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Real Millionaires Club

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posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:21 PM
Both Democratic & Republican members of Congress have a median net worth of $1,000,000. While our elected officials remain increasingly out of touch, I have an unconventional solution that will send them a much needed message.

You might think I'm crazy, but I think it will take crazy to get our country back.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: JesseVentura

While I agree that voting along party lines is absurd, I think voting all together in the political climate we have and under the system we have is all but a farce. IMO it validates an invalid system.

I would like to think that voting actually changes things, but I just don't see it. You may be the exception and I truly admire what you is still a far cry from what is required for real change (not on your part, you do your share). I wish you had 10,000 people like you to help. I am not one of those "lets start a revolution" people. I am more of a "lets do something crazy people". I think we agree there. It really is going to take crazy to win back our country.

I wish we had more average people in government. I think if we had something other than political science majors, people who study law or who are in big business as leaders that our government would not only reflect their own concerns and issues but would instead reflect more of the general public's reality.

Why don't we have more scientists, engineers, artists, and laborers in office? Wouldn't it make sense to have those groups represented in government? We get the occasional soldier but honestly, we get officers with pedigree in office, not average grunts.

You cant make a little prince think like us. Its literally their entire life, and social network they would have to go against. You know. Its another world all together. If they were any more apart from us they would speak their own language. They live in a country within a country. They also have a government within a government.

What I would like to see is a mandatory 1/3 of government to be DIRECTLY voted on by average people. If we cant have direct democracy (which would solve this whole mess instantly) then lets have as much of it as we can handle. Lets get a mandatory 1/3 of government to come DIRECTLY from the population with ZERO campaign funding. I would trust a Janitor or construction worker with an actual mind and soul to run a public office. I would trust them that much more if they won their office based on their ability to coalesce with the average person instead of their friends or money they can throw around. I assume he/ she would rely on the experts and professionals of each field to make decisions like these lawyers and businessmen in office do now anyways. Its not like congress or the senate are experts in all things. They talk to experts and make decisions. I think the average person could do that. The only difference is that they would decide based on the good for the country and the people. Maybe a little less expertise in all things "politic" would help things.

I don't know sir. I wish more people like you existed. I wish there was a clear course to public office for those who have a predisposition for public service.

Maybe paving that road is part of the solution-

Have a good one.
Hold it down.

BTW, I think its cool as hell that you are a member here. Thanks for your time.

edit on 11 20 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: JesseVentura

In principle the idea is fair enough I think. What I think is a little crazy is expecting politicians to pass a bill enacting such an option that would completely undermine their over inflated sense of divine right to rule.

Beyond that, and from an outside perspective, your statement about taking back the USA seems a little late. From what I can see the best that can be achieved is holding onto what little remains of a viable democratic political system. To be honest though, considering the quantum of campaign funds that are now allowed and the voters tendency to believe whatever MSM they're into, it doesn't leave much room for hope.

Kind Regards

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:33 PM
Vote in a rich man, lose most of your worth.

Nothing will change for a long time. The rich will always be used to manipulate the masses. As for the true powers that be, they use the ultra wealthy to execute their agendas. People see wealth, prestige, shadowy connections and assume it's big names like the Rothschilds who run things, when they're just used to carry out the orders.

Big money is a big problem in politics but then again, souls are easily compromised. A giant check shuts the mouth.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:52 PM
What being rich does is demonstrate a level of competency in working with people and money, skills that are important for anyone dealing with public office. As for how a few came across their money can have a lot of skeletons and other costs. Generally it is positions of leadership and influences of control where most of the money goes defining the social pecking order.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Thank you for your support. I totally agree with your perspective on having more of Congress be less 'political' and more diverse as well. And I think it is possible to make a change, the voters just need to unite and be behind it, and people need to stay vigilant.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
What being rich does is demonstrate a level of competency in working with people and money, skills that are important for anyone dealing with public office. As for how a few came across their money can have a lot of skeletons and other costs. Generally it is positions of leadership and influences of control where most of the money goes defining the social pecking order.

A level of competency when it comes to working with money means they know how to steal.

A level of competency when it comes to working with people means they know how to manipulate.

Neither of these are traits I want in a person holding any office, and I think most would agree with me. The rich folks in government aren't the type that got there with hard work and integrity. They are the type that got there by lying and cheating, and they carry on with those tactics once they hold office.

Modern wealth is created with smoke and mirrors not thrift and industry, we need to stop acting like it means anything positive about the person.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 05:51 AM
Politics will always be the same, it will always be run by politicians. No matter where you go no matter what society.

The only sort of answer is the extreme limitation of political power and small government local government dominating to curb corruption and power grabbing.... and we did this but it still fails, it fails and falls to corruption because politicians who seek power will always turn "over seas" to other nations to create "threats" on mutual agreement with one another so their respective citizenry can be convinced to over turn those checks and balances and allow them to consolidate power and even when the cause is legit the power still inevitably corrupts.

We wont see non politicians ever dominate politics outside of short periods when the corruption gets so bad it forces revolution and people have no choice but to step up and lead, but as son as things become sane for a short time, those people leave office and "power seekers" come back out of the wood work, the reason for this is... these people are insane and by nature those that seek to lead are usually somewhat by percentage leaning to the Narcissistic/Sociopath side of things...

Most people are sane, we are all the same, we want to fall in Love, have a career we enjoy... Doctors are interested in the Human body and helping people mainly and so on for whatever craft and a lot of people don't even go that far... they want to go home to spouse and kids, eat well, have decent sex and enjoy their lives with friends and family and "work" for the sake of providing... But then there are the people who want "Power" they wake up and figure "I should be in charge of all this crap" and those people are nuts, I had Hamsters once and there was always that one miserable Hamster who horded all the food and would rip an eye of any other Hamster that went near it's room.... People have a genetic version of this and they usually are the ONLY ones who really run for office...

The "Good" leaders are the ones who have it "thrust" on them because they had no choice left to their own devices most would never in a million years choose politics. "Ruling" is basically insane

I don't know there is any long term solution so long as you have a system of opposing Nation States above it all and Politics as we know it even exists, it's a cycle that's been going on forever, Revolution, inevitable corruption, Revolution. It's pretty sick...

Anyone ever see the movie "Heavy Metal" the cartoon?

There is one scene that illustrates it perfectly, in Den when the kid who is voiced by John Candy get's the "Locknar" from the baddies he is told "You can rule all this" and he looks across this mass of mutants and says "No Way" and flys off with the hot chick.... This is the way any sane person thinks, sure he was a decent person and freed everyone, but the minute he had a chance he was outta there... same for any revolutionary which inevitably means it's just a matter of time before the sociopaths take over again...

This all, is much more a matter of how we live as human beings and what causes the sociopaths to exist in the first place, purely genetic, a matter of the human condition? I think these questions need to be answered before we can break this cycle

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: James1982

These tactics are legal by the standards of American land. Love it or hate it, tough $^!*. 9/11 has clearly demonstrated that the US legal system is under the thumb of the military industrial complex.

I like fighting with mirrors, the better our perception matches our reality the better off we all are. The more hands on the job the quicker it is sorted.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: criticalhit

Have you ever tried running for office, council, school board or some other committee? Have you ever looked into processes, structures or changes like petitions or gatherings to vent social discourse? Ok, things are a mess, now what?

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:57 PM
The problem is our culture of worship. We worship celebrities, sports heroes and yes, even politicians. We worship WEALTH over all.

Unless and until we stop seeing others as "our betters" and start seeing them as our equals, this will continue. Societally we tend to think that someone is better than ourselves if they are wealthier, no matter how they accumulated their wealth and to what corrupt ends.

The end result is that fiscal status is what is valued most. We have elevated lawyers, judges and politicians to positions of great power - whom all had privileges untold, to get them to where they are. And yet we reward such "luck" of elevated life status as if it were a REAL and tangible quality, much more important than say, HONESTY - and we have enabled them to decide via Government, the entirety of decisions for all, even when they cannot possibly relate to the average man. And have not been able to for quite possibly, many generations.

We need to see our fellow man as equally capable, equally worthy and afford them the opportunities to lead, whether it be by crowd-sourcing or any other means necessary. Remove the money and bribery and lobbying from politics, and bring back the values that should truly guide a county, with a paradigm of complete transparency.

I never did understand how no politician is ever held to the very promises that get them elected. In any other career they would be fired for their outright lies, at the very least. If we allow and accept lies from the government that runs the country, is it any wonder why our whole society is run by dishonesty and cover-ups?

Integrity -MUST- matter, above all. With accountability, a close second.

edit on 21-11-2014 by MoonBlossom because: More Words

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 05:14 PM
A thread posted by a millionaire complaining about millionaires being out of touch with "the regular folk."

Really, Jesse?

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: Answer
A thread posted by a millionaire complaining about millionaires being out of touch with "the regular folk."

Really, Jesse?

Are you shocked?

The Former politician also stated this:

The rich folks in government aren't the type that got there with hard work and integrity. They are the type that got there by lying and cheating, and they carry on with those tactics once they hold office.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: peck420
The Former politician also stated this:

The rich folks in government aren't the type that got there with hard work and integrity. They are the type that got there by lying and cheating, and they carry on with those tactics once they hold office.

THIS: constitutes hard work these days?

I'm not seeing hard work or integrity there in any form, but that may just be me. Answer's comment was pretty astute, actually.
edit on 18-1-2015 by burdman30ott6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: JesseVentura

These government positions were never intended to be full time positions.

They were never intended to be the main source of income for these people.

I think we need a return to that, I think these guys need to be forced to work regular jobs in whatever their chosen professions were, so they can keep some sort of a sense of connection of whats really going on out here.....

But thats not what happens, they go to washington, they turn into career politicians and start raking in the money from special interest groups......

Term limits , term limits, term limits........

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 08:37 PM
When Politicians can legally engage in, insider trading unlike everyone else and reap the benefits of legalized bribery from their big money donors, it is no surprise they are multimillionaires many times over.

That's a Great Idea Jessy.
"None of the Above" as an option on the ballots.
I'll bet that millions that did not vote might actually get out there and vote if they had another option besides the turds we are presented with.
Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil.
The Status Quo "Party" would never go for it however because it would show how much of a sham to the public our election process is.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
What being rich does is demonstrate a level of competency in working with people and money, skills that are important for anyone dealing with public office. As for how a few came across their money can have a lot of skeletons and other costs. Generally it is positions of leadership and influences of control where most of the money goes defining the social pecking order.

What we have is a revolving door in DC consisting of politicians, bankers and Industry Insiders helping each other out. That is great it is working out for them, which is how they want it, but it is not working out for the rest of the country.

Business Men and Bankers go into their industries specifically to make money for themselves and their shareholders and that is the main goal. Everyone else below them is hired help and is expendable. This is fine in the private sector.

Our government should not be run like a business though where the politicians (Executives) and Lobbyists (Shareholders) reap the rewards and everyone else below them exists for their interests. The government should be run for the interests of all Americans unlike how a business is run. This is all American Citizens country.

As Tadaman said, we need intelligent and diverse American's where their interests is not to get rich with other people's money but to serve the country.

Intelligent Scientist, Doctors and Engineers would most definitely do a better job than self serving corrupt crony capitalists that infest DC.

edit on 18-1-2015 by jacobe001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: JesseVentura

While I agree that voting along party lines is absurd, I think voting all together in the political climate we have and under the system we have is all but a farce. IMO it validates an invalid system.

I would like to think that voting actually changes things, but I just don't see it. You may be the exception and I truly admire what you is still a far cry from what is required for real change (not on your part, you do your share). I wish you had 10,000 people like you to help. I am not one of those "lets start a revolution" people. I am more of a "lets do something crazy people". I think we agree there. It really is going to take crazy to win back our country.

I wish we had more average people in government. I think if we had something other than political science majors, people who study law or who are in big business as leaders that our government would not only reflect their own concerns and issues but would instead reflect more of the general public's reality.

Why don't we have more scientists, engineers, artists, and laborers in office? Wouldn't it make sense to have those groups represented in government? We get the occasional soldier but honestly, we get officers with pedigree in office, not average grunts.

You cant make a little prince think like us. Its literally their entire life, and social network they would have to go against. You know. Its another world all together. If they were any more apart from us they would speak their own language. They live in a country within a country. They also have a government within a government.

What I would like to see is a mandatory 1/3 of government to be DIRECTLY voted on by average people. If we cant have direct democracy (which would solve this whole mess instantly) then lets have as much of it as we can handle. Lets get a mandatory 1/3 of government to come DIRECTLY from the population with ZERO campaign funding. I would trust a Janitor or construction worker with an actual mind and soul to run a public office. I would trust them that much more if they won their office based on their ability to coalesce with the average person instead of their friends or money they can throw around. I assume he/ she would rely on the experts and professionals of each field to make decisions like these lawyers and businessmen in office do now anyways. Its not like congress or the senate are experts in all things. They talk to experts and make decisions. I think the average person could do that. The only difference is that they would decide based on the good for the country and the people. Maybe a little less expertise in all things "politic" would help things.

I don't know sir. I wish more people like you existed. I wish there was a clear course to public office for those who have a predisposition for public service.

Maybe paving that road is part of the solution-

Have a good one.
Hold it down.

BTW, I think its cool as hell that you are a member here. Thanks for your time.

Precisely, nice post!

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