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Consciously deciding to wake up from a dream?

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posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:51 PM

This is the third time this happens. I fall into a dream that I don't like and consciously decide to wake up, and I do.

This is new to me. If a dream doesn't turn the way I like, I just end it. Has anyone else experience that?

Example, this third time, I was at work and ended up (in my dream) doing something I didn't have to do and didn't want to do either...I then realized I was only dreaming and decided to wake up. Which I did, both eyes open, fully awake.

Would like input from other members that have had similar experiences as I try to understand why this happens now and never before. I should mention that this has started to happen just lately.

Ideas? Thanks.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

Lucid dreaming. I've heard of people taking themselves to places intentionally in these states. For example, there is a document on your bosses desk that you know has your review, and you really want to know what it says. In your dream you go into the office and look at it. I have not experienced this during lucid dreaming, but I've heard it has been done in a lucid state. If your somewhere you don't want to be go somewhere else in your dream instead of ending it.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:01 PM
It's lucid dreaming. It's where you can control what happens within your dream. It usually occurs somewhere between alpha and theta state.
edit on 2/22/2014 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

A very important skill to have if you have ever had recurring nightmares.

My first success at lucid dreaming was in pre-school and it was a good thing I got a handle on it as I kept getting chased by a wormy squidly yucka monster and I would be a very different person if I still had those dreams!

I think about it from time to time but I haven't had to exercise it in many years (that I am aware of anyway).

Cool subject and I too am curious how common this skill is.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

yip i,ve had it,posted about it before.

had the night terrors where u believe someone is in the room with you and you feel them sit on top of you before having the feeling of rising up.

first time it happened i freaked out but since then in my dream i know its happening and can control it.

it hasn,t happened for past couple of months which is crap cause i love the rush lol

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:17 PM
When you become aware that you are dreaming DO NOT wake up! It's a waste of an amazing experience. As was already said, it's called 'lucid dreaming'. Instead of forcing yourself to wake up simply think of what you would like to do in this dream. Let go of all the anxiety inducing stuff like having to do something work related. You can jump up to the clouds, you can fly, you can change your boss into a pig or have a date with Mila Kunis.

Everything and anything is possible.

When I first discovered lucid dreaming, I used this website to learn: and I think it's still a great source of information on the subject.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Dianec

reply to post by unb3k44n7

reply to post by greencmp

reply to post by sparky31

reply to post by relu84

Lucid dreaming. Will have to look into it. Thank you for the info, I truly appreciate.

And thanks for the link, will read...

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:49 PM
Yes, this is a common occurrence for me! Almost nightly I will lucid dream and be able to control my dreams. When I cannot alter something and I do not like it I will wake up. I've posted a thread about all the places I visit while dreaming; I do not consciously choose to go to these specific places, I guess I just 'wake up' there. And then I know I'm dreaming and just explore.

Although, once or twice I've had dreams where I know I am dreaming (and it's a terrible dream- people trying to kill me and at one stage thinking I'd finally woken but then the killer comes through my bedroom door and says 'thought you were awake, didn't you?') and I can't wake up. Like, I"m about to be slaughtered and I just cannot wake myself even though I know I'm fully aware of what it going on and I can control my own actions.

Ahhh. The joys of experimenting with astral projection/lucid dreaming.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:55 PM
ever dream you are walking along and your trip then your leg jerks and you wake up. that is lucid dreaming too.

I noticed that certain food give me weird and wild dreams and borderline night mares. especially Mexican styled foods canned or from restaurant.

Tomato sauced products or canned goods also cause this.

my Dreams are caused by a few factors, food, my daily activities and my water intake.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

Spicy food generally bring on more lucid dreams than any other food!

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:01 PM

When you become aware that you are dreaming DO NOT wake up! It's a waste of an amazing experience. As was already said, it's called 'lucid dreaming'. Instead of forcing yourself to wake up simply think of what you would like to do in this dream. Let go of all the anxiety inducing stuff like having to do something work related. You can jump up to the clouds, you can fly, you can change your boss into a pig or have a date with Mila Kunis.

Everything and anything is possible.

When I first discovered lucid dreaming, I used this website to learn: and I think it's still a great source of information on the subject.

I find it strange that once I recognize I am dreaming I automatically wake up.

Also I have some similar dreams that all have mountains, trains, fiery caverns, shoots and ladders type passages, murder and I seem to be part of a militia trying to get people to see the truth. there is a lot more going on but they have generally have these things I mentioned in them though the place and context seems different.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

Everytime i want to.. sometimes when i don´t quite like what i see i can change the course of the dream as well.. easily. Also continuing dream if distracted, interrupted or even another night.. like a movie if i want to.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

I started doing this around age 12. It was the beginning stages of lucid dreaming. I had horrid nightmares as a kid and finally became fed up. I didn't know that it was called lucid dreaming or that it was even a thing, I just wanted things to change.

Anyway, becoming aware I was dreaming would force me awake. After awhile I was able to become aware within the dream and change it to whatever I wanted without waking up. I preferred this.

If you want to lucid dream I would say you are almost there!

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

Lucid dreaming. You can decide to wake up. You can also decide to change your dream and control it. I do this frequently. It can be fun to make your dream the way you want it -- Like choosing to have the ability to fly is something I create often .

From experience, I have better control over my dreams if I was not too tired before bed.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

I do it all the time.
If a dream is really sucking, I just hit eject.
I can't really control the dream, but I can end it if I have to.
Most of my dreams end themselves if they get too intense. Sometimes that's a good thing, other times I wish it would continue.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

I've had a few of these. It typically only happens when my nightmares are too disturbing or scary that I literally realize that I'm in a dream and decide to wake up and only during those dreams.

The last time it happened for me was when I had a long nightmare which was filled with horror. I was in a derelict house at night, bloody walls and noises coming from every nook and cranny. I was then faced with two choices, either A) walk through a dark room totally devoid of light knowing that "something" is in there or B) walk through the house reliving the horrors that lead me to this dark door.

I couldn't take it anymore and remember thinking, "It's a dream, wake up" and voila, I got up and put on an episode of The Simpsons.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

I do it all the time. Did it this morning, in fact. I also have had a recurring dream since I was a teenager, about a huge house that has tons of rooms with closed doors. Every time I dream of the house, I go into another's been several years since I last dreamt of it but I know I will always return to it eventually. I can also wake up from a dream (for instance, if a loud noise or something wakes me) and then go back to sleep and pick it up where I left off. And I do not use an alarm clock to wake up...I tell myself before I go to sleep that I need to wake up at a certain time, and that's exactly what happens.

I don't think it is what people refer to as "lucid dreaming" in my case either...I am 100% asleep when all of these things occur. But I never sleep deeply either. If I am asleep and someone approaches me, I am instantly awake. I will open my eyes and be completely wide awake and looking at the person, which used to freak my daughter out pretty badly when she was a child...she absolutely hated waking me for any reason because I will just pop instantly awake like that. And yet, I do not suffer from sleep deprivation. I'm sure it must be a startling thing for other people to witness, but I have done it my whole life, for as long as I can remember...and I have an eidetic memory so I remember pretty darn far back, lol

edit on 22-2-2014 by tigertatzen because: forgot how to spell for a moment.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 11:30 PM

It's lucid dreaming. It's where you can control what happens within your dream. It usually occurs somewhere between alpha and theta state.
reply to post by unb3k44n7

Alpha waves occur when we are in a relaxed, completely conscious state. Theta waves occur typically when we are in REM sleep during "normal" dreaming, and/or during meditation.

Gamma waves are what occur during lucid dreaming.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by tigertatzen

Gamma? No
The tumblr link is misinformed.
As well as the second link.

ETA I know it seems crazy that both of your links would be inaccurate, but in fact they are.

Theta waves occur typically when we are in REM sleep during "normal" dreaming, and/or during meditation.

No. REM "typically" occurs during Delta and/or into Delta2. It can be prevalent during theta but It's not as "typical." In fact It's rather atypical.
Theta does account for a relaxed meditative state, so you're right about that part.

edit on 2/23/2014 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 12:20 AM
I have always been able to do this, as far back as I can remember but didn't realize that everyone else couldn't do it until I spent too much time here.

I can always change a dream as well if it is somewhat scary, but I have never been able to change it to something I want. I don't guess I have ever tried. They say you can do that too.

It's a good skill to have like others said... if you ever have nightmares. Be glad you can do it. Others seem to really try at this and can not. I am not sure why they can't, but there it is. It's always come naturally for me, but I have never bothered to try any of the other stuff folks here talk about. Maybe one day.

If you're game, maybe you can give it a go and see if you can do more in your dreams.

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