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Have You had Contact with an Alien?

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posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 03:47 PM
I have also had at least one experience I can remember and its one of the few parts of my childhood I can remember , Ironically I have been Diagnosed with Anterograde Amnesia due to this experience and the last thing I can remember is the " Encounter " I had.

I was a child around the age of 9 I woke up because I heard what I thought to be Santa Claus and his Reindeer on the roof , I ran into my mother and stepfathers room and told them Santa was coming with presents and they told me it wasn't even December yet and to go back to sleep. I went back into my room and got under my where is waldo sheets and grabbed my waldo doll and tried to sleep, I can't remember if I fell asleep or just couldn't fall asleep but I saw two shadowy figures that were at least 6"5 with elongated heads and long arms with 4 fingers I remember experiencing time loss the thing I find odd is that this memory is the most vivid memory of my childhood.

While growing up I have experienced a few strange things , Such as what people call knowledge bombs . I have Psychic , Precognitive , Astral Projection, Empathy Abilities.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: AlienView
First let me define an alien as a being not of the normal paradigm of reality - and apparently not of this world who appears to exist as a sentient being [ie. conscious, aware and apparently operating by his [or her] own volition]. And by contact we mean that you perceived this alien entity and in some way had interaction with it - and this could include something very superficial such as it looked at you and you looked at it and it was gone - or more dramatic such as an abduction. I will also include 'channeled' experiences where you believe an alien mind was contacting you for whatever purpose it said.

And of course the most important question that both believers [such as I] and the skeptics [who will inevitably add their opionions] we might ask is - What makes you think the whole experience was not just a figment of your imagination? Why do you think the event or experience was real


I wish you had a physical vs spiritual encounter. I do say that coz I, for instance, would love to learn something from that being. otherwise there is no point. Like little secret of tomorrow or define who I am and how I can be better.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: darkorange

originally posted by: AlienView
First let me define an alien as a being not of the normal paradigm of reality - and apparently not of this world who appears to exist as a sentient being [ie. conscious, aware and apparently operating by his [or her] own volition]. And by contact we mean that you perceived this alien entity and in some way had interaction with it - and this could include something very superficial such as it looked at you and you looked at it and it was gone - or more dramatic such as an abduction. I will also include 'channeled' experiences where you believe an alien mind was contacting you for whatever purpose it said.

And of course the most important question that both believers [such as I] and the skeptics [who will inevitably add their opionions] we might ask is - What makes you think the whole experience was not just a figment of your imagination? Why do you think the event or experience was real


I wish you had a physical vs spiritual encounter. I do say that coz I, for instance, would love to learn something from that being. otherwise there is no point. Like little secret of tomorrow or define who I am and how I can be better.

It is conceivable that there are minds so powerful, so far advanced above normal human intelligence, that to communicate with Man directly would be counterproductive - they might literally 'blow your mind' if they tried to communicate directly with you on their own level. So such minds keep observing, recording data, communicate in strange dreamlike ways from mental and/or physical abductions to crop circles some of which are not explicable and not done by normal human machinations.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: AlienView

originally posted by: darkorange

originally posted by: AlienView
First let me define an alien as a being not of the normal paradigm of reality - and apparently not of this world who appears to exist as a sentient being [ie. conscious, aware and apparently operating by his [or her] own volition]. And by contact we mean that you perceived this alien entity and in some way had interaction with it - and this could include something very superficial such as it looked at you and you looked at it and it was gone - or more dramatic such as an abduction. I will also include 'channeled' experiences where you believe an alien mind was contacting you for whatever purpose it said.

And of course the most important question that both believers [such as I] and the skeptics [who will inevitably add their opionions] we might ask is - What makes you think the whole experience was not just a figment of your imagination? Why do you think the event or experience was real


I wish you had a physical vs spiritual encounter. I do say that coz I, for instance, would love to learn something from that being. otherwise there is no point. Like little secret of tomorrow or define who I am and how I can be better.

It is conceivable that there are minds so powerful, so far advanced above normal human intelligence, that to communicate with Man directly would be counterproductive - they might literally 'blow your mind' if they tried to communicate directly with you on their own level. So such minds keep observing, recording data, communicate in strange dreamlike ways from mental and/or physical abductions to crop circles some of which are not explicable and not done by normal human machinations.

I doubt advance mind comes into contact knowing there is damage talking to me directly.

It leaves the language of signs, signs all around for me to recognise. First step.


posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: darkorange


I wish you had a physical vs spiritual encounter. I do say that coz I, for instance, would love to learn something from that being. otherwise there is no point. Like little secret of tomorrow or define who I am and how I can be better.

Why would you ask questions, or want something you can get yourself, easily?

One of the first things ET will tell you is:

No One can define "who" or "what" you are other than yourself. You can be "better" by simply "paying attention" and observing simple rules...rules you already have and know. can get your "little secret of tomorrow" by; again, paying attention. In this case; paying attention to today, and it will tell you most of what will happen tomorrow.

And, oh look; you didn't need ET!

Extraterrestrials do not come here with "secrets" to "give". They come here for vastly different reasons, which can be as mundane as "they heard a radio broadcast (signal)". And, just maybe...ET came here to learn...

edit on 30-6-2014 by tanka418 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: tanka418

originally posted by: darkorange


I wish you had a physical vs spiritual encounter. I do say that coz I, for instance, would love to learn something from that being. otherwise there is no point. Like little secret of tomorrow or define who I am and how I can be better.

Why would you ask questions, or want something you can get yourself, easily?

One of the first things ET will tell you is:

No One can define "who" or "what" you are other than yourself. You can be "better" by simply "paying attention" and observing simple rules...rules you already have and know. can get your "little secret of tomorrow" by; again, paying attention. In this case; paying attention to today, and it will tell you most of what will happen tomorrow.

And, oh look; you didn't need ET!

Extraterrestrials do not come here with "secrets" to "give". They come here for vastly different reasons, which can be as mundane as "they heard a radio broadcast (signal)". And, just maybe...ET came here to learn...

My answer was along the drift OP asked mostly.

ETs come here for a more particular reason. Individual pips are of no interest if you ask me.
Second, I put together crucial questions if I had a chance to speak to a rep of ET civilization. That's all.

If you know all about yourself, cheers to you, but I personally doubt you know who you are and how people take on you. You could be mildly delusional about yourself.


posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: darkorange
ETs come here for a more particular reason. Individual pips are of no interest if you ask me.

ET comes here for his own reasons, and it is not possible for us to know them, unless One is telepathic. And even then, we only get to know a little.

Second, I put together crucial questions if I had a chance to speak to a rep of ET civilization. That's all.

LOL...I'm sure you have. The problem is that they are probably NOT the kinds of questions ET can answer. Most of the questions Terrestrials ask are either only answerable by the individual, or they involve knowledge that is beyond the scope of Terrestrial experience, and are therefore; unanswerable.

If you know all about yourself, cheers to you, but I personally doubt you know who you are and how people take on you. You could be mildly delusional about yourself.

There are ancient technique that lead to a rather complete enlightenment, and knowledge of One's Self. Over a lifetime of practice they can be quite should try it...answer most of your questions it will!


There is no need of personal attack...While it could be said that almost everybody is "mildly delusional" about themselves; these ancient technique tend to remove such delusion...course this tends to be rather blunt and cold.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 12:19 PM
I am terribly intetested in why they wont make themselves known to the general public is it fear of what the world government would do or what plz reply with there answer if they give one a reply to: tanka418

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: tanka418

Seriously!!! There is no need of personal attack...

The poster actually complimented you by saying cheers to you if you know yourself and made some suggestions by using words such as "could".

No personal attacks.

ET comes here for his own reasons, and it is not possible for us to know them, unless One is telepathic. And even then, we only get to know a little.

So you just posted that only the telepathic can know the reasons why ET comes and even then we only to get to know a little, right?

So are saying you are telepathic and is that why you said there is no need for personal attack when none were made?

Your telepathic abilities saw into the mind of the poster that suggested you might be or could be delusional and saw past what they actually wrote and knew their intention was to insult or put down?

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

One does not begin a friendly discussion by suggesting that the "other" is delusional. It is not "diplomatic" nor is it productive, and tends to place others on the defensive.

I find it better to not use such language at first...better to wait for some actual "indicators" to appear first, rather than make the accusation "out of the gate. "

But hey, I'm still learning this diplomacy thing...perhaps it is better to first insult those you are talking with...

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: Captobvious94
I am terribly intetested in why they wont make themselves known to the general public is it fear of what the world government would do or what plz reply with there answer if they give one a reply to: tanka418

The reasons for no open contact is the Terrestrial Governments; they quite simply won't hear of it.

Yes, I know that ET can make a mass landing any time, any where he wants; but, that would start trouble that may result in the destruction of Terrestrial civilization, society, and all of the technological progress you have made for the past several hundred years.

In particular, the United Stares government forbids ET to approach any closer than 75,000km. Most ETs respect this. And, yes, there are exceptions.

You see the problem is that IF the US decides to enforce this restriction, then ET may be forced to deal with the US and virtually destroy the military, and most of their resources and capability. This would seriously upset the balance of power on Earth. Also, if other countries joined in the war, then there would further destruction.

There is absolutely no need of any of that...ET is not responsible for how "stupid" your governments are...that's your look out.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: tanka418

originally posted by: Captobvious94
I am terribly intetested in why they wont make themselves known to the general public is it fear of what the world government would do or what plz reply with there answer if they give one a reply to: tanka418

The reasons for no open contact is the Terrestrial Governments; they quite simply won't hear of it.

Yes, I know that ET can make a mass landing any time, any where he wants; but, that would start trouble that may result in the destruction of Terrestrial civilization, society, and all of the technological progress you have made for the past several hundred years.

In particular, the United Stares government forbids ET to approach any closer than 75,000km. Most ETs respect this. And, yes, there are exceptions.

You see the problem is that IF the US decides to enforce this restriction, then ET may be forced to deal with the US and virtually destroy the military, and most of their resources and capability. This would seriously upset the balance of power on Earth. Also, if other countries joined in the war, then there would further destruction.

There is absolutely no need of any of that...ET is not responsible for how "stupid" your governments are...that's your look out.

That was very well said...Thanks.

posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: waltwillis
Try to keep an open mind about the very strange reports and maybe someday our government will fess-up.

I don't see what any government has to do with this. People in the government are just people, civilians with a job which happens to be in the government. Surely they have power but it is only mundane power, they have little to say about what are more alike to religious matters. It is up to the individual to take up studying spiritual matters, selfexamine and attain some form of contact but most don't want to since living one's life is much simpler without besides there are not many teachers nor students.

As for why there would be contact, I think it is mostly for learning about the soul and mind and preparing for an eternal life. Everybody has a right to learn about the soul and mind any way they see fit as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. There are so many worlds besides ours, some much older with beings who enjoy teaching the younger souls, even if our planet comes with a lot of problems.
edit on 2-7-2014 by johnnyjoe1979 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: tanka418

One does not begin a friendly discussion by suggesting that the "other" is delusional. It is not "diplomatic" nor is it productive, and tends to place others on the defensive.


It was the last paragraph in a reply to you after you replied to their post that was directed at alienview.

So one must be seeing things if they think that was the beginning of a discussion.

I find it better to not use such language at first...better to wait for some actual "indicators" to appear first, rather than make the accusation "out of the gate. "

Yes like after you replied to them and they complimented you and made a suggestion which you interpreted as something to get defensive about.

So no such language was used "at first" and the "indicators" to suggest such were certainly there, being delusional is not a crime, its just a condition, no accusations were made either "out of the gate" or in it.

But hey, I'm still learning this diplomacy thing...perhaps it is better to first insult those you are talking with...


There were no insults thrown and none that might be perceived by you that were thrown "first".

"indicators" are lighting up as you seem stuck on this, let it go, you interpreted a suggestion as an insult and somehow thought it was first or began the discussion.

Just go back and read your post that began the discussion and see what was "first", its just a few posts up.

posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: johnnyjoe1979
I don't see what any government has to do with this. People in the government are just people, civilians with a job which happens to be in the government. Surely they have power but it is only mundane power, they have little to say about what are more alike to religious matters. It is up to the individual to take up studying spiritual matters, selfexamine and attain some form of contact but most don't want to since living one's life is much simpler without besides there are not many teachers nor students.

Here is a fundamental misunderstanding!

Thinking that ET is in any way "spiritual" is wholly incorrect. Extraterrestrials, and nearly everything connected to them is purely physical, no "spirit" involved. However, please do not interpret that as "ET is not spiritual." ETs are NOT angels, demons, they do not come from alternate dimension. ET is not any different than any other "person" you know. The most significant difference between you and ET is your planet of origin.

While the governments are indeed run by what would seem ordinary people, it seems that those who "want" to "run" government are a bit different that most. Most don't actively attempt to place all those around them in a submissive position, most don't "want" to control every aspect of someone else's life...

Every single government on the face of your planet has only one agenda; the subjugation of all around them. This of course is NOT what "the Creator" intended for any creature, and is in direct opposition to the "will of the Universe" (will of god for those religious types)...

Then there is the "Laiad netaab", the "secret government" who manage to remain just our of "proving range", but manage to exert significant control over "outer" government, and of course your life. Fortunately that's all ending now.

posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

It would appear that you have much more to learn of diplomacy than I. I will leave you to your studies, and return to topic.

posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: tanka418

originally posted by: johnnyjoe1979
I don't see what any government has to do with this. People in the government are just people, civilians with a job which happens to be in the government. Surely they have power but it is only mundane power, they have little to say about what are more alike to religious matters. It is up to the individual to take up studying spiritual matters, selfexamine and attain some form of contact but most don't want to since living one's life is much simpler without besides there are not many teachers nor students.

Here is a fundamental misunderstanding!

Thinking that ET is in any way "spiritual" is wholly incorrect. Extraterrestrials, and nearly everything connected to them is purely physical, no "spirit" involved. However, please do not interpret that as "ET is not spiritual." ETs are NOT angels, demons, they do not come from alternate dimension. ET is not any different than any other "person" you know. The most significant difference between you and ET is your planet of origin.

I believe the misunderstanding is that I don't view ET's as "them" or a group, there are thousands of worlds each in a different phase of development. I make a distinction between physical and not physical, very dualistic but it works for me. I didn't mean to imply any of them is from a different dimension although I believe there are several who have mastered timetravel in a way, with use of technology beyond my comprehension but fascinating to ponder about struggling with the concepts.

posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: johnnyjoe1979

originally posted by: waltwillis
Try to keep an open mind about the very strange reports and maybe someday our government will fess-up.

I don't see what any government has to do with this. People in the government are just people, civilians with a job which happens to be in the government. Surely they have power but it is only mundane power, they have little to say about what are more alike to religious matters. It is up to the individual to take up studying spiritual matters, selfexamine and attain some form of contact but most don't want to since living one's life is much simpler without besides there are not many teachers nor students.

As for why there would be contact, I think it is mostly for learning about the soul and mind and preparing for an eternal life. Everybody has a right to learn about the soul and mind any way they see fit as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. There are so many worlds besides ours, some much older with beings who enjoy teaching the younger souls, even if our planet comes with a lot of problems.

Most folks are not aware of the aliens on earth or that our government is and has been working with them for many years.
That is the problem with why the government first needs to fess up.
The boob tube is and has always been what most all Americans will believe and not the reports from the folks on this forum...

posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 04:23 PM
Between my sighting of a foofighter, one night in November of 1976, approx. 40 miles west of Washington D.C., I seemed to sense --- telepathically ---- the presence of a highly intelligent E.T. alien entity.

The Calvert Cliffs ET alien entity tried too communicate to me with geoglyph carvings, laser holographic images and possible hydro wave experiments.

I responded back with a classic --- Welcome To Earth --- carving in the face of the cliff. My own waterproof messages on one of his hydro wave experiments ---- including my own carving in the side of a dead tree, that fell off the top of the cliff --- Require tachyons + black holes, stop 1999 AA asteroid.
edit on 2-7-2014 by Erno86 because: grammar

posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: Erno86
Between my sighting of a foofighter, one night in November of 1976, approx. 40 miles west of Washington D.C., I seemed to sense --- telepathically ---- the presence of a highly intelligent E.T. alien entity.

The Calvert Cliffs ET alien entity tried too communicate to me with geoglyph carvings, laser holographic images and possible hydro wave experiments.

I responded back with a classic --- Welcome To Earth --- carving in the face of the cliff. My own waterproof messages on one of his hydro wave experiments ---- including my own carving in the side of a dead tree, that fell off the top of the cliff --- Require tachyons + black holes, stop 1999 AA asteroid.

When you saw the foo fighter were you in a military craft?

Could you go into more detail of that encounter?

If you could give more information about how the message sounded to you I can tell more of what I know as well.

The only way to vet your story is to hear more details.

Please don't try to pull my leg as it will not go well...

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