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When I was in school 20 years ago...

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posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:02 PM
We were being told about all kinds of stuff. Electric cars, Cars powered by LNG ok now i know we have some of them now but when i was grwoing up a local utility company had some of their fleet vehicles running on LNG and i styill livew in the same town and i dotn see them anymore, do the same engines that run on Gas run on LNG, if not how hard is it to convert it to do so?

New topic. it has been 25 years since the US government de classified the stealth program, what was the last black project to see thge light of day besides stealth? how far ahead of our enemies are we, if our nation was in dire need of wonder weapons would we be ale to produce them and turn the tide? im just rambling now but it seems to me after all of the billions upon billions upon billions of dollars we spend on black projects we should be so far ahead of everybody else it shouldnt even be funny.

Last topic, Garbage i didnt know about the pacific trash pile till a few months ago and i just want to say this, what the hell are we doinf to our plant p[eople i am by no means a eco warrior or anything liek that but if we have got ginormus trash piles floating around our oceans it seem,s we might havbe a problem i mean jesus wth are we thinking the problem isnt a problem untill it is staring us right ion the face?

anyway gladi got these thing off my chest, and i am awsome speller and my use of punctuation is impecable so eat it please thanks, have a good day.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Czulkang
Trash piles are not the fault of the consumer, the problem is caused by the manufacturers who use the packaging as an advertising space, the bigger it is the bigger the ad!
Its one of the reasons I dont believe in the new religion (man made global warming), because if tptb genuinely thought it was true then packaging ought to be one of the first things to be controlled, but it isn't!

edit on 4-6-2014 by VoidHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:38 PM
Been wondering the same myself.

Where is my personal robot maid and Jetson vehicle?

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Czulkang

What pisses me off is that when I was in college back in the early 70s I heard about the coming 4 day work week.

So...where the hell is it? The only ones I see are for people working part time lol

But then again, during the same period it was projected that we would be out of oil well before now. Food would not be enough to feed the billions on the planet and there would be wars fought over food. So...I guess I dont mind the 4 day work week thing so much as long as the rest has not come true

Just goes to prove that projections are seldom accurate due to not knowing about future developments. Food production is much more efficient these days than was ever anticipated and, as such, the starvation wars have not taken place.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: bbracken677
But then again, during the same period it was projected that we would be out of oil well before now. Food would not be enough to feed the billions on the planet and there would be wars fought over food. So...I guess I dont mind the 4 day work week thing so much as long as the rest has not come true

Dont forget the forecast "Coming ice age"
Also the "Y2K will bring the world to an end"

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: Czulkang

There is an awful lot wrong with the world as it is at the moment. We have masses of trash building up, not just in the oceans but on land, we have masses of waste in the developed world, and the developing nations, and some of the larger developed nations, are churning out vast quantities of waste that we cannot see into the air, into the water, into the land.

The planet however, is not the most at risk from these behaviours. The planet will remain here long after mankind has either left it for pastures beyond the heliopause, or died off through its own stupidity. The only questions, are what will we leave behind, and how soon? Will we leave a barren, sulphuric hellscape in one hundred years or so, in which our bones will burn until the oxygen runs too thin to support combustion? Or will we learn before we leave this world, how to treat the resources of the planet with the respect and care required to minimise negative environmental effects of human interaction with a planetary body?

I am twenty nine years old, and I read the novel 2001: when I was a child. I am intensely disappointed with the way that the world worked out, when compared to the possibilities presented by some of Arthur C Clarke's inspired, and inspiring works, that novel included. That book was published decades before I was born, and yet to read it today is STILL breathtaking to me.

It is a shame that the worlds progress has not, thus far, lived up to the potential that it has to achieve great things, but the reasons are all too clear. They are all around you, and if you are lucky, you have some in your pocket or wallet.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: TerrorAlertRed

Don't forget that the jetsons lived in a house on stilts to keep them above the pollution. I remember one episode the raise the house for just that reason. Maybe we are not to far from the jetsons.. Lol

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I dunno...I get the whole disrespecting the planet thing, but after 40-50 years of hearing about how the end of the world or the end of humanity is coming and then never comes close I get a bit jaded by the whole "we are sucking the life out of the planet by (fill in the blank) thing".

Not saying that we shouldn't be more responsible as residents of the planet, we should, but I weary of all the predictions of doom and gloom that are someone's overactive imagination and extrapolation of conditions without taking into account man's ability to adapt or develop technology that pulls us out of the fire. Perhaps Chicken Little was right...perhaps the sky already fell but no one noticed. Or not..... lol

On the other hand, depending on tech to save us, when in many ways it is that same tech that is dooming us seems like we are maybe riding a string of lucky wins. If that is the case, when will snake eyes be rolled?

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: bbracken677
a reply to: Czulkang

What pisses me off is that when I was in college back in the early 70s I heard about the coming 4 day work week.

So...where the hell is it? The only ones I see are for people working part time lol

bbracken, you are in the same age group as I am, there isn't any 4 day work weeks. My folks and your folks never saw 40 hours, or 4 days, neither did you and I. It was always 6 and more. The kids today think work is a 4 letter word. They think there is a shortcut for everything, and they should make 100K to start.

I think I made 55 or 65 cents an hour, it cost 3.80 to fill my VW, and I always had 20 bucks in my pocket and life was great! The good old days of chasing girls and going to the beach. Then there was wives, kids, houses, taxes, and life.
I am ready to go back.

posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: bbracken677
a reply to: TrueBrit

I dunno...I get the whole disrespecting the planet thing, but after 40-50 years of hearing about how the end of the world or the end of humanity is coming and then never comes close I get a bit jaded by the whole "we are sucking the life out of the planet by (fill in the blank) thing".

I think that is because only 40 or 50 years ago did we start to become aware of the global issues of development. You might be sick of hearing about it but I think if we had not heard about it, protested, spread awareness, demanded solutions (which we are still doing) then things would be a lot worse by now. It is only because of constantly keeping these issues in the limelight that solutions are being sought and implemented.

...... without taking into account man's ability to adapt or develop technology that pulls us out of the fire. .....

On the other hand, depending on tech to save us, when in many ways it is that same tech that is dooming us seems like we are maybe riding a string of lucky wins. If that is the case, when will snake eyes be rolled?

Yes, it is technology that leads to demand for resources and energy that leads to pollution, monoculture, human rights abuse, rape of natural resources, destruction of species and land etc, but I believe it is the same technology that will eventually lead to solutions for these problems. You said it yourself - man's ability to adapt or develop that pulls us out of the fire.

Ultimately, I think my point is that we have to keep up with the nagging, the complaining, the protests, highlighting issues that we feel strongly about. This is all the stuff that, yes, I agree, makes us feel jaded, but also brings pressure to bear on those who will find the solutions we need.

posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

Yeah..but then we have the future of "12 Monkeys", or "1984", "Fahrenheit 451", "I am Legend" and of course "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep".

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