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Killing Jesus (planned parenthood)

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posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

After the drivebys we got some really great answers. Thank you. My view is that their 1 of 3 forces behind all of us. The father the son and the fallen. The first born out of the womb is jesus and the others rotate from there. It is a numbers game and in this manner the fallen will never win. Jesus will return when he is done with his duty behind a certain vessel. I don't expect anyone to believe me nor am i here to change your minds. There are many ways up the mountain and room for all.
As for the killing Jesus part it is very true but i lack the words and desire to prove it and so i will let your disbelief reign for now.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 01:19 PM

reply to post by WarminIndy

After the drivebys we got some really great answers. Thank you. My view is that their 1 of 3 forces behind all of us. The father the son and the fallen. The first born out of the womb is jesus and the others rotate from there. It is a numbers game and in this manner the fallen will never win. Jesus will return when he is done with his duty behind a certain vessel. I don't expect anyone to believe me nor am i here to change your minds. There are many ways up the mountain and room for all.
As for the killing Jesus part it is very true but i lack the words and desire to prove it and so i will let your disbelief reign for now.

Women have been having abortions since women could have babies, and that means always.

Are you saying the womb of Mother Earth?

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by deadeyedick

hmm.. i know what you mean by that "can't muster the energy just now" remark
i feel that way quite often when it comes to all this..

the bible tells us to always be ready to provide an answer, and to study and show thyself approved
but sometimes it's like trying to place a square peg into a round hole
and maybe it's that way for a reason?

what are you meant to say to someone, when they ask a question, and you answer it (from the bible perspective)
but they don't stop and think, ruminate, study further on it...
..they just immediately leap into the next accusation?

i feel they're looking for answers to fit their existing beliefs
like most of us keen on jesus, i didn't sign up on the first day either
truth be told- i don't BELIEVE the bible, i just have faith in it (and jesus)
and i try to act accordingly
(friendship with the world is enmity towards God) check
(look after widows and orphans) check
you know what i mean?

i thought about leviticus 18:21 in regards to all this (it doesn't quite fit properly)
but i was unable to recall the other verses that seemed relevant,
such as offering up ones firstborn to God, etc
(i couldn't find them in an internet search either)
so for all my studying, i am not approved..
i think a lot about that GIGO saying these days (garbage in=garbage out)
to this end i've been listening to the bible on mp3 as much as i can
i'd rather fill myself with that, than all these stupid TV commercials, movies and so on
it's a shame that some people will not see the merit in that
regardless of their stance on the bible

noone can really argue or contend with jesus and his teachings (even kids recognize this)
and we're told to enter heaven we must be like little children
(after a while you'd think people would start picking up on all these things?)
all the critics seem to fall back on things in the old testament
but jesus himself has apparently spelled it all out and made the clarifications
(there is no way i'm posting all those quotes and links in here, hehe)
so.. to reiterate, i understand completely why someone couldn't be assed to provide info
-but the other camp won't..
..but that's kinda what energy vampires are all about, nyah?

i also don't quite understand what links the person was asking about back on page 1?
if they'd kindly clarify that..


like the person back on page 1 who was willing to provide all that numerology and effort,
these things can go as deep as one cares to get into them,

Are you saying the womb of Mother Earth?

use romans 8:22 as an entry point (excuse the pun)

edit on 2-4-2014 by UNIT76 because: God is no respecter of persons

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

It seems to me that there is a downward spiril in that younger women have been chemically induced through the animal realm in order to bring them into puberty faster and a social scene that promotes teenage sex and a mindset that is sensable in some ways but usually ends with the termination of the first of the womb citing that a more stable time in ones life would be better for a child to be born.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:24 PM

reply to post by WarminIndy

but usually ends with the termination of the first of the womb

Did you read the information I posted on page one?
6/10 of females getting abortions are NOT aborting their first babies.
So, if those stats are accurate, the premise of this thread has been shown wrong.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:43 PM

reply to post by WarminIndy

It seems to me that there is a downward spiril in that younger women have been chemically induced through the animal realm in order to bring them into puberty faster and a social scene that promotes teenage sex and a mindset that is sensable in some ways but usually ends with the termination of the first of the womb citing that a more stable time in ones life would be better for a child to be born.

Uhm, I have to disagree with you because historically the average age for women to have babies has been at about 16 years-old, until WWII. After that there was an upward swing in average age.

Women have been aborting babies forever. This is not new and neither are teen mothers.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by UNIT76

I really do love all the different points of view. The rabbit was most correct again because more than any reason i was drivin to share the op. I was not driven to prove or disprove the revelation. If one searches the archives here they will find a wealth of info regarding the firstborn.

My ultimate view on religion is that all paths have truth but only the one that is accepted the most will preveil. The one at the top of them is the same.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:10 PM


reply to post by WarminIndy

but usually ends with the termination of the first of the womb

Did you read the information I posted on page one?
6/10 of females getting abortions are NOT aborting their first babies.
So, if those stats are accurate, the premise of this thread has been shown wrong.

No need to be sorry. However i will stand behind the statement that nowdays more first time expecting mothers are terminating the fetus than before and the age that this is happening is getting younger. I think i may have framed it differently in the begining.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:37 PM
The Bible says Jesus is the first-born of all Creation:

Colossians 1:15
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

Romans 8:29
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

John 1:2-3
He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Maybe you should do some research into recent scientific studies that prove more so than what religion could ever. Do I have proof God doesn't exist? I could say the same, do YOU have proof that he/she/herm/it exists? No you don't. I belive in what I can see, touch and feel. Can you say the same for God? No, you can't. Which further goes to say, what makes your religion more right than any other? Trick question, it's NOT. Christians like to think they are better than everyone else because they have faith. Guess what, your religion isn't anymore right than Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or Hinduism or any other religion.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by UNIT76

I really wasn't sure where the guy was coming from.

When he said "firstborn of all creation" did he merely mean all the visible or the invisible as well?

I kind of have to get an idea because to me it just didn't seem to connect very well what he was saying.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:54 PM

What's makes your religion any more right than any other? Because you have faith? All the people that belive in there relgion have faith in there own so why are you right? I have a hard time believing that a imaginary person created everything from nothing.

Well here's the thing, when a religion speaks about God they aren't actually speaking about an imaginary person who created everything, they are speaking about whatever created the universe than you are living in right now and believe it or not, somewhere down the track it was created from nothing and I find that a miracle on it's own.

I have a very hard time believing in the nonsense that all religion teaches and am horrified how indoctrinated people are. How about you live your life like a decent person instead of having to have a book tell you how to live. Religion is completely unnecessary in this day in age and causes nothing but violence and hate.

You make it sound as though that if religion was to become extinct tomorrow all the violence and hate would magically disappear from the face of the planet or something. The sad thing is you would actually believe that because religion is quiet the opposite and teaches against those types of actions. Religion in it's purest and uncorrupted form is not violent and does not promote hate, corrupt people do and religion is not responsible for their actions.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:57 PM

reply to post by WarminIndy

Maybe you should do some research into recent scientific studies that prove more so than what religion could ever. Do I have proof God doesn't exist? I could say the same, do YOU have proof that he/she/herm/it exists? No you don't. I belive in what I can see, touch and feel. Can you say the same for God? No, you can't. Which further goes to say, what makes your religion more right than any other? Trick question, it's NOT. Christians like to think they are better than everyone else because they have faith. Guess what, your religion isn't anymore right than Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or Hinduism or any other religion.

Who here is arguing that it is better?

But what does that have to do with anything if you have to see, feel or touch? If you are blind and have no arms, then what?

And I see you are new to ATS, unless you have two usernames, if you are new, welcome to the jungle. You argument seems to be primitive, that's how I knew you were relatively new.

edit on 4/2/2014 by WarminIndy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by DarknStormy

So it's a miracle that all that was created out of nothing? And you automatically attribute that to a "being" when science proves more so that it wasn't created by a being than religion can prove it was? Also, I never said violence would go away if religion did. You think religion in its purest form doesn't promote violence? I beg to differ. Take the bible and the Quran for example. The 2 biggest religions in the world, Christianity and Islam. They BOTH promote violence. Don't tell me they don't because they do. I have read both. Look at how they ecspecially treat women in both religions. The only religion which is truely peaceful is Buddhism. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you to belive or not to belive in whatever you want and I'm not attacking anyone. As I said in my first post, belive what you want. I honestly could careless what you think or belive in and reality is, just because someone doesn't belive in religion means they are a bad person. I have morals and know hep to treat people. What I don't appreciate is people shoving religion down non belivers throats. Ecspecially those that go knocking in doors, saying your going to he'll for not having my beliefs and those that say I'll pray for you. How about going and ACTUALLY doing something that has benefits because praying sure doesn't do #. You can beg to differ but praying is the lazy way out of actually helping someone.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Also, me being new doesn't mean my argument is primitive. It means I have a different view of things than the religious. ATS's motto is deny iggnorance correct? Than why are you here? Because I sure as hell am denying ignorance.
edit on 16Wed, 02 Apr 2014 16:08:26 -050020140802308f082014-04-02T16:08:26-05:00 by GroidNificent because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Btw, please don't take what I'm saying as a personal attack because it's far from it. I'm just saying what I belive in as are you. I'm not here to fight, bitch or moan. I'm here to read others opinions and say mine as well as learn from others who for the most part are not brainwashed.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:28 PM

reply to post by DarknStormy

So it's a miracle that all that was created out of nothing? And you automatically attribute that to a "being" when science proves more so that it wasn't created by a being than religion can prove it was? Also, I never said violence would go away if religion did. You think religion in its purest form doesn't promote violence? I beg to differ. Take the bible and the Quran for example. The 2 biggest religions in the world, Christianity and Islam. They BOTH promote violence. Don't tell me they don't because they do. I have read both. Look at how they ecspecially treat women in both religions.

First you should find the definition of a "good Christian" and "Muslim" because you will find that both do not promote violence, hatred, murder, or anything else. It is corrupt and misled people who think they are doing the will of their religion who bring the entire structure down for everyone else. Religion has a strict law and if anyone breaks those laws it is their own fault. I has also read both books and though I understand everyone has a differing view, I don't see what you see.

The only religion which is truely peaceful is Buddhism. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you to belive or not to belive in whatever you want and I'm not attacking anyone. As I said in my first post, belive what you want. I honestly could careless what you think or belive in and reality is, just because someone doesn't belive in religion means they are a bad person. I have morals and know hep to treat people. What I don't appreciate is people shoving religion down non belivers throats. Ecspecially those that go knocking in doors, saying your going to he'll for not having my beliefs and those that say I'll pray for you. How about going and ACTUALLY doing something that has benefits because praying sure doesn't do #. You can beg to differ but praying is the lazy way out of actually helping someone.

Firstly, have you heard of Myanmar? Military dictatorship with what could be considered oppressive corrupt Buddhists. Just like the other religions, even Buddhism has it's dark side though that dark side is contrary to the teachings of Buddhism.

When it comes to people door knocking etc, I actually agree with you because regardless of whether they door knock or not, you can only find religion on your own merit. If you like it and get something out of it, great and if you don't well so be it. But one thing I do find a lot is people always focusing on the bad things which are in the religious teachings, it's not very often you will find anyone touch upon the high values and morals religion can bring to society.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:30 PM

reply to post by WarminIndy

Btw, please don't take what I'm saying as a personal attack because it's far from it. I'm just saying what I belive in as are you. I'm not here to fight, bitch or moan. I'm here to read others opinions and say mine as well as learn from others who for the most part are not brainwashed.

Do you think I'm brainwashed? Just asking?

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by DarknStormy

Do I think your brainwashed? From reading your replies on here no. Do I truly know if your brainwashed? No I don't. For all I could know you could be a radical. The impression I get fronyou though is no, your not brainwashed. You have your own beliefs as do I.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by DarknStormy

Also, you know why you don't see what I see? Because i have a different belief and viewpoint than you do. And you know as well as I do that that doesn't make me a bad person or you a bad person.
edit on 16Wed, 02 Apr 2014 16:37:25 -050020143702337f372014-04-02T16:37:25-05:00 by GroidNificent because: (no reason given)

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