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Do you know "the old man"?

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posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:40 AM
Do you know the old man? He probably has many different names, but we can think of him as "the old man." He is bald, he is very kind and gentle. Perhaps you have seen him in a dream or a vision. He cares for children and people who are suffering miserably. He comes from far off, sometimes he might be seen from far off, barely glimpsed. He often has a staff of some kind. He may be an "archetype," he may be an actual being.

There is not really much more I can say. I think you either get it or you don't. So, do you know the old man? Have you met him, seen him, thought about him, seen him in a dream, seen him in real life, or otherwise become aware of him? Does this sound familiar? Do you grasp what I am saying? If so, you might at least be aware of the old man. He is very wise, very kind, and he helps children and others who are lost on the edges of things...people who don't fit into neat cateogories or are at the boundries. Perhaps he can be called a "saint," or perhaps something else.

Do you know the old man? Answer from your heart without thinking it through too much with your brain.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:52 AM
I'm heavily reminded of Dune 7.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by Never Despise

No, can't say I have.
But I have seen a tornado a few times in my dreams.
Oh yeah, and some snakes.
I hate tornadoes, and snakes.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Violater1

Saw a snake in a tornado once. The old man was watching it go round and round and round...

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 02:24 AM
i think it was a harry potter movie

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 03:10 AM

edit on 2/24/2014 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 03:24 AM
30 years ago, my mom was sitting at her kitchen table smoking a cigarette. She noticed movement in the hallway and saw an old man. She said she almost fainted with fright, but all the guy did was point toward my (then) baby brother's room. Then he vanished. She ran to the bedroom and found my brother blue and not breathing. She rushed him to the hospital (no speedy ambulance service where we lived). Doctors did an LP and discovered that he had spinal meningitis. If she hadn't been alerted to the danger, my brother would have been dead within the hour.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Never Despise

Often, when I meditate, I have visions of old man. He is balding on the top but has longer greyish white hair around the edges of his head. Whenever I "see" him he his always telling me to do something and, come to think of it, he always points with his arm up to the sky to show me. I always thought what this man was doing in my visions and it was rather odd what he showed me. The first time he was just standing on a beach watching me. The second time he pointed up towards the sky and showed my some sort of comet or meteorite. The third time I "saw" him in meditation class he was pointing up to the moon telling me the moon was cracking and had to "fix" it. I do realise that this is odd and I have an active imagination at times.

Is this the "old man" you are thinking of? If so... who is he?

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 04:02 AM
the Sandman.. here look

he is shown at intervals.. :50 sec mark, and the ending especially. enjoy epic hand bangery..
if you don't like the music, hit mute. or call the E.R. because you have no

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Never Despise

I was standing outside the courthouse near where I live, smoking a cigarette because I was mad. I own a camaro and the police think that since it has a motor swap, it's illegal under "altered exhaust" bylaws of my state. Although some camaro came with a V8, I chose to buy a 94 V6 camaro which had a 97 LT1 V8 I it.

so fifteen ticket appeals later (all of which I won) I was standing outside the court house smoking a cigarette and about 300 yards away I saw the old man walking. I didn't realize what/who he was, but he slowly came around a corner and walked slowly and deliberately all the way to me. by the time he got close I realized he was smoking a cigarette too. now, I was well ahead of him, and by the time he reached the front of the court house, I was ready to stub mine out and go back inside to wait for my name to be called.

before I did anything, he said unto me, "Son, do you know how to put out that cigarette?"
being a boy scout, I was pleased to say "yes, I think I do." I proceeded to "feild strip" my cigarette, rolling the ember and remaining tobacco out and extinguishing it with my foot. then old man smiled and looked slightly surprised because he expected me to use the ashtray I think. to top it off, I just put the butt directly in my pocket. now the man's face changed from all smiley to stern, concerned. I was wondering if this was a judge or someone official, so just paid attention and tried to be respectful. by the time I was done and ready to ask how I did, the old man responded to the question I had not asked yet: how did the old man put out cigarettes? he took a final puff and was only maybe 2/3 of the way to where most would stop smoking. he made a fist with opening formed with his hand at the top with his thumb and pointer finger, like a one handed cup. he let out his last puff of smoke and put his cigarette, still burning, into his hand. I smelled the smoke, and saw the smoke. my jaw dropped; that must have really been burning him three seconds later. As my face turned from disbelief to worry for him, the old man opened his hand and the cigarette was gone in a small wisp of smoke. he smiled as my face returned to disbelief. The man smiled at me and said "you know cigarettes are bad for you, right?" I said, "yes," and the old man turned away and walked, as slowly as he came, along the exact path he came away from the courthouse, until he rounded the corner where he came from. This was the old man you speak of, I know it.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:23 AM
Who is the "old man". During a meditation that someone suggested, I went to the white room for part of it, it was more like an inbetween, filled with white light, landscape, and he approached with such humor and asked what I had learnt in this lifetime, then we were going to do a life review and I woke up.

Another occasion, my then roughly 19 year old son, who has shared some sightings, called me out for some and had missing time, was discussing "infinity" with me, and consequently out of this I made the thread in my signature about holographic universe and space time. But I couldn't understand, until the double slit experiment, why something and not nothing. So we were going back and forth on this, when suddenly, this same huge "old man" stepped out of the sky, laughing with delight (and I knew that this was unusual conversation, not many discuss the infinite platform we're all in and he was delighted and amused at the "students" doing so).

But even more, my son jumped up and looked very startled. I knew we had just shared a vision, so I gently tested it by saying, "he laughed!" without any reason, and my son nodded emphatically.

But the search for who the "old man" is still goes on.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:26 AM

30 years ago, my mom was sitting at her kitchen table smoking a cigarette. She noticed movement in the hallway and saw an old man. She said she almost fainted with fright, but all the guy did was point toward my (then) baby brother's room. Then he vanished. She ran to the bedroom and found my brother blue and not breathing. She rushed him to the hospital (no speedy ambulance service where we lived). Doctors did an LP and discovered that he had spinal meningitis. If she hadn't been alerted to the danger, my brother would have been dead within the hour.

so he told her he was killing the kid?

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:32 AM
The old man from the sky is well known to the ojbway
yes, I have met him...
as have others here where I am
In my case it was a case of undiagnosed walking pnuemonia
I have been writing about my experiences for years on various forums as Danbones

edit on 24-2-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-2-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-2-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:33 AM
I think he was alerting her to "sudden death syndrome" in a case where that child had more to do and didn't have the golden ticket out of dodge yet.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:35 AM
You mean Napi?? Of course!

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:50 AM

You mean Napi?? Of course!

Well, I was reading this thread with some interest but didn't make the connection until I saw your post.

'Napi' (the old man) ... many years ago (20+) I was experiencing a lot of things both spiritual and paranormal and one day during my meditations I was told these words 'Pasha Napi' ... I have never been able to find-out exactly what it means ... other than I managed to find-out that Napi means 'the Old Man' (in terms of a godlike deity) ... do you (or anyone else reading this) have any idea what it means in it's entirety ?

I remember at the time feeling it was very important to me on a personal level as far as my development was concerned but I have still not found a specific translation.

Woody )O(
edit on 09/09/2013 by woodwytch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:14 AM


You mean Napi?? Of course!

Well, I was reading this thread with some interest but didn't make the connection until I saw your post.

'Napi' (the old man) ... many years ago (20+) I was experiencing a lot of things both spiritual and paranormal and one day during my meditations I was told these words 'Pasha Napi' ... I have never been able to find-out exactly what it means ... other than I managed to find-out that Napi means 'the Old Man' (in terms of a godlike deity) ... do you (or anyone else reading this) have any idea what it means in it's entirety ?

I remember at the time feeling it was very important to me on a personal level as far as my development was concerned but I have still not found a specific translation.

Woody )O(
edit on 09/09/2013 by woodwytch because: (no reason given)

Im Siksika.. Blackfeet.. and since I was born off rez I definitely dont speak the language fluently! My parents were both born on rez and I can call my mother and see if she knows what Pasha Napi is.. is anything.. later tonight. Napi means Old Man.. you can find a lot on him online these days. "Pasha" doesnt sound familiar to me in the least though!
Im Piegan Blackfeet so maybe its a word in one of the other Blackfeet dialects.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:46 AM



You mean Napi?? Of course!

Well, I was reading this thread with some interest but didn't make the connection until I saw your post.

'Napi' (the old man) ... many years ago (20+) I was experiencing a lot of things both spiritual and paranormal and one day during my meditations I was told these words 'Pasha Napi' ... I have never been able to find-out exactly what it means ... other than I managed to find-out that Napi means 'the Old Man' (in terms of a godlike deity) ... do you (or anyone else reading this) have any idea what it means in it's entirety ?

I remember at the time feeling it was very important to me on a personal level as far as my development was concerned but I have still not found a specific translation.

Woody )O(
edit on 09/09/2013 by woodwytch because: (no reason given)

Im Siksika.. Blackfeet.. and since I was born off rez I definitely dont speak the language fluently! My parents were both born on rez and I can call my mother and see if she knows what Pasha Napi is.. is anything.. later tonight. Napi means Old Man.. you can find a lot on him online these days. "Pasha" doesnt sound familiar to me in the least though!
Im Piegan Blackfeet so maybe its a word in one of the other Blackfeet dialects.

Even more interesting and you have no idea how pleased I am to 'meet' you ... as you can see above my avatar pic I am (in the real world) a Past-life Regression Therapist ... I got into this field because I had experienced recall from 4 of my own past-lives spontaneously (but that's a whole other topic lol) ... anyhoo, one of those sets of past-life memories was where I had been born into the Crow tribe but for reasons I won't bore you with here, I was brought up by the Piegan Blackfeet (small world) ... and it was due to my research of these memories that I discovered Napi and it's meaning.

Any light your mother might be able to shine on this would mean an awful lot to me as it is something that has stayed with me all these years ... I have no idea if it is spelt correctly but I wrote it as I hear it.

On topic ... if there is anything to this it sounds distinctly as if the 'old man' in the OP crosses the boundaries of various times and cultures ... I hope more people add to this I think it's fascinating.

Woody )O(

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:52 AM
Nice to meet you as well

Yeah, thats why I want to call her.. I can call my uncle as well.. if I SAY it and not spell it maybe they will know. Ill get back to you as soon as I hear either way! Ive read some of your threads and have enjoyed the perspectives and advise you have given others. Nice after several years we can have a conversation.. and yes, it is a very very small world .

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Advantage

Thank-you so much ... I'm just thinking it may be better to u2u me as I don't want us to derail what has the potential to be a really good thread.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Woody )O(

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