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Obama dire climate report more certain than ever

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posted on May, 6 2014 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: LeatherNLace

originally posted by: beezzer

How much is this "doom" going to cost me?

If something isn't done, then It might just cost you your life.

So we're using fear to justify a raise in taxes and more government authority.


Not fear; simply reality. Or are you scared to die? If so, I apologize for "scaring" you.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:00 AM
Was wondering where the "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE BECAUSE THE EARTH IS CHANGING!" threads went. Guess they were on Spring Break.

So everyone during the Roman and Medieval times died too.....right?

I ask merely to understand how in the world we survived those much higher average temps than we have now.....

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: eriktheawful

I ask merely to understand how in the world we survived those much higher average temps than we have now.....

Maybe read this link about that graph you posted:

This argument uses temperatures from the top of the Greenland ice sheet. This data ends in 1855, long before modern global warming began. It also reflects regional Greenland warming, not global warming.

edit on 6-5-2014 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

How does the Medieval Warm Period compare to current global temperatures?

While the Medieval Warm Period saw unusually warm temperatures in some regions, globally the planet was cooler than current conditions.

edit on 6-5-2014 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: LeatherNLace

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: LeatherNLace

originally posted by: beezzer

How much is this "doom" going to cost me?

If something isn't done, then It might just cost you your life.

So we're using fear to justify a raise in taxes and more government authority.


Not fear; simply reality. Or are you scared to die? If so, I apologize for "scaring" you.

Simple reality?

There's more "reality" in an episode of the Kardashians than there is with climate weather!

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:26 AM
Seeing a lot more cold waves too so who wins. How about that weather. Really the only thing thats changed is the same time communications that make everything look and sound worse. Get rid of the internet and the weather will go back to normal.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Plugin

And yet, even with different data, etc, I can not help but notice you didn't post his graph. Very well. Here it is:

Hmmmmm......STILL much warmer during those times than now.

They used to grow grapes and make wine in England.......on a large scale way back then....

Anyways, here I'll help:

"We're all going to die! I need to have my rear end taxed a whole bunch so I don't die!!!!"

Can't help but think about how well native Americans have done during all this climate change during the last 13,000 years either.....hmmmmm....well until the western europeans showed up.......

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: beezzer

Well Beez there are alternatives if you care to look.

This is what gets me there seems to be this holler about cost and taxes when we are talking about cleaning up things yet many of those same people(I am not saying you are one this is just in general) are more than willing to fight for a pipeline through the country to create 50 to 100 permanent jobs which will cost us 7 billion dollars. Where is the outrage over that.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:58 AM
More certain than ever? the phrase ain't exactly new is it. A decade ago it was a fact that was rammed down your throat, if anything there seems to be more and more people stepping back from the idea of climate change, which is a pity because climate change is something that has happened in the past with no good reason to believe it won't happen again. People got bitten badly by the singular AGW ideology form of climate change. If you ask me, the whole thing is in one big mess.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:59 AM
Its called climate has it every so often, and not because of humans. We can't do ANYTHING about climate change except watch it happen. Does anyone really think the climate is changing because of what we have done in the last 100 years? Wow, earth must be a lot more fragile than I thought.....

Come on people....this is a cyclic thing.....has happened before. Did humans cause the ice ages? No. Can we stop them? No. Retarded this is even a political talking point.....

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi
Pollution is a problem. I like clean water and air.
Alternative power sources are wonderful. Lets make an electric car that is affordable.
I like the idea of solar power, wind power.

I enjoy the idea of being self-sufficient with my power requirements.
I like to hunt and fish. I want healthy food for me and mine.

But what we are talking about is taxing people to "off-set" existing "carbon expenditures" or some other such clap-trap!

Make an affordable electric car!

I'll be first in line to buy one! I'm in the process of building a home. Geo-thermal heating and cooling and am looking at wind power for energy.

But what I won't have. . . is a politician pissing on my leg and tell me it's raining!

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: traintrainThat being said anybody who honestly believe that climate change has anything to do with humans as apposed to the sun should find this educational.

Curiously, I have an image for just this occasion - made it yesterday, even from and to get this:

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: eriktheawful
a reply to: Plugin

And yet, even with different data, etc, I can not help but notice you didn't post his graph. Very well. Here it is:

Hmmmmm......STILL much warmer during those times than now.

Perhaps you've misread this graph you've posted.

See those blue + marks on the right side? The ones labeled 1855 and 2009? Those are there to illustrate the flaws in the graph. Those are the temperature readings at the GRIP site (to clarify, the GRIP site is 28km away from the GISP2 site). See how much higher they are than any portion of the graph?

Further, look at the graph I just posted previously. The low and high points between 1880 and 2013 are -0.63 degrees Celsius and +0.9 degrees Celsius, for a total fluctuation of +1.53 degrees Celsius. See a +1.53 degrees Celsius change on that chart in that timeframe?
edit on 11Tue, 06 May 2014 11:33:16 -0500America/ChicagovAmerica/Chicago5 by Greven because: clarification

edit on 11Tue, 06 May 2014 11:39:00 -0500America/ChicagovAmerica/Chicago5 by Greven because: confused the names, oops

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:18 AM
Ted Cruz is such a pompous bastard. In all the history of earth, there has never been such an unnatural injection of co2 into the earths atmosphere in such a short period of time. 300 million megatons of co2 are in the earths atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and livestock, on a scale the earth has never been exposed to. And this cretan honestly thinks it's not going to have an effect? All he can bring to mind is the 1970's worry over global cooling? Regardless of what was said in the past, I am dumbfounded at how he can fail to understand the systemic effects that await us from disturbing an ecosystem which maintains itself in a state of balance. co2 is a chemical. It changes the composition of the atmosphere. This means everything else in nature will need to adjust itself to the changing conditions that co2 presents. For example, the oceans and the atmosphere are delicately balanced towards one another. More co2 in the atmosphere means the oceans will be absorbing more of it, which means ocean ph is expected to lower from 8.0 to 7.8. And as studies of marine life in areas where ocean ph is 7.8 - such as under ocean vents which release co2, there is about 60% of the life that exists in waters with a ph of 8.0. Imagine, for a second, what life on this planet will be like in 50 years when ocean ph lowers to around that level. 40% of existing species will be dead. Most of the culprits larger organisms like sharks, whales and seals. How can anyone fail to understand the magnitude of our hubris? We made a mistake. Our industrial civilization built a great world - now we have to dial back, and if we don't we won't just lose our civilization, but might lose countless species of life, including ourselves, and will have changed the earth in a horrendous way.

That Republicans like Ted Cruz can still entertain doubts is repugnant. It is unconscionable. Its the very reason why Republicanism is a dying ideology. Its going up against a reality that will become more apparent as the years pass by. It'll eventually - hopefully sooner, rather than later - have to acknowledge the evidence.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:45 AM
Al Gore believes so strongly that extreme weather changes will cause the oceans to rise that he built his mansion home right on the ocean front. When will people figure out that these charlatans are using fear to profit. Politicians want to tax the people more for their socialist programs.
Because we have entered into a cycle of global cooling, the AGW people had to change their dire predictions from global warming to climate change. That way they won't look too stupid in the face of a cooling trend. By the way, everyone around here says it's been a colder winter than usual. Get a clue, global warming and cooling trends have more to with sun cycles than with co2. In any case, a bit more co2 might make things greener in this cycle of cooling if co2 really has an effect.
But what I'm really concerned about is that the people pushing Common Core Standards are trying to indoctrinate school kids with their theory, promoting it in the schools as a "settled science" and manufactured consensus. This is Agenda 21 folks.

And here is how the AGW people are pushing their ideology calling skeptics "Climate Change deniers". A hint: it's not climate change we are denying, but that it's anthropogenic.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: beezzer

Well Beez there are alternatives if you care to look.

This is what gets me there seems to be this holler about cost and taxes when we are talking about cleaning up things yet many of those same people(I am not saying you are one this is just in general) are more than willing to fight for a pipeline through the country to create 50 to 100 permanent jobs which will cost us 7 billion dollars. Where is the outrage over that.

So it really is the co2 you are worried about. Why didn't you say that on the Keystone Pipeline thread then instead of pretending it was more about whether or not it will be financially helpful to the country? Never mind, I think I know the answer. You have just proved to me how right I am with your post here.
By the way, did you know that more jobs equals higher tax revenues? Who would have thunk it. But it is outrageous to expect people to pay taxes for supposedly fighting Climate Change. I'm guessing the money would be spent on campaigns to sack the coal and natural gas industry.
edit on 6-5-2014 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:57 AM
Cue the AGW Eco-Weenies....3....2....1

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

You couldn't be anymore wrong.

Please read my above post.

Not too long ago, I was also a skeptic. But then I started reading the science - not just those views which support my bias against socialist-like solutions.

Fact is, the biosphere is biochemical process. Earths ecosystem is NOT simply about solar cycles, but the interaction of solar and biochemical processes.

Think for a second. You are speaking with such surety that injecting 300 million megatons of Co2 into the atmosphere wont effect the delicate balance that the earth has established to support life - in the form we see it today.

The oceans alone will be absorbing more co2. This is going to drastically lower ocean Ph, which means those beuatiful creatures of the sea which thrive in a higher ph - such as calcifying creatures i.e coral, crustaceans etc - will be decimated if ph lowers to the levels that climatologists are predicting: it's an inevitable consequence of higher atmospheric co2 levels.

Coral may be gone by 2100. Is that not an issue for you? Think of all the life that coral reefs support. Think of how interdependent earths ecosystems are.

Your assumption that this all about "socialism" and has nothing to do with the completely infusion of co2 into the atmosphere from widespead industrial human activity, to me, is hutzpah. It's arrogance. You're not stilling that "its all about socialism" fear in your mind - a fear I myself was crippled by - and ignoring the very serious evidence for what we've done, and how the earths biospheric organisms will respond to the new biochemical makeup of the life-system.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 12:16 PM
The CIC et al are indoctrinating youth K-12 with Climate Change propaganda, which is at the heart of UN Agenda 21, a plan to control all the world's resources by the Elites(re:TPTB). It's really interesting to me to see people here who otherwise protest TPTB and yet support this Climate Change propaganda and various UN programs.

Common Core Propaganda
The science portion of Common Core–called “A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas“–is written from material provided by The National Academy of Sciences (NAS). The report is a revision of a previous report by the NAS published in 2011. I examined parts of the 2011 report and conclude that it is propaganda for one viewpoint, the hypothesis that carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels is causing catastrophic global warming. The NAS has taken this position for many years.

The Common Core Science portion is 400 pages. I examined PART II: Dimension 7 dealing with Earth and Space Sciences from pages 169 to 201. The coverage is cursory due to the shortness of material. Part ESS3.D: Global Climate Change covers global warming from pages 196-199. The coverage mentions that computer models are used for predicting future climate and weather conditions for the planet.
- See more at:

We find instances of eco-activism being given a free rein within schools and at the events schools encourage their pupils to attend. In every case of concern, the slant is on scares, on raising fears, followed by the promotion of detailed guidance on how pupils should live, as well as on what they should think.
In some instances, we find encouragement to create ‘little political activists’ in schools by creating a burden of responsibility for action on their part to ‘save the planet’, not least by putting pressure on their parents.… Surveys show that many children are upset and frightened by what they are told is happening to the climate.”

In the main body of the report is the statement, “The chairman of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri has suggested that a focus on children is the top priority for bringing about societal change, and that by ‘sensitizing’ children to climate change, it will be possible to them to ‘shame adults into taking the right steps.’.
- See more at:

- See more at:

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

Your assumption that this all about "socialism" and has nothing to do with the completely infusion of co2 into the atmosphere from widespead industrial human activity,

Not true at all. Please see my post on how TPTB are using Common Core to indoctrinate our youth on behalf of the UN Agenda 21. You are not going to change my mind with all the usual arguments projected by every AGW proponent in the media. All the skewed graph charts and discussions of GAIA and how SUV's and warming ourselves by burning coal and gas are going to cause all the oceans to rise and so on....look, the motive to scare people into believing the UN should control all our resources and tax us to death is even in their own literature. They know it's BS and are using it for control.

This all totally ties in to the Democrat plan for Cap n Trade and to sack the coal and natural gas industry. I've been observing how the CIC has been working it. Another interesting gem is how the CIC decided to use the Antiquities Act to capture land for monuments, land which has coal deposits. Anyone looking into this can see....

For the Ron Paul supporters here, I offer this as well,

To counter the federal government’s takeover of public education through Common Core, Dr. Paul has introduced the Ron Paul Homeschooling Curriculum for students from kindergarten to 12th grade which features courses that are self-taught through daily lecture videos

Ron Paul: Well, the whole thing is that Common Core is an example of how the federal government wants to take over, totally and completely, the educational system. They’ve been doing this for a long time, I mean for more than 50 years they’ve encroached upon control of local schools with the federal government getting involved back even in the 50s with the Department of Education – HEW [Department of Health, Education, and Welfare] – being established.

I thought the greatest event of the 20th century politically speaking was the failure of the Soviet system: the collapse, the breaking up and the secession of 12 republics from the domination of the Soviets because it failed, communism failed.
Although how many intellectuals in this country cheered it on? They cheered on communism and of course there were some that were cheering on fascism. Fascism, communism, and now welfare-ism and Keynesianism that preaches “spending is good, deficits don’t matter, print the money when you need it, have central economic planning, have the government control our education, take over medical care…”

It’s not the old-fashioned type of socialism but it’s an interventionism that pretends it’s a little bit freer than fascism but the failure always comes and that’s what we’re witnessing right now.

Clearly Ron Paul sees how the current crop of Totalitarians in govt are using the schools to propagandize the youth into their programs. Climate Science theory is already in the schools for it.
edit on 6-5-2014 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful

So everyone during the Roman and Medieval times died too.....right?

Interesting is the Roman Republic/Empire rose and fell by that graph !!


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