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Have You had Contact with an Alien?

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posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Watch the news and read a paper? .... Only if you want a snippet of the truth or someone's view on the world. The camera can only face one way at once and a reporter is only giving out his perception on how he/she views the world.
It doesn't matter where the aliens are from, whether they are from the future or not is irrelevant ... the fact of the matter is, they are here!! I must admit if someone had said to me you will meet aliens one day, I would have chocked on my spit and called them a liar or laughed. Fact of the matter is I did, in real time, not in a dream or in the middle of the night. In the daytime at around 11am in 10/11! Yep, 2010/11. In fact I am sick of talking about it, because there is nothing that we can do. Of course there are the piss takers, but their day will come and they wont take the piss then, when they see them, that's for sure! I hope they don't see them, because it will change your view on the world forever. Its kind of like loosing your innocence all over again. Don't know what else to say really without dropping our visitors right in it. I'm not doing that as they saved my life and I owe them that at the very least. I might have lost my mind for a while, but when I got it back, I am a stronger in a way I cannot explain and seem gifted in a way I cant explain. Sorry enough said... just waiting for the silly trolls!

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: happinness

Where did you meet the aliens? What did they look like? Did you interact with them? What did they say?

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: happinness

the fact of the matter is, they are here!! I must admit if someone had said to me you will meet aliens one day, I would have chocked on my spit and called them a liar or laughed. Fact of the matter is I did, in real time, not in a dream or in the middle of the night. In the daytime at around 11am in 10/11! Yep, 2010/11. In fact I am sick of talking about it,

Where have you spoken about it?

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 12:13 PM
I have the characteristic scoop marks on my temples. On my left side it almost looks like a constellation. On my right side it gets weirder. It looks at first like a three toed paw print. But when you pull the scoop mark, there's actually a fourth scoop in the lowest toe. I've never been injured in these areas. When I got them is not certain. They are pretty cool though.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: EnPassant

Hi EnPassnt, in answer to your question .. in a London hospital. HX

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

I have put up loads of info on here InhaleExhale, but you get to a point where, enough enough. Infact I had sleep paralysis a few nights ago and I reached for my phone, but every time I thought I had got the phone straight to try to take a pic it vanished out of my hand and was back in my lap. I was laying on my side on my sofa at the time. It is the second time this year I have had sp. The time before was nearly five years ago, before I saw the neurologists and my world changed forever. hx

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: Oannes
I have an inplant just under the skin in the lower part of my leg. What else could it be? There are no scars or abrasions on my legs. It is like a bit of rice and I can move it around with no discomfort whatsoever. I had thought about trying to nick the skin and remove it, but I am too scared. hx

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: happinness

I have put up loads of info on here InhaleExhale,

Have you?

I have checked your threads and none are about your experience.

I might be mistaken so if you could link to what your talking about that would nice thanks.

Any chance of uploading the photos that you were going to about what you saw above a tree?

Like I said I looked through a few of your threads and glanced over the title of others and don't see where you have spoken about your experience from 2010.

Infact I had sleep paralysis a few nights ago and I reached for my phone, but every time I thought I had got the phone straight to try to take a pic it vanished out of my hand and was back in my lap. I was laying on my side on my sofa at the time. It is the second time this year I have had sp. The time before was nearly five years ago, before I saw the neurologists and my world changed forever. hx

I really have no idea what you are saying here other than you had a dream.

If you had sleep paralysis how were you able to reach for your phone?

I have an inplant just under the skin in the lower part of my leg. What else could it be? There are no scars or abrasions on my legs. It is like a bit of rice and I can move it around with no discomfort whatsoever. I had thought about trying to nick the skin and remove it, but I am too scared. hx

Are you trolling or have serious concerns?

If there are no scars why do you think its an implant and not some type skin growth or other natural human condition?

What else could it be? Have you bothered researching or simply found a lump and thought alien implant?

That is the way your post reads so I am simply asking if you have maybe tried to find out what the lump is or just concluded with what ever popped in your head at the time of discovery.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

I have definitely posted the events from 2010/11 I don't know where they have gone and no I am not a troll, absolutely not!! I will start from the beginning if you like, but I will pm you. I cant go through this all over again. I just put bits and pieces on as they happened, so I wasn't into writing some epic story for entertainment purposes .... this really happened!!
I am no master of ATS or the internet, a bit of a techno phobe really. The pic of the ufo, I have on a memory stick. I have tried to post it on ATS loads of times and I couldn't get it to work. hx

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: AlienView
First let me define an alien as a being not of the normal paradigm of reality - and apparently not of this world who appears to exist as a sentient being [ie. conscious, aware and apparently operating by his [or her] own volition]. And by contact we mean that you perceived this alien entity and in some way had interaction with it - and this could include something very superficial such as it looked at you and you looked at it and it was gone - or more dramatic such as an abduction. I will also include 'channeled' experiences where you believe an alien mind was contacting you for whatever purpose it said.

And of course the most important question that both believers [such as I] and the skeptics [who will inevitably add their opionions] we might ask is - What makes you think the whole experience was not just a figment of your imagination? Why do you think the event or experience was real


posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 12:18 AM
Hey Guys, It been a while since I've been on here. This topic really grabbed my attention.
First off I want to say, For all of you out there who have experienced an abduction type experience, or any form of up close and personal contact from an outside realm that left you traumatized in any way, I'd like to say my heart goes out to you all. I understand what it's like to go through something so horrific, and even worse to be completely misunderstood or mocked/ called crazy etc... when you DO muster up the courage to talk about it, to re-visit the horrors. Living in isolation with your thoughts is torture enough ( we as human beings are very social beings, and were never meant to hold it all in, and not share our pain), where it gets even worse is when you feel forced to hold it all in, because the fear of rejection is too intense.

I will write further about my experiences more down the road, but as for now I will keep it as brief as possible and explain what I encountered. I was 22 years old, and fairly health, active, employed, dating women etc... When I got hit by an illness that to this day has stumped every single doctor I have ever encountered. My body was manifesting serious symptoms of cancer, I became allergic to over 20 foods I ate my whole life ( overnight) and have the blood work to prove it, my thyroid levels went whacked out, my white blood cell count followed, I couldn't eat for over 10 days, could barely sleep etc... I felt a presence around me throughout this entire experience that would not relent, with placing horrific thoughts in my mind, with manipulating my senses, I encountered sleep paralysis type states where I would have dreams so lucid they felt like reality. In these dreams I encountered something I could only describe as pure evil and darkness surrounding me.
I remember feeling such terror, knowing my life was about to be over, but in the dream a massive beam of light would pull me out, at the last moment, when all hope seemed gone.
I have experienced tampering with my technology that went so far as to type in 666666666 ( the beasts number) into my cellular phone, as I placed it out in front of my palm for my horrified friend to witness as well. I have seen figures of dark shadows of grey alien type figures walk past the couch while I'm there..

I could go on forever. But all I feel needs to be said is If you do believe in Aliens, have encountered them, or whether you don't believe in them at all.. There is one thing you should know about this mystery.. NEVER trust them. If there is an event, a disclosure date.. And you are being told by your governments, media, even dare I say it the clergy that these beings are your "creators" or come to make peace etc... - do not believe them, do not fall for the lie. I remember the nights they tortured me, I remember feeling just how intense their hatred burned for me, and I know they don't don't see humans as anything more than meaningless pawns on earth.
There are many in the UFO community who are starting to wake up to the realization that these beings are not in fact extra terrestrial but in fact extra "dimensional". These aren't your typical aliens in the movies, these are very insidious demonic beings that can manifest themselves as even angels if they need to go that route to obtain what they want. They have been warned about in the bible- they are demons.

IF you've gone through trauma, and these beings have had an encounter with you, it's best you deal with this issue head on with no fear, and eradicate yourself of anything in your possession, lifestyle, energy that fuels them and opens up avenues for them to get it.

Get rid of anything of the occult, pray that Jesus will deliver you , heal you and ultimately free you forever from their griphold on you. He promised he will help you, and answer your prayers- and he's never broken a promise.

God Bless you all, just my two cents..

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 08:52 AM
ok here goes, once again for the record...

I was sent to see a neurologist about the sleep paralysis. I was in a famous London teaching hospital sitting in front of two 'top neurologists'. They weren't listening to me and it felt as if I was in front of the headmaster at school for playing truant! I cant describe the atmosphere, it was kind of cold, emotionless. Towards the end, I remembered the 'implant' at the base of my leg. So I thought in my infinite wisdom to mention this as it had never come up in dispatched before. So I did. All of a sudden the Doctor directly in front of me barked 'NO!!' His voice had got deeper and it was like all of a sudden he was angry about something. He then turned to the other Doctor and asked him if I if 'she' has been tested for calcide. (whatever that is?) The other Doctor said no and with that the first Doctor smiled and their #ing eyes started glowing!! How I never fainted I will never know. For about 30-40 seconds their eyes were both locked together. When they looked away they were still glowing and then the first Doctor when he spoke never looked up from his desk. The other one kept looking from left to right and I could clearly see the beams of light sweeping the floor. I sat there babbling away like I didn't know what day it was. Then there was silence and no more was said to me. I didn't know what to do or say. My mind was in utter turmoil. I couldn't speak, I was in total shock. I grabbed my handbag and left, gently glancing back as I did and their eyes were still glowing!!


posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: freedom7
Hey Guys, It been a while since I've been on here. This topic really grabbed my attention.
First off I want to say, For all of you out there who have experienced an abduction type experience, or any form of up close and personal contact from an outside realm that left you traumatized in any way, I'd like to say my heart goes out to you all. I understand what it's like to go through something so horrific, and even worse to be completely misunderstood or mocked/ called crazy etc... when you DO muster up the courage to talk about it, to re-visit the horrors. Living in isolation with your thoughts is torture enough ( we as human beings are very social beings, and were never meant to hold it all in, and not share our pain), where it gets even worse is when you feel forced to hold it all in, because the fear of rejection is too intense.

I will write further about my experiences more down the road, but as for now I will keep it as brief as possible and explain what I encountered. I was 22 years old, and fairly health, active, employed, dating women etc... When I got hit by an illness that to this day has stumped every single doctor I have ever encountered. My body was manifesting serious symptoms of cancer, I became allergic to over 20 foods I ate my whole life ( overnight) and have the blood work to prove it, my thyroid levels went whacked out, my white blood cell count followed, I couldn't eat for over 10 days, could barely sleep etc... I felt a presence around me throughout this entire experience that would not relent, with placing horrific thoughts in my mind, with manipulating my senses, I encountered sleep paralysis type states where I would have dreams so lucid they felt like reality. In these dreams I encountered something I could only describe as pure evil and darkness surrounding me.
I remember feeling such terror, knowing my life was about to be over, but in the dream a massive beam of light would pull me out, at the last moment, when all hope seemed gone.
I have experienced tampering with my technology that went so far as to type in 666666666 ( the beasts number) into my cellular phone, as I placed it out in front of my palm for my horrified friend to witness as well. I have seen figures of dark shadows of grey alien type figures walk past the couch while I'm there..

I could go on forever. But all I feel needs to be said is If you do believe in Aliens, have encountered them, or whether you don't believe in them at all.. There is one thing you should know about this mystery.. NEVER trust them. If there is an event, a disclosure date.. And you are being told by your governments, media, even dare I say it the clergy that these beings are your "creators" or come to make peace etc... - do not believe them, do not fall for the lie. I remember the nights they tortured me, I remember feeling just how intense their hatred burned for me, and I know they don't don't see humans as anything more than meaningless pawns on earth.
There are many in the UFO community who are starting to wake up to the realization that these beings are not in fact extra terrestrial but in fact extra "dimensional". These aren't your typical aliens in the movies, these are very insidious demonic beings that can manifest themselves as even angels if they need to go that route to obtain what they want. They have been warned about in the bible- they are demons.

IF you've gone through trauma, and these beings have had an encounter with you, it's best you deal with this issue head on with no fear, and eradicate yourself of anything in your possession, lifestyle, energy that fuels them and opens up avenues for them to get it.

Get rid of anything of the occult, pray that Jesus will deliver you , heal you and ultimately free you forever from their griphold on you. He promised he will help you, and answer your prayers- and he's never broken a promise.

God Bless you all, just my two cents..

It may help if you would park your broad brush assessment of aliens from your one encounter.

Our world of humans are full of both good and evil people and I would think that other life forms may be the same and have good as well as evil members.

One size will not fit in all cases of alien visitations.

It may be that you were the victim of an evil alien abduction, but just as the Holy Bible states there are good as well as bad angels at work in our world!

Please speak only for yourself and save the many other reports about aliens visits to the folks that may not have been visited by the evil ones.

Thanks for "YOUR" story!
edit on 23-6-2014 by waltwillis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: happinness
ok here goes, once again for the record...

I was sent to see a neurologist about the sleep paralysis. I was in a famous London teaching hospital sitting in front of two 'top neurologists'. They weren't listening to me and it felt as if I was in front of the headmaster at school for playing truant! I cant describe the atmosphere, it was kind of cold, emotionless. Towards the end, I remembered the 'implant' at the base of my leg. So I thought in my infinite wisdom to mention this as it had never come up in dispatched before. So I did. All of a sudden the Doctor directly in front of me barked 'NO!!' His voice had got deeper and it was like all of a sudden he was angry about something. He then turned to the other Doctor and asked him if I if 'she' has been tested for calcide. (whatever that is?) The other Doctor said no and with that the first Doctor smiled and their #ing eyes started glowing!! How I never fainted I will never know. For about 30-40 seconds their eyes were both locked together. When they looked away they were still glowing and then the first Doctor when he spoke never looked up from his desk. The other one kept looking from left to right and I could clearly see the beams of light sweeping the floor. I sat there babbling away like I didn't know what day it was. Then there was silence and no more was said to me. I didn't know what to do or say. My mind was in utter turmoil. I couldn't speak, I was in total shock. I grabbed my handbag and left, gently glancing back as I did and their eyes were still glowing!!


Have you ever been treated for a mental disorder such as paranoia or psychosis?

Just asking, because what you are saying sounds much like the same thing.

There is no shame is having this problem, but it should be considered.

Once you have been questioned by a professional it may help to re-evaluate your experience.

edit on 23-6-2014 by waltwillis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: freedom7 IF you've gone through trauma, and these beings have had an encounter with you, it's best you deal with this issue head on with no fear, and eradicate yourself of anything in your possession, lifestyle, energy that fuels them and opens up avenues for them to get it.

Get rid of anything of the occult, pray that Jesus will deliver you , heal you and ultimately free you forever from their griphold on you. He promised he will help you, and answer your prayers- and he's never broken a promise.

God Bless you all, just my two cents..

Wait, so how does Jesus fit into this paradigm? Is he also an extradimensional entity? I guess not, since you said never to trust them, but if he's a man, then how would he have such power?

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 09:17 PM
YES! You should get rid of all your worldly possessions and send them to me.

We take cash, gold, silver or bank notes too.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: waltwillis

No never. I have not or have ever suffered from any kind of mental disorder or psychosis. Infact a locum Doctor who, understandably didn't believe a word of it sent to me to see a psychiatrist and they discharged me more or less straight away. They sent out a community psychiatric nurse a couple of times. I think to see my life style and what I was about, but she soon got bored and admitted there was nothing they could do for me as I was in fine fettle, higher than average IQ and totally and utterly articulate. Same tosh though. They did try and offer me medication to calm me down, but there was no way I was going down that road! I offered to use a polygraph test. I do believe they gave me a truth drug at one point though, when I went for the second lot of sleep tests. It was to knock me out for a few minutes, while I was having the EEG. I asked them what it was as she handed it to me with a glass of water, but I never got any response, other than it was to make me sleep for 10 minutes. Funny how it was kept in a plain white envelope. By the way it was red. Afterwards I was a bit wobbly on my feet and described my friend who was collecting me from the hospital as a scruffy little man, but he's ok! lol I wouldn't dream of saying that as a rule! lol
I honestly don't know if the second lot of neurologists were normal or not, but the parting sentence was even more bizarre from a medical professional. You are a beautiful woman that turns head, don't worry about anything and go and get on with your life!! Of course no one believed that either. What Doctor would say that my friends said. True to a point, but he did say that. That's my story and it is completely true. I will never ever go back to that London hospital, even if I had the army with me or the full force of the Metropolitan Police! NEVER!! I was in such a state one day I nearly went to MI5, but I thought #, they are probably working in there too. It's just like 'V' and I haven't seen any of that series only clips!! hx

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: happinness
a reply to: waltwillis

No never. I have not or have ever suffered from any kind of mental disorder or psychosis. Infact a locum Doctor who, understandably didn't believe a word of it sent to me to see a psychiatrist and they discharged me more or less straight away. They sent out a community psychiatric nurse a couple of times. I think to see my life style and what I was about, but she soon got bored and admitted there was nothing they could do for me as I was in fine fettle, higher than average IQ and totally and utterly articulate. Same tosh though. They did try and offer me medication to calm me down, but there was no way I was going down that road! I offered to use a polygraph test. I do believe they gave me a truth drug at one point though, when I went for the second lot of sleep tests. It was to knock me out for a few minutes, while I was having the EEG. I asked them what it was as she handed it to me with a glass of water, but I never got any response, other than it was to make me sleep for 10 minutes. Funny how it was kept in a plain white envelope. By the way it was red. Afterwards I was a bit wobbly on my feet and described my friend who was collecting me from the hospital as a scruffy little man, but he's ok! lol I wouldn't dream of saying that as a rule! lol
I honestly don't know if the second lot of neurologists were normal or not, but the parting sentence was even more bizarre from a medical professional. You are a beautiful woman that turns head, don't worry about anything and go and get on with your life!! Of course no one believed that either. What Doctor would say that my friends said. True to a point, but he did say that. That's my story and it is completely true. I will never ever go back to that London hospital, even if I had the army with me or the full force of the Metropolitan Police! NEVER!! I was in such a state one day I nearly went to MI5, but I thought #, they are probably working in there too. It's just like 'V' and I haven't seen any of that series only clips!! hx

OK, It sounds like you were visited by something other then what we call normal humans.

Welcome to the club!

I hope you will forgive my questions as I know it may cause you some grief.

Glad you had the courage to come forward with your report.

I am sure you must have many questions as to what happened to you.

You may find this interesting...

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 04:37 PM
Not worth mentioning much but I have had contact since 8-9 years ago. It might be because I hit my head when I was very young on the swing and was out for half an hour. I later reported seeing people who weren't there. Because my family reacted negatively I might have put those experiences aside only to resurface much later as an interest in spirits and the afterlife. At some point I wondered about life on other planets and their afterlives and that brought on very different experiences.

But I have nothing to report. The contact is mostly for discussing philosophical subjects, I get to see beautiful or otherwise interesting visions, the most different ones appear mostly like computer generated imagery. But they don't tell me about physical events, real people and at many times the contact doesn't make much sense.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: johnnyjoe1979
Not worth mentioning much but I have had contact since 8-9 years ago. It might be because I hit my head when I was very young on the swing and was out for half an hour. I later reported seeing people who weren't there. Because my family reacted negatively I might have put those experiences aside only to resurface much later as an interest in spirits and the afterlife. At some point I wondered about life on other planets and their afterlives and that brought on very different experiences.

But I have nothing to report. The contact is mostly for discussing philosophical subjects, I get to see beautiful or otherwise interesting visions, the most different ones appear mostly like computer generated imagery. But they don't tell me about physical events, real people and at many times the contact doesn't make much sense.

Much of what has been exchanged on this forum won't make much sense if you never had face to face contact.

Hitting your head and seeing strange things is not uncommon, to the folks that did not hit their head and still were able to discern fact from a fictional being is another story.

You just don't know what you DON'T know!

Try to keep an open mind about the very strange reports and maybe someday our government will fess-up.

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