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Ebola and Population Control of Africans- any theories?

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posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 10:15 PM
Bill Gates said it best - depopulation via vaccines:

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: knightsofhonor

Like I told the person above, what gives you, or any white supremacist, the right to determine who or who should not, be allowed to exist on earth?

So I'm a white supremacist?

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 10:32 PM
No it's not just a hypothesis. It's confirm that this been going on. You want links as well I assume. Well here you are...

The first link alone proves that governments have an agenda to depopulate Africans, to genocidal levels. So that's no an hypothesis at all.

Second, the governments have been experimenting on Africans with medical sciences (both in United States, and Africa) in the name of HELPING AFRICANS!
The Tuskegee Experiment is one well known example of this out many. And during the Tuskegee Experiment, it was done under the disguise of free medical treatment for Blacks...
That tactic is common. "History doesn't repeat History, People repeat History"! What works, why change ? Each time these mass bio weapons are introduced was by the narrative that the US Government trying to HELP Africans medically.

So spending money for the overall goal of genocide, isn't a big reach at all. What did you expect Genocide/Eugenics to be Free?

Did the Nazis expect the Jewish Holocaust to be free? Heck no. It's called a political investment...

This attempt at African Genocide does two things that the US government wants:

1) Kills Africans in masses without Guns and military enacting physical African Holocaust like WW2 did.

2) scare Middle and Lower class white(Nordic ) people, to use that fear for the benefit of enacting laws that under normal conditions, the white middle and lower class population wouldn't cosign (FEMA Camps), and use that fear to justify using physical force to reduce African population globally just as the US Government and Nazi Government has done in the past. Obama is already signing in laws over this Ebola crisis.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: badgerprints

originally posted by: knightsofhonor

Like I told the person above, what gives you, or any white supremacist, the right to determine who or who should not, be allowed to exist on earth?

So I'm a white supremacist?

I said you, OR any White Supremacist.
Please don't try to play games with my words.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: knightsofhonor

So were you implying that I felt I had the right to deny someone the right to exist here on earth?

Maybe we've just gotten off on the wrong foot here but I haven't seen anyone (including myself) assert anything of the sort in this thread.

I asked for links because I wanted to find out more about what you were talking about.

Being lumped in with white supremacists doesn't make a participant in a thread very likely to listen or read any further.

By the way,
I did read the links you provided.
I am aware of many of the incidents noted. (and find them reprehensible)
I was not aware of the doctor in south africa and his activities.
I was aware of the eugenics in the US before WW2. It is discussed in Eric Larsons "In the Garden of Beasts" about the politics before the Nazi rise to power in the 30's
The book "medical Apartheid" looks interesting.

I ask for links in a lot of threads.
This is the first time I've had a reaction like this.

I will not offend you with my questions any longer.
Enjoy your thread.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: knightsofhonor
So we have ...

a) a South African national, working for the South African government, accused of various things and acquitted of criminal charges;

b) the Tuskegee Experiment, which did not (to my knowledge) involve any Africans, and only a few hundred Americans;

c) a book about medical experimentation (not depopulation) conducted on black Americans (not Africans);

d) a list of medical experiments in Africa, which include several short-lived, isolated cases of coercive birth control or sterilization, and a couple drug trials that could have been done better. Basically, the same thing you see on any other continent in the 20th century.

e) an article about eugenics in the United States (not Africa), mostly the sterilization of the mentally handicapped and criminals (not Africans).

You have discovered that the poor in Africa are treated just like the poor everywhere else, and that US's idea of medical ethics was just as rotten as everyone else's before we started doing IRBs. Compared to the billions of dollars spent saving millions of lives in Africa, I'd say this is not convincing evidence of an active conspiracy to use ebola to depopulate Africa.
edit on 16-10-2014 by FurvusRexCaeli because: channeling Sagan....

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 12:55 AM

originally posted by: badgerprints
a reply to: knightsofhonor

So were you implying that I felt I had the right to deny someone the right to exist here on earth?

Maybe we've just gotten off on the wrong foot here but I haven't seen anyone (including myself) assert anything of the sort in this thread.

I asked for links because I wanted to find out more about what you were talking about.

Being lumped in with white supremacists doesn't make a participant in a thread very likely to listen or read any further.

By the way,
I did read the links you provided.
I am aware of many of the incidents noted. (and find them reprehensible)
I was not aware of the doctor in south africa and his activities.
I was aware of the eugenics in the US before WW2. It is discussed in Eric Larsons "In the Garden of Beasts" about the politics before the Nazi rise to power in the 30's
The book "medical Apartheid" looks interesting.

I ask for links in a lot of threads.
This is the first time I've had a reaction like this.

I will not offend you with my questions any longer.
Enjoy your thread.

I am speaking to a general audience, which is why I said You OR White Supremacist. Never said you were a white supremacist. I gave you links to info. What more did you want?

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: FurvusRexCaeli
a reply to: knightsofhonor
So we have ...

a) a South African national, working for the South African government, accused of various things and acquitted of criminal charges;

b) the Tuskegee Experiment, which did not (to my knowledge) involve any Africans, and only a few hundred Americans;

c) a book about medical experimentation (not depopulation) conducted on black Americans (not Africans);

d) a list of medical experiments in Africa, which include several short-lived, isolated cases of coercive birth control or sterilization, and a couple drug trials that could have been done better. Basically, the same thing you see on any other continent in the 20th century.

e) an article about eugenics in the United States (not Africa), mostly the sterilization of the mentally handicapped and criminals (not Africans).

You have discovered that the poor in Africa are treated just like the poor everywhere else, and that US's idea of medical ethics was just as rotten as everyone else's before we started doing IRBs. Compared to the billions of dollars spent saving millions of lives in Africa, I'd say this is not convincing evidence of an active conspiracy to use ebola to depopulate Africa.

Hard to take you serious when you playing word games. Stop playing word games. In each of the cases the victims were African, American African, Black whatever name you want to use to call us. The US government been testing bio weapons on Africans/Blacks for years. Ebola like HIV was made in a lab as bio weapons to be used against Africans/Blacks as a form of Eugenics/Black Genocide.

If you want to have a serious discussion on this, please don't try that diversion tactic when doing so.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: knightsofhonor
You caught us again. We created ebola to hold the black man down. It has nothing to with the practical cannibalism of monkeys, and the well established transmission of interspecies viral diseases , nope its all these damn white supremacist Nazis, you people never fail to amaze me.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: FurvusRexCaeli


Nice analysis there and I couldn't have said it better myself!

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 04:00 AM
The Nazis did not use viruses for depopulation and did not experiment with viruses on humans.
The Nazis did perform animal experimentation with viruses and bacteria in Reims island for veterinary science.
Erich Traub is often cited as a Nazi bioweapons scientist. This is misleading because his work on humans was only in America, when the US was importing European scientists and forcing them to advance science for Cold War purposes.
The idea that the Germans actually used bioweapons, usually citing Kurt Blome's research, is a lie advanced by Ute Deichmann in a series of her books and lectures. Deichmann should be taken with a heap of salt, since she is a Jew in Israel with a reason to lie about Nazis.

You are however correct in that the Americans investigated bioweapons using human subjects. The US is the leading researcher of bioweapons and I agree that the US govt would have no problem with "accidentally" releasing Ebola.

I still maintain that this is unlikely. It is more probably that this outbreak was natural (albeit fuelled by ham-fisted foreign intervention). You really do not need a genetically engineered strain of Ebola to keep Africa's population in check. Stopping giving them the aid handed to keep their corrupt regimes afloat, would be enough to see a population crash.


posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 06:15 AM
Not so sure about depopulation.

However, the whole issue of thousands of troops being sent to a place where oil has been a carrot for a long time.....that gets me wondering.

I may be barking up the wrong tree there, I just have very little confidence that our glorious leaders would send troops somewhere, and of course they'll need bases there now too....without gaining something out of it.


posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: knightsofhonor

I was just being honest in my assessment of what I see and read. You can find anything on the net!

All the Millions that has gone into 'Education' and such in Africa and where has it got them? Nowhere, they are still living in #.

This is why I've said many times that whoever is running these Charities are running off with most of the cash which comes in because it certainly isn't going to the right places.

Not only this though. Why don't other African Nations help the poorer Nations to develope?? I'd like to know the answer to that question because there are many African Nations who are quite Powerful and definately not 3rd World Nations! What are they doing to help the poor Nations of Africa? If they weren't so corrupt and only want want want for themselves, the poorer Nations may not be in this situation.

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