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Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc around the Globe

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posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by WonderBoi

Well, yes, clouds contain molecules. So do you. But you are not a cloud. So stop being silly.

In meteorological terms a cloud is a mass of condensed water vapour (sometimes in frozen form).

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by WonderBoi

I wish i could agree with anything you've just stated, but again, WRONG! If you haven't guessed by now, i'm trapping you with your own answers.

It looks more like you are trying to baffle him with BS, because you seem to be moving the goalposts with every reply.

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:10 PM

reply to post by Soylent Green Is People
I wish i could agree with anything you've just stated, but again, WRONG! If you haven't guessed by now, i'm trapping you with your own answers.

Hygroscopic Seeding
Hygroscopic seeding is used in warm cloud masses (above 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit). Large hydroscopic particles (sodium chloride) are sent into a cloud to enhance the formation of "collector drops" that grow into raindrops.

Glaciogenic Seeding
Static Glaciogenic seeding is used in cold clouds (less than 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit) and is designed to produce precipitation by causing ice particles to grow. It involves adding ice crystals (silver iodide and dry ice) to the clouds that will promote further crystallization and precipitation. Both elements, silver iodide and dry ice, are so cold they cool the surrounding crystals and cause more ice to form.

Read more:

Great. But how is that different than what I said?

I said exactly what you have in your excerpted quote -- i.e., that the silver iodide used in cloud seeding (theoretically) works by attracting water molecules to it (I used the term "nucleating"). As the water molecules attach to the silver iodide, they precipitate from the cloud. Your quote also mentions the use of sodium chloride (salt) instead of silver iodide, but the result is similar.

I'm not sure how you "trapped" me, nor am I sure why you went on about clouds being "hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules"? Clouds are NOT just hydrogen and oxygen molecules; clouds are water molecules (which behave differently than the free elemental hydrogen and oxygen molecules).

edit on 1/2/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:12 PM


Cloud seeding or rain-making can be done, but certain weather requirements involving moisture and cloud condensation nuclei must be met. This process involves literally "seeding" the clouds with other particles that add to the amount of cloud condensation nuclei, resulting in greater precipitation. Read more:

Hygroscopic Seeding
Hygroscopic seeding is used in warm cloud masses (above 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit). Large hydroscopic particles (sodium chloride) are sent into a cloud to enhance the formation of "collector drops" that grow into raindrops.

Glaciogenic Seeding
Static Glaciogenic seeding is used in cold clouds (less than 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit) and is designed to produce precipitation by causing ice particles to grow. It involves adding ice crystals (silver iodide and dry ice) to the clouds that will promote further crystallization and precipitation. Both elements, silver iodide and dry ice, are so cold they cool the surrounding crystals and cause more ice to form.

Read more:

All the naysayers to science.

Is this another source that proves no clouds are needed, oh sparkling intellect?

Why doesn't that moisture at 30,000 ft freeze into cirrus clouds but falls as rain instead? You seem to keep forgetting that one.
edit on 2-1-2014 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:17 PM

And why would they want to create snowstorms? Are they (whoever they is in your mind) planning a vacation for a ski trip or something?

The more likely explanation is that the Earth is warming, through natural causes as it always does, and as an effect, weather patterns are changing.

Not nearly as fun as your conspiracy but probably a bit closer to the truth.

Closer to the truth in your mind,,,you forgot to add.

And why would they want to create snowstorms?

I see that you're a new member so I'll let this one go but suggest that you dig real deep into ATS for those "real" answers.



posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:19 PM
wonderboi --

Again, please explain why it was so important to your argument that the water in clouds are molecules hydrogen and oxygen "stuck together"

You stressed this "grade-school factoid" a while back, but I still don't understand the significance of why you felt the need to stress that water is hydrogen and oxygen molecules. While it is certainly true, why is that important to your argument about chemtrails?

edit on 1/2/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People
It's different because you seem to think they need "clouds". No they don't. Why do they need "clouds" when they spray "persisting contrails"? Matter fact, that plane that i just photographed left a "lingering contrail".
Nothing as extreme as this
It's also kinda weird that there's a major snow storming moving across the country, considering these pics were taken on Christmas Day.

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:32 PM

Soylent Green Is People
wonderboi --

Again, please explain why it was so important to your argument that the water in clouds are molecules hydrogen and oxygen "stuck together"

You stressed this "grade-school factoid" a while back, but I still don't understand the significance of why you felt the need to stress that water is hydrogen and oxygen molecules. While it is certainly true, why is that important to your argument about chemtrails?

edit on 1/2/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)
Start back on page 9. I'm not going through the lesson, again. You ask why it's important to geo-engineering? Please....with all some chemistry. The answers are in your chemistry book, not your weather station. Geesh. You people seem stuck in conspiracy land.

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:33 PM

reply to post by Soylent Green Is People
It's different because you seem to think they need "clouds". No they don't. Why do they need "clouds" when they spray "persisting contrails"? Matter fact, that plane that i just photographed left a "lingering contrail".

They do need clouds. The links YOU provided said they do.

And while it may be true that a persistent contrail could form into a cirrus cloud, cirrus clouds are the wrong kind of cloud for seeding. Therefore, if you are trying to insinuate that persistent contrails are the intentional creation of clouds for seeding, then you would be wrong.

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People
Obama said his health care plan was good for us. So, what's your point? Like i said, waaaaaay back when, you gotta read between the lines. Your basic reader doesn't even know what a cloud is, and you want them to understand molecules and atoms. lmfao

Asking a bit much, aren't you???

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People
Rain isn't the only thing clouds do. lol This "debate" is comical. Better than facebook, i suppose. :/

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:44 PM


Soylent Green Is People
wonderboi --

Again, please explain why it was so important to your argument that the water in clouds are molecules hydrogen and oxygen "stuck together"

You stressed this "grade-school factoid" a while back, but I still don't understand the significance of why you felt the need to stress that water is hydrogen and oxygen molecules. While it is certainly true, why is that important to your argument about chemtrails?

edit on 1/2/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)
Start back on page 9. I'm not going through the lesson, again. You ask why it's important to geo-engineering? Please....with all some chemistry. The answers are in your chemistry book, not your weather station. Geesh. You people seem stuck in conspiracy land.

First of all, my browser tells me I'm only on page 7, so I have no idea what you mean by page 9 (your browser must display the pages differently...

HOWEVER, I did find this on page 6 (my page 6), and maybe this is the post to which you are referring:

WonderBoiA cloud is a group of water MOLECULES!


A molecule /ˈmɒlɪkjuːl/ is an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. Molecules are distinguished from ions by their lack of electrical charge.

Molecules as components of matter are common in organic substances (and therefore biochemistry). They also make up most of the oceans and atmosphere.

Molecules can assume many shapes and sizes. Molecules of hydrogen gas, H2, are very small; each consists of two atoms of hydrogen. Water molecules, H2O, are much larger, containing an atom of oxygen as well as two of hydrogen
The same molecules found in "clouds" can be found in the atmosphere at all times. This is why they don't need "clouds" to seed. They only need to spray another chemical to bond with the chemicals found in our atmosphere. The air isn't dry at 15,000 - 30,000. Molecules are moving all around.;_ylt=A0SO80oQ1sVS7D0An0RXNyoA;_ylu=X3o'___'Eza2ppbWdoBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2dxMQR2 dGlkA1ZJUDI5M18x

If so, then I think you have some REAL CONFUSION on the matter of hydrogen, oxygen (in their free elemental form) and water.

It seems you are trying to say that water clouds are formed by hydrogen in the atmosphere bonding with oxygen in the atmosphere -- or that somehow cloud seeding can do this.

If that's what you are saying, then you are WAY off the mark. If that's what you are saying, then why were you trying to school US on chemistry, when you seem to be the one who needs to go back to re-learn grade school chemistry.

edit on 1/2/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by WonderBoi

It's also kinda weird that there's a major snow storming moving across the country, considering these pics were taken on Christmas Day.

How so? Given the planes fly globally every day, there are ALWAYS contrails before a snowstorm, as there are before every other kind of weather too.

I guess salt in seawater makes it windy, cos the seawater is always salty before the wind blows.

Get a grip.

How can you laugh at other peoples knowledge when your own is so incredibly lacking? Where did you learn that rubbish about water molecules etc?

Since you keep banging on that clouds aren't neede, how come precisely NONE of your own sources make the same claim?

Didn't you used to be Korg?
edit on 2-1-2014 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People
Molecules like Hydrogen or Oxygen are constantly moving. Those molecules can also be manipulated. I've explained the processes that causes this. I'm talking manipulation via other chemicals. One chemical being Silver Iodide. What happens when other chemicals are introduced into the atmosphere is beyond me. I guess you'd have to research they're molecular structure, to find out the behavior. Apparently, Silver Iodide has one effect and aluminum has a different affect. This is what they do. Test and observe. That's science.

If we were working with your version of "science", we'd still be using phone booths. lol

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by waynos
I'm on the West Coast, so, not much "snow storms" going on here. As a matter of fact, to my understanding weather travels from West to East. This is why they spray on the coastline; to pick up more moisture. That moisture gathers and moves across the country, as you can see, in the photo below.

In this picture, you are looking dew EAST. Turn around and you'd be staring at the Pacific Ocean.
Those trails NEVER move towards me, when they spray. Always moving EAST! Now, i understand nature does, what nature does; but what you don't understand is that TPTB like playing "mother nature". i.e. Monsanto. So, don't tell me they don't like to play around with our planet. As a matter of fact, what's IBM's moto: "Let's build a smarter PLANET!"


Your 3rd eye hasn't been opened, if you can't understand any of this. It all ties together.

******************************DONE EXPLAINING***********************************

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 05:05 PM

reply to post by Soylent Green Is People
Molecules like Hydrogen or Oxygen are constantly moving. Those molecules can also be manipulated. I've explained the processes that causes this. I'm talking manipulation via other chemicals. One chemical being Silver Iodide. What happens when other chemicals are introduced into the atmosphere is beyond me. I guess you'd have to research they're molecular structure, to find out the behavior. Apparently, Silver Iodide has one effect and aluminum has a different affect. This is what they do. Test and observe. That's science.

If we were working with your version of "science", we'd still be using phone booths. lol

I'm still confused about what you are trying to argue.

Silver iodide is used in cloud seeding because it can aide in nucleation. Sodium Chloride (regular salt) and propane can also be used as catalyst for nucleation...

...but the one thing these methods all have in common is that they require WATER DROPLETS to be present to allow for the nucleating moisture to get large enough to precipitate out of the cloud.

Water droplets = visible clouds.
Water vapor (ambient gaseous water molecules in the atmosphere) ≠ clouds

AND, I still have no idea what all this has to do with persistent contrails (the thing some call "chemtrails").

edit on 1/2/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People
You keep talking "water" but WATER IS A CHEMICAL. H20 What the heck do you need water droplets for? 2 Parts Hydrogen, 1 Part Oxygen = Water. Do you think 1 molecule of H20 is enough to form a cloud, or even a drop of water???? hahahaha

How many molecules in a drop of water?

How big is a drop? "A drop" is not a precise measurement. It depends on a number of factors. If you measure how big the drops of water are you're talking about, (in millilitre) then you could figure out the number of molecules based on the fact that Avogadro's number of water molecules have a volume of about 18 milliliters. Avogadro's number is 6.022 * 1023 (particles) per mole One drop:average volume about 0.05 ml = 0.05 g Molar mass of water 18.01 g/mol Meaning: about 1.7*1021 molecules in a drop of water: don't start counting them!
I'm sure that doesn't help with your confusion.

----------------------------------Next Topic------------------------------------

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by WonderBoi

How many molecules in a drop of water?

How many are in a drop of chemtrail juice?

You find that out then we can discuss drops of water..

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by WonderBoi

It's also kinda weird that there's a major snow storming moving across the country, considering these pics were taken on Christmas Day.

What was weird about it?

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 05:43 PM
Some people have a hard time here's an illustration:
1 Molecule of Water (2 Parts Hydrogen, 1 Part Oxygen)

H20 Water Molecules Bonding

The result

Now, add a another chemical that makes those molecules move. (+/-) Hydrophylic or hydrophobic

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