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Have You had Contact with an Alien?

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posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

You do understand the differences between an abduction, and a conversation, do you not?

The abductions for much of my life were not known to e as "abductions"...they were primarily bits" of strange in an otherwise relatively normal life. You know...missing time, and other actually well known phenomena associated with continued abductions. And, one thing that is not usually associated is the intelligent and logical exchange of idea: a conversation.

20 years ago many of the repressed memories were released,..some received a good "point and laugh". The point is that it is difficult to learn something that is not remembered, once memory is enabled, then it may be possible for learning.

And now I shall point out that the "abductee" is not on trial here; and request that y'all make a wee bit more of an effort to actually think things through before you jerk your knee. It just seems that some are not really trying to gain an understanding, and only want to disprove (debunk).

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 10:12 AM
It is easy to see the truth from somebody who has seen an alien or had contact, to somebody that is hoaxing, lying, or jumping on the bandwagon. The person who is telling the truth will say that it is a being who can jump in and out of time and morph into any thing or depiction of reality they choose.

My contact had to do with 'stomping on the aliens' grounds.' I know you can't believe in a species that can jump time. They can completely cloak themselves, an invisible force asking if you would like to change, maybe persuading you in a familiar way, maybe evening showing you what is compared to 'real magic.' Simply that is the only way that the alien can win over a person, the person will believe in the force because of magic, it will be the final push to make the person change their beliefs what a rational point of view to a majestic point of view. Surely the ones in this arena do not talk about it.

So the force asks you, if you abide by the agreement (subconsciously) then the alien will jump back to your birth, and at the time of your birth people in the area will see UFOs.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: tanka418

Yep sys me! And unless and until you have anything so-ever that indicates otherwise; you would do well to simply accept. After all, that "acceptance" is what you demand from the world, so it is quite reasonable to expect it from you.

Actually if I were to accept without evidence I would be doing the opposite of "well".

Acceptance without question is what I've come to expect from you, as is demanding others prove your myriad assertions false.

And there is sufficient [and similar] evidence to prove the Starchild skull is just as extraterrestrial as you are.
edit on 10-6-2014 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: tanka418

You do understand the differences between an abduction, and a conversation, do you not?

Yes, both are forms of contact.

It just seems that some are not really trying to gain an understanding, and only want to disprove (debunk).

Hey, you keep changing the tune or so it sounds so I am asking to understand.

20 years ago many of the repressed memories were released,..some received a good "point and laugh". The point is that it is difficult to learn something that is not remembered, once memory is enabled, then it may be possible for learning.

Was this the result of the new contacts that you been in regular contact with the last 20 years that meddle in earthly affairs?

And now I shall point out that the "abductee" is not on trial here; and request that y'all make a wee bit more of an effort to actually think things through before you jerk your knee.

Hey you could just read what you previously posted and keep your story straight, it might seem so to you but the way you explained a few things in this thread seem a little confusing.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: draknoir2

originally posted by: tanka418

Yep sys me! And unless and until you have anything so-ever that indicates otherwise; you would do well to simply accept. After all, that "acceptance" is what you demand from the world, so it is quite reasonable to expect it from you.

Actually if I were to accept without evidence I would be doing the opposite of "well".

Acceptance without question is what I've come to expect from you, as is demanding others prove your myriad assertions false.

And there is sufficient [and similar] evidence to prove the Starchild skull is just as extraterrestrial as you are.

Why do you have to be deliberately ignorant? It is really very unbecoming any intelligent species.

Now if you would like to have an intelligent discussion, please continue.

And, IF you want to play it that way after all; I will need to see evidence that you have enough education to discuss things of this nature. You see there are some things that we all "accept" about others, it is common social seem to want to throw convention out the window when it comes to this subject. It isn't anything special man, just yet another special requirements on data, evidence, reality, etc...

And, there is little evidence to show that the starchild skull is terrestrial. Please don't make the fatal mistake of thinking that just because Human tests say it's "Human" that it is from Earth. There are no guarantees that "Human" is strictly an Earth thing. on that other: you should drop it...

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
a reply to: tanka418

You do understand the differences between an abduction, and a conversation, do you not?

Yes, both are forms of contact.

So that would be a NO; you do not understand the difference between an abduction and a conversation. It's difficult to explain; let's is being taken against my will, by hostile strangers. The other is a "talk" with someone, probably on the friendly side.

Hey, you keep changing the tune or so it sounds so I am asking to understand.

I've changed nothing...does your ability to understand have stability issues?

Was this the result of the new contacts that you been in regular contact with the last 20 years that meddle in earthly affairs?

No...was the result of traditional, terrestrial psychology...

Hey you could just read what you previously posted and keep your story straight, it might seem so to you but the way you explained a few things in this thread seem a little confusing.

Again, I've not changed my story. I've seen folk who have trouble understand that the second telling of any story is necessarily a wee bit different, yet still the same. So, I understand that it may sound a little different, but I assure o its the same, and nothing has changed.

edit on 10-6-2014 by tanka418 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: tanka418

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8

How many believers on this forum post quotes only from UFO websites or sources? How many research beyond those sites for the actual facts of these incidents? How many apply their own personal logic and common sense to these incidents? How many allow themselves to be led by self-appointed "expert" opinions? You're guilty as anyone of posting links to these UFO websites to help substantiate your arguments. They aren't valid sources because of the bias.

When did my post grad word at Stanford I found they had libraries all over the lace, like any decent University, many, specialized libraries, and f curse a central ne where One could find just about anything.

I was an Engineering student, so I frequented the Engineering library. Was I wrong to do so? I mean they had only engineering texts; the library was biased! By your standard, I shouldn't trust anything I found there; yet I received my degree, with honors...I guess being that "kind" of biased my not be s bad after all. Places like that tend to concentrate "classes" of data; making the search process easier.

Your logic and common sense has failed you utterly on that one; sorry...

You're attempting to show my "standards" are irrational and unrealistic by comparing a completely different subject than what we're addressing? How exactly is that an effective argument to my point about UFOs/aliens? Where have I said anything about engineering or any other subject? Do we all assume you believe in Bigfoot because your "standards" of the existing evidence is equal in comparison to UFOs/aliens? Credible stories, number of reports, photographs, videos, physical evidence, etc? Do we apply this to every phenomenon?

You really don't see how foolish of a comparison you've given? I'm not interested in side tracking to unrelated subjects. How about responding to my "common sense" questions about crop circles?

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

Well have defended our nonsensical methodology for cherry=picking data with a near reversal. It is a shame you still do not understand the issue of data source. So y'all just continue working with an incomplete dataset.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:43 PM
OK, let's stop quibbling and take a break with some real science and where it is going as to alien discovery and contact.
[Not that i'm trying to stop us who think we may have already made contact but every once in awhile we need to feed the debunkers some scraps of science or they may have to report back to their alien masters and be decommissioned]

Astronomer casts new light on the search for alien life
Nasa researcher Geoff Marcy moves from Kepler mission to solving the big question: are we alone?
[Peter Brannen for the Washington Post
Guardian Weekly, Tuesday 30 July 2013]

In the field of planet hunting, Geoff Marcy is a star. The astronomer at the University of California at Berkeley found nearly three-quarters of the first 100 planets discovered outside our solar system. But with the hobbled planet-hunting Kepler telescope having just about reached the end of its useful life and reams of data from the mission still left uninvestigated, Marcy began looking in June for more than just new planets. He's sifting through the data to find alien spacecraft passing in front of distant stars.

He's not kidding – and he has the funding to do it.

Last autumn, the Templeton Foundation, a philanthropic organisation dedicated to investigating what it calls the "big questions" – which, unsurprisingly, include "Are we alone?" – awarded Marcy $200,000 to pursue his search for alien civilisations.

As far as Marcy, an official Nasa researcher for the Kepler mission, is concerned, that question has a clear answer: "The universe is simply too large for there not to be another intelligent civilisation out there. Really, the proper question is: 'How far away is our nearest intelligent neighbour?' They could be 10 light years, 100 light years, a million light years or more. We have no idea."

To answer that question Marcy has begun to sift through the Kepler data and to search the heavens for a galactic laser internet that might be in use somewhere out there. (More on that in a bit.)

Launched in 2009, Kepler was designed as a four-year mission to detect planets – habitable or otherwise – around distant stars by measuring the dimming of those stars as orbiting bodies pass in front of them.........

........such an irregular pattern might signal the leisurely and unpredictable passage of massive spacecraft in front of the star. But, perhaps more likely, it might indicate the presence of a Dyson sphere, a mainstay of science fiction first proposed by physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960.

The concept is simple. The energy needs of a civilisation a thousand or a million years more advanced than our own would probably be vastly greater than ours. The greatest source of energy in a solar system is its star, and that energy could be captured by building a massive structure tiled with solar panels enveloping the star – the ultimate green jobs initiative.

Under the second law of thermodynamics, the structure would produce incredible amounts of waste heat in the form of infrared radiation. In September, a Penn State team led by astrophysics professor Jason Wright began searching the sky for just that by combing through data from Nasa's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or Wise. The Penn State work is also being funded by Templeton.

If Dyson spheres pop up in the data, Marcy thinks they would more likely ...........

See rest of article here:

Can you believe it funded scientific research talking science fiction? ANY COMPLAINTS! And yet they [the debunkers are like 'hungry wolves' attempting to disprove any and all reports of alien contact be they real or hypothetical. For now the reality of alien contact is not what is important - what is important is that individuals have the right to post their experiences without human [or are they really aliens in disguise?] 'mind wolves' attempting to tear them apart

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

-Albert Einstein
[in Mein Weltbild (1931), as quoted in Introduction to Philosophy (1935) by George Thomas White Patrick and Frank Miller Chapman.]
edit on 11-6-2014 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: AlienView

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

-Albert Einstein

That's a good quote. However, believing ET is telepathically talking to people or coming here in spaceships is not required to experience what Einstein is describing. Nor does it suggest that people that are skeptical of ET or have different viewpoints are somehow incapable of these experiences.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: tanka418

does your ability to understand have stability issues?

I guess it does, the same as your reading abilities

So that would be a NO; you do not understand the difference between an abduction and a conversation.

I just said yes I do.

Both are a form of contact are they not?

It's difficult to explain; let's is being taken against my will, by hostile strangers. The other is a "talk" with someone, probably on the friendly side.

I see, how is this difficult explanation of yours not making contact with other beings?

That's what I find confusing about your story.

You went from being abducted and loosing some time in the 50s on your grandparents farm to not having contact until about 20 years ago with another group and then in a reply to another poster you said you have been semi regular abducted what ever that is.

Its vague descriptions like that where a reader needs to ask for clarification of maybe a definition of what regular abductions are to have some idea what semi regular would be

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: AlienView

It's been my experience that some of the people here on ATS who believe in ET visitation and abduction have closed minds.

The reason I say this is that some of these people are "believers" because they are for some reason so pre-disposed to wanting to believe that they cannot open their minds enough to the possibility that ETs are not visiting. They are more apt to blindly believe an unsubstantiated youtube video (for example) then they are to believe a person who uses critical thinking and science to debunk that video.

The only explanation I have for that is maybe they WANT to believe so badly that what was in the video was true that they would close their minds to the logical arguments and scientific proof saying that says otherwise.

Being "open minded" doesn't mean a necessary belief in alternative views such as ET visitation and abduction. It means approaching each situation from a neutral standpoint and looking at things using critical thinking skills, and not necessarily dismissing something based on pre-existing bias. Someone could look at the alien visitation question with a completely open mind and still come to the conclusion that there is no good solid proof that alien visitation and abduction is occurring.

edit on 6/11/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Such an irregular pattern might signal the leisurely and unpredictable passage of massive spacecraft in front of the star. But, perhaps more likely, it might indicate the presence of a Dyson sphere, a mainstay of science fiction first proposed by physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960.

That wasn't a quote from Marcy.

This was:

"I do know that if I saw a star that winked out, then at some point it winked back on again, then winked out for a long, long time and then blinked on again, that that would be so weird," he says. "Obviously that wouldn't constitute the detection of an advanced civilisation yet, but it would at least alert us that follow-up observations are warranted."

Marcy's work would be in line with long established scientific searches for extraterrestrial intelligence. Obviously there is at least some effort by the scientific community to hypothesize about and seek proof of extraterrestrial life.

As for your "hungry mind wolves" rant, I have no idea what you're trying to say. And how does one disprove a report of hypothetical Alien contact? This is a privately owned public forum, so technically nobody has the right to post anything, much less the right to have their posts remain unchallenged.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
a reply to: tanka418

I just said yes I do.

Both are a form of contact are they not?

You obviously do not understand the difference between an abduction, and a conversation.

one is being taken against my will, by hostile strangers. The other is a "talk" with someone, probably on the friendly side.

You went from being abducted and loosing some time in the 50s on your grandparents farm to not having contact until about 20 years ago with another group and then in a reply to another poster you said you have been semi regular abducted what ever that is.

You seem to be having difficulties understanding simple English; here allow me:

: happening over and over again at the same time or in the same way : occurring every day, week, month, etc.
: happening at times that are equally separated
: happening or done very often

1: to seize and take away (as a person) by force

Hence "regular abductions" are abductions that occur with a known or measurable frequency.

SEMI-regular would be periodic events that did not occur on an a fixed schedule.

Vague? If you say so...

Here is a link that may help you avoid this kind of vagueness in the future:


edit on 11-6-2014 by tanka418 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2014 by tanka418 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: tanka418

You obviously do not understand the difference between an abduction, and a conversation. Again: one is being taken against my will, by hostile strangers. The other is a "talk" with someone, probably on the friendly side.

I certainly do, I am not saying you are wrong with the difference, do you understand.

why do you keep deflecting the question and repeating yourself, its a sad sign and I hope that sign is incorrect.

Do you think that if you say yes they both are a form of contact that somehow believers will stop believing or something.

Or lets say I don't understand the difference, like you said its a hard one to explain.

Why don't you understand that contact is both communication via conversation and physical interaction or even if we must spiritual interaction?

Sorry to the readers of this thread.

I wont be replying any more in this thread as most of mine have off topic trying to grasp anothers perspective on certain things they have said.

edit on 11-6-2014 by InhaleExhale because: sorry and bye bye, see you in another thread.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale

I certainly do, I am not saying you are wrong with the difference, do you understand.

why do you keep deflecting the question and repeating yourself, its a sad sign and I hope that sign is incorrect.

I'm sorry man; but, I cannot, will not, accept abduction as a form of "contact".

Abduction is a violent affront to One's being. In most civilized societies it is considered a criminal act. In all cases it is a declaration of War (either personal, national, or societal). It is a personal affront of such magnitude that the abductee should, morally, be given the very "life" of the abductor.

Abduction against a person is a crime no matter how you view it.
Abduction of a citizen of any nation is an act of War, and should be regarded as such...
Abduction of any member of a society should be considered an act of war and dealt with accordingly.

The problem is that today's Earth society ignores the reports of it's citizens and allows injury, and insult to both individuals and society in general...and you do it thinking you are right.

Abductions are very much like Humans who go into the "wild", capture random animals for scientific purpose. While doing this; there is not a single thought in the Human's mind about "contact". i.e. the purpose of the abduction was not "contact". So, in a sort of technical sense; abductions are not contact.

: the state or condition that exists when two people or things physically touch each other : a state of touching
: the state or condition that exists when people see and communicate with each other
: an occurrence in which people communicate with each other

Quite the contrast eh? I suppose that you might use definition 1 above, but, there is no data that tells us the these abductors have physically touched any abductee.

The experience does not fill the requirements of the other two definitions...abduction != contact

edit on 11-6-2014 by tanka418 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: AlienView

they *aliens* are working in our hospitals, but you would never know as they look just like us. Unless of course they decide for whatever reason to reveal themselves to you. I have seen 3
It has all been documented with the powers that be. I have tried to explain over the years on ATS, but you can imagine the reaction I have had!! I would not wish it on my worst enemy as it is the most profound thing that has ever happened to me and I am still experiences flash backs today.


posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: tanka418
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

Well have defended our nonsensical methodology for cherry=picking data with a near reversal. It is a shame you still do not understand the issue of data source. So y'all just continue working with an incomplete dataset.

Huh?? Are your alien friends reading my responses and telling how to respond again? What's the deal with your reading comprehension? This is the second time you've responded to my posts with something completely different than the point I was making. Is it intentional or you do you really not understand?

Annnnnd..... Are you ever going to respond to my question about crop circles? I'll ask one more time-
If aliens have been attempting to contact humans by communicating through crop circles for decades... Why have these aliens only created circles in the cover of darkness?

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8
If aliens have been attempting to contact humans by communicating through crop circles for decades... Why have these aliens only created circles in the cover of darkness?

In as much as I'm not such a being, I have no response.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 04:25 AM
Time now for the originator of this post AlienView to, believe it or not, do some debunking. Just saw this video documentary on YouTube: "Aliens contact with UFO - New Documentary":

And it has shown me why debunking is not always as negative a thing as some of us think. It was fairly long almost two hours and after showing how there has been this long on-going government cover-up of the UFO/alien phenomena then gets into what is really happening to people and how they are being manipulated by these dark sided spiritual entitieas who are feeding off of human culpibility and are a serious threat to all of humanity - And if this sounds like the church warning us about demons, witches, etc. that's exactly what I got from it - an alien witch hunt and always beware of those evil 'Archons' who have been infiltrating human consciousness since like forever. Well done documentary, and as crazy as it sounds.

Now I don't care whether you be a believer in real aliens or a skeptic I want you to watch the news or read a paper and remember the history of the human race - Nothing much has changed has it? War, war, and more wars - And yes there is always a good reason - And do you know what that reason is? It is an inherent defect in human nature that keeps Man clinging to his animal roots and blocks his evolution to a higher plane - And if they want to blame it on some hypothetical battle caused by evil aliens [demons] who are sometimes opposed by beings of light [angels], let them, they have been doing that for thousands of years haven't they - and has anything changed? NO, NO, it is Man that is his own worse enemy not aliens - If aliens exist as some imagine they do then better to imagine they represent a future that transcends mans paranoid past and does not play into the very human defect that holds Man back. Aliens are not the demons of the past - Alien are from the future


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