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Fight back?

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posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:42 AM
I was wondering if anyone here has thought of, knows of, or just toyed around with ideas of ways for the average Joe person to "fight back" or defend against an alien threat... I want to keep this a decent, intelligent discussion please.

I believe that one way we could fight back would be to gather any details about extra-terrestrials that we can (be it rumor, fact, theory, or just plain common sense) and find ways of exploiting those details to our advantage if the need ever arose.

So here's a few examples of things that I've come up with. Keep in mind that I don't really know for sure that all of these details are factual and reliable, but that they're mostly just ideas and I know this. Let me know what you think of my ideas and post your own if you have any. What would you do if you were confronted with a hostile alien in a real life one on one situation? I can't wait to hear what comes up.


Detail: One understanding of the greys' method for "eating" is that they absorb nutrients through the pores of their skin by dipping their hands in or resting in vats of liquid comprised of bodily fluids (blood, plasma, etc.) taken from deceased/mutilated humans and possibly cattle.

Application: Bio/chemical warfare: traps, sprays, gases, etc. The idea is that their skin would readily absorb whatever chemicals we decided to dish out to them... Also, being that they live in such a sterile, bacteria free, hospital-like environment, their immune systems probably suck.

Detail: Gigantic, black, nocturnal eyes. Some believe that aliens work at night not only for stealth and ease of operation, but because bright lights are not favorable to their photo-sensative eyes. In other words, bright lights hurt.

Application: Maybe some kind of bright flash of light, such as a camera flash might momentarily stun them until their eyes can adjust. Also, a flashbang explosive might be an affective stunning device.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 02:04 AM
Resistance is Futile

Anything you do they will just manage to counter it. No point in fighting man just accept that your a pathetic being created to serve a greater race.


[edit on 02/03/05 by Grey Fox]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:17 AM

Detail: One understanding of the greys' method for "eating" is that they absorb nutrients through the pores of their skin by dipping their hands in or resting in vats of liquid comprised of bodily fluids (blood, plasma, etc.) taken from deceased/mutilated humans and possibly cattle.

Application: Bio/chemical warfare: traps, sprays, gases, etc. The idea is that their skin would readily absorb whatever chemicals we decided to dish out to them... Also, being that they live in such a sterile, bacteria free, hospital-like environment, their immune systems probably suck.

True, but that is only one theory, and a highly unsubstantiated one at best...same source as proven to be bogus documents, and other nonsense. (i.e. such as Cooper, etc.)

Detail: Gigantic, black, nocturnal eyes. Some believe that aliens work at night not only for stealth and ease of operation, but because bright lights are not favorable to their photo-sensative eyes. In other words, bright lights hurt.

Application: Maybe some kind of bright flash of light, such as a camera flash might momentarily stun them until their eyes can adjust. Also, a flashbang explosive might be an affective stunning device.

We have developed blast compensation shielding, so it's a pretty safe bet they have done so. There are a few sources pointing to the blackness of the eyes actually being due to an artificial membrane that works as night vision, so it's a pretty safe assumption that if this is so, it could compensate.

Let's just hope it's as easy as "Signs" and a glass of water will do the trick, hmm?

Seriously though, the fact that they haven't invaded yet says pretty much one of three things.

1. They are simply INCREDIBLY patient. (and of course stupid, giving us time to perfect better defenses). Unlikely....

2. We've developed sufficient countermeasures to at least deter such an invasion.


3. Invasion simply isn't their goal.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

2. We've developed sufficient countermeasures to at least deter such an invasion.

That may be true, but not everyone is a government/military employee with access to such countermeasures. What is the average civilian to do in such a case? Sit, watch, and wait for it to be over to see who wins?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 12:09 PM

That may be true, but not everyone is a government/military employee with access to such countermeasures. What is the average civilian to do in such a case? Sit, watch, and wait for it to be over to see who wins?

Hope that their taxes were put to good use, and pray that a shotgun still does the trick...

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 12:25 PM
Ok.....I will take the risk and look like a lunatic here.

Use YELLOW LYSOL in your house and car, and camping things. Origonall YELLOW lysol acts as a nerve gas on Greys and they avoid you and your areas like a plauge. Spray you mattresses and window seals......
Yellow lysol isnt easy to find however............

I dont know how effective this could be as a weapon. I just know it is VERY effective in anti Alien proofing your living spaces.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 12:46 PM
Here's another:

Detail: Some think that greys possess an internal magnetic navigational organ in their brains similar to what is said to be found in birds. The way a bird knows which way to fly for the winter is through this organ, which tells them exactly which way is north in much the same way as a compass. Again, this is just a theory when refering to the aliens themselves.

Application: Make a few electromagnets and place them hidden around the proximity of your house. Our home-made electromagnets wouldn't have the same type of shielding that their electromagnets would have, and the resulting barrage of magnetic pulls in one area would plays games with their equillibrium. I guess it would be funny to see them stumble around.

[edit on 11-4-2005 by CloudlessKnight]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 11:57 PM
1. Why would you eant to attack them, I mean you dont know if their bad or not.

2. There technology is probably so advanced, that we wouldnt ba able to do squat.

3. And lastly if you hurt those cute little greys, you have to deal with me.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 01:21 AM
'Greys' absorb and excrete nutrients/waiste through their skin, likely through their arms. Well suited to Brazil/96 as well as other captures - a 'strong scent of amonia'.


posted on May, 3 2005 @ 12:20 PM
Ok, so I've run across a few more things I'd like to discuss here. First, I'm going to post the link to where I found some of these ideas so the right people can have credit for them.

From the Fringe - A lot of this sounds like silliness, but some of it does actually sound like it has some logic to it.
(Previous Thread) - from the above link.

One of the things discussed here is that greys have two hemisphere that act as seperate brains, dividing by a thick "wall" of bone in between. I've heard this theory running around before, but the simple fact of the matter is that this can not be proven. Actually, come to think of it, none of the above on this thread can be proven. Ha.

So if this is the case, if you wanted to damage the brain, you would have to hit both brains at the same time. I think the theory is that if you destroy one brain, the other can still work as a back up. On the link above they discussed explosives for destroying the brain. Somehow I think that explosives wouldn't work... Don't know why; let's just call it a hunch. Whatever the case, you might try finding a way to break their necks, or sever their spinal cord somehow. I wonder if they considered that even if the spinal column is severed and the grey is paralyzed, it could possibly still be alive in the brain, and thus still be capable of sending out telepathic messages.

The one I like the most is about learning to kill without having to think about what you are doing. It's something kids playing video games learn to do all the time. With the right amount of training and practice, your actions all become instinct; mechanic. You'd become a killing machine, basically. You see this all the time in war. Soldiers become jaded from killing so much. It's hard on them, yes; but in the end it's something they just do without thinking.

The idea is that greys are telepathic and figure out what a person's intent is. Any attempt at premeditated strategy might just result in disaster since they would likely just read it right from your thoughts. But if you're actions become mechanical instinct, you could think kill over and over, all the while thinking about going fishing, or what you're going to eat for dinner that night. How confusing would that be to a grey to find that it's attacker is thinking about fish?

That brings me to the next one. Things that confuse greys.

This one I hear a lot too. Some abductees have said that if, during their abduction, they began to act in a random, unpredictable manner, their abducters would become extremely confused and the entire procedure would come to a complete halt as the greys took time to figure out what was happening, recover, gather their thoughts, and figure out a way to respond. Apparently there is a chain of command that thoughts have to go through. Reportedly, this is a process that takes a long time, and sometimes the abducters would rather return the abductee than deal with the actual "problem".

I think I read in the Dulce Files (which I know a lot of people consider to be bunk) from Phil Schneider (also apparently bunk) that speaking pig-latin confuses them too. Anything that breaks from their predicted patterns.

Well, that's all I have for now. Let me know your thoughts, and tell me if you have any ideas of your own.

Of course, this is all theory. My ideas on greys have changed slightly on the possibility that they are hostile since I first started this thread. I'm now leaning more towards "I don't know #." So this is all meant to be worst case scenario. Let's not outright assume that we are dealing with an enemy. Even if the majority of "evidence" seems to indicate they are...

They still creep me out though.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:43 PM
Well I'd have to agree with you on one thing, those greys really creep me out too. As for how to confuse, defend against or attack them, well, I honestly wouldn't know. You seem to have covered a good deal of the hypothetcial procedures. I don't think this was mentioned, and if it was I'm sorry, but I remember reading that they are wary of cats. I don't know why, but it was mentioned in some guidebook to protecting yourself from alien abduction. ( I have too much free time to walk around chapters
) It also mentioned imagining yourself enveloped in a shield or barrier, which would give the greys the impression that you really don't want to play right now. And if all else fails, scream and punch and kick and cry until you scare them off, or they're so disgusted with your pathetic display that they just decide to leave

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 03:12 AM
Simply act meek and submissive and then when they get close to you, give them a good butt whoopin'

Break out the baseball bats

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 06:35 AM
A characteristic of a Zetan-alien abduction is to have one's vehicle engine stall. This is from their use of advanced electromagnetic pulse weapons. Their EMP technology can knock out an entire electrical system in a plane, house, naval vessel, missile installation, etc. That also means that any hidden cameras would be made ineffective.

To use electronic defenses to prevent a Zetan-alien abduction is a fruitless venture.

The answer is to not use electronic means as your first line of defense, but as back-up systems. Your primary means of defense needs to be medieval, mechanical and/or hydraulic. You want to make it as difficult as possible for them to enter your home, even if they do manage to paralyze you temporarily with a white floodlight or sky blue beam through one of your doorways or windows.


posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
1. Why would you eant to attack them, I mean you dont know if their bad or not.

2. There technology is probably so advanced, that we wouldn’t be able to do squat.

3. And lastly if you hurt those cute little greys, you have to deal with me.

I have a feeling iori_komei is barking up the right tree.

1. Bad/good isn’t the question, its intention, what are their purpose, they dont 'look' or sound like an army, more like creepy scientists.

2. Yes and no but mainly yes. Technology shouldn’t put us off from 'fighting'.

3. Im thinking that this is true, the little greys are not the ones running the show.

Im all for this thread, as it helps people get some control back and not feel useless to the idea of hostile 'alien' others.

I dont believe in Father Christmas or Aliens but both ideas are based on something actual. Maybe it is true, then it really should be discussed as ignoring the Alien thing could be bad but not for Father Christmas .

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 01:55 PM
We are stuck on this planet, and we have only barely explored our solar system. Our ships can't leave earth immediatly and have only a scientific purpose, plus they are slow, unmaneuvrable and fragile.

We have no planetary defenses, except missiles which are very slow and not that powerful in such a big place.

This means any alien civilisation capable of coming here has total control of outer space.

Each time fighters are sent after a UFO, they are outmatched, and/or there weapon systems are disabled. Alien crafts are therefore superior in all ways to our fighters. During the battle of Los Angeles a UFO remained undamaged by thousands of anti-aircraft shells.

Therefore they have full control of our airspace, and none of our weapons are effective, just like a tribal bow and arrow can't harm a helicopter.

I believe they didn't and won't invade because they are able to get what they want without doing so.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:02 PM
[edit on 14-6-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:12 PM
What the heck - stoopid monkeys!

Why is evrery other thread on how we can best "fight" aliens around here?

When are you cavemen gonna grow up and help prepare society for the next stage of Human existance??

Live by the Sword - Die by the Sword!


posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 02:42 PM
We are trying to ensure that there will be a next stage of human existence

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 03:11 PM
Well the first step is finding out the truth of Earth visitation and the motivation for such visitation.

And that I am all about!

Clearly if they were an extremely aggresive culture (like our own) they would've already tried to wipe the floor with us imho...

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 03:17 PM
They already have "wiped the floor" with many of us. They do not want open disclosure because that would lessen their ability to control the situation. They wish to continue to harvest this planet and its peoples selfishly. Covert activities is the best way to maintain their subtle imperialism.

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