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DHS insider gives final warning

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posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 11:24 AM
In the concept that we could potentially have a nuke issue on domestic soil... isn't it odd how the fed is conviently removing the public's access to lead (the best method of blocking radiation) due to "health concerns"?
I'm hoarding up what I can, as I can... hammering it out into sheets for lining my roof. No tin foil hat will protect one from radiation sickness. Better safe than irradiated!

edit on 28-12-2013 by klikmaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 11:35 AM
Maybe I missed it, but I fail to see *why* "they" would want to do this?

It makes no sense.

The power structure would be threatened even more by the chaos and the angry citizens, and said chaos and implementation of martial law would not do or solve anything. "THEY" want to maintain control subtly, keeping people occupied and placated, so they can continue their dealings, money making, control, and etc. A planned economic collapse and everything afterwards would seemingly work against those desires, since they would be even more vulnerable and exposed and even more at the ire of the people. Why would they want an iron grip that is obvious and harder to maintain, versus covert control, which is easier and that they have now?

It seems like the power structure would be committing suicide, in a way. If 90% of your kennel is sleeping, why the hell would you wanna start banging on a drum?

It doesn't make sense at all to me.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 02:04 PM


Again the US is not capable of nation wide martial law. We have been over this a hundren times. The US would barely be able to put a large city under martial law.

What about what happened in Watertown, MA after the Boston Bombings? The whole city of Boston was shut down.

I don't know if this guy is legit or not (most stories like this don't pan out), but it is also obvious that the DHS is gearing up for something.

The town was shut down for a day with all the resources that could be spared by city, county, state and federal agencies and it was able to be done because people volunteered to do so. It also cost 300,000 million dollars for that one day. And that was only 30 thousand people for a day. Now try 300,000 million spread across an entire continent. You would need at bare minimum about 9 million troops plus all local law enforcement to try and control that. Where is that manpower going to come from? Where would the money come from to pay for that? The logistics just do not work. A city maybe they could pull off for a short but, the cost would still be staggering.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Money is no factor for the government though. They just call the good ole Feds and BAM got some brand new crisp 1 million dollar bills yo, stacks on stacks on stacks.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

As for man power, you bring up a valid point, but at the same time they can recall a good portion of recently retired or former military members. And don,t forget drones, how many men does 1 drone equate to? Still you would need a staggering number of people. Now wouldn't be easier for them if we didnt have any weapons? Need less people to heard sheep then you do bulls

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 02:16 PM


Zanti Misfit
reply to post by xuenchen

" DHS has been warning of a planned and controlled economic collapse that will trigger Martial Law in the U.S. "

If that were anywhere Near the Truth and Proveable , it would be an Act of Treason likely Punishable by Death under Constitutional Law .

Does it matter?
Who is going to arrest them?
The People?

The US government have all the assets in their hands.

The army.
The police.
The best trained criminals.
Media controll.

The US government cant do anything illegal, because they create the laws as they go along to form their future agenda.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

Great points, but one thing I don't quite believe is the part where these high paid criminals that are running things are invincible.. When the chips start falling in a major way, we will see how they stand up to well aimed rifle and sniper shots. I have a real sneaking suspicion that the totally angry and insane citizen killing squads, (made of angry and law abiding citizens), will destroy every single person who sides with the traitors.

Funny how after killing them that technically they are still law abiding citizens too.. There will be so many guns blazing that people will be apt to die from friendly fire on both sides.. What a way to go!

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 04:40 PM

Zanti Misfit
reply to post by xuenchen

" DHS has been warning of a planned and controlled economic collapse that will trigger Martial Law in the U.S. "

If that were anywhere Near the Truth and Proveable , it would be an Act of Treason likely Punishable by Death under Constitutional Law .

Since when has this administration cared about the Constitution, law or anything? I have no doubt after the "nuclear option", obamacare, the DOJ not protecting our borders or laws, the attack on conservatives, etc., etc., etc. Obama's plot is to cram "his way" down everyone's throat, regardless of what the people want. We...don't...matter to this ass.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 07:44 PM

According to a journalist at, an "insider" at the DHS has been warning of a planned and controlled economic collapse that will trigger Martial Law in the U.S.

I see your game now. A fear thread about martial law comes out where the OP finally spells "martial" correctly. I almost fell for it.

His views on 9/11 alone are enough for me to realize this isn't legit no matter how well you spell "martial".

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 07:58 PM
well,, if true and thats a big if
Bring it
i welcome the Chaos

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 12:09 AM

reply to post by MrSpad

As for man power, you bring up a valid point, but at the same time they can recall a good portion of recently retired or former military members. And don,t forget drones, how many men does 1 drone equate to? Still you would need a staggering number of people. Now wouldn't be easier for them if we didnt have any weapons? Need less people to heard sheep then you do bulls

If you had a large enough military force to enforce martial law people being armed will not make a difference on way or the other. To get to the manpower numbers needed you would need to have the combined militaries of most of the world. Of couse since your entire tax base has collapse and you now needs trillions of dollars a day to field such a force your matial law would last about 24 hours. And you need a trained pilot for each drone something already in short supplu for what that have. In the end US is simply to large and has to many people to be placed into any form of martial law. A small state maybe but, still the costs involved would be massive.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Mamatus

I'm sorry but even if I support your view regarding credibility the logic is prevalent in all of this, it is a constructed and organized event and it even isn't very innovative. Look at history and you will see repetition and parallels even in modern friction. Did you see the series (discontinued) Rubicon ?
edit on 29-12-2013 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by MrSpad

Where there is a will, there is a way. And if this were to happen, someone has a will. Im sure you have heard of FEMA camps here and there and the contract that the NFL signed with them pretty much making any stadium and emergency holding area. Not hard to control something that is corralled. Mans been using that trick for a while. Would solve a man power problem. Still don't see money being an issue, especially since a vast majority of the man power being used is on there bankroll already and can delay pay at will till the money is created.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 01:58 AM

Zanti Misfit
reply to post by xuenchen

" DHS has been warning of a planned and controlled economic collapse that will trigger Martial Law in the U.S. "

If that were anywhere Near the Truth and Proveable , it would be an Act of Treason

Obviously, you always have to take this stuff with a grain of salt but you also have to remember that the people who run this country are not accountable to anyone and haven't been for ages. And of course it wouldn't be provable because it never is.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by Panic2k11

I didn’t read every comment but a few stood out for me. While I’m concerned that something like this is in our future, I feel the USA would survive.

I also question the credibility of this source because containment of something this big would be next to impossible. Of course, sometimes the best place to hide something is in plain sight but the problem here is it negates any kind of operational effectiveness when events do swing into action. Frankly, the massive Charlie Foxtrot of trying to implement Martial Law would be laughable. When I read that ATM’s wouldn’t work and such, it brought to mind what our DHS foot soldiers would do without money….even if they were bribed to work for food or safety, many would simply desert their posts or subvert. Theft of resources, corruption, etc. would be unmanageable and unsustainable. Our Govt. is so incompetent they can’t even get a website working properly. I’m not worried about a DHS-led control mechanism and I’m certain that our military would not support such a thing (regardless of the recent elimination of top officers).

The only legitimate scenario is one of bringing in the UN to support Martial Law. That presents an obvious problem as there are thousands of us who have been drawing little blue helmets on our gun-range targets. Now that we’ve moved to a military scenario, ongoing operations would be damn-near impossible to sustain. Consider what we attempted to do in Iraq…..the best trained and equipped soldiers in the world operated in constant fear of random and uncoordinated acts of violence.

Initially and especially in urban areas, it’s possible the citizenry would allow mild forms of Martial Law (as we saw in MA) but as things deteriorated you would see them having to shift resources from rural areas to the cities….this invites an even bigger problem as resistance cells would form either home-grown or by proxy. Teams of 3 men could disrupt an entire city very easily. It would be easy to assemble these – they could be family, best high-school buds, whatever. Sleeper cells could even blend in and attack high-priority targets like Gov. buildings, refineries, etc. One gunman recently shutdown the Navy Shipyard, two gunman/bombers shut down Boston and most of Massachusetts, 19 lunatics shutdown the world for several days and led to a decade of war. I have no doubt in the effectiveness of small cells of like-minded individuals to create absolute havoc.

So to me the argument that the ‘bad guys’ have superior firepower, logistics, numbers etc. isn’t really a consideration because it would be too easy to harass them and their supply lines. The same reason we “lost” in Vietnam and Iraq would be the one that saves us. Military projection requires enormous resources: Fuel, ammo, food, medicine…..consider there are easily 70 million armed Americans. If even ½ a million decided to step up and oppose an occupying force, it simply wouldn’t be a sustainable operation for the Globalists. America and its resources would be lost to them in the fight. ….however, it would be bloody and it would take a generation or two to recover but America would survive in the end.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 02:58 AM
I've no doubt we're heading for a collapse, not sure what will trigger it or how extensive it will be. I'm inclined to believe that THey will raid the IRAs, 401ks and other tax-related accounts before the collapse. THey've even put feelers out to at least one of the unions on the subject---along the lines of---"What would your contribution be?"
Martial law? I lived under martial law for a few days in Nashville in the late '60s. I really don't see it happening on any sort of wide-spread basis.
No matter when or where it happens, it certainly isn't a pleasant prospect. My approach has been to prepare myself with the information and resources I have or can gather. Since my retirement I've attempted to hone skills that will be useful in case of a collapse; skills like gardening, knowledge of wild plants as food and medicine, folk medicine and such. I've attempted to find networks of local folks who are aware of the impending kerfluffle, from the bankers to the farmers and craftsmen down at the Farmers' Market.
If even 10% of the information I've read/heard is correct, we have a very rough patch ahead.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 04:57 AM
Both Hagmanns need to just go away. Noone even listens to them anymore because their only guest is always Steve "run for the hills Jesus is coming" Quayle. These tools have zero credibility. In fact, their rating are so poor that they've started naming their YT vid uploads "Coast to Coast Alternative" ever since C2C stopped uploading, riding poor Noory's coattails lol.

They're amateurs much like the guy with the megaphone who now peddles his own brand of coffee. Both of those "programs" dupe newcomers to conspiracies (like they did to me in 2008 when my eyes were first opened), but most find out rather quickly and move on to sites like ATS where there's REAL information.

This "DHS Insider" has been claiming collapse since last Spring to no avail. He's also good at not giving any information based on any timeline which means he can keep this charade up for months/years by just claiming that "WE" have slowed tptb down because of "OUR" whistleblowing. They should change the name of their show to the Hackmann and Hackmann's far more fitting.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

DHS...must stand for Dinsmore High School.
Only a school kid would think there is a valid reason that anyone would plan an economic collapse. To what end? Why who benefits ? Don't give me that frocking elite crap again. The elites must be insane idiots then.
It can't be long before these elites just self destruct. How can they survive on this insane path you all seem to think they are on.
edit on AMu31u12125214312013-12-29T06:14:15-06:00 by AutumnWitch657 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Sremmos80

Even if they utilize every stadium in the country that's not enough space to corral the population. There is no will great enough to make this a way. It's just another foolish lie designed to a) get people riled up and b) heap more slander on the sitting administration which the OP hates with a vengance. I mean he really hates this President and therefore everything he stands for. And it colors every thread he creates.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

Personally I dont think they can pull it off but we shall see wont we ???

I like this quote ... the key word below is "illusion"

"I kept reading with interest hoping there would be even the tiniest of credible information. there was none and setup to feel all cloak and dagger.

While I don’t doubt for one second that there are powers that be, including our president, who has evil in their hearts for the USA, I doubt the NSA/DHS/TSA has the power to execute any agenda against a well armed populace, whom if this does happen, will have very little to lose for fighting back.

The power, the wine, the whores, the money inside the Washington Beltway give TPTB the illusion they can pull it off.

Good luck, wouldn’t want to be them when they do push the button."

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 11:18 AM



Again the US is not capable of nation wide martial law. We have been over this a hundren times. The US would barely be able to put a large city under martial law.

What about what happened in Watertown, MA after the Boston Bombings? The whole city of Boston was shut down.

I don't know if this guy is legit or not (most stories like this don't pan out), but it is also obvious that the DHS is gearing up for something.

The town was shut down for a day with all the resources that could be spared by city, county, state and federal agencies and it was able to be done because people volunteered to do so. It also cost 300,000 million dollars for that one day. And that was only 30 thousand people for a day. Now try 300,000 million spread across an entire continent. You would need at bare minimum about 9 million troops plus all local law enforcement to try and control that. Where is that manpower going to come from? Where would the money come from to pay for that? The logistics just do not work. A city maybe they could pull off for a short but, the cost would still be staggering.

I wonder if this is where in the YouTube clip of obama wanting a civilian security force would come in, though it would take time to get something like that going.

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