guards and prisoners. Our prisons are our minds. Education is indoctrination, creates thoughtless clones whose shared brainwashing traps themselves and each other. Mainstream media continues hivemind process and fear spreading of course.

We are not our thoughts.
We are the pure awareness reading these words, that everyone shares. We are one. You are Edward Norton. Tyler Durden is a socially manufactured mind control tool that only exists in your head. The voice denying what I'm saying is that manufactured mind control trying to survive. You are the pure awareness watching that voice, not the voice. Control your mind or it controls you.

It's an all encompassing brilliant system. A paradigm shift in consciousness from our ego dominated present system to a higher awareness dominated future system is the only solution.
Love is the answer. Once you understand we're one, love comes naturally for everyone.

edit on 17-12-2014 by MarxMarvellous because: Added the last paragraph

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 05:51 PM
Not to rain on anyone's parade or anything, but logic is against this Annunaki idea.

Especially the "Mining of Gold".

I read the incredible story as well. Where the man was taken up the spaceship, actually went to Niburu (Planet X) and witness an atmosphere with a reddish hue (due to Gold particles in the atmosphere or some crap).

So the idea is that the Annunaki came to Earth to mine Gold to fix their own atmosphere.

I think it is a bit far fetched.

An Alien race as advanced as that, surely would have other alternatives to preserve their own race, rather than coming to Earth to mine gold?

Look, Gold is precious on Earth but it is not "unique" to Earth. In fact, latest scientific research is leaning towards Meteor or other planetary collisions that brought most of the Gold that we currently have on Earth.

In any case, the idea is that raw materials such as Gold, Iron, even Water and many many various types of Gas are all readily available just floating around in space. Why in the world would such an advanced Alien race spend so much time coming to Earth... to mine gold.. with manual labor??

Genetic experimentation to create super monkeys to mine gold? It's just a bit far fetched, to me that is.

But as Aristotle once said: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: truthseeker84

In the end I may not end up believing these things. But as it stands it explains the things I've always wondered about rather completely

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: TWA0918

So, an advanced civilization, [ who by the way were technologically advanced enough to travel the stars ] came all the way to Earth to create slaves [ because it was easier to travel trillions of miles to create a whole new race, rather than use their technology to mine asteroids or other planets anywhere between here and there ] to mine gold.
Hmm. You do see the problem with that, right?

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

No actually. They came for the resources alone. But as things went on they realized that primates were the perfect workforce. Opposable thumbs and strong backs. A basic knowledge of tools. It was convenience that borne the human race. Why come to earth for elements? There is more than gold they came for obviously. They found a habitable planet with abundant life and raw materials. No doubt the environment on their home planets are stressed with having to support a very advanced civilization. If you had the choice between working in a mild climate similar to our own and a freezing cold room you had to wear breathing equipment in, which would you choose? If interstellar travel faster than light is their method of transportation it would be just as easy, if not easier, to come to earth as it would be to land on an asteroid that may or may not have the resources you seek in abundance.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: truthseeker84

An Alien race as advanced as that, surely would have other alternatives to preserve their own race, rather than coming to Earth to mine gold?

Good point... But surely a race as advanced as our own could figure out a better way to create energy than to burn the non renewable oils that are left over from decomposed life forms? Things don't always make sense, and they're rarely how you expect them to be.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: MarxMarvellous

I also believe that our consciousness has been subverted and our human potential is being stifled by the powers that be. Humanity IS more than a slave workforce, that is why we have come as far as we have. But I find it distinctly... unhuman to want to suppress technology and knowledge that could make humanity great. There is something else pulling the strings behind it all.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

You poor soul, you really believe all that don't you?

The annunaki are just another hammer in the vast tool belt of the Archons.
edit on 18-12-2014 by Eunuchorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: TWA0918

TWA0918, welcome to ATS


posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: Eunuchorn
You poor soul, you really believe all that don't you?

Oh please, don't pretend like you actually care...

The man who tells the truth is universally disliked by every person because every person has an agenda and is hiding behind a fantasy which the truth penetrates like an arrow and leaves him stripped naked before the whole universe, and he does not like that." ~ Milton William Cooper

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: TWA0918
a reply to: MarxMarvellous

I also believe that our consciousness has been subverted and our human potential is being stifled by the powers that be. Humanity IS more than a slave workforce, that is why we have come as far as we have. But I find it distinctly... unhuman to want to suppress technology and knowledge that could make humanity great. There is something else pulling the strings behind it all.

First off Welcome

I share your view quoted above ... Though I believe we are only powerless if we give our power over to those who wish to manipulate us for their own selfish and ignorant agenda/s

I agree also that the vast majority of Humanity are no more than slaves ... I think the film The Matrix is a good example that says this also.

Not wishing to sound like a Luddite ... I feel it is not so much the suppression of technology that holds Humanity back ... though it could greatly benefit all if used with the right intention ...

I believe it is the Indoctrinated ideas put upon us almost from the moment we are born ... However such Indoctrinations can be shaken off if we are willing and open minded to better ways of being ... First we must learn to recognise these indoctrinations and question them within ...

Humanity has historically been under the yoke of fear mongers and brutal oppressors ... this does not mean it will always be this way ...

If you believe the Annunaki are responsible that is your choice ... I actually believe they do not truly exist ... But it is good that you can accept differing beliefs ... we are each on our path towards truth and some paths may seem at odds with others
... but if truth is the destination then these differences can be seen as an opportunity for growth

I find that being on ATS is a great way of honing my acceptance of different perspectives ... some overlap my own ... others I learn and grow from ... But ultimately I feel it is about how we inter act and respect one another ... In a way we are a microcosm of the bigger world ... Here though we are free to express ideas freely ... how those ideas are accepted is down to the individual ... I wish you well

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: TWA0918

Greetings and Salutations- Welcome, because I travel in a "Free Will Zone" You, the "other Me" can think whatever You want as I hold the power on how I will react, ergo, if I got in a tizzy over something You said or believed, that would mean that I have relinquished My power to You and because I'm currently or 'still' pulling strings for this 'vessel' in this incarnate, feel Free to move about the cabin...

for ALL- Prior to choosing a side, have any thought of the possibility that different views are "correct" (I use correct as opposed to 'right' as if there is a 'right' or 'wrong'...) Instead of spending time being the 'trier of fact' why not marvel in the complexity of it? What if One guy's view was askew because he was the first being from a whole different star cluster? If One viewed Mother Earth as a 'school' and students are sent here from ALL over the Universe to learn lessons to bring back to their planet where they are viewed/mistaken for a 'God' (with no offense to the One Infinite creator, Hunab Ku)

"It" could be anything, where thought is real and the physical is the illusion...


P.S. I also wouldn't be so fast to NOT think that due to the most recent Mercury Retrograde, the functioning of The Law of Attraction will be increased...

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