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Brentiximab Vedotin removes cancer patient's 70 lethal tumours in 12 weeks

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posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Bangorak

Stupid - she could have trusted the "professionals" who told her she was all clear. She could have gone home with a cancer that kept growing unchecked - and - end up very ill.

Who cares who told her - she caught the cancer not the professionals. So take the government funded drug or accept the methods of Dr Burzynski or whatever you choose but cancer survival rates are not good. The topic of this thread offers a choice but I can't help thinking that when any drugs are connected to the cabal/illuminati/whatever - that it is ALL about the money.

Much Peace...

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Bangorak

Your gonna have side effects from any chemo. Those listed are pretty common side effects for chemotherapy. Most are pretty manageable these days and if it clears your tumours, then it will be worth it.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:21 AM

reply to post by Bangorak

Your gonna have side effects from any chemo. Those listed are pretty common side effects for chemotherapy. Most are pretty manageable these days and if it clears your tumours, then it will be worth it.

Sure, I'm just giving the facts.
Keeping in mind there is no alternative at that moment.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:25 AM

Hmmmm, "making your body alkaline with baking soda"

correct .... it would be my preference, over death or chemo ..
Yes .. i would have a short course of baking soda to raise my ph .. only takes few days to a week .. ish .... and then use veg and good food to maintain it there ... as opposed to death, chemo or surgically removing it...

each to their own if youd prefer the chemo ..
God Bless

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by Amanda5

And how many die after chemotherapy and radiation and surgery? Lots die even after extensive cut and burn treatment.

Yes, but those numbers are disclosed by hospitals and among peer reviewed studies.

Ironic if big pharm was doing studies and stalling, falsifying or hiding the results you might be jumping down their throat, but because someone preaches "alternative medicine" an auto-defence mechanism kicks in?

He provides an alternative and the testimonies are amazing and not to be discredited.

I have a testimonial for a shiny rock that will help you win the lottery, interested? $1000.00 One day offer.

I am not going to research the statistics on cancer survivors because most people who have any aggressive cancers usually die with or without treatment.


Wishes and feelings should work just as good as facts.

My neighbour survived breast cancer. After a mammogram they told her she was all clear. She asked them to have a second look - and - there it was. Why did she tell them to take a second look - because - a psychic told her.

The psychic didn't heal it themselves?

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by boncho

1.Big Pharma have ten years on the patent of any drug - in that ten years their aim is to make as much money from it as is possible. How do I know this? It is a standard procedure for the legal teams at the firms who manage the financial portfolios (monies to develop the drug & usually very large sums) of the Big Pharma.

2. If you think vaccines prevent disease and cause no harm, think sodium fluoride is not harmful and that chemtrails are just a "type" of contrail then I imagine you also think that Big Pharma is all about wellness and caring for humans and helping people and that their financial situation is not important to them.

3. Dr Burzynski has testimonials from people who are alive and thriving all without the "cut & burn" methods that are sanctioned and endorsed by the government - not comparable to a rock, not even close.

4. Well - what are the statistics on cancer - how many survive to be cancer free and live long healthy lives with absolutely no health issues and no recurrence of the cancer. Also be mindful of the term survive - some survive but take a truckload of pharmaceuticals to combat side effects of other pharmaceuticals to stop the endless symptoms of the side effects of the drugs that ...get the picture?

5. The psychic helped her save herself - so - the psychic did help in the healing.

Much Peace - to all those who suffer the plight of cancer & then suffer the chemotherapy and radiation and endless chemicals and procedures - just to succumb anyway - Rest Still and be painfree - Amanda

edit on 27-2-2014 by Amanda5 because: grammar

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Amanda5

1.Big Pharma have ten years on the patent of any drug - in that ten years their aim is to make as much money from it as is possible. How do I know this? It is a standard procedure for the legal teams at the firms who manage the financial portfolios (monies to develop the drug & usually very large sums) of the Big Pharma.

Your point? in an earlier post I already said the system of drug development is not as it should be. Plenty of people in the industry will say the same. That doesn't make alternative medicine better by default.

2. If you think vaccines prevent disease and cause no harm, think sodium fluoride is not harmful and that chemtrails are just a "type" of contrail then I imagine you also think that Big Pharma is all about wellness and caring for humans and helping people and that their financial situation is not important to them.

Well jeez, you forgot to throw in reptilians and a bunch of other nonsense to make no point whatsoever.

3. Dr Burzynski has testimonials from people who are alive and thriving all without the "cut & burn" methods that are sanctioned and endorsed by the government - not comparable to a rock, not even close.

He has testimonials from people that he did not help at all, including ones he gave standard chemo treatment too. Both being anecdotal so there's no point in even bringing it up.

4. Well - what are the statistics on cancer - how many survive to be cancer free and live long healthy lives with absolutely no health issues and no recurrence of the cancer. Also be mindful of the term survive - some survive but take a truckload of pharmaceuticals to combat side effects of other pharmaceuticals to stop the endless symptoms of the side effects of the drugs that ...get the picture?

Yes, there are statistics though. Can you point me in the direction of Burzynski's?

5. The psychic helped her save herself - so - the psychic did help in the healing.

The healing was done where though? At a hospital or Burzynski's clinic?

edit on 27-2-2014 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by boncho

1. "That doesn't make alterntive medicine better by default." When and where did I write in my posts anything about alternative medicine? You are assuming and making your own comments devoid of actual connection to mine.

2. Reptilians - that is your comment not mine. Again you are relying on assumption and not adhering to what I wrote. You asked me no probing questions before you started to assume. I guess you had difficulty with my comments so you resort to assumption. People with intelligence, active cognitive dissonance and intellect will get my point - you don't have to - you can assume and conjure up discord when there was no need. Your call and your actions.

3. You need to post some statistics from Dr Burzynski to support your comments - if you feel so strongly about your assumptions.

4. The woman was healed - does it matter where? The point to my comment - just explaining it in full because you have shown you are prone to assumption - the government medical professionals examined her breasts and told her there was nothing - go home you are fine and cancer free. She knew what the psychic had told her and trusted her instincts and feelings - and - asked to be tested again and sure enough - the government medical professionals had a second look and found a cancerous growth.

Now - just so you are not lost here - the woman could have trusted the government medical professionals and walked away - gone home thinking she was cancer free - while all the while there was a cancer growing in her body. She does not have cancer now but could have had a much more difficult time had she had a larger growth - given the government medical professionals did not detect the cancer without her insistence for them to look again.

I am not one to derail threads. I will now leave this thread content with my contribution. I am respectful that you can continue on and say whatever you choose.

Much Peace - Amanda

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Amanda5

1. "That doesn't make alterntive medicine better by default." When and where did I write in my posts anything about alternative medicine? You are assuming and making your own comments devoid of actual connection to mine.

You wrote about it here, and here, and here.

Dr. Burzinski is considered alternative medicine. Since he isn't actually following the schedules to try and approve his drug.

From his webpage.

The Burzynski Clinic is a unique organization providing a wide variety of advanced alternative cancer treatments

You make a comparison of big pharm and alternative and your opinion favours alternative.

reply to post by Amanda5
2. Reptilians - that is your comment not mine. Again you are relying on assumption and not adhering to what I wrote. You asked me no probing questions before you started to assume. I guess you had difficulty with my comments so you resort to assumption.

Okay I will quote you: Vaccines cause harm, sodium fluoride is harmful, chemtrails are real and this implies big pharm is out to kill us.

I bet big pharm can be proven to be harmful by chemtrails and fluoride. Circular logic anyone?

reply to post by Amanda5
3. You need to post some statistics from Dr Burzynski to support your comments - if you feel so strongly about your assumptions.

The burden of proof lay on the people making the claims. He's provided none and you've provided none.

reply to post by Amanda5Now - just so you are not lost here - the woman could have trusted the government medical professionals and walked away - gone home thinking she was cancer free - while all the while there was a cancer growing in her body.

So does she see her psychic for medical check ups now or her doctor?

Lots of people get cancer but it does not develop into anything.

reply to post by Amanda5

I will now leave this thread content with my contribution. trolling

edit on 27-2-2014 by boncho because: (no reason given)

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