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There Is A War For Your Mind

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posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

Everything is being watched; we have spies at ATS.

All right, you have spies at ATS. Who are they? Are you able to identify them positively?

If you are, you should send a u2u to Skeptic Overlord or one of the other site owners outing them. You don't have to mention their names in a thread and get yourself reprimanded; just tell the site owners. Have you done this?

Those who control the mass of information in knowledge do indeed control the mind.

Are you saying that those who control the media control access to knowledge? Can you show how this is the case?

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, The Merciful: O you who believe! If a Fasiq (liar- evil person) comes to you with any news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:29 AM


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

It's not as though these types of people have a large "spy" symbol in their member name or avatar; it is more to do with recognising a pattern in the way they argue, detract from a topic, or attack the messenger. Those that are skilled at their task are subtle, cunning and deceptive. It is not an easy task to prove that their motives for posting on ATS are counter-productive to the site's motto of denying ignorance.

Even if one can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that certain members are likely to be spies/shills/disinfo agents, getting them banned will accomplish very little; TPTB have abundant resources at their disposal and will not stop trying to infiltrate, divide and influence the opinions of the majority of members until they can fully control the flow of information that may interfere with their plans.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

It seems that youtube has changed a video I posted. The one I posted was (about 1:15 in length) Dr. Judy Wood WTC 1 "collapse" with "dustification". Now the link points to an Architects and Engineers Video (about 5:25 in length) about controlled demolition. I can't believe it!

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:15 AM
We would be better off to ignore these trespassers and only pursue interaction that is useful. It should be evident after a couple replies if it is worth going any further. A lot of them make it clear with their very first post in a thread whether or not they can be reasoned with or whether or not they are poking at you just for fun. Never wrestle in the mud with a pig because you just get yourself filthy dirty and the pig enjoys the whole thing. One must know when to engage.

Thanks for sharing bud.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:18 AM
It's called divide and conquer OP, it's an age old tactic used to dispel the dissenters of the hierarchy.

When there is an uprising and a convergence of views, that threatens the way of life of TPTB. So what better way to quell the dissent by spreading dissent of your own? governments have been overthrown using this principal, you can't muster a defense when the defense is fighting amongst themselves.

I'd like to think that every member shares a common goal-to 'defy ignorance' but you will see ignorance every now and again. But ATS also defies injustice as well, and I think that's the common link between the members, no matter what their beliefs are.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

In today's world, we are bombarded by a combination of (mis/dis)information on all fronts. There is controlled opposition at every turn; from politics, social media, to even AboveTopSecret

If we allow it to be controlled, then it will be. There is somewhat a choice here.

I don't watch much television. My family doesn't either. We are too active with Hockey and family besides I have always believed it is a distraction to "thinking". Our "minds" have always been trained by policy, society, rules, school, and so on.

Thinking on your own is challenging in today's world.

When I look at the bigger picture both here and abroad I see people with different minds and ways of thinking. This is how it should be. To me, it's not a conspiracy. If there are shills, de-bunkers, fence sitters, and so on within ATS then it's "good" as far as I can see because it makes for a good debate. If we all thought the same I would worry. I would worry our minds are fully controlled.

Maybe I am naive as I still believe and have faith in love conquering all, Light overcoming darkness, and the good prevailing.

There is a war here on Earth. There is a war in each and every one of our bodies 24/7. Our white cells try to overcome 24/7 and when you get a fever you know there is a true battle going on.

War has been waging since we got here and it will until each and every one of us treat our neighbor as our self. There is a choice here.

They are attempting to keep us all busy arguing with their agents of ignorance, all the while, they are hiding behind the scenes with the 'big master plans'.

The only way "they" can do this above is IF you play into it. If you do not watch the news or media then they have no control over your thinking. A nation divided is easily conquered but if the nation chose to treat their neighbor as their self and un plug the TV then there would be no dividing.

Internet? Same thing....Choose a few sites you visit. Or none...

I have this site I come on... USGS.... Extinction Protocol... Earthquake Report. Keeping the mind busy with reading and family fun is where it's at for me.

I come here for the conspiracies and philosophy/metaphysical forums. When I feel a need to come inside myself deep with my spirituality I come here. Its like therapy for me because I love talking deep and I find like minded people here that I can connect with on a deeper level.

So, they keep us divided, and fighting amongst ourselves, whether it is religion, race, same-sex marriage, left vs. right, conspiracy or not, so forth. The point I presume that I am getting to is quite simple

Again, if it is happening then it is because we are allowing it to. There is a choice.

I wholeheartedly agree with Gryphon66's post.. it was stated so beautifully..

To the orthodox mind, the Gnostics all seem to believe something different: where as the idea, put simplistically was "know your own mind - find your own truth."

And that is as dangerous an idea to the autonomy of all societal power structures as any ever conceived.

This above is the reason I believe Christianity was birthed. Too many different and opposing views.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:07 AM
I'm sorry. I really tried not to express my views towards your statement:

All right, you have spies at ATS. Who are they? Are you able to identify them positively?

If you are, you should send a u2u to Skeptic Overlord or one of the other site owners outing them. You don't have to mention their names in a thread and get yourself reprimanded; just tell the site owners. Have you done this?

Are you freaking serious? Or, are you just lacking common experience? (i'm really trying to keep my ego or whatever, at bay)

It is crystal-clear to me, that SO has no options to defend ATS from alleged spies. For instance, if i were a spy, there would be no way for this site to restrict my access here. And i'm sure SO is aware of this.

Analogous would be:

All right, you've been bullied to the extreme in a school. Who were they? Were you able to identify them positively?

If you were, you should go visit or send a letter to School Admins, just tell them the names of the bullies and they take care of them.

I'm tired of writing this bs-rant more, i'm sure you get my drift. Just OMG. And if you were just rolling with-a-T, be ashamed.

a positive sidenote: excellent thread over-all.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:38 AM

On positive side of "war of the mind".....

I would like to thank to everyone here who have debated with me on my last account - I dont remember who and info is lost. What I'm trying to say is - ATS is my teacher into the psychological war and ways to manipulate situation and people. I learn from the people who are trained to do the job, what else can be better ? and its free

Sure I lost pointing my views, but I do learn a lot of stuff. Its not bad war at all. Now its fun to watch, read and anticipate how its played, its very tempting to join, but then I already know the result.

+1 on this.

I love ATS beyond imaginable, so sorry i have had no way to show it. Well hello ATS, i love you, all of you, even dem trolls and agents

The mass of information i have had the chance to gather, analyse and debate, offline and online, has taught me plenty, and i have no word in mind to express the gratitude towards this community.

There are so many intelligent people starting threads and joining conversations here at ATS, it blows my mind guaranteed every month. I'm stupid, i'll grant that, but still it's an awesome feeling to find yourself reading something fresh, new, thought-provoking material written by someone more intelligent than you.

Learning is living, i guess.

I'm getting tired. Hard to write in english. Sorry for the mumbo jumbo, i have a feeling this doesn't add to the content.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who say it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense. - Buddha"

And even then, doubt.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 12:04 PM
I'm sorry but your analogy is weak. Chances are you WOULD be able to identify a bully but identifying a spy is a whole matter. And this is for Astynax. That is one of the most foolish statements I have read on ATS. The nature of a spy is to be difficult to identify.

I'm sorry. I really tried not to express my views towards your statement:

All right, you have spies at ATS. Who are they? Are you able to identify them positively?

If you are, you should send a u2u to Skeptic Overlord or one of the other site owners outing them. You don't have to mention their names in a thread and get yourself reprimanded; just tell the site owners. Have you done this?

Are you freaking serious? Or, are you just lacking common experience? (i'm really trying to keep my ego or whatever, at bay)

It is crystal-clear to me, that SO has no options to defend ATS from alleged spies. For instance, if i were a spy, there would be no way for this site to restrict my access here. And i'm sure SO is aware of this.

Analogous would be:

All right, you've been bullied to the extreme in a school. Who were they? Were you able to identify them positively?

If you were, you should go visit or send a letter to School Admins, just tell them the names of the bullies and they take care of them.

I'm tired of writing this bs-rant more, i'm sure you get my drift. Just OMG. And if you were just rolling with-a-T, be ashamed.

a positive sidenote: excellent thread over-all.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 12:09 PM

Dark Ghost
reply to post by Astyanax

It's not as though these types of people have a large "spy" symbol in their member name or avatar; it is more to do with recognising a pattern in the way they argue, detract from a topic, or attack the messenger. Those that are skilled at their task are subtle, cunning and deceptive. It is not an easy task to prove that their motives for posting on ATS are counter-productive to the site's motto of denying ignorance.

Among the posters here, I have a few that worth mentioning and I assume that is one of "them". Cunningly hiding among members but I can sense he/she is one of the group. I read and watch his/her biased posts but that is my only assumption. Its up for you to decide.

I hope the mods dont ban this account or that person account, just check it yourself and this one also


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Astyanax

S.O. has acknowledged that they're here (shills), and did not disavow the claim that some of them were made Mods.

ATS is a honey pot, surely someone as astute as you would have realized that already..?

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 04:03 PM

reply to post by Astyanax

I am still unclear as to the purpose of this thread, though. It seems many people agree that there's a war going on for their minds, yet they don't want to discuss who is fighting over them. Very strange.

If you still haven't figured out who is 'fighting over our minds'; then the point of this thread is lost on you.

"He who controls the media; controls the mind."

I like to take it much farther, unless you are saying that media is " anything for consumption, that is for the purpose of (teaching, enslaving, master-student types of things)

I meet with very intelligent people who are utterly incapable of understanding the depth of the war for the SOUL that was already lost literally.

You being a mason, should realize that the master, student scenario is also designed as a media "enforcement" tool, disguised as being the way of betterment, but really just a more advanced capping tool than say, Christianity is.

Self-Realization Fellowship, with Yogis and Avatars, enforcing further rules once the 33rd degree wasn't enough for the soul of this character, it is endless.

All of it, in the end designed to make one always believe that something natural and reasonable is going on, that must be upheld, when since being hi-jacked long ago, the process could not be more "opposite".

The lessons are never learnt, because the mechanics of how to REALLY free ones power and turn it on the scum that are leeching, are being distorted just enough, on every highest level , to make sure we do NOT find out.

The fight has begun, and is now coming to the front door of the gatekeepers themselves, just saying that do not be surprised if the crown chakra itself is expanded beyond ALL belief...

It is important to not have to censor anything, for any censorship at all, shows

2. Embracement of some higher purpose one "cannot talk about"
3. Compartmentalization , of the minds, and souls of those "in the know"
4. Lack of real knowledge about just how far and who the enemies are.
5. Incredulousness, disconnection.

How can one ever free themselves from a system while using any of the quotes, thoughts, etcetera that were programmed right into the Operating System to make sure you never quite get there??

Scary for me, when I meet people who approach avatar levels of consciousness that because of the beliefs they have used to get there, are going to on a SOUL level never be able to advance past the "Sea of Bliss".

Scarier still, that most people who read this, will have absolutely no idea or ability to comprehend.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by NullVoid

lol, I see what you did there.
I gotta say though, you're blowing all of our covers!

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by ParasuvO

I am not yet a Mason. I am an esoteric enthusiast, and somewhat of a scholar for esoteric studies, and am merely a person who wishes to become a Mason. The 'real' Masons here don't like it when people take me for one just yet.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:24 PM

reply to post by Astyanax

You may want to take a look at this thread here.
Proof of scripted MSM


I'm speechless..

litterly .. there's a phrase I'd use.. but .. it's pointless LOL ..

thx !

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:29 PM

a good beat for like minded people... NICE THREAD... ONE LOVE

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 10:28 PM
Excellent thread OP!

I agree on all points made.

There are, or should I say were, a handful of posters who I'd say fit the prototypical dis/misinformant who would often appear and exhibit the traits you so adequately described. I have a memory of something that happened on this site once that will be forever embedded in the back of my mind.

The story goes like this:
One day I was surfing the boards and I came across a post in the introduction section. Now normally, it takes what....20 posts submitted to start a thread? I forgot but this new guy felt the need to really get something off his chest as if it were some sort of dire situation so he vehemently turned it into a UFO/alien topic with his first and only post. This guy knew the rules and regulations of ATS/T&C but what he wanted most was to be accepted into this community because of the ridicule, resistance, and banning he faced coming from another forum which would be known as the infamous Godlike Productions.

The reason he was being attacked over there had to do with subject matter involving channeling entities from the Andromeda star system. Normally, conspiracy forums would be like a second home to subject matter of this content but instead he was treated as an outcast who was extremely mentally unstable. He explained his situation In a very humble non disrespectful manner in the OP as if he were begging for a second chance and brand new start with ATS. He even apologized for not adhering to the mandatory 20 posts in before you submit a thread rule but here's where it got real fishy.

Shortly after his OP was presented, he was greeted with more ridicule and resentment by "the usual suspects" I mentioned earlier. Five posts were submitted by these "alleged culprits" and they all had a condescending tone attached. Things like "well u can take that nonsense back to GLP" and "you're not welcomed here either did you forget to take your meds" was how he was greeted. I was appalled considering that this is the go to site for these types of topics and there is usually a sincere welcome mat laid out for new posters. I quoted about 3 different post in preparation for a response but when I was ready to submit, I was redirected to the 404 error screen thread no longer exists. The thread is long gone and the poster was subsequently banned again. To this day I often think about how odd and peculiar that was.

Sorry I can't remember the dudes name or the ones who attacked him but I remember their avatars. This a true story folks, I am NOT making this up.

This incident assured me that there are indeed forces out there who will go to great lengths to discredit and oppose particular viewpoints. Fortunately, for me and those of the same mindset as in this thread, this type of occurrence will do absolutely nothing to deter us from the truth which will inevitably be revealed. Until then the war rages on.

Peace, True Messiah

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