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Atheists Please Consider What You Have Missed - The True God of Love

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posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: AlephBet

The only Heaven we will ever experience exists between our ears.

Thanks for your topic.


Opposite of what you just said. The only Hell you will ever experience is the input to your mind from the image of Heaven.

Here is something that anyone reading this should never miss. If you have followed the conversation and discourse so far, I have show you who Baphomet is. It can be no other way in a reflected mirror. What do you see from the reflection of the image in a mirror? Its opposite.

Orthogonal truth is truth at right angles. There are always two hidden directions from any point in space/time. Those directions for us in 3D are future and past. Below, a 2D flatlander cannot see up and down. Above our 3D world of spatial dimension, we are mirrored by temporal movement from beginning to end. It's a story that ends and has a beginning. In the mirror, what do you see here? Opposite (Alice in the Rabbit's Hole).

Why would I show you this symbol in relation to EVERYTHING I have shown you so far?


If Baphomet is the personification of Evil, both male and female here below, then what is Elohim above in Heaven? By comparison, what is Yahweh (Son of God) as the image of God?

Look Right and you see the twist in the story. It's orthogonal and hidden. Value what I have show you.

Does God value the Self-righteous here in the image or the wicked? Neither. He values what you have become in Heaven from your walk here below. The worst of us here are the best of us there. It can be no other way. Equilibrium is what God seeks - Rest for the motion below. Twist and turn in the volution of baptism, but you will eventually (E)volve, or exit the volution. E in Latin is to come out of. Involution is baptism into the error of Baphomet. He is opposite God in every way. By his example, you reach the Father by overcoming the image.

edit on 29-11-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 10:53 AM
If I can see the difference between holding a view and works then the highest ones can that too. If I can think that a sheep is a sheep no matter view and a goat is a goat no matter the view the so can the highest ones.

Jesus made a promise to be one of the protectors of all sheep and make sure the wolves in sheep clothing was not allowed in to manipulate and hurt the sheep. I know of a lot of atheists who are sheep.

If the Paulian version of faith was true then the highest levels would be in a turmoil. The blessed ones would never stand for that illogical corruption to be on the highest levels.


posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 10:56 AM
You seem to think that you can change atheists minds by reading from the bible and giving false entymology. In fact that seems to be the overall message in all of your posts. To proselytize to the unbelievers. Why this is considered acceptable use of this site, i do not understand. Unless you can prove what your saying, this nonsense belongs in skunkworks or hoaxes.

The fact is that most atheists know the bible better than you. Your interpretations of the stories don't do anything to persuade us to start believing in something that is not only physically impossible, but morally corrupt. We are not lost puppies who need you to guide us back to the ignorance that you spout every day. We are intellectually secure with our understanding of religion and the harm it causes to reasonable thinking in children and adults.

It is your own insecurities that lead you to post in this way. The only person you have convinced is yourself. That is painfully obvious in the total lack of support that your posts garner from these forums. You are trying to show us that 2 apples plus 2 apples = 5 apples. When all you have to do is just count the fricken apples, and stop adding fake apples to the story.

This is the byproduct of a mind obsessed with the philosophy of religion, and the acceptance of a fictional story as real, in place of objective research about where these stories actually originate.

If you spent half as much time studying biology, chemistry, and physics, you would understand why we see your religious banter as the ramblings of a childlike mind. The connections you try to make between science and religion are in your own head and stem from you reading from pseudo science sites and youtube videos. Please stop trying to convert people to your primitive superstitions.

a reply to: AlephBet

edit on 29-11-2014 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2014 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: LittleByLittle
If I can see the difference between holding a view and works then the highest ones can that too. If I can think that a sheep is a sheep no matter view and a goat is a goat no matter the view the so can the highest ones.

Jesus made a promise to be one of the protectors of all sheep and make sure the wolves in sheep clothing was not allowed in to manipulate and hurt the sheep. I know of a lot of atheists who are sheep.

If the Paulian version of faith was true then the highest levels would be in a turmoil. The blessed ones would never stand for that illogical corruption to be on the highest levels.


The first (in pride) are last. The last (Humility) are first. Christ is his own mirror to Yahweh. We are the mirror image of the Son. Yes, Jesus died for our sins (and his own by the image he created). If the Son of God was the worst of us in the image, then he is the best of us to rise back to the Father from the image. He is Alpha and Omega. We are simply shadows from his movement in the dimensions of the mirror.

Reality is a prism refracting the light. Invariance is symmetry never changes. Translational symmetry does. We are translated by the light hitting the Son as it returns back. It's a simulation in a hologram. Why?

Hebrews 9

23 It was necessary, then, for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence. 25 Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. 26 Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

The point is to wait on him to reveal the truth in repentance to us. He already forgave us on the cross:

Luke 23:34

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

Job 26:6 - Sheol is naked in God’s presence, and Abaddon has no clothing.

Laid bare.

We see his nakedness, just as he witnessed ours in Genesis 3. We each see the other for what we are in the image. From this, we forgive our enemy.

The Rainbow my friends. It's a promise to ALL God's creatures.

edit on 29-11-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: AlephBet

The Rainbow my friends. It's a promise to ALL God's creatures.

No its not. It's the refraction of light from the sun by tiny water droplets which act like actual prisms, not metaphorical ones.

Rainbows would appear on any planet with liquid in it's atmosphere. Even planets with no life.

What you probably haven't taken into consideration is the fact that the primitive people who wrote these stories DIDN'T KNOW THAT. Therefor an amazing display from nature (right after it rains) would seem like a sign from god.

edit on 29-11-2014 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2014 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:14 AM
Odin said nothing of that nature.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: AlephBet

originally posted by: Annee
OK, re-read and re-read again.

Still atheist.

"Man" has a wild imagination in the need to explain his existance.

"Man" writes silly stuff.

Silly until you look at the window of our computer toward the Mideast. The story is coming true. I tell you again, hold off for a few years. You will come back to this thread.

Well no.

You are making the story fit.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:40 AM

sets you free from both the need for salvation by your own decision and the false determination that there is no God of Love.

wanted to focus on this part. sets people free from the need to make their own decision? and the false determination that there is no god. you really need to work on your delivery there, because that sounds like taking away free will.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: AlephBet
a reply to: BestinShow

I would agree with you if it were not for one simple proof. DNA comprises letters of creation. The evidence is left in the words that matter: Father (Letters), Mother and Son (Word)

I would suggest a review of the evidence from my first thread here on ATS as the AlephBet. Even if you don't, it won't matter. We will all be gathered together after the enemy burns it down. The truth will be known regardless of the view we take before or after. Duplicity (fear of judgement or fear of losing reward) cannot save any of us. Truth saves us by mercy, which is what the Son will be forced to do for us in the end. All of us.

We are products of our environment and our environment was not produced by the will of the Father. Our next environment will be from the Father. The rainbow is a promise to all life. Baptisms are in a sequence. Earth, Air, Water, Fire and then Spirit. We are entering the fire.

DNA is comprised of atoms, which bond together to make molecules, which are chemicals. The letters attributed to them are only shorthand for all the functions that these chemicals do. There is nothing supernatural in these functions. They are very well understood. It has NOTHING to do with the bible whatsoever. That claim alone should get this OP put into skunkworks.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:51 AM
Acts 26

24 Now as he thus made his defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “Paul, you are beside yourself! Much learning is driving you mad!”

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

Atheists Please Consider What You Have Missed - The True God of Love

You really don't get atheists - do you?


Though I have to say - you seem pretty sincere. You get some respect from me for that

If Christ comes and loves him enemies, then Yahweh has repented and he will save Nineveh (Sign of Jonah). If he comes to make peace, then we will all see. If he comes to bring sudden destruction (as he went back on his word about Nineveh in the OT), then we know who has failed to fulfill his own words. He did destroy Nineveh. Read a few books past Jonah. He went back on his word. Will he now, at the turning point of these end days? We will see. We will all see. I ask you to wait. I also wait.

That's a lot of ifs - and waiting

People are suffering now the whole world over - same as they ever did - same as they ever will

Maybe he's missed his cue

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Woodcarver

No its not. It's the refraction of light from the sun by tiny water droplets which act like actual prisms, not metaphorical ones.

Rainbows would appear on any planet with liquid in it's atmosphere. Even planets with no life.

What you probably haven't taken into consideration is the fact that the primitive people who wrote these stories DIDN'T KNOW THAT. Therefor an amazing display from nature (right after it rains) would seem like a sign from god.

Dew represents rebirth, or the falling of droplets of water, followed by the distillation and evaporation from the sun.

Isaiah 26

19 But your dead will live, Lord;
their bodies will rise—
let those who dwell in the dust
wake up and shout for joy—
your dew is like the dew of the morning;
the earth will give birth to her dead.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: Woodcarver

I get what you say entirely, but it cannot be dismissed this easily. Science has a parallel to the story I showed you. The early universe would have been in a high state of order with low entropy. The raw material (unrefined mirrored by God's refined nature) would then be like a son ready to be raised. Evolution is the process to take this raw material and refine it for life. E means out of and volution means spinning around a center. All of nature is this involution of consciousness into matter. Evolution is then the rising to new life. Baptism is this same concept of involution for the purpose of evolution. Genesis chapter 1 starts with a formless void and the Spirit hovering over the waters. This is a dual nature. Ruach Elohim is Feminine and Elohim is both male and female.

You can dismiss this as ignorance or you can see that the Bible is giving you the proper metaphor to use for our own scientific theories. Evolution cannot happen as a cause. Something holds the volution in place, just as the Higgs Field suggests. Mass gains mass from the particle without spin. Symmetry is invariant. What is variant is that which moves around the center. Science shows this parallel to the entire story of the Bible. You can ignore it if you like. I choose to see the beauty in God taking the raw material to make me.

The promise in all of this is a perfected state of being with a new robe (body) and crown (mind). These are not fables, but an advanced and inconceivable mind showing us how to conceive of our own existence. He even names himself the Father (Aleph Bet) and His Son the Word (what comes form the letters). You can try to deny this but you can't. It's too obvious.

Atheism denies that a designer is at work. As the designer states, it's the only sin that will not be forgiven. Nature proclaims the truth as evident.

I say it again, you are much better off if you hold off on your judgment of the Bible. Science is on the cusp of showing us that light has a third nature (consciousness). Particle and wave are only part of the story. Evolution is true, but not a cause. It is a result.

You have nothing to lose by waiting and holding judgement. You have everything to lose by denying the one that gives you the opportunity.

Design and not accidental chaos. The image is a hologram and science is already showing this to be the case.

If you don't trust me on this, then at least listen to the scientists themselves. We are an image of information and light.

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

Darkness flees form light, not the other way around. Deny ignorance with light.

edit on 29-11-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: Viking9019
Odin said nothing of that nature.

silly goose, your god is a false idol! zeus is the true god. because he told me so in my sleep! it was a very funny dream...

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 04:14 PM
Personally I don't feel any need to be "saved" as I don't believe in any god.

So that leaves me in the position of...

A: There is a god, but as I have lived a good enough life, been kind, sharing, loving, compassionate etc etc I have nothing to fear.


B: There is no god and it doesn't matter anyway!!
edit on Nov144830America/ChicagoSat, 29 Nov 2014 16:14:48 -0600_9681430 by Mister_Bit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: Woodcarver
You seem to think that you can change atheists minds by reading from the bible and giving false entymology. In fact that seems to be the overall message in all of your posts. To proselytize to the unbelievers. Why this is considered acceptable use of this site, i do not understand. Unless you can prove what your saying, this nonsense belongs in skunkworks or hoaxes.

I agree.ATS is a "forum" for people discussing issues and ideas not a proselytizing blog.Not even skunkworks or hoaxes is where proselytizing blogs belong however proselytizing blog post on ATS do serve a purpose by documenting ignorance.It is all in the process of exposing lies.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: AlephBet
a reply to: Woodcarver

I get what you say entirely, but it cannot be dismissed this easily. Science has a parallel to the story I showed you. The early universe would have been in a high state of order with low entropy. The raw material (unrefined mirrored by God's refined nature) would then be like a son ready to be raised. Evolution is the process to take this raw material and refine it for life. E means out of and volution means spinning around a center. All of nature is this involution of consciousness into matter. Evolution is then the rising to new life. Baptism is this same concept of involution for the purpose of evolution. Genesis chapter 1 starts with a formless void and the Spirit hovering over the waters. This is a dual nature. Ruach Elohim is Feminine and Elohim is both male and female.

You can dismiss this as ignorance or you can see that the Bible is giving you the proper metaphor to use for our own scientific theories. Evolution cannot happen as a cause. Something holds the volution in place, just as the Higgs Field suggests. Mass gains mass from the particle without spin. Symmetry is invariant. What is variant is that which moves around the center. Science shows this parallel to the entire story of the Bible. You can ignore it if you like. I choose to see the beauty in God taking the raw material to make me.

The promise in all of this is a perfected state of being with a new robe (body) and crown (mind). These are not fables, but an advanced and inconceivable mind showing us how to conceive of our own existence. He even names himself the Father (Aleph Bet) and His Son the Word (what comes form the letters). You can try to deny this but you can't. It's too obvious.

Atheism denies that a designer is at work. As the designer states, it's the only sin that will not be forgiven. Nature proclaims the truth as evident.

I say it again, you are much better off if you hold off on your judgment of the Bible. Science is on the cusp of showing us that light has a third nature (consciousness). Particle and wave are only part of the story. Evolution is true, but not a cause. It is a result.

You have nothing to lose by waiting and holding judgement. You have everything to lose by denying the one that gives you the opportunity.

Design and not accidental chaos. The image is a hologram and science is already showing this to be the case.

If you don't trust me on this, then at least listen to the scientists themselves. We are an image of information and light.

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

Darkness flees form light, not the other way around. Deny ignorance with light.

You do not even understand what you are saying, and i know you have no clue what i am saying.
I can dismiss everything you are saying because you won't bother to do any research beyond some youtube vids. You wouldn't even know how to prove what you are saying. Because if you did, you would know that you are wrong. The two physicists in that vid would not agree with your understanding of their work. They would be very frustrated if they knew people were trying to use their work to fool others and proseletyize them into some pseudo scientific new age religion. Your language is full of metaphor and symbolism that only mean something to you. No one else has any clue what your talking about. You constantly try to mix some personal new age philosophy with a bad understanding of science and even worse entomology as the glue you call proof. You cannot just replace science with metaphors and science has no use for them to explain the mechanics of the universe. I can pretty much break down every one of your posts, sentence by sentence and show you how every one of them is either wrong or is just some poorly crafted metaphor which adds no real understanding to any of these discussions. And then you sprinkle on some scripture for whatever reason and say "The bible is scientifically correct."

Reading the tripe that comes from your posts, and knowing that it is saved for posterity on the interwebs forever, for actual people to read and be suckered into your wierd version of whatever the fax religion you made up, makes me want to
Face palm myself to death!!!

edit on 30-11-2014 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: AlephBet

Yahweh originated as a warrior-god in the late bronze age. Hung out with El(or maybe one and the same, just kidding. It was a political thing surely), and his pals Asherah and Baal.

Elohim is a homonym that is simply another word for "g(G)od(s)", "angel", ruler or even judges depending on how it's used. It also has a pantheistic origination.

The origin of Baphomet is actually quite interesting as there is only reference to it as a hedonistic idol worshiped possibly by the Templars who admitted it after being tortured(torture me and I'll say I worship potatoes if you like) and later morphed into the goat-devil we see on all the tarot cards by none other than Aleister Crowley after slowly becoming more and more associated with occult worship. And now has taken the helm of representing the most ultimate evil.

Ninevah was not destroyed by a god, but rather a civil war and numerous clashing battles.

Rainbows and DNA have already been explained here by other atheists like myself. A note: if you want an iota of respect from the atheist community, you need to realize how completely ridiculous the entire Noah fable is.

Now, regarding atonement, you appear to follow the penal substitutionary theory or the moral influence theory of atonement. I'd say they're the kinder theories. However, I take issue with being represented as a "sinner" any time that's brought up. You state that the one "sin" we are committing is the refusal to believe this world was created by a god being. That when it's all said and done, simply not believing is the end-all reason for judgement and so you must pay. The whole premise is a joke. God knocks up a woman so that she may have a son who dies because of a rule that Papa made up in the first place. If he even existed, he was probably just forgiving(guilting?) the folks hanging him and stealing his clothing, because why not at that point? But guess what? No one who wrote the book was actually there at the time anyway, making it hearsay at best and most likely pure fiction.

But, I digress. Back to the judgement.
I say, so what? Bring it! There's nothing in your description of ascension that I desire and I would actually despise that possibility if it were to exist. I reject any idea of salvation. I don't want it. If any of that proved to be true, I would spit in the face of any "creator" who decided that was how things should be and then walk away. Think about it. Your creator has this idea of light and love, and so you should just bow to whatever authority they bestow? Is that what you want? Would you do that in this life? Just hand over your life to someone who sheltered you with talk of love and then righteously support them when they smite their will upon others who don't agree?

I've wasted too much time already as this will get nowhere. Woodcarver: Your post was great.
edit on 30-11-2014 by gottaknow because: (no reason given)

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