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Ebola and Population Control of Africans- any theories?

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posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 06:45 AM
Its a possible theory that Ebola was developed by USA officials to slow-to-rapidly curve the population of Africans and African-Descendents.

American Eugenic Project and the Nazis worked on similar things in the past, so I dont believe it far fetched to speculate that this is another attempt at African Genocide.

Killing too many would at once would throw up red flags. But a steady number at a time would get the job done.

I dont believe the people at hand wants to kill all blacks/Africans, because the dominant society relies on a black/white superiority complex society, that the destruction of all Africans/Blacks would splinter that structure.

But Agenda21 and Global2000 population control guidelines seem to fit in with this theory.

Already we have facts that people in Africa have been using medicines as a way to infect these Africans with deadly virus in some form of modern day Eugenics/Genocidal projects.

Whats to say this isnt another attempt?

Any other theorist here share this view, and have some additional info to bring to the table?

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: knightsofhonor

It would a good idea to show the links to these facts. I dont really believe in this population control as virus do not select its victims, it kills 70% of infected no matter what race etc they are. To be used as such a weapon they should be able to control the virus not spreading outside the area and virus has prooven that there are no borders to it.
Ebola is not a precision weapon.
Show some data !

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 07:06 AM
there are theories that EVERY disease out there is a specific attempt of the united states to control population growth in one place or the other.
Cancer, aids, ebola, yellow fever, lyme disease apparently too, in some ways you can fit agent orange into that mix. it was supposed to think out the forest line, it only killed people and has been causing birth defects to this very day. yet the government has never really been held accountable for that.
Aside form agent orange, is any of it true?
I don't think so. it's inefficient. using a virus for population control is difficult. you have no way of knowing where it goes, and how far it spreads, viruses don't make a distinction between good guys and bad guys, ebola won't say "aww he's the guy that allowed me to spread, so i won't infect him"
Better means of population control would be things that cannot spread beyond a designated target/ area.
something that terminates with the death of the infected person.
You would need something like a cancer that could kill someone in less than a month, and make sure to target a specific area so only people in that area would get it. something you could "inject" in a local farm or water supply.
doing it with ebola, marburg, or any of those would be too much of a risk

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: knightsofhonor

its not working - 20 thousand dead - from all strains of ebola in 35 years - should be classed as a dismal failure

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 07:15 AM
If your theory is true, then it has been allowed to spread to the US to control the population

of the USA as well as the other countries it has spread to.

God help India and Pakistan when it reaches them.

By refusing to close US borders to people from hot zones and

allowing in Enterovirus from south america which has paralyzed children as well as killed them

when the illegal children were spread in all 50 states,

there just may be a depopulation plan for the US as well.

When drug resistant TB and Enterovirus infected illegal's from south america

were bussed and flown all over the US it made me wonder.

The constant lying about how easy it is to spread Ebola to the american public and the lax treatment of the virus by the CDC led me to the conclusion,

the virus may have been intended to achieve one of the liberal/progressive goals of reducing the global population to 500mil as is stated on the Georgia Guidestones.

So was it intended to just wipe out blacks in Africa? No

Could it possibly have been started there because of cultural practices that would lead to rapid spread?
maybe, if the depopulation theory is correct

Could it have purposely been brought into the US to depopulate?
if the OP theory is correct,
then yes it is an extension of the depopulation of Africa into the rest of the world

Is it racial targeting?
Don't think so since Doctors and Nurses of other races have died from it

If one says it was designed to just kill blacks,
they are wrong it kills indiscriminately
once 1 virus hits the skin of the uninfected.

Could the CDC and the US government want to see the US population decline?
I think so by the way they are reacting

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: knightsofhonor
Its a possible theory that Ebola was developed by USA officials to slow-to-rapidly curve the population of Africans and African-Descendents.

I stopped reading here.

As of October 12 2014, 8997 people have been infected worldwide as a result of the current Ebola outbreak. 4493 people have died from the virus this year.

These results pale in comparison to other viruses such as the flu. In 2009, H1N1 alone killed 203,000 people worldwide.

Surely if a government wanted to create a virus to diminish a population of people, they would create one with a greater chance of transmission. Ebola may be deadly, but it doesn't spread well.

edit on 16-10-2014 by daaskapital because: sp

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 07:29 AM
I don't know the credibility of this source but the news website claims that the US is behind the outbreak?

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 07:29 AM
Ebola is still far from population control. Malaria is much better way, it kills over 600 000 every year, and ebola so far has killed max 13 000 people in Africa. There are over 500 000 000 malaria infections every year! It has low mortality rate, but it spreads much faster than ebola. And malaria is slowly gaining resistance to cheapest medications.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: dollukka
a reply to: knightsofhonor

It would a good idea to show the links to these facts. I dont really believe in this population control as virus do not select its victims, it kills 70% of infected no matter what race etc they are. To be used as such a weapon they should be able to control the virus not spreading outside the area and virus has prooven that there are no borders to it.
Ebola is not a precision weapon.
Show some data !

here is proof of African Genocide/Eugenics Operations Post-Nazi/American Eugenics Society

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: knightsofhonor

TBH there are too many 'Africans' living in slum areas having too many kids.

They don't have a great life and many die before reaching age 10. Think it's better they not born at all. By the time the Mother reaches 30, she already has 5 or 6 kids in tow. Especially in those slum areas! Living conditions are nasty and they will always be very close to some disease or other.... until that is, when the Leaders of those Nations decide to do something about it.

edit on CDTThu, 16 Oct 2014 07:51:24 -0500u3107x124x1 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: knightsofhonor

Its a possible theory that Ebola was developed by USA officials to slow-to-rapidly curve the population of Africans and African-Descendents.

The possibility of blow back is evident in the Dallas cases. They would have foreseen this and discounted "genocide by virus" a poor idea.

The countries we want we infect another way… with bombs.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: knightsofhonor
I think it is disgusting how centuries ago it was established by the ruling class, that it is ok to enslave people.

These rulers have yet to acknowledge why boundaries should be respected...

A world without boundaries/one government to oversee all; WTF!

If you want peace between you and your neighbor, both parties have to respect each others boundary...comfort zone.

The ruling class does not respect boundaries, they are ill-equipped to even rule themselves...constantly waging wars not to win the hearts of millions, but to reward themselves with the spoils of war.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: knightsofhonor

I think the OP is a troublemaker for fun. Shame.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: knightsofhonor

Because ebola kills white people too...and rich people...and poor people. If this was planned then the people that planned it are ok with themselves dying as well. As i once made a joke in another thread quoting ebola.

"They are all pink in the middle"


posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: rockpaperhammock
a reply to: knightsofhonor

Because ebola kills white people too...and rich people...and poor people. If this was planned then the people that planned it are ok with themselves dying as well. As i once made a joke in another thread quoting ebola.

"They are all pink in the middle"

More African people are dying from it. Yes it would make sense to kill a few white people for every thousand Africans die from it, to not throw up red flags. But let's not act like the US government hasn't done this before.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: Restricted
a reply to: knightsofhonor

I think the OP is a troublemaker for fun. Shame.

Huh this is a conspiracy forum is it not?
You state that as if US government/Nazi Government/ South Africans havnt tried Eugenics projects before for Genocide of Africans.
Hey even Hitler would go out of his way to kill innocent "White" Jews simply because they are Mulatto African ancestry... That should tell you have far that they would be willing to go for Genocide of the African Gene.

I posted a link above with proof of Eugenics projects in the modern age.

Agenda21 and Global2000 population control. Please google that and read for yourself.

Wow I am amazed that people on a conspiracy forum would dismiss the idea of bio weapons being used against Africans, when Tuskegee Experiments ended in 1973 and that was just one of the many experiments done on Black People.

I thought perhaps this forum would like pass white supremacist views for the greater good that higher ups are still targeting African people even to this day with Special Eugenics Programs... Smh

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: knightsofhonor

Already we have facts that people in Africa have been using medicines as a way to infect these Africans with deadly virus in some form of modern day Eugenics/Genocidal projects.

Can you provide some links to these facts?

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist
a reply to: knightsofhonor

TBH there are too many 'Africans' living in slum areas having too many kids.

They don't have a great life and many die before reaching age 10. Think it's better they not born at all. By the time the Mother reaches 30, she already has 5 or 6 kids in tow. Especially in those slum areas! Living conditions are nasty and they will always be very close to some disease or other.... until that is, when the Leaders of those Nations decide to do something about it.

That's a common misconception spread by the dominant society to justify the genocide of Africans. The same dominant society did that same propaganda tactic against the European Jews, by claiming that they were nasty and ghetto and justified to be slaughtered by the Nazi party/ American Nazi!

Same tactic used. Many African nations have nice cities that are civilized and not as bad as you see on TV programs in the USA makes them out to be.

Who are you or any other person within the Dominant society, to determine Who or Who Doesn't deserve to live on Earth with Eugenics Projects?

That's like taking the mantle of God himself! Are you god now?

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: knightsofhonor
Its a possible theory that Ebola was developed by USA officials to slow-to-rapidly curve the population of Africans and African-Descendents.

Let's call it a hypothesis for now. We'll promote it to theory when there are a few lines of evidence.

Others have already addressed why a virus is a poor choice for selective genocide, and why ebola in particular is ill-suited for this task. You can't target a virus (not yet, anyway, not ebola), and it hasn't killed hardly anyone at all compared to influenza, malaria, diarrhea bugs, and the like. It's the sexy new hemorrhagic fever that all the kids are talking about, but it has nothing on the big, established players.

Since we already know ebola isn't the weapon of choice in the African genocide, I will instead look at the idea of an African genocide. That premise hasn't been well explored. I am of the opinion that the powers that be are not, in fact, trying to depopulate Africa through nefarious means. Much is being done to increase the lifespan of the average African:

1. Polio has been nearly eradicated in Africa. It remains endemic in Nigeria in part because of Boko Haram nuts who threaten vaccination workers.

2. The US spent billions on AIDS relief for Africa.

3. Various programs have distributed millions of dollars of mosquito nets to Africa, substantially reducing the number of malaria cases.

Even if TPTB were trying to kill a bunch of Africans in order to have fewer Africans, it wouldn't work. High mortality is correlated with high fertility. Bill Gates (one of TPTB), expounds on this in his 2014 annual letter. If you want to curb population growth, you provide women with reproductive choices and you reduce the drive to reproduce by guaranteeing that each child gets a shot at surviving to adulthood. (There are other things you can do, like instituting mandatory education so children aren't economic assets, but I think that's a little beyond the scope of this.)

So, the establishment is spending billions of dollars on keeping Africans alive, and killing them wouldn't necessarily reduce the rate of population growth anyway. Weighed against this is exactly zero evidence that ebola is being used as a weapon for population control.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: badgerprints

originally posted by: knightsofhonor

Already we have facts that people in Africa have been using medicines as a way to infect these Africans with deadly virus in some form of modern day Eugenics/Genocidal projects.

Can you provide some links to these facts?

I sure can

More links proving that the US Government lead by Systematic White Supremacy has been using medical science for genocide of African people. The links above are there for you to read. Tuskegee was just one case were the US Gov were caught, and so in reaction they apologize for doing it, but the damage of Eugenics had already taken place.

Like I told the person above, what gives you, or any white supremacist, the right to determine who or who should not, be allowed to exist on earth? Because that's like taking the mantle of God!
This is just not morally right to try to kill Africans in masses for genocidal purposes.

This stuff never went away. Africans been experimented on for years now.

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