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Sandy Hook Forensic Evidence

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posted on May, 10 2014 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: zazen

originally posted by: FuZe7
Is it possible that there was a second shooter, or this is connected to something bigger and that's the reason they're being so secretive? You could censor everything and keep the local high ups quiet if you told them there was an ongoing investigation and that they'll blow it if they let the truth be known at this time.

Very possible, even probable considering the various testimony, scanner audio and other oddities suggesting as much.

Connecticut State Trooper Testimony Suggests Second Sandy Hook Shooter

Thank you, that's interesting. Thank you OP

I'm thinking that a top secret ongoing investigation/man hunt is the perfect explanation for all the bizarre circumstances and coverups.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: Charizard

What's critical here is that the DNA of others is in places where Lanza's should be: on the trigger, the bolt handle, cartridges. Most likely whoever operated the weapon last would leave those DNA traces, including Adam even though he was wearing fingerless gloves. Yet he is excluded as being the contributor to the DNA found on those parts of the AR15 and the .22 rifle supposedly used to kill his mother.
Spatter would explain some things but that would have to be at extreme close range but it would not account for DNA found on cartridges inside of a loaded magazine.

Overall, someone besides Lanza's DNA is found on the car handles, the ammunition and weapons found at both sites. This is a blatant stumbling block to the official story.

The facts of the case present in a highly contradictory and critical way on multiple fronts. For anyone paying attention, it does not add up in any reasonable way. The facts of the case would lead law enforcement to not only reach for further investigation but, they would almost have to dictate that evidence would not, should not and could not be destroyed until the investigation was completed.

This did not happen. The DNA evidence conflicts the presented evidence. Eye witness testimony, evidence on the scene and subsequent evidence conflicts the official narrative. This is not in doubt, it is factual.

Why then, should we not demand disclosure. If what we in fact hope to accomplish is to prevent a tragedy such as this happening again, we need to understand it fully and we can not do that with half truths and lies.
edit on 10-5-2014 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: PlanetxIsComing
a reply to: Honcho

This maybe fine work but I don't see any mention of dead bodies in this false planted information, it never happened please wake up people it was a false flag nothing more, can't believe i wasted my time reading it, and now I will leave this thread, so I won't be reading your insults thanks

What would be the point of making up a story out of thin air and then trying to sell it to the public? It would be much more effective to simply carry it out and just use a patsy as the fall guy. That is to say if there was a outside group of people in on a conspiracy in the first place.

You honestly think if people would be motivated enough to stage an attack like this they wouldn't actually carry it out in reality? It would be to risky and harder to cover it up by doing it the hard way like that. Too many people were involved and the word would get out eventually. I doubt a group of psychos would squirm at having to kill a couple dozen people, to help sell their plan, children or not.

Explain to me how it would be more efficient to make up some phony story that never happened.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 02:41 AM
Well, isn't that interesting! The DNA results seem to clearly show that, at the least, there was another suspect. None of his DNA being found on the car door handles is quite telling.

I think most people here have believed for some time that something was concealed about this case. At the least, the number of suspects has always seemed suspicious to me. Now, documents show that more than one suspect is almost a certainty!

S&F, for presenting this data. At this point, I am not sure I know what to think.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: 3mperorConstantinE
a reply to: nosacrificenofreedom

Both Adam and Nancy Lanza where eliminated as contributing to the DNA profile which was found on the card (#3G1, swabbing of both sides of the card).

As far as we can know from what was reported, the DNA found on the card (#3G1) was not tested against the Convicted Offender DNA Database.

So we know that someone's DNA was found on that card.
We just don't know who
… and whether or not it matches the DNA found on the stamp, the envelope flaps, and the .22LR bullets.

There is one statement I read from your OP that was a mistake that I quoted.

Both sides of the envelope, the card, the adhesive side of the stamp, and the .22LR bullets were all found to have DNA MATCHING SOMEONE IN THE CONVICTED FELON DNA DATABASE FOR NEW YORK STATE

Actually it says #3g1 and #4-2s2 were run and only #3g1 was a hit which was the envelope flap only.

Also to correct your post above #3s1 is the card NOT #3g1 but yes it does not appear to have been run in the database UNLESS they determined that the card and envelope and stamp all had the same dna which we do not know.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: 3mperorConstantinE
Thanks for the additional information. It seriously confirms my suspicions, though. The MRT paramedic entered and went straight to Nancy at 14:14, and declared her deceased at 14:28.

That was more than ample time to apply the AED pads, turn it on, and even provide a shock or two. If it runs a strip, he just needed a strip showing asystole, and that was that.

Close up shop, leave the disposeable pads, and the corpse, and leave the scene intact.

I feel certain that most likely during the bag and tag, the one pad likely came lose and was applied to the wrist, as I said before, to maintain the integrity of the scene, and the corpse was taken to the ME in exactly that condition.

It all seems very reasonable, and rather likely how it it played out.

Again, I hope it answers any questions.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer. It helps, having the timeline as documented.

It also explains who, and how, the students were pronounced at the school. Apparently, MRT ambulances are capable of pronouncements in Connecticut. There is more information on the State website, but they have 3 levels of EMT's in the state. MRT's are capable of trauma response, so likely the first responders to the school.

edit on 11-5-2014 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: 3mperorConstantinE
-- snip --
First off, on 12/14/12 at the scene of 36 Yogananda St., upon entering Nancy Lanza's upstairs master bedroom, the SWAT team found Nancy laying in bed, with four gunshots wounds to the head. She was pronounced dead at 2:20 PM/EST. This part you know already.
The CSP report says that she was obviously DRT (“dead right there”) and had been for several hours:

Thanks for so much info. I am paying attention. Any thoughts on the conflicting description of the location of NL's body???

Watching this situation has been like watching street magic... With each flourish, I make note of the distraction but find myself dreading the "Reveal" more and more.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: lemmin

Nowadays they can collect trace DNA. The skin oil from your face and fingers for example. They can get your DNA anywhere now.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: robwerden

I fine this very interesting too. Especially if the DNA that was identified as belonging to someone previously convicted was found on tthe note and envelope/stamp.

If it was found on a gun or bullet casings it could simply be someone at a store that picked up the gun and or ammo before the Lanzas bought it and left skin oil on the items that was never cleanes off.

Thats actually a concern ive had since they started getting profiles from trace DNA. How many times have you picked up a box of ammo and looked at the shells or a gun in a store and returned it to the shelf? Sold a gun and ammo you owned. How many fingerprints and how much DNA have you left on items that could be used in a crime?

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: Libertygal
a reply to: 3mperorConstantinE

It also explains who, and how, the students were pronounced at the school. Apparently, MRT ambulances are capable of pronouncements in Connecticut. There is more information on the State website, but they have 3 levels of EMT's in the state. MRT's are capable of trauma response, so likely the first responders to the school.

It doesn't explain how students were pronounced inside the school. It provides an avenue for explanation.

Do we have similar reports regarding pronouncements inside the school?

How many MRTs qualified to make pronouncements were on site?

What were their names?

Inside the school, did they take time to "apply the AED pads, turn them on, and even provide a shock or two?"

If so, how long did this process take, and how does it fit into what we know about the rest of the timeline?

In short, were there enough qualified people on site, with enough time inside the school to make the proper declarations and perform life saving efforts?

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: Honcho

originally posted by: PlanetxIsComing
a reply to: Honcho

This maybe fine work but I don't see any mention of dead bodies in this false planted information, it never happened please wake up people it was a false flag nothing more, can't believe i wasted my time reading it, and now I will leave this thread, so I won't be reading your insults thanks

What would be the point of making up a story out of thin air and then trying to sell it to the public? It would be much more effective to simply carry it out and just use a patsy as the fall guy. That is to say if there was a outside group of people in on a conspiracy in the first place.

You honestly think if people would be motivated enough to stage an attack like this they wouldn't actually carry it out in reality? It would be to risky and harder to cover it up by doing it the hard way like that. Too many people were involved and the word would get out eventually. I doubt a group of psychos would squirm at having to kill a couple dozen people, to help sell their plan, children or not.

Explain to me how it would be more efficient to make up some phony story that never happened.

Playing devil's advocate...

Which would be more effective?

1. Killing a couple dozen people and dealing with the angry aftermath from hundreds of family and friends?


2. Paying a couple dozen people to play along, under threat of death if they cross you?

It could be argued that it would be easier to manage scenario two than scenario one.

**Note: Not saying in any way, shape, or form that this is what happened. Simply discussing the philosophy behind such a premise. This isn't an original concept. See the movie "Wag the Dog," for instance.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: lovebeck
Nice job on the research. However, there is a TOTALLY normal explanation of why Nancy Lanza would've arrived at the coroner's office with the AED pads on her chest...

The paramedics or whom ever "pronounced" her, they have to check. Applying the AED's and hooking her up to a monitor would be the easiest way to confirm she had no electrical activity and no heart beat, even if it appeared rigor had set in. This combined with an actual physical assessment (listening/feeling for a pulse, looking/listening for respiration) is pretty common when pronouncing someone dead.

As far as your statement that HIPAA doesn't apply after death, that is not true. HIPAA protects our private health information for 50 years after death.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule protects the individually identifiable health information about a decedent for 50 years following the date of death of the individual. This period of protection for decedent health information balances the privacy interests of surviving relatives and other individuals with a relationship to the decedent, with the need for archivists, biographers, historians, and others to access old or ancient records on deceased individuals for historical purposes.

HIPAA and Death

Again, great job on the OP. I just wanted to clear these two things up.
Does this apply in the case of murder?

I don't know...I assume that anything that is made "public record" trumps HIPAA. I'm heading out to the shooting range (my hubby is taking me for mother's day!) but when I get back I will take some time and see what I can dig up.

It is an interesting question, well it is to me as a medical professional. My instincts tell me that once details are in the public domain, so to speak, HIPAA no longer applies.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: Honcho

originally posted by: PlanetxIsComing
a reply to: Honcho

This maybe fine work but I don't see any mention of dead bodies in this false planted information, it never happened please wake up people it was a false flag nothing more, can't believe i wasted my time reading it, and now I will leave this thread, so I won't be reading your insults thanks

What would be the point of making up a story out of thin air and then trying to sell it to the public? It would be much more effective to simply carry it out and just use a patsy as the fall guy. That is to say if there was a outside group of people in on a conspiracy in the first place.

You honestly think if people would be motivated enough to stage an attack like this they wouldn't actually carry it out in reality? It would be to risky and harder to cover it up by doing it the hard way like that. Too many people were involved and the word would get out eventually. I doubt a group of psychos would squirm at having to kill a couple dozen people, to help sell their plan, children or not.

Explain to me how it would be more efficient to make up some phony story that never happened.

If you get caught telling a story about something that never happened, it is shameful and dramatic. If you get caught targeting 6yr old kids for murder to help push a federal agenda... That is something so much more. If I was a parents like so many parents that have been put in the position before, I would be turning over every stone I could find to get to the bottom of this. "WHY?" would never leave my mind. To actually carry out this crime and then have to deal with destroyed parents that have nothing to lose except their quest to find out why, would be a cover-up nightmare.

Parents who lose children want closure. look at any story where a parent lost a child to unknown circumstances. Closure and justice is what they want.
edit on 11-5-2014 by MALBOSIA because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA If I was a parents like so many parents that have been put in the position before, I would be turning over every stone I could find to get to the bottom of this. "WHY?" would never leave my mind. To actually carry out this crime and then have to deal with destroyed parents that have nothing to lose except their quest to find out why, would be a cover-up nightmare.

Parents who lose children want closure. look at any story where a parent lost a child to unknown circumstances. Closure and justice is what they want.

precisely . in such a position i would HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: 3mperorConstantinE

You say Adams mom bought him guns because of her rural republican roots...........REALLY. Lot's of stars and flags I see it is shame.

What proof do you have to back this "truth" up. Progressives often wiggle lies into the truth to try and gain credibility.

edit on 11-5-2014 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-5-2014 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 02:27 PM
Fantastic thread. A few days after this happened, I looked up Nancy Lanza on the Social Security Death Index. Her date of death was listed as December 13th, NOT the 14th, as it was later changed to. I found this extremely weird.

Now one cannot look up a recent death anymore. According to GeneologyBank.Com:

In compliance with Section 203 ("Restriction on Access to the Death Master File") of the Budget Act of 2013, we are no longer able to display SSDI records for individuals who have died within the previous 3 years. T&ziplast=&nonusloc=&ssstate=&ssnum=&group=

I wish I would have taken a screen shot of it back then. Anyway, I did notice that they "corrected" Nancy's date of death to the 14th about a week later. Adam's date of death was listed as the 14th from the beginning.

It could have been a clerical error, but much about this case is downright odd.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: SubTruth

God forbid you read the 6 pages and see if that has been addressed...
As it has already, rather clearly IMO

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: SubTruth

God forbid you read the 6 pages and see if that has been addressed...
As it has already, rather clearly IMO

God forbid I have that much time to invest in ATS. I do read many threads but time is an issue. I am glad to hear the OP addressed it.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 02:50 PM
Question. If I recall correctly, there was a white powder on many objects? What was this white powder?

I'm assuming it's something benign like heavy dust build-up but what if it was something like scopolamine? Did toxicology report of Adam's autopsy find anything peculiar?

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

I wasn't aware of Nancy being listed as 12/13 but I do know that Adam was listed for that date. I don't have a screencap of it myself but many others do and I did see it on the SS site while it was still briefly up. Funny they should pass that new privacy provision about deaths within the last 3 years - like all the other "coincidental" legislation that allows the state to keep certain information hidden away from the public.

How's the most transparent administration in history working out for everyone?

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