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The Best Zapruder film stabalisation yet in HD.

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posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by JohnnySasaki

Right!! I completely agree with you with the ground level!! Here's my theory, based on the Muchmore Film.. I can't come up with a scenario on the first shot, or who was trying to assassinate him, but i can give you my theory with the second fatal shot! If you watch the Muchmore Video, after JFK was shot the first time.... his vehicle slows down for one of 2 reason. 1. It was a normal reaction to what everybody in the car was saying and doing and they slowed down the car out of instinct, to see what was going on. Or 2. They knew he was shot and slowed down for the agent to catch up... If you go with the second scenario, you notice that JFK's car is slowing down. At the same time, Agent Clint Hill is running up from behind from the second car, but the second car didn't slow down when JFK's car did. So, as agent Hill was running up, he briefly ran into the second car and paused for a second... That's the exact same moment the fatal second shot happened... IMO, i believe Agent Hill's gun went off when he ran into the second vehicle... (at ground level) As Agent Hill got to the back of JFK's car, he threw his gun on the back trunk, to grab a hold of the back bar, and Jackie was actually reaching for the gun, most likely because, after the first shot, JFK said he was shot and she was looking for a gun at that moment, not for JFK's head pieces! Remember JFK wasn't dead after the first shot, he was still sitting up and most likely still talking. Part of the cover up is to protect Agent Hill for actually causing the fatal shot. How would the country react to an accidental shooting by one of the Presidents bodyguards???
edit on 17-11-2013 by VandalX because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by JohnnySasaki

You have ONE guy, 30 years later saying what he thought he saw.

This man was not "one guy". He is a medical doctor who was in the ER of Parkland Hospital. An eye witness. There are many other doctors (and nurse) who were also in the ER who described the exit wound in the back of the head on the day of the assassination. Have you not seen this evidence?

Have you heard of James Files? He is mafia and has confessed to shooting from behind the picket fence.

Google "james files".

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 11:07 PM

Also, I have yet to hear anyone give me a good reason why they would have faked EVERYTHING, when they could have very easily just did it for real. VERY EASILY.

Think about all the stuff they would have had to fake, all the people standing around watching that would have had to keep quiet, all the people involved in making a dummy that looks exactly like Kennedy (and have a real looking head wound), all the video footage of Kennedy getting shot (how'd they fake that again?) etc, etc, etc,..... The list goes on and on.

Give me a good reason why they would go through all that, with great risk of getting caught, when they could have just did it for real. Then, if it's a good enough reason, with at least SOME credible evidence, then I might open up to possibility.

Like I said, it was very likely a conspiracy, but not to the extent you guys seem to think.

It all depends on what your views on 9/11 are! Think about the official conspiracy
(the next layer after Oswald) and the implications of it. The vast amount of people and
agencies needed to co-operate and conspire to kill a president defies belief. Either they
conspired in a dastardly murder or in a devious hoax. Which trumps which depends on
your knowledge of what really happened on 9/11.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 03:46 AM
I'd like to offer some of my own thoughts after having viewed this clearer video of Kennedy's assassination. I apologise in advance for the inclusion of gruesome aspects which cannot be avoided.

Firstly it might help to watch the brief interview with Governor John Connally whom provides his perception of events in the following interview...

...the most pertinent statement he makes is at the last:

...and immediately I saw blood and brain tissue all over the back of the limousine.

Image captures from the video:
Frame 227:
Frame 230:
Frame 243:
Frame 296:
Frame 305:
Frame 313:
Frame 327:
Frame 362:

Frame 227 shows the president's limousine just having cleared the obstructing sign, the first shot having already been fired. We the see the president beginning his reaction to it by starting to move his hands towards his throat.

Frame 230 we see the president has both hands at his throat with Jackie now beginning to respond herself to her husband's actions. Connally has not yet started his reaction as he details in his interview. There are no reactions from secret service personnel, police bike riders, or spectators (except one to Jackie's left whom can be seen gesticulating towards the presidential limo.

Frame 243 we see Governor Connally beginning his reaction to the first shot and is turning to look over his right shoulder. Kennedy has both hands at his throat.

Frame 296 we see Connally beginning to turn from his right to face forwards and (according to his own words) to look over his left shoulder. Jackie is now trying to aid Kennedy. Still no reactions visible from other parties.

Frame 305 we see Connally looking distressed. Has the 2nd shot been fired, missed Kennedy and hit Connally? Jackie is trying to comfort Kennedy. Johnson at the front has now turned around also. There are no visible reactions in the spectators.

Frame 313 - Kill-shot. Kennedy's head explodes. Johnson now looking straight ahead. Why has he no further reaction of concern from frame 305? The man directly behind him has been shot, and his president has been shot, and as the kill-shot is applied, he his sitting in his seat facing forwards. Is this a man waiting out and sitting through known events?

Frame 327 shows many people making reactions. The right side of Kennedy's head is flapped wide open. Connally has now been embraced by his wife and she has pulled him to her. Johnson looks to have disappeared entirely, although he is obviously ducked down with his head between his knees. The spectator to the left of the lady in the red coat has her hands to her mouth in shock, and we can see someone to the far right is in the process of taking evasive cover action. The other spectators still do not show reactions.

Frame 362 we see Jackie beginning to climb over the back seat onto the limousine's boot while a secret service agent is clambering onto the back of the limousine. Jackie is famously attempting to collect the pieces of ejected brain and skull from Kennedy's head.

If all the shots came from behind and high up where Oswald was in the Book Depository, no skull or brain tissue would have landed on the back of the limousine, it would all have been ejected forward, all over the Connallys. Jackie would not have needed to clamber onto the limousine's boot to collect the pieces.

The limo was not moving fast enough for the ejected skull and brain tissue to land on the back of the car due to the its forward momentum. Also, Connally's last statement and Jackie's clambering onto the back of the limo to collect the brain and skull pieces destroys the theory that the secret service agent George Hickey accidentally discharged his weapon into the back of the president's head. All the pieces of tissue would have gone forward.

The America that emerged out of the Kennedy assassination has been brought to what it is today by the same and similar vested interest groups that had Kennedy killed and replaced by Johnson for the war in Vietnam. Kennedy stopped Cuba, then the spat with Russia, but Vietnam was not going to be allowed to go to waste. Connally was entirely expendable, but he survived.

Since Kennedy's assassination, presidents have been nothing but the puppets of those same vested interest groups. The American people may go to the polls every 4 years, but they have never actually elected a president since Kennedy. Any president that sought to go against these vested interest groups will soon find themselves, and their families as targets. As long as they toe-the-line and follow the plans, they will be well-rewarded. Governments no longer govern for the people, they govern only for the vested interests that dictate policy.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 03:57 AM
Along the lines of a genuine ATS sort of conspiracy story...I never see anyone post about the other films. Have you guys heard about those?

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 06:33 AM

Along the lines of a genuine ATS sort of conspiracy story...I never see anyone post about the other films. Have you guys heard about those?

Are you thinking of the Nix film? Nix has been discussed a few times, and in one or two threads was of primary interest.

I know there were a few others that don't show the assassination per se, but which show the TSBD right before the assassination as well as others showing areas near the trainyard, etc.

If so, I have seen them mentioned and talked about here. The problem is that there are so many threads dealing with the assassination it's impossible to read them all - or even find them all.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:34 AM

reply to post by iwilliam

I say it only makes sense to have more than one shooter, even if you hopefully only need the one.

Yes and the shooters do not know of the other shooters. That is routine black operations strategy.

There is evidence of 2 or more shooters behind the picket fence (CIA? DIA? mafia?). There is evidence of 2 or more shooters on the 6th floor of the depository (Mack Wallace from LBJ's group?). There was at least 1 shooter in the Dal Tex building (mafia?). There is evidence of a shooter in the back of a pickup truck on Commerce Street to the left front of the limo. There is evidence of a shooter in the storm drain (Frank Sturgis?). An empty cartridge was found on a roof years later.

One person said they had a truck full of explosives just beyond the underpass if needed.

edit on 17-11-2013 by leostokes because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2013 by leostokes because: add wallace

edit on 17-11-2013 by leostokes because: add left

Much of this evidence can be found in the book A Deeper Darker Truth based on a study of Tom Wilson.
edit on 17-11-2013 by leostokes because: add reference

Can you summarize the "evidence of a shooter in the back of a pickup truck on Commerce Street to the left front of the limo", I've never heard that one. Thanks.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by leostokes

There were definitely more than one witness to the wound in the back of Kennedys head.They all describe it as an exit wound.These are people that saw him less than 5 minutes after he was shot.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by elysiumfire

There was also the motorcycle cop to the rear/left of the limo who was hit with blood and brain matter.Star for your post.As your opinion dead on in my eyes.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by Riffrafter

I was told there were something like six home movies taken that showed at least some part of it but only Zapruder and Nix were available, the rest were locked up over at some archive. Not being a big Kennedy buff I didn't pay it much attention.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by OneFreeMan

Main point is he was shot in the head from the front.

Damn CIA dark shadow government, the blight of the world, total disgrace, same thing with 9/11.

Out with the devil, every hair and feather!

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 05:20 PM
From what I have read,in 1963 Texas it was common knowledge who was behind the assassination.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 05:50 PM


The America that emerged out of the Kennedy assassination has been brought to what it is today by the same and similar vested interest groups that had Kennedy killed and replaced by Johnson for the war in Vietnam. Kennedy stopped Cuba, then the spat with Russia, but Vietnam was not going to be allowed to go to waste.

Since Kennedy's assassination, presidents have been nothing but the puppets of those same vested interest groups. The American people may go to the polls every 4 years, but they have never actually elected a president since Kennedy. Any president that sought to go against these vested interest groups will soon find themselves, and their families as targets. As long as they toe-the-line and follow the plans, they will be well-rewarded. Governments no longer govern for the people, they govern only for the vested interests that dictate policy.

Nail meet head. Bingo.

I liken it to the cutting off of the branch of liberty and the grafting on of some hideous parody.

Instincts suggest that Bush Sr. was also involved in this deplorable conspiracy, and rose from it.

With Tom Flocco you have to take some of the info with a grain of salt, but there's a lot there worthy of serious consideration.

To this day you can see CNN spinning the "conspiracy" element while conflating the derogatory "conspiracy theory" label with the 9/11 event to marginalize and obfuscate and make such impressions appear to be those held only by the most fringe nutball elements of society. Operation Mockingbird anyone? It's a mockery alright.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by JohnnySasaki

Everyone knows that. The entry wound ti the back of the head was much larger. It looked worse in the video than autopsy. He wouldn't have had a forehead if oswald hit him there with that round from behind. Also Oswald would have had to be on the geound behind him because the round goes down into is forehead. Finally the gore went to the back because its all over the trunk and jackie ecen sxopped it up off thw trunk.

Everyone knows Oswald was working with the CIA and US d as a patsy. What normal civilian goes to jail claiming they are a patsy rather than simply innocent? Then of course he was killed before he could spill it.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by JohnnySasaki

The headshot was undeniably feom the front. Even your own knowledge on entry/exit wound shows this. Also a bullet does zip through but thw transfer of energy of the bone and brain matter would make the head jerk. Exit wounds are also determined by bullet deformation

Everyone has known this since it happened. When RFK was killed the police made a promise to try to avoid questions because there were such conspiracy theoris about jfk from day one.

All evidence really points towards a front head shot. The shot from behind that went throw JFK and the Senator also gives very little time for him to reset for a perfect headshot with "his" garbage gun. There wasn't enought time for him to make the second shot rechamber aim and get the perfect headshot. The final shot was from the front.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 06:40 PM
In the 1990's I visited the spot where he got shot. They actually have an X where the fatal wound (head shot) took place. I have NO idea if this makes any difference at all, but if you look at the sign just before the head shot, it is in reverse leterring. Would that have anything to do with the which way his head moved? I stood at the X and the first thing I noticed while dodging traffic and curses ( "damned morbid tourist ) I noticed the open storm drain not more than 12 feet away. Serious agents can create a cover that makes them look them like buffoons, and in reality be a very proficient tool. Who knows what really happened. It could have been an elaberate conspiracy, a one man job on his own, or an extermely elaberate conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:02 PM
And since I've written this once already today on this site, I'll do it again in case someone is interested.

I was speaking with a woman, a professional health care provider I had known for a few years, and politics came up and she remembered her Uncle was a secret service agent assigned to guard LBJ in his last years.

Her story was that the former pres was under constant "suicide watch" and was drunk most of the time. He would often get sloppy and cry and repeat "I killed him, I f**kin killed him" and the agents who overheard this oft repeated behavior were positive he was referring to Kennedy.

So any other questions remain, but knowing this woman and her veracity, I'm sure that her uncle really was a Secret Service agent and that this happened just as she told it and thus, that LBJ was at least partially responsible, or at the least implicit, and a conspiracy occurred.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by OneFreeMan

what was used ???

maybe this

Remington XP-100

221 Remington Fireball

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:38 PM
Ok, initially I was prepared to say that the kill shot could have come from no other place than the front right of the car but with this new, clarified imagery the flap of skin and bone that appears on the right side of John's head could have only peeled off like that in the case of a shot from the rear. The skull fragment has popped out due to the fracturing of the skull and the hydraulic pressure resulting from the impact of the back-to-front shot. Most of the ejecta would have shot up in the air almost vertically causing it to fall on the limo passing underneath it which ought to make it land on the trunk area. The fact that Jackie's head was almost directly in front of John's at the time make me wonder how she escaped any bullet and bone fragments at that instant. It also makes me wonder where the fatal bullet wound up in the car given the trajectory angle? We'll never know because the limo was confiscated and cleaned up before much forensic investigation could be performed.

If the shot had come from the front right of the car, presumably the Grassy Knoll, the bullet would have flown right by, if not hitting, either the woman in the red coat or her partner. Neither one of them reacted to a bullet passing by them, especially one who's trajectory had been altered by passing through John's head. I've had bullets pass by me and, believe me, you KNOW you've been shot at when it happens! The bullet would have still been supersonic at that point where they were standing making a double impression on their hearing of the bullet passing a microsecond before the rifle's report would have reached them. Neither woman dove or moved.

This, of course, is not to imply that I think Oswald was the only shooter.

edit on 18-11-2013 by Ollie769 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2013 by Ollie769 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2013 by Ollie769 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:00 PM


reply to post by iwilliam

I say it only makes sense to have more than one shooter, even if you hopefully only need the one.

Yes and the shooters do not know of the other shooters. That is routine black operations strategy.

There is evidence of 2 or more shooters behind the picket fence (CIA? DIA? mafia?). There is evidence of 2 or more shooters on the 6th floor of the depository (Mack Wallace from LBJ's group?). There was at least 1 shooter in the Dal Tex building (mafia?). There is evidence of a shooter in the back of a pickup truck on Commerce Street to the left front of the limo. There is evidence of a shooter in the storm drain (Frank Sturgis?). An empty cartridge was found on a roof years later.

One person said they had a truck full of explosives just beyond the underpass if needed.

edit on 17-11-2013 by leostokes because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2013 by leostokes because: add wallace

edit on 17-11-2013 by leostokes because: add left

Much of this evidence can be found in the book A Deeper Darker Truth based on a study of Tom Wilson.
edit on 17-11-2013 by leostokes because: add reference

Can you summarize the "evidence of a shooter in the back of a pickup truck on Commerce Street to the left front of the limo", I've never heard that one. Thanks.

Ok. The evidence is from Tom Wilson in the book A Deeper Darker Secret. Tom Wilson references Fetzer.

There is photograph by UPI photographer Cancellare taken from a location near Zapruder that shows a pickup truck stopped on Commerce Street. Compare this photo with Zapruder frame #408. The Zapruder frame(s) have been doctored to show the load bed covered with a low flat top. The Cancellare photo shows a man sitting in the load bed.

Why did the conspirators doctor the Zapruder frames unless to hide a shooter?
edit on 18-11-2013 by leostokes because: change film to frames

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