posted on Sep, 14 2014 @ 03:37 AM
In many ways I am a 'newbie'. Only signed up this year and still have not contributed to many posts.
However, I have been a regular visitor to the site for about 9 years before I actually signed up. This kind of thread does spring up nearly every
summer holidays and it has always been felt that so many teenagers and even college students bored during this period tends to manifest with a lot of
new and uninformed newbies posting for kicks.... This usually dies down by the end of September.
The site has without a doubt become more mainstream in recent years, and this has changed the mood, tone and contents of debates significantly. When I
first started reading I did not sign up and participate as I felt that the discourse between people was at such a high academic level that I would be
completely out of my depth in arguing any points. Now I rarely post (unless I feel particularly passionate about a topic) as the discourse can be too
sophomoric and opinion lead. Threads used to be started to discuss and debate - often with a piece of evidence presented to stimulate that debate. Now
threads are stared more often than not based on pure opinion with the following responses all just counter opinions with little validity.
There were two points where I felt this significant shift.
1) Obama taking office - suddenly this board shifted from many left leaning member discontented with the Bush administration, to many more right
leaning member who think Obama is a Muslim/un-American/Satan's spy (delete as required
.) This of course led to a major change in the tone of
the discourse and the more right winged voice is naturally more confrontational and unable to look at two sides of an argument. ( this also explains
Fox News and Congress right?)
2) The pop star Robbie Williams giving the site world wide publicity by talking about it in interviews. I am not dissing Mr Williams here. It is great
to see someone in the public eye willing to talk about alternative theories, however it did bring in a completely different audience to to the site
that were much less informed. Hopefully quite a few of those people became well informed through using this site, but many just were here for kicks
and still remain here to this day.
Right I'll go back to lurking for now..... Until I see another topic I feel I can actually make a worthwhile contribution to.